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EU Numbers Show Correlation Between Flu Vaccine and Coronavirus Deaths

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posted on May, 16 2020 @ 04:46 AM
Full Title : Niall McCrae and David Kurten: EU Numbers Show Correlation Between Flu Vaccine and Coronavirus Deaths

The article is not an anti vaccination hit piece but it is worth a read while considering the numbers and some of the background the article presents. Nothing earth shattering yet informative IMO. I do not believe the numbers that are touted about how many people are dying from COVID-19 simply because way to many articles are showing how the numbers are fiddled and faked for money, for fear, for politics, and for control. My opinion you do not have to agree.

Influenza is a contagion that strikes every winter, with symptoms of headache, fever, chill, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, nasal congestion and cough. Severe cases lead to pneumonia, a common cause of death in the elderly. The first vaccine against influenza was produced by Ernest Williams Goodpasture at Vanderbilt University in 1931, and vaccination became widely available after the Second World War.

As most will know it did not work when the Asian flu pandemic of 1957-1958 killed two million . Of course those who had a vested interest in the flu shot (pro-vaccine lobby) blamed the failure on not enough people being vaccinated. However with a tad bit more updated information the latest statistics say the flu shot people get every year has about a 6% incidence of reducing the flu . I wonder if the 6% is because they guessed correctly which flu was coming ?

Jefferson was also involved in a controversy over Tamiflu. This drug was stockpiled by governments, after a Cochrane review showing that it reduced complications of influenza. When it transpired that most of the studies were sponsored by the manufacturer, Jefferson sought the original data but Roche refused. A subsequent Cochrane review did not replicate the impressive findings, and much public money was wasted on a highly profitable but ineffectual treatment. Needing to be seen to do something, governments are not helped by guidance that should be scientifically objective but is prone to commercial influence.

Those who campaign against vaccination are campaigning against science. The science is settled…Those who have promoted the anti-vaccination myth are morally reprehensible, deeply irresponsible and have blood on their hands.”

These words do not represent a scientific attitude at all. Science is rarely ‘settled’ (the same westernization of language is used by climate change alarmists), certainly not in an area as complex as immunology. Consider the modelling by Neil Ferguson at Imperial College, which predicted that Sweden would have over 40 thousand deaths by the beginning of May, if it continued to refrain from a lockdown: the actual figure was fewer than three thousand.

There is some good news coming out of the U.K. with their Flucelvax Tetra vaccine which is not made with eggs but with vats of dogs’ kidney cells. They are saying it is 36% more effective.

I do not believe I have ever had a flu shot but to be honest I am not totally sure ?? During my working career I was around multitudes of people and several days a week was confined in the close quarters of a flight deck with other people.
Could it possibly be that flu vaccines weaken our immune system to other infections ? The article does point that conclusion out when discussing the DTP shot.

I doubt I will be getting a COVID-19 or a flu shot... my body my decision... However it is up to each person to make his or her own decision.

edit on 727thk20 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2020 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: 727Sky
I clicked on the gateway link to have a read and it is longer exists??

edit on 16-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2020 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: 727Sky
I clicked on the gateway link to have a read and it is longer exists??

Wow that did not take long !! I will see if I can find it again..

should work now
edit on 727thk20 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Robert F Kennedy Jr. IG has a couple screen grabs from the article. The second one is the Table comparing Flu vaccines to covid-19 deaths

I saw the article yesterday, posted it on the Coronavirus update thread. Never had a chance to really dig into it.
Thanks for making a thread on this. 👍

posted on May, 16 2020 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

I am not anti-vaccination, I am anti-flu vaccinations for otherwise healthy people.

I have never believed that healthy people should get a flu shot. As I believe it is better for our immune systems to actually catch the flu and develop immunity naturally. And I believe those natural immunities will help us live longer lives, less prone to dying of the flu when we get older. I am ok with at risk groups getting the flu shot because they are more prone to dying than developing natural immunities.

And I believe that people who get flu shots will have a worse reaction to new strains of the flu or similar diseases like the Wuhan virus.

edit on 16-5-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-5-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2020 @ 01:42 PM
Steer your immune system to fight one thing and it can not react appropriately to a different kind of infection. If the immune system is being narrow sighted, it can possibly not see a bad non-influenza virus as being an initial threat.

I have been saying this for years....finally someone investigated this.

I definitely am going to keep this research bookmarked, but remember, the government won't be researching this anymore, because it is all about pushing vaccines these days.

posted on May, 16 2020 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
I have never believed that healthy people should get a flu shot. As I believe it is better for our immune systems to actually catch the flu and develop immunity naturally.

How do you figure that?

If your body encounters the fly and gets horribly sick and you at laid up in bed for a week or two, possibly longer versus a defunct/inactive version of the same virus which DOESNT make you ill but you are now immune to that strain -- why go for option A? Do you think it's better/stronger, more 'noble'? O_o

Of course not all flu vaccines are successful as they attempt to predict the next strain.

But why get ill if you don't have to and get the same outward beneift?

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: noonebutme

originally posted by: Isurrender73
I have never believed that healthy people should get a flu shot. As I believe it is better for our immune systems to actually catch the flu and develop immunity naturally.

How do you figure that?

If your body encounters the fly and gets horribly sick and you at laid up in bed for a week or two, possibly longer versus a defunct/inactive version of the same virus which DOESNT make you ill but you are now immune to that strain -- why go for option A? Do you think it's better/stronger, more 'noble'? O_o

Of course not all flu vaccines are successful as they attempt to predict the next strain.

But why get ill if you don't have to and get the same outward beneift?

Probably the resistance for a flu shot is because of all the reported side effects (true or false) that some people seem to have such as Guillain Barre . I actually knew a women that was wheel chair bound for over a year after a flu shot. So Flu symptoms for a couple of weeks or a year in a wheel chair with physical therapy every week. Simple choice for those who think about it.
Just one story

edit on 727thk20 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 07:59 AM
Let's look at this logically. People who are old or sick are statistically more likely to choose to have a flu vaccine.

People who are old or sick are statistically more likely to die of covid 19.

This is correlation, not causation.

One does not cause the other.

People who drink are more likely to be injured in a fall. People who live in homes with stairs are more likely to be injured in a fall. But that doesn't mean that living in a house with stairs and drunkeness are connected.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

I'm not anti-vax whatsoever for certain diseases (Polio, Smallpox, even some of the more minor diseases which are basically a one-time deal (Measles, Mumps, rubella or whatever.) I'm not even anti-flu shot for those who want it.

However, for some people, I think its more detrimental than helpful (while for others, it may be much better for them to have it than not to have it.)

Anyhow, disclaimer aside, here's what I understand about influenza and influenza vaccines. It seems the % reduction in Flu-like illness is very low, for those whohave had the flu vaccine, however, most of what people think of as "the flu" is not caused by influemza at all, but by completely different viruses.

I believe that for those strains which match (or close enough match) the prevailing strains, it probably works pretty well. Its just that most of flu-like illness isn't actually influenza. Its for that reason that I don't think flu vaccination is worth the cost, trouble, or artificial immune system response. I personally think a well-regulated immune system is better than vaccinating against rapidly mutating viruses with extremely low fatality rates.

For some, it may be what keeps them alive. So I'mnot "against" flu vaccination. However, I wonder if artificial stimulation of the immune system through vaccines doesn't cause imbalances that hurt the body's ability to fight off and recover from disease in general.

SARS vaccine attemps caused immune system over-response far worse than the disease itself, leading to hypereosinophilic infiltration of the lungs (in lab mice, I believe) upon challenge. It actually worked to fight off the virus, but then killed/harmed the subjects far worse months or a year later. This is an example of why we can't rush vaccines.

I'm rambling a bit - for those who made it this far, my last thought is - could it be those who have had the flu vaccine are weighed toward the population more susceptible to serious illness/death from the Wuhan Coronavirus, and its just a coincidental correlation? Or could it be the reason those populations are most susceptible is because they're the ones more likely to be vaccinated against influenza?

They're such different viruses, I can't see it having a direct effect - however, I could see if immune systems are a bit whacked out by having had the flu vaccine. Its all worth looking into.

Haven't read the source material yet - perhaps they controlled for different populations (i.e. have shown worse outcomes for healthy, younger populations as well?) I'll get to it

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