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Trump can't face this question and walks out

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posted on May, 12 2020 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: HalWesten

Yet you again cite a statistic.

Statistics can be twisted around to prove any point you like.

Trump was caught off guard, while trying to brag about [skewed] winning statistics, by a reporter asking why he was "making this a competition?" Flustered, he lashed out, blamed China and abruptly left the presser.

I believe that's what this thread is about. But yous guys, you all keep making this about winning statistics. Yeah, we're winning...we have the most deaths of any country! That's the sick irony.

Once again pretending he doesn't understand per capita statistics, calls them "skewed." Willing to make himself look like an idiot on the internet just to try to #resist Trump.

Brainwashed. Scary.

ETA: And, really? "Trump was caught off guard by a biased question!!!" Yeah, because he hasn't been asked any of those before. He stands up there for hours every day answering mostly biased questions. Pretending he's caught off guard by them reveals a lot more about your own insecurities than it does about his. You hate him so much you have to pretend he was hurt or something to make yourself feel better. That's pathetic and childish and shows your own weakness.
edit on 12 5 20 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
we have the most deaths of any country!

And this is the part that excites you the most because the more that die the better you think it is for you politically.

Get help.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: face23785

So why don't you answer the question that Trump couldn't? Why does Trump use statistics to make this pandemic a competition, while Americans continue to die?

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: face23785

So why don't you answer the question that Trump couldn't? Why does Trump use statistics to make this pandemic a competition, while Americans continue to die?

Multiple people have answered the question multiple times in this thread.

Try to post honestly, just once. Let's see if you can do it.

One post that doesn't contain a misleading premise or a straight up lie.

I doubt you can manage it.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 12:56 PM
Did Nixon walk out of any press conferences, he was under far more scrutiny than Trump will have you believe he is under

Trump seems to dish out crap to people on twitter all day and night but cant stand his ground when asked something in person.

Has any president walked out more than Trump?

edit on 12-5-2020 by UpIsNowDown because: typo

edit on 12-5-2020 by UpIsNowDown because: spacing

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

So why don't you answer the question that Trump couldn't? Why does Trump use statistics to make this pandemic a competition, while Americans continue to die?

He doesn't. He presents the fact that America is far ahead of other countries in testing to refute the complaints of the media, who have been constantly complaining about there not being enough tests.

It is completely ludicrous to think that, 4 months after determining that a new virus exists, there would be 300 million tests available. Trump is using the comparison to show that the tests are being produced as fast as practical.

How many test kits have you produced?


posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown
Did Nixon walk out of any press conferences, he was under far more scrutiny than Trump will have you believe he is under

Trump seems to dish out crap to people on twitter all day and night but cant stand his ground when asked something in person.

Has any president walked out more than Trump?

You're aware that these press conferences always end when the President is tired of answering questions, right?

Has there EVER been a press conference that ended when the press was out of questions?

The president always "walks out." The press is always yelling more questions after him.

But again, you were told to think something and did so dutifully without applying any critical thinking. Sad.
edit on 12 5 20 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:05 PM
The dumb is strong in this thread.

EXACTLY, Redneck. Yesterday's news conference featured a bunch of newly developed equipment and supplies, AND TESTS.

Some posters here seem to think all the President has to do is snap his fingers and the stuff magically appears.

There is a process that can't be circumvented. You can't dictate the pace of innovation and production.

That being said, the United States leads in almost all areas, but that's not good enough for members of the press and some members in this thread.

They are a bunch of Veruka Salts. They want it NOW!

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: face23785

So why don't you answer the question that Trump couldn't? Why does Trump use statistics to make this pandemic a competition, while Americans continue to die?

People die in the USA everyday regardless of Trump or Covid19?

But people’s businesses and livelihoods are being destroyed because of lockdowns. And the tax base is shrinking.
edit on 12-5-2020 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:09 PM
If the economy collapses, there will be no hospitals to help people with covid. The government printing money will just super inflate things and nobody could afford to go to the hospital. Insurance companies would collapse, the government can do nothing to help is now almost thirty trillion in debt. Our economy is a consumer based economy, one of the riskiest kinds of economies in the world.

Are the doctors going to risk their life to save people if there is no chance of getting paid? What about the other healthcare workers, will many of them stay if there is not a chance in hell that they get paid. The economy is way more important to keep going than the deaths from this virus. We have got supplies now, starting to open the economy again is the only sane thing to do.

The question was a stupid question, one meant to try to get Trump to put his foot in his mouth. That person who asked it should lose their job for being so ill informed as to how society and economy work together.
edit on 12-5-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

Well doctor, I guess you missed the total facetious sarcasm of my first reply. By the stars it garnered I guess most others did as well.

You are of course correct in you assessment of what has become of us, becoming uninformed drones in a system devoted to exploitation and greed. And he himself is a product of that system as well. Handed the capital by daddy he stuck his nose into the profiteering and waddled his way from one venture to the next, sometimes making money and many times losing it. And always having enough sway over other people who wanted to bank on his schemes he could then get loans from the banking system which is always eager to lend. Fail and blame someone else then find others to invest in his brand and take out another loan. He has always been an exploiter of that system leaving behind him a string of failed businesses and people who trusted him.

And he knows nothing else. He has a tiny brain that has been molded by the weaknesses of that system and believes that he is it's king. That he is that true example of how it could all be done. Recall the '' I"m the only one who can save America'' routine? I"m not sure if that was just rhetoric or if he really believed it. And which would be worse in either event.

You suggest that he doesn't want to admit publicly what deep $hit we are in . That may or may not be though I think that he does not know how bad it is, only how bad it is for him. He doesn't understand why his Midas touch doesn't work as he thought it must.

There are some of us who think that he never intended to be president. All he wanted was a bigger slice of the capitalist pie and a run for potus would assure him of that advancement in wealth through the media exposure it would get him. I think he fell under the influence of a few like Bannon whose more complex thinking processes piqued his interest and steered him to the waiting throngs who have embraced him.

Could Clinton have dealt with this emergency better? Maybe maybe not though she to has been a staunch defender and opportunist in this system. Would Biden have been better? Likely not. And that the political opposition seems incapable of finding anyone better than a Clinton or a Biden to be handed the reigns of power by the American public is to me the saddest thing of all. That final post script of just how like the emperors clothes this society really is.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

But Pelosi has her two freezers for her ice cream collection. Let them eat ice cream......

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Infoshill
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

It was a stupid question to begin with... "Why does it matter, People are dying !!!" ...and when that didn't work the reporter tried to spin it all about race...

Don't make excuses for a dickhead such as Trump, and, as you well know Trump himself has said people will die when we reopen. He should not have the power over life or death in this way, especially when preparation was so poor to begin with.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: smurfy

And why was preparation so bad?

The Obama Administration oversaw $100 billion in pandemic planning.

No one can account for where that money was spent.

They only know it wasn't spent on pandemic planning.

The fact that the money is missing was discovered by the Trump Administration.
edit on 5/12/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse
Good post

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

While I cannot disagree with your assessment of society (as well as that in the OP), I do think projecting it onto one man is quite disingenuous. Donald Trump is no more responsible for the society we live in than the man in the moon. Politicians and corrupt businessmen are. They are the ones who have created a society where entitlements are desired more than personal improvement and where the love of money supersedes all else.

Now, you may say Trump is a corrupt businessman. Maybe he is! I don't know the man well enough to say. What I do know is that he has been quite successful in the goal of acquiring wealth, which is typically what causes one to go into business and succeed. You may call his lines a "string of failed businesses," but that is because you are looking at the wrong goal. The goal of any business is to make money for the owners, period. It is not to provide jobs or help the economy or promote ecological ideals... those are side benefits. The sole purpose of any successful business is to make money for those who own it.

You may not like that, but it's just the way it is. When I go to pick something heavy up, I don't like gravity either. Doesn't change the fact it's there.

By that metric, which is the only one that matters, Donald Trump has been wildly successful in business. I also know what he has done as a politician: he started actual construction on a southern border wall, something I have been demanding since it was promised by Reagan and agreed to by Congress in the 1980s. He has promoted policies which have allowed the US economy to prosper faster and more than any President in my lifetime (and I am no spring chicken). He has had more success with North Korea than any President since the war there started, and returned the remains of our fallen soldiers home to rest... some of which I am sure were friends of my father. He has started Criminal Justice Reform, something that has been promised over and over by others and which is long overdue. His administration has seen precious few terrorist attacks compared to previous administrations, and we are slowly but surely pulling back from Middle Eastern war involvement.

Sounds to me like he has done exactly what I helped put him there to do.

The basis of the problems with society being so weak and dependent are the reason I put him there. We have dealt with corruption on historic levels for many years now, and so far, despite my desire that there be more action in this area, Trump has at least showed the full brazenness of both politicians and the media. The question that started this thread is a perfect example. We have had hearings after hearings, Special Council investigations, Congressional inquiries, legal investigations, and every cockamamie flimsy accusation that could be thought up leveled at the man, and he is still standing. All these attempts to destroy him have done, in my opinion, is demonstrate how un-corrupt he really must be. Unlike other politicians, Donald Trump has had precious little support in the form of other politicians running interference for him. He hasn't needed it.

The issues which you mention with society in general are the direct result of government policies over the last few decades, reinforced by a biased, lying media. Donald Trump didn't do that... Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and a host of other lifetime politicians did. The amazing thing to me is how so many will listen to the very people who created their woes and then use their words (aka their lies) to reject the one man who is trying to fix at least some of those woes.

And worse, none of these lies are based in anything than a cult of personality. "I believe him! The other guy must be scum!" Forget facts... forget reality... all is based on personality. It's politics, nothing more. And it is the exact reason the things you complain about have occurred. As long as you fail to realize this and do not actively seek to verify data yourself instead of relying on the words of others who have created the problems in the first place, you are the problem. Not Trump. You.

And I'm tired of listening to problems. I want solutions. MAGA.


posted on May, 12 2020 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: face23785

You're aware that these press conferences always end when the President is tired of answering questions, right?

Has there EVER been a press conference that ended when the press was out of questions?

The president always "walks out." The press is always yelling more questions after him.

But again, you were told to think something and did so dutifully without applying any critical thinking. Sad.

a reply to: face23785

Who was I told by, please explain how you know what i have viewed, great assumption on your behalf, am I not allowed to question with my own voice and thoughts? I know some people prefer an echo though

I am quite happy also, you have a lot of projecting within your response

May I ask a question please sir face23785?

Did Nixon walk out of any conferences, (please cite where I have been told to ask this question from)

Get to bed Mr Trump you are apparently tired of answering questions, fancy such a high profile job coming with such commitments

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

I've only read the first page of this thread - I'll catch up after posting this - but already I can tell its going to become the predictable jump all over anyone who has the nerve to call Trump out for anything.

This man is The President of The United States of America, the single most powerful and influential nation in the world.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, is looking to this man for leadership.

Yet he acts like a spoilt brat when he's been asked a perfectly reasonable question to which he made no attempt whatsoever to answer.
His response was childish, no other way to describe it.

I'm neither pro nor anti Trump.
I've covered that time and time again in other threads.

He needs to step up to the mark and stop talking #e and acting like a spoilt teenager.

The man is increasingly becoming a huge embarrassment, the American people deserve so much better than this.

Of course I know there will now be the predictable avalanche of people criticising me for having the nerve to pass comment on your glorious leader and say it has nothing to do with me blah blah blah.

If my nine year old Grandson acted so petulantly I'd give him a clip round the lug and tell him to stop acting like a spoilt baby....this man is the single, most powerful person in the world during an unprecedented time of worry and concern the world over.


posted on May, 12 2020 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Yeah it got missed.

The dilemma is bit like watching a driverless car rolling towards a cliff ... do you jump in and try to pull the handbrake in time , or just watch it go over.

Any president is going to say jump in and stop it but they d be giving out orders to do so. Republican or Dems they'd do the same .

The test programme is public reassurance of sorts and statistics can be usefully manipulated as we know.

Just a point of fact from the thread ..

even trump realises there'd be millions of US deaths without the lockdown . He said so in an interview in front of Lincoln memorial.
They'll have to plan successive lockdowns on a series of spikes .

This is why preppers are preppers really because they know the system/economy is prone to these failures .

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: smurfy

And why was preparation so bad?

The Obama Administration oversaw $100 billion in pandemic planning.

No one can account for where that money was spent.

They only know it wasn't spent on pandemic planning.

The fact that the money is missing was discovered by the Trump Administration.

Can you back this up ?

This is damning article on tramps response


The Trump administration also famously disbanded the National Security Council team focused on pandemic preparedness. In the wake of the Ebola epidemic, officials who worked with Obama realized the need for an international health security infrastructure; they formed pandemic-focused teams inside federal agencies to harness the powers of the U.S. government to prepare for the next outbreak. Instead, the White House dissolved the office in May 2018 and never reinstated it, despite pleas from lawmakers, former government officials, and other experts.

Trump has dismissed criticism that disbanding the team slowed down his administration’s response, and attacked a journalist for asking about it at a White House briefing, calling it “a “nasty question.”

“I don’t know anything about it,” Trump falsely stated at a March 13 press conference.


He obviously is not into "nasty" questions .
edit on 12-5-2020 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)

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