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Coronavirus: Ofcom formally probes David Icke TV interview

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posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 01:53 AM
Icke and the production crew where probably the 40 complainers. They started with the -- it might get taken of the air, grab a copy help prevent the censor....

Lo and behold they got exactly want they wanted? Worst case for them is the result -- it's Full of BS let it run, best case ban it.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 02:58 AM
An interesting recent example of the thought police being questioned by a London Assembly member.

You have become the Thought Police.' Watch a London Assembly member question the Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police on the recording of 'non-crime hate incidents' across the UK

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 03:13 AM
Just watched that last night myself coincidentally. Peter Whittle is a good bloke does some interesting interviews. This one was in relation to the transgender person being offended over a limerick that a Mr harry Millerhad reposted on twitter, something and nothing all in all, and although Mr Miller stated he hadn't written it, the woke copper stated "No but you liked it, I think you need to check your thinking" and other such rubbish. Mr Miller had to take it to the High Court as the transgender person who read it (note it wasn't directed at anyone in particular) was offended (and a barrister) and it caused Mr Miller to have a break down and contemplate suicide.

There are so many words and phrases that are basically "haram"now, with people snitching on people daily and the police being put in the position of psychologists and yeah thought police. The BBC can get just 3 complaints and will pull something.....can't offend the 0.03%.

a reply to: gortex

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Just finished watching it.

That.. is one hell of an interview.

Straight up.

Builds to quite a crescendo as well, reminding me of my grandfather's last words to me decades ago: "Just follow your heart. When everything gets all crazy, just follow your heart." How.. Interestingly relevant.

Dont agree with everything Icke said, but I suspect thats exactly how he would want it.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar

I wouldn't mind putting $1 on the world being run by lizards, what would that payout?

Nothing mate.....because it isn't.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: Macdon

Who are you to even say that he talks bollocks without any friggin' reason why?

I have every right to an opinion....which is the whole point of this thread; freedom of speech and opinion!

Sorry to piss on your parade but my opinion is based on reading and watching him over the years.

Why should we listen to an anonymous internet user over a man who gave up his TV broadcasting job to pursue the truth.

You don't HAVE to, don't read it and don't respond to it if you don't skin off my nose either way.

And he didn't 'give up his TV broadcasting job', he had been out of the public eye for a few years before he re-emerged peddling his bollocks and earning a shed load of money!

I've been reading his material since 1994 and ever since then, he has been vindicated more rather than less.

No he hasn't, but I guess that's a matter of opinion and you are as entitled to your's as I am to mine.

He's been banned because he speaks the truth. The truth is always banned.

Regardless of whether its the truth or not neither he nor anyone else should be censored for broadcasting their opinions and beliefs.

Eat your Coronation Street and football sandwiches. Sorry, the latter has been taken from the menu.

Not one for soap opera's, like my sport but miss going to the pub and having a bit of craic with my mates more but it is what it is....what was your point?

I'll try to watch his interview tonight.


edit on 10/4/20 by Freeborn because: typo

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 04:21 AM
Coronavirus linked to sharpening pencils ~~ oh those kooky conspiracy theorists!

Coronavirus linked to 5G ~~ BURN IT! BURN IT NOW!!!!

Bought out by China much?

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 06:24 AM
It does seem a bit of an over reach as the broadcaster put regular disclaimers on saying they don't necessarily agree with the content of what is Icke is claiming. Icke has every right to say what he wants, the onus is on the broadcaster to make sure it's accurate and fair and produce counter arguments to the claims.

The OFCOM investigation is into whether the broadcaster has broken the official Broadcast Regulations, presumably terrorism based due to recent attacks on 5G infrastructure based on the groundless conspiracy theory. If found guilty the broadcaster may be fined or may have to put in corrections to the false information Icke circulated on Inaccuracy grounds rather than Icke himself being at fault.

If found to be in breach of the Code, it's more a failure of the Broadcaster/Interiewer on grounds of fairness, due impartiality and accuracy, harm and offence and potential crime, disorder, hatred and abuse sections of the OFCOM broadcast regulation codes.

TL;DR - OFCOM are interested in the broadcasters actions, not Icke's. If the broadcaster failed to challenge claims, point out the inaccuracies of claims Icke made or make counter arguments then the broadcaster is in breach of OFCOM code and may have to issue corrections when broadcasting it in the future.
edit on 10-4-2020 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: markymint

They start censorin'.. I start questionin'

Dont know how many are like me, but despite the rhyme.. I get ultra suspicious the moment they clamp down on a given topic.

It could also be a distraction in and of itself, but I dont know. A lot of what Icke said seems more spot on than other explanations. I would think that though, as someone who has fervently fought against a corporate technocratic state.

I like the idea of building a strong foundation from the grassroots up. Many seem to want a corporate state from the top down, or at best, only think of technology in that very narrow view.
edit on 10-4-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

It's just a bunch of people trying to make Utopia.....they have their fingers in all the pies.

This video was live today and there was a thread letting others know it was going to be on.

edit on 10-4-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Im watching the vid now

And yes, they (pronoun game lol) are pushing for their so-called "utopia." I suppose that, in a way, we all are and always have been. I have been fighting against corporate control for decades now.

The problem I have is that version of corporate "utopia" is massive subjugation and dependence. Most seem to either be right in lockstep with that vision (unwittingly, much of time) or fight that very particular vision.

The trick is going to be actively providing a different vision. Hell, most people still look at automation as something that is exclusive to large corporations, rather than what it can really do if decentralized and enabling each individual (or their family) to be self-sufficient.

One version is my nightmare. The other.. isnt. But, one enables everyone to pursue their own dreams (while *also* benefiting society at large) rather than just a cog in a heartless, human-grinding machine.
edit on 10-4-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam
They want less than one billion people to inhabit their utopia.

edit on 10-4-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Serdgiam
They want less than one billion people to inhabit their utopia.

You know.. Maybe 6-7 years ago, I would have agreed with that statement.

Im not so sure anymore.. I think there are competing motives there. One side views it exactly as you say. The other though.. Each of us represents a resource. So, lessening those resources would be a bit like someone intentionally removing 90% of the RAM from their computer. Or eliminating 90% of their cattle herd.

I dont have anything to back this up, just a gut feeling, but what Icke said in these regards lines up with the thought process. More people = more processing power, essentially.

The issue was usually seen in terms of use of resources per capita. One group sees the solution to this in the "olde way," the other in a "new way."

Neither are a good path to walk down, imo, but I believe these folks have been infected by the same mind virus theyve been spreading in the general population for years and years.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Macdon

This is how I feel. I watched the entire interview, and to be honest, a LOT of the connections he drew made sense. He was tying together bits and pieces I’ve heard throughout the last few weeks from various other people.

I don’t necessarily know a ton about him, so I will admit my ignorance in that category. However, it is a bit irritating when people on a conspiracy forum immediately try and discredit and interview when most of the comments start by saying, “I haven’t watched the interview...”

It seems like a pride issue to me. “He’s nuts! He doesn’t believe the right kind of conspiracies!”

No one should be suppressed. Period. That’s my opinion and I’m fine with disagreements.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:04 PM
I don’t mind Icke but then again I give everyone an opportunity to have their say and I take what they say and make up my own mind. I’ve enjoyed watching some of David Ickes seminars and while I find the whole lizard thing a bit silly he does come up with that interesting thoughts. One thing that he did nail on the head was the high profile paedo rings amongst the higher elites. We’ve only got to look back at Epstein and then wonder how deep that rabbit hole goes with his connections with A list celebs and royalty.

Made me laugh though when I read about the news story about Ofcom reviewing Ickes interview. Sky news had a headline and it basically ridiculed Icke and went on to explain how he thinks the world is run by lizards etc, they wrote anything they could do paint Icke in a bad way. They failed to mention how Icke also exposed (probably the wrong word but you understand) the high profile paedo rings. They failed to say how Icke has come up with some good thoughts and views that have almost turned out to be true

This in itself and they way the media portray Icke does nothing more than make me believe Icke even more, of a main stream news channel is trying to make someone look bad you can guarantee that the person is close to the truth that those in power do not want people to start waking up

For example if you said to someone ‘oh did you hear how Icke exposed the high profile paedos’ .. they will turn around and say ‘David Icke you mean that nut job conspiracy theorist who believes the world is run by lizards, yeah like I’m gonna believe what he says’
You see where I’m coming from ?

And that’s why I feel sometimes Icke is close to truth on many things because he is always being made to look like a nut job by controlled news channels

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:54 PM
We can all start using other services like lbry

There is allready a lot videos that was censored in youtube, Icke interwiews are there also

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:02 PM
They censored the part about the corona and 5g Icke latched on to.

He latches on to the current conspiracy meme. He always does. He went from reptiles to Archons.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:10 AM
Wonder if all those on a conspiracy site were to complain to OFCOM about a MSM tv newspaper reporting something
that is a lie. OR presumed to be a lie.

Could making public the complaints and demanding follow-ups in Parliament.
Perhaps complain about sky and negative comments on Icke, or how the try to destory the reputation and not the message.

Would OFCOM force them to air icke's views to allow fair broadcasting?

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

No. It'd still fall foul on accuracy grounds and in this particular instance public health grounds as Icke is saying that COVID doesn't exist and spreading vaccine myths/calling vaccination fascism.

The general rules are to be fair to a contributor but exceptions are made when the content the contributor generates is innacurate. Normally this would be worded in an overdub of an interview saying 'our own investigation found no evidence of these claims/medical experts say the claims are groundless, dangerous conpiracy theories' or similar. As a source Icke routinely promotes ideas based on no evidence that goes against evidence and expert led information hence why his charecter can legitimately be called into question and should be pointed out to the viewer on fairness and accuracy grounds.
edit on 11-4-2020 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 07:59 AM
Lmao David Icke? Wouldn't ask the dimwit for directions let alone his thoughts on the world. Whilst he is free to air his opinions, I am also free to say the man is an idiot of epic proportions as are all who follow him!

I cannot say what started coronavirus, but all evidence presented before me points toward a lab in Wuhan involved in the selling of experimented on animals for consumption on the wet markets there. May be bollocks, but to me its the most obvious conclusion to what's been happening. And even if I am wrong, I'm still a hell of a lot closer than that moron Icke. Let him speak by all means, listen to him by all means, but don't get taken in by him- by any means!

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