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Are we really on lockdown 4 cov19 or somthing else

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posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 08:26 PM
Stop, hold up, wait a minute...let me tell ya something... We are not going to die!!! Stop believing these crackpot, propaganda bull#! These scientist are being told by our government what to say! They want to breed fear into fear. Wake up! These are lies, to get us go believe in this #. The government controls these people, with money and promises of power. Just like they have told the preachers, the priest, the rabbis, all of them that has gotten corrupted by the government that controls them. To control us. To pump fear into people. Fear of hell and damnation, and doom. Either had mislead people, and brainwashed them, or scared people so bad that they choose another one of those man made religions with a lot better more kinder god, a god to serve that's not even real, or people chose to not believe at all. The government, it was all on them. Making up all those fake religions and standing by them, misleading us, Us, who was made in Gods image? What does that mean? Well, it means that we were made by One creator, and He is a God, so we are Gods as well. When it plainly says in the bible (another piece of material that was written for us, His people, He set down some guide lines and He also told us who we were, we are smaller gods that because since we are all children of Eve and they Adam and Eve were cursed, so, we have to serve and obey Him..but see they didn't tell us that, they left those pages out, they don't want us to have that kind of information) it says "your body is your temple" who sits in a temple? Yes, the god of that temple, and that god is our souls. And the God above had given us gifts. The gifts of all the personalities and emotions that each and everyone possesses. Our own human brain. A beautiful intricate mind. The brain is our soul.. We are gods. My house has many mansions, that is to house each and everyone of us. Forever. That was how it was suppose to be. When it tells us that God our creator had to go and discuss things with other gods, He had meant that He was going to go and have a talk with Abraham, or Isaac, or Enoch, all of the writers of the bible, God was helping them write the Bible, for His children here on earth the children that were made out of flesh and blood and whose parents were sinners, Adam and Eve, Because, He also told us that we had to make our way through life, because we had failed Him in the garden of Eden. That's why we have had such a rough time. Each and everyone of us has a path to take, each and everyone of us is accountable for what we chose. We were given free will, we could chose His way or go the evil ways of the world and face consequences. We were promised immortality from the get go, until Adam and Eve was tempted by the devil. And found out about sexuality. Well, then it everything that we have been told was a lie, it had been either TA lie or kept a way from us. They wanted to blind us, expose us to chemicals in our food, in our water, in the pills, and the # that they put in our air. They had to find something that would keep us at bay. To keep us clouded up, to hide us from the truth. Because the people who are in power in this world wanted to enslave us! They wanted to take over our minds and take our gifts a way from us. Our feelings and who we are. They wanted to take our souls. They are the evil ones!
They wanted to put labels on us, and call us crazy! We aren't! Those are made up names that had to be labeled. They had to brainwash us. So they could enslave us. And they had been experimenting on us all the long. With all their chemicals and #, they had to have a plan to exterminate us if they could find the right chemical, disease,, virus or bacteria, because nothing else has really been effected on us. Makes us ill, but nothing that would kill us off for good. We keep evolving and coming back. Not this time! We are smart! And the government isn't going to program our children like they had us! Not this generation! Not us GenXers! We know wants up.
If we don't what are you waiting for? God knows, we have technology now, and He also knows that we spend our time with modern technology. Well you know what? God isn't still back in Bible times. He isn't the same old guy with the worn out sandals. No, He is the one with the cool worn out Birkenstocks.,smoking His weed. Well, He is God, He can do what He wants.
We are in our houses, safe with our children, only going out when necessary, but when we do go out we go out with a social distance ... It is all Gods will. Staying inside when told to is not by the government, it is... But isn't.. Its the will of God.
So, God knows social media. That is how He communicates with us, he knows that our faces our in screens, books, movies, tv shows, computers, and such... He knows this! So, use this time wisely, talk to God, fond music that you like, find, music that makes you feel good, and meditate by it. It doesn't matter what kind of music it is, if it makes you feel good, go with it.
If you have went through the awakening and been woke, congratulations!
If you haven't what are you wanting for? Do it!
God loves is! He is restoring our home even as we speak. Use this time you have alone, or with the ones that you hold dear to your heart., our children our future, and teach and learn about God. He isn't such a bad guy! He is a cool God! ☺️
God bless you all!!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Farawayeyes70

I didn't believe in God until about 3 weeks before the corona. it's all very strange. I had a certain disagreement with him because my father died when I was little and I did not understand that god of the Bible. But it made me who I am today. It made me search in so many books and in myself for the answer. It was like someone always told me, but i never believed. I knew that there was an elite, that enslaved us, through our history. That I would live to see the transformation of the world. When 2012 went by, even myself not expecting anything, i felt depressed. My life was paralyzed, the world would remain the sabe, ugly. Maybe I could change what I can , myself. I started taking care of myself, of my feelings, I made a pilgrimage, I started meditating and trusting myself. I read again. I finished a book on jnana yoga, which cited the version of God as something beyond the personality that we see in religions, but as that state beyond good and veio, the whole. The infinite. When i finished the book I thought I always believed in this god! I feel it’s true. And I started telling everyone that I believed in God now. just before all this, which I always hoped would happen. But I feel peace. because we are awake. We are good. They will not beat us. More will wake up.

And I cant believe Phage is still around... Twice the love for you...

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 05:25 PM
Death by block text, completely unreadable let alone not relevant. ^^

Quit with the religious stuff in this thread.


posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 05:31 PM
Odd random thought...

it was a test run that got away from whoever unleashed it, the military knows it was a test run and that's why they have had an unusual response up to this point.

The reason they went with a virus like this is after manipulation its still possible for it to be mistaken as natural evolution.

The purpose is to weaken not kill which could have a negative effect on response time without being serious enough to warrant a nuke response.

as things stand right now we have a carrier that's out of business due to the illness, I am seeing at my base active duty splitting each shift in half 1 week on 1 week off.

The reason its striking me as odd is in 22 years I have never seen any response like this before, and hope to never see anything like it again.

I have feelers out to friends at other bases to see if this odd half at work half at home work situation is more widespread or just a moody ism and that would make me happy.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

*dons tinfoil hat*

China stole some bio material, but didnt contain it properly nor did they have enough time to really know what they were dealing with (i.e. it might not have even made it to the lab they intended).

When they realized it had escaped, they had to take it as seriously as possible until they learned what it was.

Intel agencies saw their response, knew the history of tech/bio/IP acquirement of the CCP and also had to prep for worst case scenario as data & info was not forthcoming other than vids/reports that many of us saw in the early days of this.

Then it just kind of snowballed from there with all kinds of government and interest groups attempting to "make the most from it."

At a certain point, it becomes incredibly difficult to slow down the momentum of that snowball. Not the least of which: 1) The implications of what resides in biolabs reaching the public consciousness en masse 2) "doubling down" on mistakes seems to be all too widespread from the "commoner" all the way to positions of power. 3) It would undo decades of work programming and conditioning large portions of the population.

Certainly not saying thats what happened, thus the tinfoil, but I could see it going down like that.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:29 PM

edit on 4/2/2020 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Marlborough Red

Why do the ones who have visions and suddenly hear God's voice and are inspired to share their truth so universally terrible at communicating? It's like some kind of sick joke.

I have literally never seen a crazy visionary with a decent appreciation for white space (or gray face if you use the dark theme).

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s
Maybe not all of them speak english well enough...

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Lapuka

White space/gray space doesn't require any particular language at all to be effective. Here:

Bob inched her way along the docks, hunched low. The last thing she wanted was for one of them to see her. The moon behind her hung in the sky like an overripe melon casting her shadow before her. She had to stay low and keep going.

She inched her way forward and accidentally kicked a rusty can. It bounced ahead of her and came to rest against a large crate. Bob ducked behind it.


Bob gingerly rocked her body forward and peeked around the edge of the box. They were gone. Vanished.

She exhaled and turned to sit against the crate, hoping to collect her thoughts and slow her breathing.


In an instant they were on her, roughly dragging her to her feet. From behind a man that smelled like Fahrenheit cologne drew her arms up and locked them against his chest. "Shhh," he whispered.

The others closed in as one of them tied a bag to her head.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!" they chanted in unison.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: UnearthlyEarthling

Possibly the virus is programmable and the program is initiated by the 5g signal?

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:47 PM
So glad you posted this. I am highly suspicious of the ships. Some guy tried to ram one with a train today, saying they aren't what they say they are and yesterday I thought the same thing. Escape for elite?

We're seeing a lot of photos of tents, hospitals, ambulances and people running to a fro but I have seen very few photos of people.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: DiddyC

Everyone is concerned about the infected but what about those attention seeking celebs, this sort of underexposure could see them not get the attention they crave, while they try and outdo each other on social media how long before they start playing Russian roulette with each other via videolink knowing they may take some of the viruses audiance, even if it is for the last time, curtain cull.

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