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posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 06:05 AM
What did you do to have both the CIA and FBI extend you an offer? I ask only because this a carrer path that I am seriously considering as well.

Also from what I understand, you'll get much more information out of the CIA, but I imagine that will be a ways down the road.

[edit on 3/12/05 by para]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by kaiserdeuce
Correct me if wrong: You just don't "join" the FBI or the CIA. Sounds cool on a website. But- if you are one of the lucky few to actually get looked at, stand by for your clearance investigation. Not as easy as it looks, and not as fast as having your driver license checked.

Those "clearance investigations" can be extremely trying and unpleasant, as Bill Cooper points out in a lecture that was part of a seminar on MAJIC 12 held in Nov. 1989 at the "Whole Life Expo" in L.A.:

"It was during this tour of duty [as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, in Hawaii] that (...) documents were placed in my hands that were so unbelievable and so incredible that it took me quite a while to adjust to the fact that what I was seeing was real. Now for those of you who don't understand how I could come to see this information let me give you a little short course in security clearance and 'the need to know' and how you get to see classified information. If you're in the military or in the government, it doesn't matter which, the rules are the same.

"Number One: you need a security clearance, and you've got to have clearance at the level that the information you want to see is classified at. In this instance it was classified 'Top Secret, Majic, Restricted Information', which I came to find out later is the highest security classification in the nation. To get that type of clearance, all you have to have is a Federal Bureau of Investigation background check, which takes about six months and they send federal agents to your home, to your old schools, to all your teachers, to your friends, to everybody you put down on your security clearance forms, to all your old addresses, your neighbors, everybody that you've worked for, and it's embarrassing because they don't tell them what they're checking on. They just show them their identification and start asking questions and that's when you find out who's your friend and who's not, because a lot of people get scared and think, 'Bill must've robbed a bank and I'm not talkin' to him anymore.'

"Now once you get that, it's called a 'B.I.' (...). That's a 'Bureau of Investigation' clearance. [Actually it stands for 'Background Investigation'.] Now at that point, you have the clearance for everything including Top Secret and above. What determines what you get to see is 'your need to know', and the job that you have determines what your need to know is."

For a quarter of a century Cooper went around believing that those documents proved that the U.S. Gov't. had made an alliance with a wicked alien people, then he decided all of a sudden that he'd been misled to believe such a thing and that it was all part of a Marxist and Masonic plot to establish a world socialist gov't. The false alien threat would be used to justify the creation of this world gov't. Moreover, at some point he seems to have started to fake his information. However, this doesn't mean that his knowledge about how security clearance works is also fraudulent.



posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:02 PM
Well, they did not both extend me an offer or anything, as that would include a process of test and backround checks, but they seemed intersted in me. Like other companies, they came to campus to do their presentations, so did the IRS, did you know they had special agents to...IRS...
, however, I am not as interested in discovering the complexities of our tax system.

[edit on 12-3-2005 by Luz]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Macrento

For a quarter of a century Cooper went around believing that those documents proved that the U.S. Gov't. had made an alliance with a wicked alien people, then he decided all of a sudden that he'd been misled to believe such a thing and that it was all part of a Marxist and Masonic plot to establish a world socialist gov't. The false alien threat would be used to justify the creation of this world gov't. Moreover, at some point he seems to have started to fake his information. However, this doesn't mean that his knowledge about how security clearance works is also fraudulent. *


That part you posted about

the false alien threat would be used to justify the creation of this world gov't
got me searching for a little something I came accross not too long ago on the late Dr. Werner von Braun & his"...warnings about the misuse of space and an 'Enemy's List' that he said the American government was using & continues to use to keep the media and public in support of Pentagon budgets" & to sustain a war mode.

In the early 1970s, Dr. von Braun met Carol Rosin, a 6th grade school teacher, and asked her to help him in his quest to create a ban of weapons in space. Dr. von Braun died in 1977. She continues this quest as President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space and Space Preservation Trust Foundation:

The American government's 'Enemy's List' includes 4 'false' threats:

1)The Soviet Union, which lead to the creation of the Cold War
2)Terorrists (911, (Iran?) et al.)

(Double-click here for the interview with Carol Rosin about the late Dr. Werner von Braun)
Scroll past the 3 photos about "The Nine Myths of Operation Desert Storm and the Gulf War Syndrome"

(Dr. von Braun) would say, 'Let's start here where you are.' There are continuous wars and enemies identified in order to perpetuate these wars, always with the ultimate goal of seizing the high ground of outer space to dominate and control the minds of people on Earth so they would not be given the truth, truthful information about who we really are in the universes.


Well, this is what he did not describe. I believe what was happening is that he was under threat.


That's right. He repeated this continuously. He would say that starting where I entered the industry with the supposed Russian threat, but never actually existed ­ the Russians were made to be the enemy. Then there would be terrorists, Third World country threats. there would be an asteroid threat. They might even say to us to try to influence the public into believing that there are many reasons for why we should put weapons in space. There might be a reason to protect our assets in space.

But, the real one that he was always holding off on and would say again with tears filling his eyes every time he said this to me repeatedly was that the last card they are holding is the 'alien card,' the extraterrestrial card and none of them are hostile. In any way he could say those words, the intonation was always on, 'None of them are hostile. It's all a lie.' So, in other words, all the enemies that have been presented to us along the way ­ it's a lie with always the intention of seizing the high ground to keep the truth from us.


Not just for the Pentagon, but aerospace industries, labs, universities and anyone else who has a job and makes a profit from keeping this a secret. Although most of the people in the industry don't even know there is this big secret of all time – and yes, you have articulated this very beautifully. You are not at all putting words in my mouth – that's exactly what I'm saying.

Except that it's not the influence of just people in the Pentagon. This is some how, as he would put it, inexorably linked to all the facets of profit-making, of so-called security and defense mechanisms, of people who just need a job to survive and pay for their kids' college education and also to keep the public stupid.


It would seem that the US governemnt was already flirting with the 'alien threat card' formed by the classic human "fear of the unknown" where ignorance may be our ultimate doom:

Double-click From: Reagan UFO Story
During the Nixon administration, there was open discussion inside the government about the potential threat from aliens coming to Earth. An article written by Michael Michaud, a career diplomat in the State Department, pointed out the Nixon administration’s worry about extraterrestrials:

"Aliens from other solar systems are a potential threat to us, and we are a potential threat to them. Scientists and others have often postulated that extraterrestrial societies more advanced than ours would be less warlike. Regrettably, the stereotypes of the benevolent, super intelligent alien may be as unrealistic as the stereotype of the bug-eyed monster carrying off shapely human females. Even if a species had achieved true peace within its own ranks, it would still be worried about us, and would take the measures it felt were necessary to protect itself. This includes the possibility (not the inevitability) of military action . . . Our basic interest will be to protect ourselves from any possible threat to Earth’s security . . . "

The "evil alien" philosophy was furthered in the Ford administration with a 1975 report produced by the Library of Congress for the House Committee on Science and Technology. It also warned about the possible threats of open contact with extraterrestrials. The report stated, "Since we have no knowledge of their nature, we may be aiding in our own doom" - A classic "fear of the unknown" where ignorance is our ultimate doom.

The alien/SDI speculation has also augmented by a group of witnesses who declared that SDI type weapon systems, both land and space based, were being used to track and target extraterrestrial vehicles as the approach earth.

[edit on 12-3-2005 by evilution]

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 10:12 AM
For decades the U.S. Gov't., as regards space aliens, has been working "at cross purposes, on purpose", the purpose being to confound the public and keep it from finding out the truth, and they have good reason for doing this.

"[Has the government been engaged in faking UFOs, abductions, and cattle mutilations] to protect themselves from the public knowing that they were engaged in alien interactions?"
"They do it to protect the public from knowing that which would explode society if discovered."
"What is this item that they were protecting so that society or the public wouldn't know about it. What activity is this?"
"Humans eat cattle, aliens eat you."
"What is the 'ultimate secret' being protected by the Consortium?"
"You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment."

This is from a source I've mentioned so many times before that maybe it would be better not to do so ever again. Von Braun was either willfully lying about the intentions of the aliens or he was unaware of the truth, which is unlikely.

Going back to the subject of this thread, wanting to work for the secret services is like wanting to sign a pact with the Devil himself, but what you agree to sell is your body rather than your soul. After signing the contract your body no longer belongs to you. You accept that you must be murdered if you ever reveal certain things, and it's a legal type of murder, because you sign away your Constitutional rights.

(posted by thematrix on the thread titled "Has anyone here worked at these facilities?" in the section "Military & Gov't Facilities")

That oath of silence is actualy a non disclosure contract everyone gets to sign. Breaking that contract makes you an enemy of the state and alows the goverment to terminate you without notice. And last but not least, these contracts are for life. Sign it, live with it, be silent or die.


posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 12:12 PM

Macrento Said: wanting to work for the secret services is like wanting to sign a pact with the Devil himself, but what you agree to sell is your body rather than your soul.

I agree with you Macrento but wouldn't you say that a person who goes to work for these agencies is going to be brainwashed into the 'righteousness' of them? That qualifies as soul-selling if you ask me. As you mentioned, if the poster DOES succeed in his goal of entering the "Alien" circles of these agencies, I suspect he'll find it very different than he expects, but as we see, nobody gets out alive. Once you're in that far, there is no exit.

One thing I found very interesting is the full-page advertisement that the CIA has in the latest Scientific American. It has a tiny picture of Earth suspended in the blackness of space and the caption "Work to defend this sphere from terror" or something to that effect. The idea is that colege-age people who read Sci-Am (and who are presumably bright) are going to associate the CIA with defending EARTH. Hilarious.

To my understanding, there has never been anything like this where the government's SS is recruiting through newstand publications. It seems to be a symptom of the us vs. them mentality which is being fostered in the US. This represents a huge change in American life and I think further changes are coming.

[edit on 13-3-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Correct me if wrong: You just don't "join" the FBI or the CIA. Sounds cool on a website. But- if you are one of the lucky few to actually get looked at, stand by for your clearance investigation. Not as easy as it looks, and not as fast as having your driver license checked.

It's a JOB like any other in many respects. Some are recruited, some actively seek it out and get rewarded for dilligence, hehe...(my brief stint in a student trainee program, mentioned on the other thread I linked to in page 1, was such a case). The background check for entry level or student trainees wasn't too bad, just a hell of a long form (about 20 pages front and back as I recall), and yes, I got calls from school teachers asking, "Why the hell is the CIA calling me?"
I'm sure THAT was a fun topic at the reunion.... Anyhoo, if you've ever been overseas, thats more likely to come up and be thoroughly discussed. Myself, having lived in Saudi, well, that was quite a conversation with my recruiter....

Point of clarification here, I'm no longer in such a program, as it was axed at that particular college during the Clinton administration. I'm a regular Joe at a software company now, and my dreams of being James Bond are back in fantasy land right next to world conquest...

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