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USA & Israel's Ugly Past - Did You Forget They Are State Sponsors of Terror?

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
Maybe because he wasn't able to dismantle the bomb. Therefore the robot was called in after the terrorist was shot. HELLO!!!

The nature of those robots is not to disarm the bomb, it is usually to identify the bomb - to get in close because it is not safe for a human to do so...

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
this is called blind hatred and is in itself a virulent bias that contributes to much violence.

It is not blind hatred, it is well rounded opion based on the facts presented in front of me... What is blind, is your inability to look beyond what you are told, and investigate things independantly... Read some Noam Chomsky, do your OWN research, then come and talk to me...

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by 00PS
The Topic of this Post is ISRAEL AND USA ARE STATE SPONSORS OF TERROR IN THE PAST - have you proved me wrong?

I think that every country engaged in terrorism at one point or another. None, though, were as blatant as the Palestinians and Muslim fundamentalists.

I still think that the term terrorism should be properly defined.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
I think that every country engaged in terrorism at one point or another. None, though, were as blatant as the Palestinians and Muslim fundamentalists.

The only reason you seem to feel that Islamic fundamentalism is the most dominant and aggressive form of "terrorism" is because you have a limited and bias number of sources... If one were to look into US foreign policy (specifically within the middleast) it is quite easy to see why one has such an opinon on the US... Not because I hate them blindly, but because the acts they have committed...

It is impossible to deny the fact that the US initiated the conflict that has arrisen between the Islamic Fundamentalists and the US...

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:36 AM

I have dabbled in Noam Chompsky. I found his reasoning to be crooked. He attempts to make an issue when the issue is nearly non-existant. He performs acrobatics to make a point where there is no point to be made and he uses the information that suites his causes. Micheal Moore is another type of individual . I've seen Farenheit 9/11 and then Farenhype 9/11. Do dabble in both sides of the political spectrum or only one.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
He attempts to make an issue when the issue is nearly non-existant. He performs acrobatics to make a point where there is no point to be made and he uses the information that suites his causes.

He makes an issue out of things that the US mainstream media has covered up, due to the friendly suggestion from Uncle Sam... And its people like you, and the rest of the US masses, who never see the reality that exists outside their TV screen with fox-news blarring...

Go live in Cuba for a while see why they are so poor...
Go live in Afghanistan and see why they are so poor...
Go live in Africa and see why they are so poor...

Then judge them... Dont just say, they are fighting in a worthless cause...

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:08 AM

In addition to the above post - All the info I provided was from reading both sides of the story. It became quickly obvious that the lies were that of the Palestinian propaganda machine.

Do you want to see more Palestinian propaganda lies?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

In addition to the above post - All the info I provided was from reading both sides of the story. It became quickly obvious that the lies were that of the Palestinian propaganda machine.

Do you want to see more Palestinian propaganda lies?

The reality of the situation is, that there is no such thing as right and wrong, its a matter of opion... One opion (my opinon) has simply more heart in it, and sympathy of the surpressed and opressed people of the Palestinian people and the "terrorists" in general...

Sympathy is something right-wing US supporters know little about... Its all black and white... Theres never a grey area... All I'm saying, and all I've ever said, is that there is a reason behind "terrorism"...

Yeah I'll take a look at what you call "Palastinian Lies"... However I'd prefer if you didn't call them lies, considering they are closer to truth then the BS you hear on Fox News...

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, Australia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, etc, etc... ALL of these countries, every country for that matter, has met at least one condition on that list.

Yes you are right there are more countries that should be on the list... but noticce one small thing? Notice how these other countries are not leading a war on "terror"?

Is only the US and Isreal that are now crying foul about these underhand tactics, and are pointing fingers everywhere exept at themselves! Now thats just typical!

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Originally posted by 00PS
The Topic of this Post is ISRAEL AND USA ARE STATE SPONSORS OF TERROR IN THE PAST - have you proved me wrong?

I think that every country engaged in terrorism at one point or another. None, though, were as blatant as the Palestinians and Muslim fundamentalists.

I still think that the term terrorism should be properly defined.

Once again you sidestep the issue.

Palestine and Muslim fundamentalists have no nation or country.

Israel Does. That's why they are a State Sponsor of Terror, hence the topic.

Sorry Judah, your hijakin of the forum needs to come to an end. If you can't refute the premise of the topic then don't post at all.

You see you are wrong and have partially admitted so by stating all countries have engaged in terror. That's not true. Has Iceland had terror? Or how about other Countries you've never studied, they are state sponsors of terror too? You want to run but you can't hide.

Put your blame on yourself for not knowing the truth

But you like to put the blame for your ignorance on Palestinians and Muslim Islamic Fundamentalists for Israeli Atrocities.

Shame on You.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
I trust the Israeli Polices Judgement - Better kill a terrorist when it is clear that his intent is to kill then have him blow-himself up with additional casualties.

The return to the third reich is only in your imagination - No Nazi tactics here - Only anti-Israel propaganda.

You trust police judgement.

You said it right there.

You trust nazi tactics.

You trust terror.

You trust Israel's State Sponsor of Terror.

Your Religion teaches you it's ok to lie to the Goyim.

I don't trust anything you say. I only trust the fact it's lies or based on lies.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 07:08 AM
Oh Lord!




Im sooo sick of the USA.

Your history, like virtually all civilised countires is based on stealing from the weak, and killing this who are inconvenient. Your modern history is awash with the blood of democractically elected people and governments.

Get over it. Still you elect Bush on WMD, and other demonstrably false pretence. Your President is a moron, power mad and a total liar. Your media is awash with deceit, and plain old fashioned American chest thumping lunacy.

You glory in strength, yet you are weak. You have no majority - just travel a little - the "ugly american" is alive and well.

You have been kept in a state of fear, and war standing since WW2 - at least.

I for one remember:

Being ale to fly without fear.

Being able to visit other cultures without fear.

Being able to buy a product without some poor kid/prisoner actually making it.

Your legacy has alienated the entire world, except for a few piddling hangers-on.

If what comes around goes around - god help the next few generations.

Wakey, wakey.

It doesnt have to be like this. Only your rampant consumerism drives this sewer.

The sooner your empire falls the better.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by ghostsoldier

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

In addition to the above post - All the info I provided was from reading both sides of the story. It became quickly obvious that the lies were that of the Palestinian propaganda machine.

Do you want to see more Palestinian propaganda lies?

The reality of the situation is, that there is no such thing as right and wrong, its a matter of opion... One opion (my opinon) has simply more heart in it, and sympathy of the surpressed and opressed people of the Palestinian people and the "terrorists" in general...
Sympathy is something right-wing US supporters know little about... Its all black and white... Theres never a grey area... All I'm saying, and all I've ever said, is that there is a reason behind "terrorism"...

R U serious wtih your I have heart you don't. I see the grey you don't story.

Your sympathy for the oppressed is heart-wrenching - but don't fall into their traps. The PLO has raised enough funds during its existance to resolve the entire Palestinian refugee problem ( ) . They have gained sympathy through lies, circulating graphic pictures, exaggerated stories and using political machinations - the 'execution' of the 'innocent' palestinian OOPS had the honor of posting for us is a great example of this.
Your sympathy is being cashed in on - on a daily basis. I hope you are playing the 'devils-advocate' by arguing this one out with me because if you honestly believe that the Palestinians are a poor, oppressed people because of the Israeli you are living in a world of lies.
Do you think that if in 1948 all the neighboring Arab states would have accepted Israel there would have been a Palestinian problem? I think that the Arabs do not care about the Palestinians. Only their own hate of Jews and their swelled up Islamic pride to accept a Jewish country in the Muslim world.

Regarding right or wrong - There is a right and wrong - either you knowingly lie, or knowingly tell the truth. I believe that those individuals who witnessed the 'execution' as you call it believe that the robot and the bomb-belt was a ploy to kill Palestinians because that is what they are told by their leaders - they have been brain washed. But their leaders and those in the 'know' were fully aware that Mahmoud Salah was an attempted suicide bomber who was affiliated with Arafat's Al-Aqtza Martyrs Brigade. And they knowingly remain silent or lie to turn this into a 'controversy' - That is why I call this a lie.

You want to have heart? Where is your heart for the underdog of the underdog. The large christian community in Bethlehem which was ethnically cleansed after the PLO got its hands on it (as in Lebanon).

Yeah I'll take a look at what you call "Palastinian Lies"... However I'd prefer if you didn't call them lies, considering they are closer to truth then the BS you hear on Fox News...

You don't like FOX - ok I know they are affiliated with the American right. I noted the pro-American pro-Bush taste of that media outlet as well.

But it can never match the lies spread by the Arab countries - I think it is a cultural defect plaguing most of the arab world (remember the Iraqi information minister with the 'we are pounding the Americans' story)
This is just for starters - Come back if want more.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by 00PS

You trust police judgement.

You said it right there.

You trust nazi tactics.

You trust terror.

You trust Israel's State Sponsor of Terror.

Your Religion teaches you it's ok to lie to the Goyim.

I don't trust anything you say. I only trust the fact it's lies or based on lies.

You are one deranged individual aren't you. My religion teaches me that it is ok to lie to Goyim? where did you pick that up - At Ahmed's anti-Jew website ?
OOOHHH your true face is exposed. OOOOPS is a bigot. Isn't it a NAZI tactic to say 'Your Religion teaches you it's ok to lie to the Goyim.' What is next? Where will it end? I'm off this forum as you wanted - Believe in your own world of lies, spread hate, be a propaganda pawn of someone who profits off you and keep a closed mind if this is what you want.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:17 AM

You are both as bad as each other.

Why don't you each take your respective brands of hatred and peddle them someplace else?



posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Zenspider
Im sooo sick of the USA, Your history, like virtually all civilised countires is based on stealing from the weak, and killing this who are inconvenient. Your modern history is awash with the blood of democractically elected people and governments.

Its called Imperialism, its the next step after Capitalism - It's a shame that the two seem to go hand-in-hand with eachother, everywhere they go they leave bloodshed, economical and emotional destruction behind - which generates a whole generation of people who hate them - And this then manifests itself as "terrorism" - "Terrorism" that the Imperialist governments attempt to cover up by telling the people it was an attack on the public, and all they stand for... And the gullable public beleaves it, because they have been forced to fear for their own lively hood. So of course it makes sense to back a phony war on terror...

Originally posted by Zenspider
You have been kept in a state of fear, and war standing since WW2 - at least.

Since World War 2, the US has not had more than 14-months of peace at a time... They cant sustain more than 14 months inwhich they dont attack another nation for some kind of material gain - or in retaliation to something they begun.

Originally posted by Zenspider
I for one remember:
Being ale to fly without fear.
Being able to visit other cultures without fear.
Being able to buy a product without some poor kid/prisoner actually making it.

This is the way they want it, because this way the human psyche is more vunerable to attack... ie if the government says its going out to "Fight a War on Terror"... The public thinks "Yes, Im saved - those terrorists will get the message now..."

Ignorance is bliss, no...

Originally posted by Zenspider
It doesnt have to be like this. Only your rampant consumerism drives this sewer.

The sooner your empire falls the better.

Congrats Zenspider, its people that see beyond the square that give the human species a chance of bettering themselves...

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 11:08 AM
LOL, how can you blame the strangulation of the Palestinian economy on Palestinians? Aren't they under Occupation? Isn't it the responsibility of the Occupying Power to take care of its' occupants? Why, yes, according to International Law, it is.

And the demolition--using bulldozers and tanks--of homes belonging not to suspected militants, but their families, is that in fact legal? Nope, it's called Collective Punishment and it's illegal under International Law.

There are the house-to-house searches, during which soldiers break through the front doors of Palestinian homes in the middle of the night and drag children into the streets to watch their parents harassed, assaulted and humiliated. There are checkpoints that deny or delay passage of ambulances carrying pregnant women, the elderly and people injured in everyday accidents. Hmm, sounds like these Palestinians are living under a yoke of Terror, eh?

For decades, Israel has built up and refined its terrible illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Though the above facts are totally missing from the U.S. corporate media, they do show up in Israeli political discussions, because they just can't be ignored.

If you don't believe that Israel has rained terror upon the Palestinians for decades, you are deluded or a Zionist shill, take your pick.

How many UN resolutions has Israel just ignored? Upwards of 90.

And who do they have to thank for getting away scotfree? The US, who vetoes almost every single resolution that Israel orders them to.

More of your US taxdollars go to Israel than to every other country in the world combined. Your government will help out poor people who are affected by a tsunami, but they reserve the BIG BUCKS for military hardware to the world's 5th largest Army.

So, you are paying for the IDF bullets that end Palestinian children's lives.

Your government is funding a terrorist organization whether you like it or not.


posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Jakomo
Isn't it the responsibility of the Occupying Power to take care of its' occupants?

For decades, Israel has built up and refined its terrible illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Though the above facts are totally missing from the U.S. corporate media, they do show up in Israeli political discussions, because they just can't be ignored.

How many UN resolutions has Israel just ignored? Upwards of 90.

And who do they have to thank for getting away scotfree? The US, who vetoes almost every single resolution that Israel orders them to.

So, you are paying for the IDF bullets that end Palestinian children's lives.

It is imperative to understand that Israel is merely an extention of the US Military power... They have been working somewhat co-operatively with eachother for atleast a couple of decades now, to cause as much violence and confusion as possible in the region to divert public eyes away from the Oil that is being drained out of the region - With little to no compensation may I add...

I'd like to point this out again aswell...

Originally posted by Jakomo
You are paying for the IDF bullets that end Palestinian children's lives!!!

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 01:33 PM

I just want to point out another example of US sponsored terror. Has anyone ever heard of Operation Gladio? The CIA, with others, were bombing school buses and other CIVILIAN targets in Europe. Check it out, it's public and admitted.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
heard of Operation Gladio? The CIA, with others, were bombing school buses and other CIVILIAN targets in Europe.

It's public and admitted...

With documentation and admittion of committing or planing such acts as; Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio... Is it really that hard to beleive that the US has a role in organising / excecuting the events of 9/11...

I mean...
Pilots have said that it was very skillfull piloting that flew those plains - like ELITE skillfull piloting...
And the part of the Pentagon that was hit was closed for maintainence

I think it seems highly likely that the US had the major hand in the events that occured that day...

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka

I just want to point out another example of US sponsored terror. Has anyone ever heard of Operation Gladio? The CIA, with others, were bombing school buses and other CIVILIAN targets in Europe. Check it out, it's public and admitted.

No I haven't.

I got too caught up arguing with Judah and his passionate yet blind love for his country of residence.

Let us not forget the USA and ISRAEL are state sponsors of terror and we must find out their past so that we can try to change the future.

I haven't heard of Gladio, I'm going to go read about it now. Thanks!

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