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Can someone tell me why President Trump should be thrown out of office

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posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: VeeTNA
a reply to: cognizant420

it's not possible for a president to be held in contempt of Congress

It's "obstruction of Congress" - as in, not complying with reasonable and legal requests

When Congress makes a demand of the Executive Branch, it can comply, or refuse and seek arbitration from the Judicial Branch. Both routes are valid. Congress is not above the other branches.
The obstruction of Congress article is a nonsense.
edit on 23/1/2020 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 06:22 AM
Hi everyone! I am sorry to tell you this, President Trump has a ghost. I noticed this much earlier than now, compared to all other presidents, he is acting more strangely, and situations happen around him, that is hard to explain. I cannot give accurate advice about ghosts, but a 500 W halogen without shield should do the job, a ghost dies in it. Also, it is a living creature, doesn't want to die in a reflector or a heater. The ghost does the feelings too, as secret communication. It will always make sure, that President Trump will be in trouble.

Just an example, Putin and Bush don't have ghosts.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

This is a lie.

If what you said was true, then having illegals enter the country would be a boon to local and state economies.

And it has been.
You like your hotel cleaned nicely? You want a new roof? You want your garden tilled?
And they spend their money here, pay taxes here, and show up every day.

they are a drain on local and state economies and are putting the burden on legal citizens who have to shell out even more in taxes.

No. They aren't.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: merka

Oh I like how you instantly assume I am "left" and got "my" frontrunner when I'm neither democrat or republican or have any stake whatsoever in the American election - I just find it hilarious to watch the cults of a two party system.

I was replying to you but my message was towards the left. Sue me for assumptions, but I did say "the left" a number of times to imply all of them even though maybe not you.

But yes, in theory EVERY President could be impeached. Thats whats in the constitution, thats what the senate has been empowered with.

Or are you implying there is a President that should be immune?

Are you implying EVERY President should be impeached? No President is 100% immune, but executive privilege gives him a huge shield that every President has used in the past, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the democrats would actually list a real crime he has committed before impeaching...That would be a good thing too.

I dont doubt that he'll win the next election either. There's no democrat choice that come anywhere near his showmanship that so amuses the American masses. Well, assuming the impeachment doesnt stick.

As I said, HE HAS BEEN IMPEACHED already....It is stuck on him forever unless the Chief Justice steps in. He will win the next election as an impeached As you said they may impeach for just about anything but it actually means nothing unless the Senate removes him from office, and good luck on that lol.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

What does that spiel have to do with anything? Sounds like circular reasoning to me

What, specifically, has he done that is unlawful? Something that isn't just an opinion/wish, but a genuine objective violation of the USC?

And how has he shown contempt for the law? It is Dems who declare US cities as sanctuary cities, support illegal immigration and encourage illegal immigration

Besides, Dems in Congress has shown contempt for the law by refusing to hash out conflicts between the two separate branches of government in court and instead assert baselessly that the standard privilege of Executive privilege suddenly should not apply to the President (ie: Exec branch)

You stated the circular theory behind your argument, but again failed to articulate the specific conduct in question as supported by objective facts and evidence and not just some person's opinions or feelings

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
I don't live in the States, so I don't have a first hand feel that is what really is going on. Silently, many leaders of their countries are saying this mother fker really has the balls to tell the general public what is really happening and yet the media is slamming him for the truth and even this is overseas.

For one thing, President Trump didn't heal Texas Gov. Abbott, even though Abbott flew all the way to Switzerland for the miracle healing he was promised.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 05:53 AM
The upcoming Middle East 'Peace' plan is reason to throw him out of office if Israeli media, Trumps comments and leaks are to be believed.

It's meant to be a 'take it or leave it' offer where Israel gets complete takeover and permanent control of Palestinian territories and illegal Israeli settlements with Palestinians given a minor say and human rights in some areas but under tight Israeli-US controls. The concentration camp style approach of denying Palestinians most human rights and protections will be further increased with the majority of the people losing their lands, houses and livelyhoods.

Kushner is a complete psychopathic moron with no knowledge or human rights, international law, geo politics if true and would be committing major crimes against humanity if the plan is true.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: bastion
The upcoming Middle East 'Peace' plan is reason to throw him out of office if Israeli media, Trumps comments and leaks are to be believed.

It's meant to be a 'take it or leave it' offer where Israel gets complete takeover and permanent control of Palestinian territories and illegal Israeli settlements with Palestinians given a minor say and human rights in some areas but under tight Israeli-US controls. The concentration camp style approach of denying Palestinians most human rights and protections will be further increased with the majority of the people losing their lands, houses and livelyhoods.

Kushner is a complete psychopathic moron with no knowledge or human rights, international law, geo politics if true and would be committing major crimes against humanity if the plan is true.

What? Throw him out offfice because there are peace talks coming up???
I am aware that leftists have zero clue about the constitution, but even you must realise that is not a valid reason.
On second thoughts, scratch that, having listened to Schiff and Nadler I can see that Democrats are dumber and more corrupt that even I realised

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

I'm from the UK and don't support the US democrats. It's not a peace talk or negotion it's an ultimatum where Palestinians are given the choice of being denied human rights an Israel taking the majority of Palestinian land or complete destruction of Palestine. It's been written by Kushner who was only put in the position because he's related to Trump and has no experience or knowledge whatsoeverof basic international law, human rights, diplomacy and the alleged plan is the biggest threat to world peace in decades.

I thought despotism was against the US constitution? Breaking international law, human rights and emulating early Nazi Party treatment of Jews via criminal incompetence and ignorance is more grounds for impeachment than the current bull# that's going on in my books.
edit on 25-1-2020 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 11:53 AM
Imagine saying this

originally posted by: JoseGarcia
a reply to: dfnj2015

WRONG. His opponents are the ones trashing the Constitution. They have little to no respect for law nor the Constitution, nor our foundational values nor the survival of the USA.

A huge % of them are horrifically arrogant corruptocrats drunk on their power-mongering, greed, pride, smugness, rebellion, treason etc.

And then saying this.

Mercifully, God engineered Trump to sabotage that deadly plan from hell.

This is a war of SURVIVAL and Trump is our only human hope--indeed--the only human hope for the whole planet to give us a years long intermission in that shove down the greased chute to globalist oligarchy hell.

Anyone failing to support POTUS TRUMP & his patriotic honorable, honest, compassionate, responsible, efforts will be shown to have been working or at least aiding the worst evils to afflict the planet in recorded history.

I suggest you do better research with a more fair-minded approach.

And not realizing you are merely projecting and talking about yourself.

You Trumpets are so arrogantly delusional you really think you're support for Trump is saving the entire world from evil, Tell me, which part of the Bible prophecy is Trump in? If I recall correctly, Jesus is the one who ends evil on Earth and I'm sure you're not saying Trump is Jesus are you? You know, there is one character from Biblical prophecy that sounds a lot like Trump. He always wins, he speaks boastfully, he causes truth to cease, he comes in his own name, he loves money, an apostate church worships him, he makes a peace deal in the middle east. Care to guess who I'm talking about?

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:03 PM
Something I wrote 2 years ago should help you understand.

First, to understand Trump, you need to understand that he is the very definition of an overt malignant Narcissist. Meaning he is sociopathic and he is purely ego driven. Everything he does is in pursuit of seeing his grandiose false-self reflected back to him. This includes lying, manipulating and deceiving anyone and everyone to achieve this. Narcissists can only see themselves in the reflection of the way other's treat them. Treat Trump like he is anything less than amazing, he lashes out at you because it doesn't align with his grandiose false-self. He suffers what is called a "Narcissistic injury" from the perceived insult and it induces what is called "Narcissistic rage". The narcissistic injury hurts the inner true self, who was wounded a long time ago in childhood and to protect itself, it created the grandiose false-self as a barrier of protection. In doing that, it ensured that the inner self never healed or matured. That's why the lashing out is in the vein of a young child throwing a temper tantrum. Even Trump himself said his temperament is the same as it was when he was in the 1st grade. The narcissist never emotionally matured past the age that the false-self was created. So for this reason, the only true thing a Narcissist cares about, is their image. The way other's see them and treat them needs to align with this false-self so they can protect their inner true-self from more wounding. This image can be propped up by complete lies as long as the image holds. The narcissist doesn't care either way, they just do whatever is necessary to make sure the image doesn't crumble. They have various methods for maintaining the false image. All of them are abusive. Gaslighting, projection, triangulation, over exaggerations, moving the goal posts, threats, smear campaigns. Here is a link to help you learn about these tactics.
Once you truly understand and accept this about Trump, you will understand how dangerous he is to our country and to the world. Since he is driven by ego, he is easily manipulated. Flattery is one simple way to get him on your side. Simply speak well about him and he likes you, he even says so himself. There was a story recently about the odd feedback loop between Fox News and Trump and how it sort of got started. Trump would watch CNN and be fuming all the time about their coverage at his staff. They tried to direct him to watch Fox instead but knew they couldn't directly tell him that because he wouldn't listen. They had to make him think it was his own idea. From the article:

With the hope of calming him down, then–chief of staff Reince Priebus and then–press secretary Sean Spicer began a subtle campaign. “It got to the point that they were just like, ‘We need to get him off these channels and onto Fox & Friends or else we’re going to be chasing down this crazy-train bull# from MSNBC and CNN all day,’ ” one former White House official said.Like all other ideas, this had the highest chance of implementation if Trump believed he’d thought of it on his own. Priebus and Spicer worked talking points about the network’s high ratings and importance to his base of supporters into conversation until, eventually, it stuck, so that the president’s television consumption is today what the current White House official called “mainly a complete dosage of Fox.” The former official added, “Trump’s someone who loves praise more than he likes hate-watching Morning Joe.”

This is completely in line with how a Narcissist like Trump works. The scary part is, if Trump can be manipulated like this into changing his television habits because of the slights to his ego, do we really think other world leaders are not aware of his vulnerability to these kinds of manipulations? Something to seriously consider and worry about.

Gathering what I know about Trump and his life, at the very least, he had a very critical father and an emotionally absent mother. He was never shown what can be considered love unless it was attached to some sort of achievement. This is what drives him to the next big challenge and since he never got the proper love and approval from his parents, he seeks it from the outside world. The campaign rallies were his life blood, the air he breathed, what is called "Narcissistic supply". Those rallies and people chanting things at him might as well been a shot of heroin straight to his veins. He would literally say anything to get that reaction. You can see his amazement of the crowd when talks about when he first brought up the birther thing with Obama at a conservative speaking event and when he talks about how the Drain the Swamp chant got started, which he basically admits he didn't even mean in the first place. The "Lock Her Up" chant was also just for show, as he admits in this video too. Trevor Noah is pretty awful but his commentary on the Trump clips is pretty spot on.

What he says about "Truth Trump" is completely true. Narcissists always reveal themselves eventually because they are too proud not to boast about their deceptions. They do it in little ways you can miss if you're blinded by their grandiosity. Here's a little moment where he straight up admits he lies to his supporters.

Narcissists are also walking talking projection machines. Which you can learn about in the first link I provided about abuse tactics. Everything Trump accuses someone else of doing, it's because he is doing it himself. Everything negative Trump says about someone else, it's really how he feels about himself. Take a look at Trump's tweets about Obama during his presidency, they are practically predicting the future of his own actions as president. When you put it into context, some of them are quite frightening. Apply this to the press conference he had will all of Bill Clinton's accuser's after the pussy tape got revealed, see a pattern here? Also, the more upset, angry and loudly proclaimed a narcissists denial of an accusation made against them, the more likely it is to be true.

Narcissists actually hate themselves. The common misconception is that they are in love with themselves. They aren't. They are in love with the REFLECTION of their grandiose false-self. Without that reflection looking back at them, they sink into a deep dark depression. They will also fight to the death to maintain their image. A malignant narcissist like Trump, his inner true self is so decayed, he is literally nothing BUT the image. If the image dies, he dies. There is no other side to Trump. No soft sensitive side his family sees, no compassion or empathy for anyone unless that person can directly benefit him. Trump talks a lot about loyalty, but who has he stuck his neck out for? As soon as someone is a liability to him, he throws them under the bus the first chance he gets. He is only loyal insomuch that you can either help him or hurt him. Trump does not care about me or anyone else unless they can benefit him. He abandoned his mentor, Roy Cohn, when he found out he had AIDS.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 05:07 PM

This # is straight up disturbing and let me explain why. That emotion he's feeling hugging the flag? It's real. He genuinely is having an emotional reaction to it, as much of one as he can anyways Why is that disturbing? Have you ever seen him embrace another human being like this? His wife? His son? His daughter? No. You know why? Everything in a narcissists world, including people, are simply objects to them to be used and discarded as they see fit. Melania is obviously just a prop. There aren't any real feelings there whatsoever and she barely pretends that there is. So since people are objects to him and he can feel things for them depending on how well they reflect his grandiose false self back to him, the same can be said for actual objects. That flag is the ultimate reflection of his grandiose false self. It gives him his power, his adoration, his love, his place forever in history, his ability to strike fear in people. It symbolizes everything he's ever wanted for himself. And the flag itself doesn't have any needs, no whining, no bitching, no wondering why you're having meetings with Putin where you don't want anyone else in the room. It just stands there, waving in the wind as an undying symbol of his omnipotence and omnipresence.

This is why he attacks NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem. He see's it as a direct attack on him and his power. It's the same reason his supporters are so angry about it too. They see themselves as America. They feel like being American automatically makes them better than people in other countries. An attack on something they view as a symbolic representation of America feels like a direct attack on their very identity.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Oblique9043

Oh give it a rest.
You take a picture of a President hugging the American flag and conclude all that BS?
When he hugs his daughter, he's accused by utterly insane idiots of having sex with her, FFS.

I find it baffling that youi would include such BS in a thread about reasons why the President should be removed from office.

edit on 25/1/2020 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: UKTruth

I'm from the UK and don't support the US democrats. It's not a peace talk or negotion it's an ultimatum where Palestinians are given the choice of being denied human rights an Israel taking the majority of Palestinian land or complete destruction of Palestine. It's been written by Kushner who was only put in the position because he's related to Trump and has no experience or knowledge whatsoeverof basic international law, human rights, diplomacy and the alleged plan is the biggest threat to world peace in decades.

I thought despotism was against the US constitution? Breaking international law, human rights and emulating early Nazi Party treatment of Jews via criminal incompetence and ignorance is more grounds for impeachment than the current bull# that's going on in my books.

Palestine gave up their rights when they became terrorist run lands , fully supported by the people there.
I guess the Israel / Palestine decades long conflict and stand off in your mind might be Trump's fault and reason to remove him, but not in any sane persons mind.

As for the rest of your dramatic predictions - I guess you;'ve been taking lessons from Schiff.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: Oblique9043

Wow....and LOL

You must be a world renowned psychiatrist!

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

No, but I see your're employing one of the typical Trump supporter debate tactics where you purposefully misrepresent your opponents argument by simplifying it to try and discredit it and misdirect the conversation so you don't have to let inconvenient information into your brain lest you realize how wrong you've been.

You know that's not what I did so why are you pretending that I found a picture of a random president hugging the flag and came up with a reason for it like a screenwriter creating a backstory for a character in a movie? You can do better bro. Be Best.

When he hugs his daughter, he's accused by utterly insane idiots of having sex with her, FFS

It might have something to do with the repeated sexual comments he's made about her unabashedly and without even a hint of understanding just how disturbing it is for a father to openly talk about sexually desiring his own daughter.

I find it baffling that youi would include such BS in a thread about reasons why the President should be removed from office.

It isn't baffling to people who understand how to make arguments and use them to demonstrate your points. Trump is a malignant narcissist and that alone demands his removal from office. He's completely unable to make choices that put anything but his false image first and just because America is a part of his false image, that doesn't mean doing whats best for America is the same things as doing whats best for his image.

President Donald Trump's decision to kill Iran's top general was primarily about optics and looking tough to his base, even at the expense of placing US troops and interests in danger, experts and former officials believe.

"He strikes me as someone who makes decisions based entirely on how he thinks something is going to look to his base on a 12-hour news cycle, if not less," Hussein Ibish, a senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, told Insider.

"This operation wasn't a strategic or even a tactical maneuver; it was in large part a political act disguised as a military operation," Ned Price, a former National Security Council official under the Obama administration, told Insider.

Trump obsessively hunts 'celebrity' terrorist targets and ignores other threats to the US, former CIA officer says

President Donald Trump is obsessed with hunting down big name terrorist targets for "immediate gratification" and tends to ignore "substance, impact, and consequences," Douglas London, a former senior CIA counterterrorism officer, wrote in Just Security.

During Trump's presidency, a number of high-profile terrorist targets like Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden; Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS; and Qassem Soleimani, Iran's most powerful military officer, have been killed.

London wrote that Trump opted to eliminate some of those targets even though US intelligence showed other individuals posed "greater dangers" in an attempt to grab headlines.

"President Donald Trump likes big names," former CIA officer Douglas London, who served in the agency for decades, wrote Wednesday in an op-ed for Just Security. "It's this focus on celebrity, headlines, and immediate gratification — versus substance, impact, and consequences — that so often motivates him."

"As a senior CIA counterterrorist manager, my team and I often struggled in persuading the president to recognize the most important threats," added London, who retired in late 2018 as a senior CIA operations officer after 34 years in the CIA's clandestine service.

"Trump's obsession in focusing resources against Osama bin Laden's son Hamza is one example of the president's preference for a 'celebrity' targeted killing versus prioritizing options that could prove better for US security," London wrote.

Trump announced that the US killed Hamza bin Laden last September, saying that "the loss of Hamza bin Laden not only deprives al-Qa'ida of important leadership skills and the symbolic connection to his father, but undermines important operational activities of the group."

London downplayed Hamza's significance compared to Ayman Zawahiri, who succeeded Osama bin Laden, or his lieutenants. The president, he explained, opted to go after Hamza despite intelligence indicating that other targets posed "greater dangers."

"He was dismissive of our prioritization," London said, adding that Trump "regularly demanded updates on Hamza and insisted we accelerate our efforts to go after him."

London revealed that Trump was obsessed with removing the ISIS leader and had shown less interest in operations targeting other leaders, no matter how dangerous those other individuals were.

The president, formerly a real estate mogul and boisterous television celebrity, has a penchant for treating sensitive military operations like televised events.

Shortly after reports surfaced that an operation targeting al-Baghdadi had been carried out, Trump tweeted, "Something very big has just happened!"

London argued that Soleimani's killing "appears to have been more about Trump, and the potential for headlines, rather than the intelligence."

edit on 25-1-2020 by Oblique9043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Oblique9043

You're prejudiced against people who hug flags? Is burning them ok with you?

The video of Michelle Obama denigrating the U.S. Flag was disgusting to me.

edit on 1/25/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Poe's Law in action here.

posted on Jan, 26 2020 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: UKTruth

I'm from the UK and don't support the US democrats. It's not a peace talk or negotion it's an ultimatum where Palestinians are given the choice of being denied human rights an Israel taking the majority of Palestinian land or complete destruction of Palestine. It's been written by Kushner who was only put in the position because he's related to Trump and has no experience or knowledge whatsoeverof basic international law, human rights, diplomacy and the alleged plan is the biggest threat to world peace in decades.

I thought despotism was against the US constitution? Breaking international law, human rights and emulating early Nazi Party treatment of Jews via criminal incompetence and ignorance is more grounds for impeachment than the current bull# that's going on in my books.

Palestine gave up their rights when they became terrorist run lands , fully supported by the people there.
I guess the Israel / Palestine decades long conflict and stand off in your mind might be Trump's fault and reason to remove him, but not in any sane persons mind.

As for the rest of your dramatic predictions - I guess you;'ve been taking lessons from Schiff.

Where did I post Trump is responsible for the conflict? It's mainly the fault of us Brits. You can't deny civillians the right to food, water, shelter and life and equal rights because aspects off the leadership have backed terrorism - that's the same as saying Al Qu'eda have the right to bomb the US and UK as we've supported terrorist groups and illegal wars in the ME.

What Trump is directly responsible for is putting someone with no knowledge, experience, diplomacy or basic awareness of international law in charge of the Middle East Peace plans. It's been the biggest problem and threat to world peace for decades, putting someone with zero understanding of the situation in charge of things is obviously going to end in disaster.

They're not my predictions, it's what the Israeli press and politicians are saying and Palestine has drawn a 'red line' in the last 24 hours - the plan is so barbaric and plain stupid that neither country is supporting it as it's completely one-sided, divisive and makes no attempt to appease either side or lower international tensions.
edit on 26-1-2020 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2020 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: toolgal462

Nope,never went to college or even took a course on psychology in my life. I just have about 30 years of direct experience with people who inhabit the psychology, identity and belief system of the typical Trump supporter. I've also just had a general interest almost to the point of obsession in psychology and the way the human mind works and what makes people who they are and why. We all have a mind. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how it works.

a reply to: carewemust

he video of Michelle Obama denigrating the U.S. Flag was disgusting to me

Are you referring to this?

Thats a pretty strong reaction to a made up imagined idea of what she really said considering there is no actual audio of it. Somehow I bet you didn't have a single problem with Trump denigrating McCain's service by mocking him for being tortured, something Trump knowingly said on a mic he knew was being recorded. But thats perfectly ok because.... why exactly? Or how about him downplaying the brain injuries (which he said were just headaches) our soldiers suffered in Iraq due to Irans retaliation for the Solemoni kill.

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