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The Apocalypse YA2020 second part

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posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 07:52 AM

The colony rebounded in population but the land was still not the same. It seemed like wherever someone lived the earth was decaying.
Food was becoming more and more scarce and it was threating the existence of all of us. We fought on though, no one in our new homeland was going to give up. The weather was still in turmoil. The heat was relentless and the gentle winds now blew harder and harder every day. The sky was changing, clouds growing darker and turning gray. The peaceful erythematic pulse of the winds are gone. The air smelled foul and is scented with decay and rot, the odor of death. The whole mood of the colony has changed and turned ugly, it as if we are just waiting for the next tragedy to befall us.
We did not have long to wait. This morning we awoke to a chemical stench in the air. It was foul and noxious and soon everyone was choking, some were dying.
The fumes lasted all morning and then slowly the air cleared. The poison in the air killed many, especially the elderly and the very young but many of us who were still healthy endeared. The poison air came every day for seven days. Just as fast as the foul winds started they stopped. No one new why, not even the few elders who were left. We had a chance to recover and try to regroup our colony. This respite did not last for long. It was in the night they came, we were invaded by a horde of our own kind. They looked and acted like us but they were not us. They were different, they were crazy with hate and they killed everyone in sight. They came in from the North and swept through the valley on a maniacal killing spree. The battle went on nonstop for days, and the killing was brutal. Our colonists fought bravely but we were ripped to shreds by the invaders. They were so berserk with killing they even killed their own. I only survived because I lived at the far end of the valley. What was left of the hoard that reached us was exhausted and dying and we still barely survived their onslaught. We fought all night and into the next day. The new morning was still except for the moans of the dying. The smell of death reeked in the air. The hoard was defeated but there was only a handful of us left in the whole valley. Everywhere, everyone, everything was soon to be dead.
The land was black and the skies were brown, the wind blew in heaving gusts and the stench of death penetrated every pore in your body.
There was nothing left to do but to try and flee for our lives and leave the valley before we too would die.
We gathered up what few supplies we could use to travel and headed north out of the valley. The going was difficult, everywhere we passed laid the dead of our kin and what was left of the invaders. The air was noxious with the odors of death and some of us were dying as we fled this poisoned land.
The wind was changing again, strangely it had died down and the breeze seems to becoming less and less often. The air has grown thin and now our breathing has become labored. We made it to the north end and started up the narrow channel that leads out of the valley of death. The channel climbs up into a narrow tunnel and we can barely see light at the end. Then it happened, the land heaved up, it shook with violent tremors, there was a fierce blast of wind, then nothing. The light at the end of the tunnel went dark. All was quiet, all was still. We sat and stared at each other, we, the few, knew this was the end. The air was gone, we were gasping our last breath, I turned to my brother and said I love you.

Doctor Ochevski, his breathing has stopped and he is flat lining, cried Nurse Ryan. Quick he said, call a code blue and get the crash cart in here. Give me those paddles, I want 360 joules now, CLEAR, Hit him.Buzzzzzzent. Check him.
Nothing Doctor, not a whimper of a heartbeat, no pulse, no respiration.
We lost him Ryan, said DR. Ochevski. This strain of influenza is the worst we’ve seen since the Spanish Pandemic. Quarantine the body and schedule it for cremation, at least this viral colony won’t infect anyone else.

edit on Thu Jan 30 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: edit in part one link

posted on Jan, 8 2020 @ 11:03 PM

thumbs up...I was the words....

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 07:07 AM
Your descriptive prowess is undeniable.
I agree with GBP your words brought me right into the story.
Beautifully done zrexx!

I noticed you made your account on ats years ago but this is one of your few posts-
An incredible post it is.

I dont know how to quote properally so I hope the mods don't lynch me for such sacreligious behaviour but;

"The channel climbs up into a narrow tunnel and we can barely see light at the end. Then it happened, the land heaved up, it shook with violent tremors, there was a fierce blast of wind, then nothing. The light at the end of the tunnel went dark. All was quiet, all was still. We sat and stared at each other, we, the few, knew this was the end. The air was gone, we were gasping our last breath, I turned to my brother and said I love you."

This passage hit me so hard, perfectly written.
Thanks for the content

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: SupermassiveBlackHOLE

Thank you for the comment. Even the most simplest and primitive life form fights to live, reproduce and love its own.
The true meaning behind the story. All life forms follow the same path.

posted on Jan, 11 2020 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: zrexx


posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: zrexx

This is a Great Tale. Nicely done!!

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