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Niburu/Planet X satans home . . . . .here already

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posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 08:23 PM

Back when Satan was a good angel, He ruled the Earth. Ezekiel 28:13-19
Back then when he was good, he was called the "Son of Dawn".

I just poked my head into this thread for entertainment value, but I do find it interesting that satan was called the son of dawn, and evil is oddly enough something that is best enjoyed during its dawn and doesn't have the same longevity in the long haul that good does. Just a semi-useless observation.

[edit on 11-3-2005 by freeb]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 08:30 PM

when u say the hooved hornd god.... is that ea? i thought ea was enlil... (another name) cause i know enki/enkidu the other brother,, was the minatour, half bull half man? correct me if im wrong i havnt read my tablets for a while.

I never read the tablets lol, I just know what I have heard, as far as I have heard, Ea and Enki is one and the same...

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Messengerr
Nibiru/Planet X (part 2)

Lucifer is satan, was called satan before the fall. Isaiah 14:12-16
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

Stop right here. The Bible version you are using is garbage. Why? Because nowhere in the entire Bible does the world "Lucifer" appear. Some guy in the middle ages made a famous book, his name is Dante.

When the Bible was being translated from its original languages of Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, into... English... they decided to use the new name Dante invented for Satan. The name "Lucifer". Since the word "Lucifer" never ever appears in the original Bible, then any modern Bible that has that word is a misstranslation and cannot be used. You need to go get another, different Bible. Go visit your nearest Barnes & Noble bookstore, ask which section has the Bibles, and compare them, then buy the right one.

Originally posted by Messengerr
So Basically to put it. . . . God HIMself left HIS throne to come to a speck of dust called earth, into another speck of dust (Jesus) just to lead mankind the way out of a dark,dying world that HE (GOD) has plans on destroying by fire. How loving is that? =) bless all who read this and may GOD touch hearts with the light of the truth in Jesus name. amen and amen

No sorry, you are incorrect. The information you have is f-a-l-s-e. God (who's personal name is Yahweh. One example of this is in the famous Christmas song "Hallelujah" translate it from it's Latain title! :duh
never left his throne to come to Earth. Jesus and God/Yahweh are two seperate people. And... here is the proof:

-> 1 Corinthians 11:3 "Head of woman is man. Head of man is Christ. Head of Christ is God. (aka Yahweh)." Common sense says, who is the leader? Yahweh. Who is the follower? Jesus. Who is the master? Yahweh. Who is the student? Jesus. Two seperate people.

-> Psalms 83:18 "That people may know that you, whose name is Yahweh, you alone are the most high over all the Earth." BTW, this verse is one way to see if whatever Bible version you are using is a garbage misstranslated Bible, or a properly translated Bible. It should specifically say what God's name is. Not "Lord God", or "God Lord", or "the Lord". But specifically say Yahweh. "God" and "Lord" are not names. They are titles. Yahweh is God's personal name.
Notice it says "you alone are most high". Not you and Jesus. It says 1 specific person. Yahweh and Jesus are two seperate people.

-> And of course there is the scene during when Jesus was dying on the cross... *ahem*... I mean stake, when Jesus lifted his head and looked up into heaven, and prayed to... himself?!? No he prayed to his leader - Yahweh - who was sitting on his throne, looking down a Jesus dying on the stake. He asked his leader to "forgive them for they know not what they do."

A GOOD site to compare different versions of the Bible, and see how many versions are misstranslated garbage:

[edit on 12-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

[edit on 12-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo

when u say the hooved hornd god.... is that ea? i thought ea was enlil... (another name) cause i know enki/enkidu the other brother,, was the minatour, half bull half man? correct me if im wrong i havnt read my tablets for a while.

I never read the tablets lol, I just know what I have heard, as far as I have heard, Ea and Enki is one and the same...

There is a saying "Either do a job right, or don't do it at all". Meaning, if you're going to do something, go all out! Go all the way!

I've read Sitchen and there's a lotta info that cannot be proven, nor disproven.


Anu is the lead god of the gods. Anu had 2 sons, Enlil, and Enki. Anu stayed on their homeworld Nibiru. Enlil and Enki came to Earth, along with other gods. Enlil means "Lord of the command" or "lord of the heavens." Enki means "lord of the Earth" or "lord of the [mines][land]". Enlil and Enki later had a civil war. Marduk is one of the sons of Enlil. Marduk is talked about in the Bible.

There's many other gods too. Daughters of Anu, brothers and sisters of Enlil and Enki. Sons and daughters of Enlil and Enki.

Read all of Zecharia Sitchin's books to know what he's exactly about. Don't go by "what you've heard". His first book is called "The 12th Planet". The last one is "The Cosmic Code". He's written some follow up books too. "Genesis Revisited", and his most recent, released last year "The Lost Book of Enki".

Ancient people in Egypt, Babylon, Akkad, Sumer, knew about every planet in our solar system. Including planets beyond Jupiter and Saturn. Their star charts talk about 12 planets. Scientists now admit we have 12 planets in our solar system, after decades of saying we have 9 planets. Look at the Nov 2004 issue of Discover Magazine, in the Library.

[edit on 12-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

[edit on 12-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 02:12 AM
Here is a interesting page on Planet X.

Why didn't planet x arrive in 2003? Planet X is
slowing down and speeding up with no apparent reason.

The powers-that-be (ptb) perhaps don't understand cometary celestial
mechanics like James McCanney does. At one point there may have
been a calculation performed to determine when Planet X would
arrive, based on how fast it was speeding up using known celestial
mechanics. This may be the reason for many of the astronomical and
gov't insiders stating that Planet X would arrive in spring of
2003. This early date for arrival may also have been designed to
take peoples interest away by saying "look it didn't happen then so
now forget about it." Maybe now they don't know when it is going to
arrive but do expect it within a couple of years at the outside.

Triple Doctor Planet X 100% Confirmed Via Live Hubble Telescope Link

I just spoke with a triple Doctor that thanked me for writing my
book. He said; if it weren't for me he would have not found out
about Planet X.
* * *
This past Thursday 5-23-02 (right outside of Boston) he said he
attended a meeting at the Museum of Science. He was only allowed
into this meeting because of his long established connections within
the scientific community, being a semi-retired triple doctorate.
Apparently he's held in high regard.

He said there were 24 people present including a couple government
officials. The whole meeting was very hush hush. He was told not
to tell anyone about this meeting but because of my efforts he
phoned me. He wouldn't have drawn on his connections to attend this
meeting if it weren't for the writing of my book "Blindsided." He
said all 24 attending this meeting viewed Planet X via a live Hubble
link-up. He personally had a look at a Kuiper Belt extra-solar-
object named 2001 KX76 and Planet X.

When I first got him on the phone he said right away that he saw
Planet X and it is 100% confirmed. He ended the phone call saying
100% confirmed twice. He said the government is very worried about
what PX will do when it passes. He said the majority of the
cratering on the moon and earth comes from objects brought in with
PX from the asteroid belt when it passes.

The above information was from May 2002, this was also stated

"It's going to be visible in the sky very soon. It will pass
in 3.5 years or sooner. Or sooner." He said it twice, interestingly

Is it possible Planet X will pass this year?

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 04:24 AM

Stop right here. The Bible version you are using is garbage. Why? Because nowhere in the entire Bible does the world "Lucifer" appear

Great posts guys.. when i can be bothered to pick up these tablets again il post more detail or scan in some pages. i do hav that genesis revisited on video aswel..

as for there being mistranslated bibles.. it says in the bibles that no words have been changed.. and whoever does change them have no place in heaven etc.. so hells nearly full now i bet with bible writers! lol.

but we have people swearing blind its not been changed.. why should we use a bible anymore,, whos version do we accept? (same old debate) even the king james is rubbish? i accept nobodys version its past its sell by and use by date.

wheres that moderator BYRD with our link to the origional sumerian stuff? come on dude i dont wana U2U u
im not saying u havnt got it.

and this word lucifer... i think it should be spelt lu-CYPHER...? cause its a mathmatical thing... like the egyption eye is maths for infinity.. that guy with the eye avatar like mine plus its maths symbols on it knows what im talking about..

but back to the point........... nibiru.. comin or not.... the website crystal links says its not physically comin, its just a metaphor for conciousness and we all have our own vibratory patterns and rate of development,, some are drawn to niberu and anunnaki, some arent....

[edit on 043131p://31034 by info_junkee]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 04:52 AM
The serpent in Eden tells humanity how to become 'enlightened', and lucifer means 'light bringer', everyone goes on about the illuminati being Satanic, and their name also refers to light. 666 has long been associated with the Sun, while 1080 is the lunar number, according to the theory. So, if the devil is all about light, then why does Jesus call himself the light of the world? Sounds like Satan and Jesus are both claiming the same title, but my real question is...why does everyone say light is so good, and then make the devil all about light? maybe the dark is good, and light is bad?

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 09:01 AM

(posted by ADVISOR)
Well, enough of this thread for me, I'll keep an eye on it for any interesting theories and support of, but I'll not likely reply any time soon again.

True, a busy person can't go around replying to everybody, but no matter, let alone mind. The following message is necessary just for the record. Please feel free to ignore it.

(also posted by ADVISOR)
What would you know of that as a new member, just joined this year. Unless that isn't your first account here...
ATS is filled with "turning points" for the site, almost every month a new record is set. Maybe for the kind of thing your refuring to, ATS may have not had a mod like myself, willing to say the things I have(...).

What you mean there is, how could I possibly know whether or not a moderator's throwing his lot in with the believers in the existence of the (cursed) Reptilians is a turning point in the history of ATS, since I'm a new member.

The answer is: Because I have been doing my homework. The "search" tool the website furnishes allows one quickly to find all the messages from Day 1 to the present where this subject is discussed and I was unable to find any written by a moderator who like your courageous self is willing to get bashed in public for holding such outrageous and unconventional views.

(also posted by ADVISOR of course)
(...)my "fellow mods" know arsenic couldn't kill me(...).

Then they might use cyanide or dioxin (Agent Orange). Given your background, you might have already been exposed to the latter, and this might tend to make their job somewhat easier. This is not, however, a foul attempt at disturbing anybody's peace of mind. Also, bear in mind that nowadays you never know if the person you see before you is the Real McCoy or a duplicate.

Oh, and thanks for bringing attention to the "Order", I didn't say anything about it directly, but you did, now the older chapter have to go underground...again. You must be a newer member....sheesh, go talk to your sponcer. I'm sure he/she doesn't approve of their squire disclosing non public information, with out proper media black out.

After going over this paragraph many times I still can't say I have a faint notion about what it means, but one thing is clear: that it has to do with the HORDS (Holy Order of the Dragon Slayers).

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
The serpent in Eden tells humanity how to become 'enlightened', and lucifer means 'light bringer', everyone goes on about the illuminati being Satanic, and their name also refers to light. 666 has long been associated with the Sun, while 1080 is the lunar number, according to the theory. So, if the devil is all about light, then why does Jesus call himself the light of the world? Sounds like Satan and Jesus are both claiming the same title, but my real question is...why does everyone say light is so good, and then make the devil all about light? maybe the dark is good, and light is bad?

hehe.. good 1...

supreme balance,the blackness of space? the stars can only ever dream of illuminating it with light... then they die.. and new stars are born,, the suns of lucifer... blabla... on and on...

[edit on 123131p://060312 by info_junkee]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 03:22 PM
Thanks for posting that site. It seems like David Icke simply read that site and wrote a book with all th information posted. It's alot better than this agent ran site we are on now.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Asia Minor
Thanks for posting that site. It seems like David Icke simply read that site and wrote a book with all th information posted. It's alot better than this agent ran site we are on now.

what site link by who?

[edit on 033131p://33033 by info_junkee]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by info_junkee

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
That is correct.

For a while I considdered my self Satanist because of the bible's reference to Ea as Satan (The Hooved Horned God IIRC).

Now I considder my self Gnostic, I listen to my own inner-voices for truth since my soul is much wiser than I am.

I believe Ea is the god that is often confused with the false god Yaweh, the Imposter

when u say the hooved hornd god.... is that ea? i thought ea was enlil... (another name) cause i know enki/enkidu the other brother,, was the minatour, half bull half man? correct me if im wrong i havnt read my tablets for a while.

I was going to post on this as well, thanks it was Enki who told Noah about the flood, Enlil wanted humanity to drown.


posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 06:40 PM

Let them come.-lol.

This would be interesting, very amusing.!

Oh great post by the way

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 07:17 PM

I was going to post on this as well, thanks it was Enki who told Noah about the flood, Enlil wanted humanity to drown.

ur welcome..

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Ycon

Is it possible Planet X will pass this year?

No, it is impossible for Nibiru/Sedna/Planet X
to pass by Earth in 2005. The reason is because back in November 2004, when Discover Magazine did a cover story on it, Nibiru was 3 times far out from the sun, than Pluto is. (Take the distance of Pluto from the Sun, times 3, and that is how far away Nibiru is.)

Mars is visible to the naked eye, and its between 38 million (when its closest, like middle of last year) to 68 million miles (when its farthest) from Earth. It takes 4 months for a spaceship from Earth to reach Mars. It would take over 1 year for a spaceship from Earth to reach Pluto. Spaceships move with almost zero friction since there's no atmosphere in space, to give you an idea how fast a spaceship moves.

If Nibiru was going to reach Earth in 2005, it would be near Pluto. It's suppose to reach Earth in the Year 2012. (According to the South American Maya, Inca, Olmec, Toltec, civilizations and their writtings, sometime near the end of 2012.) Our current Western calender was not used in ancient times. So we have to translate ancient calenders to our calender. According to ancient calenders right now its not the year "2005". It depends on which calender you are using. Need another example of an ancient calender? The Chinese calender. It also does not call this year "2005".


Another thing, Nibiru might be a spaceship, or worldship. So it can speed up and slow down. It might be a planet, but they have technology to move planets LOL! That would be the BEST way to travel! No need to stop for re-supplies.

Search this site, and the internet for articles about the 2 Moons of Mars, and how they are spaceships. (Both moons of Mars "mysteriously" vanished last year in 2004.) It would make sense to make spaceships that look like astroids, planets, moons.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by info_junkee

Stop right here. The Bible version you are using is garbage. Why? Because nowhere in the entire Bible does the world "Lucifer" appear

as for there being mistranslated bibles.. it says in the bibles that no words have been changed.. and whoever does change them have no place in heaven etc.. so hells nearly full now i bet with bible writers! lol.

but we have people swearing blind its not been changed.. why should we use a bible anymore,, whos version do we accept? (same old debate) even the king james is rubbish? i accept nobodys version its past its sell by and use by date.

It doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that no words have been changed.
But your right the Bible kinda casts a curse on anyone who changes the words in the Bible. So yeah there's a lotta people with Jesus and God mad at them!

Need hardcore proof the Bible's been changed? Do this test: Go to any major bookstore. In the religion section. In all the different Bibles there, look up Psalms 83:18
Compare this verse in all the different Bibles.

Originally posted by info_junkee
and this word lucifer... i think it should be spelt lu-CYPHER...? cause its a mathmatical thing... like the egyption eye is maths for infinity.. that guy with the eye avatar like mine plus its maths symbols on it knows what im talking about..

Lucifer is from Latin for light. The famous writer Dante was the first to use the word and name Lucifer in one of his famous books. His book was such a hit, that people decided to put Lucifer in the Bible. Even though it wasn't in the Bible before Dante wrote his best selling book!

Originally posted by info_junkee
but back to the point........... nibiru.. comin or not.... the website crystal links says its not physically comin, its just a metaphor for conciousness and we all have our own vibratory patterns and rate of development,, some are drawn to niberu and anunnaki, some arent....

[edit on 043131p://31034 by info_junkee]

Ummm.... I'll go for believing the actual pictures the Hubble Telescope took of Nibiru, the front page story the NY Times did (NY Times, March 16, 2004), and the front page coverstory Discover Magazine did, over what some website "crystal links" says. If you want to believe the NY Times, Discover Magazine, and NASA are all making this up, its up to you.

[edit on 13-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 02:09 AM
Back to the origional question...

Wouldn't the appearance of extraterrestrials kind of disprove the Bible, anyway?

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 02:13 AM
thats one way of looking at not (not a christian) but would just show how really big his creation is plus he said in the bible there were more ( I think )

who knows

[edit on 13-3-2005 by Lamagraa]

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 02:17 AM
Actually, the Bible covers the creation of Earth...there are even modern, Church accepted (depending on which church you follow, I suppose) versions that claim God created all of existance for Humankind, and precludes any sort of extraterrestrial life.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Reality Czech
Back to the origional question...

Wouldn't the appearance of extraterrestrials kind of disprove the Bible, anyway?

No it would not. Every single person who believes in the Bible, and creationism, believes in extra-terrestials. Think about it:

Was God born on earth? Were the angels born on earth? Was Jesus born on earth? (Before he came to earth from heaven.) Was the Son of Dawn (who later on became Satan after he turned bad) born on earth? Were the demons (all they are is good angels who turned bad) born on earth? Were the Nephilim born on earth?

ALL of the above are extra-terrestials. Yep, God is an alien. God is an extra-terrestial. God was not born on earth.
The appearance of ET's wouldn't in any way go against the Bible.

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