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Our Suns Binary and Spiritual Second Sun (Coverup)

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posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

I gave this reply to bryd. I thought you might like it too.

Lewis R. Gordon is the Laura Carnell University Professor of Philosophy and Religion and Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought and the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies at Temple University and Ongoing Visiting Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica.

Notable comparison Dogon / Kemetic culture includes
1) Calendar : 360 day, 12 month, 30 days a month 5/10 day week.

2) Higher Powers: Nommo / Neters (rule the universe active agents/principles of the creator.

3) The Creator: Amma (means to hold firmly or keep the same place / Amen which means to make firm or establish permanently

4) The Creation: Before creation Amma had no place to stand / Before creation Ammen Ra had no place to stand

4) The World Egg: Amma bought foward an egg containing the cosmos. / The egg of the world was fashioned by Ptah on the potters wheel

5) The Mind of the Creator: The universe came from the mind of Amma who uttered the creative word / The neter Thoth is mind of Amen-Re where the universe is formed before before it came forth as the word.

6) Spittle and Breath: Amma created life on earth from his spittle and breath / Atum created Tefnut from his spittle and Shu from his breath as the ancestors of living beings.

7) The Original Powers: 8 Nommo or primordial ancestors of man / 8 primeval Neters

8) The Original Twins: Amma created the original male/female as the po (primal seed) Atum created the original male/female twins Shu /Tef Nut

9) The Seat and the Seeds: Within Amma is the seat which is the womb where the primeoridal seeds germinate. Isis is Ast which means seat and womb. She is the source of grain and seeds

10) The Serpent of Time: Nommo Sizu is the serpant who represents immortality. The serpent Sata dies and is reborn everyday.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Phage

A more suitable candidate would be a star closer to the plane of the Solar System, or celestial equator. Sirius meets this criteria, at a declination of -17°. It is also the brightest star in the night sky, three times brighter than Alpha Centauri and twice as bright as the next brightest star Canopus. Sirius is also the 5th closest system of stars to our own [6]. More significant is the fact that The Sirius Research Group has been recording the position of Sirius for approximately 20 years now and has not recorded any measurable alteration in its location relative to the precession [7]

Remember the declination of our outer planets. As I suggested this star is holding its postion and coming right at us..

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Byrd

I actually did come back to it. It's in Seti's tomb and is the first of two consecutive panels - the raising of the Djed pillar (with Seti himself also crouched at the bottom). You can see the full panel in the middle of this page: The three form a narrative of his Heb Sed festival

Thank you for the link. The narrative you suggest is not really saying anything. These are the Gods we are talking about. What does the image actually say. Why are they using the these particualar gods here and what do they and represent in terms of the Djed.

Since no one in AE actually knows what a Djed is the answer has to be ambiguous at best.

I have shown in the above images regardless of date that the Gods and the Djed both fit in very well with the theory that Sirius is our second sun and here they are depecting the stabilisation of the earth and solar system.

I dont understand what you are saying in respect to the grid system. No one in AE can say with any degree of certainty what these images represent they add credence to what I am saying. The Gods are all about process and the stars.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Byrd

That's the circumpolar stars. Twaret is restraining Set, who is attacking the falcon-headed Horus (not Orion). Horus isn't ever associated with Orion. It's a very well-known tale about contending for the kingship of the gods.

Thank you for your reply.

Note how the bull has its leg missing. This as we will probably both agree on in reprsented by the leg of the bull. It is my belief and others that the leg of the bull represents the The Pleiades . Having nothing to do what so ever with the big dipper as is suggested by AE.

The seven stars around the bull represent The Pleiades. These are the sacred stars and they have nothing what so ever to do with the big dipper in placement.

Now the (leg of the bull -taurus) has in time had The Pleiades move position. This is what this image represents.

Again its found central to religous beliefs.

“These Pleiades are the most occult constellations that exist. . . . They are very occult, because they are connected with all the Rishis, too; they have an interchange of thought with the Rishis.” (H. P. Blavatsky, “The Secret Doctrine Dialogues” p. 319-320)

“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” (Job 38:31)

“As to the mysterious constellation of the Seven Rishis in the great Bear, if Egypt made them sacred to “the oldest genitrix, Typhon” – India has connected all these symbols ages ago with time or Yuga revolutions, and the Saptarishis are intimately connected with our present age – the Dark Kali Yug.”

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Byrd

It's the Babylonians and Greeks who were really "into" numbers. The Egyptians didn't really have any significant/magical numbers beyond the usual suspects (four and three and later seven

That is really very very much not the case. I will be happy to put a thread up in time demonstrating sacred mathematics and the Kem people. If you dont know this # it will blow you away.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

One other thing purplemer said that's true was something about galaxy rotation curves being non-Newtonian.

Sirius having a time delta with us it also true..

The last proof I will offer is Time Deltas. The moon completes its moon phase every 29.5 days. This is called the sydonic moon cycle

This cycle takes a different amount of time than the time it takes the moon to go around the earth. This takes 27.2 days. This is known as 2.2 time delta, This time difference is due to the fact that the earth is orbiting the sun also in a curve.

A time delta has been noted on the star system Sirius indicating that the sun and sirius are curving together and therefore in orbit.

Your the man. Why is this happening?

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Sirstudly
Fantastic post purplemer. You've tied together many symbolic elements I have myself observed but not really understood what ties them together.
I do believe it has been 'covered up in plain sight'
What is your next avenue of investigation regarding Sirius?

Hello and thank you for your reply.
When I have time want to have a closer look at the tribal religions that are found across Africa. In doing so I hope to gain a greater understanding of what is going on here.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Byrd

You simple cannot say that the Dogon are not Kemetic culuture. They have much in common.

I am in the process of reading. A Companion to Afircan American Studies there many connections between the two culutres. I am happy to list them but before I do I will share credential.

Let me note here that your list is mixing deities and concepts from a 3,000 year span and from different areas and treating them as a single unit.

Lewis R. Gordon is the Laura Carnell University Professor of Philosophy and Religion and Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought and the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies at Temple University and Ongoing Visiting Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica.

Noted. But he isn't (apparently) an Egyptologist.

Notable comparison Dogon / Kemetic culture includes
1) Calendar : 360 day, 12 month, 30 days a month 5/10 day week.

Not correct. Egyptians had a 365 1/4th day calendar. This is why their year stayed consistent while everyone else's drifted. This is why Julius Caesar used their calendar to reform the Roman calendar.

2) Higher Powers: Nommo / Neters (rule the universe active agents/principles of the creator.

The netjer (not "neter") are creators. Not "active agents" or "principles of the creator."

NOW... this is time dependent and location dependent. After the 1st Intermediate Period (which would be about 2000 BC, after the age of the Gizamids and long after the Dogon were said to depart), we do get stories of a single creator god. It's not until the New Kingdom that we see deities as agents of a principle god (Thoth, particularly... except in areas where Thoth was the creator.)

3) The Creator: Amma (means to hold firmly or keep the same place / Amen which means to make firm or establish permanently

Amun means "the Hidden One"

4) The Creation: Before creation Amma had no place to stand / Before creation Ammen Ra had no place to stand

Amun was part of the Hermopolis Ogdoad... and had a female counterpart, Amunet. The group of eight worked to bring the world into being. Two of the eight represent Primordial Formlessness:

4) The World Egg: Amma bought foward an egg containing the cosmos. / The egg of the world was fashioned by Ptah on the potters wheel

Ptah-Amun and the potter's wheel is a detail from the New Kingdom (1000 BC) Now... if the Dogon left Egypt long before 3000 BC, they wouldn't have the Ptah story. And Ptah and the potter's wheel is the religion of the city of Memphis (near Giza) during the New Kingdom. It was not the creator story of the entire religion (which by that time was Re (to become Amun-Re.))

The Dogon cannot physically be in the Nile Delta while simultaneously building their homes along the Niger excarpment.

5) The Mind of the Creator: The universe came from the mind of Amma who uttered the creative word / The neter Thoth is mind of Amen-Re where the universe is formed before before it came forth as the word.

That's a fairly late tale. Thoth was the leader of the Ogdoad in Hermopolis... and Amun-Re is from the New Kingdom (1000 BC) Thoth doesn't become subservient until the New Kingdom.

6) Spittle and Breath: Amma created life on earth from his spittle and breath / Atum created Tefnut from his spittle and Shu from his breath as the ancestors of living beings.

An entirely different branch of the Egyptian religion. Atum isn't the same as Amun.

7) The Original Powers: 8 Nommo or primordial ancestors of man / 8 primeval Neters

That's the Hermopolan Ogdoad. There were four main branches of thought in the Egyptian religion, and your list is mixing all of them up (I'm not blaming you but I am blaming your source material.)

8) The Original Twins: Amma created the original male/female as the po (primal seed) Atum created the original male/female twins Shu /Tef Nut

Those are gods. The humans were created from Atum's tears.

9) The Seat and the Seeds: Within Amma is the seat which is the womb where the primeoridal seeds germinate. Isis is Ast which means seat and womb. She is the source of grain and seeds

It's Aset, and that doesn't mean seat or womb... Throne, yes. Womb, no. She's not associated with grain or seeds... that's Osiris.

10) The Serpent of Time: Nommo Sizu is the serpant who represents immortality. The serpent Sata dies and is reborn everyday.

There's no such serpent in the Egyptian religion. The Great Underworld serpent is Apep and it doesn't die and become reborn.

I have plenty more if you wish

Certainly, but I think that if you go back and research carefully you will find the same kinds of problems: someone has taken a very general look at Egypt and the gods and has played mix-and-match without respect to when the stories occur and where they occur and how widespread they are. For the Dogon to have adopted those points, they would have to be living in Egypt for a 3000 year period (from predynasty to Greco-Roman times) and moving to specific areas and then picking up just ONE element of the religion of that area...but no other elements.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Jack Parsons,Crowley and Kubrick had more knowledge of what is going on in the welkin than most ! Science can only observe while the esoteric occultist knows through magic with empirical science being the analogy of the subjective mind !

Thank you for your contribution in this thread. I agree on some things with you and disagree on others. Thats how we learn I guess.

I agree regarding Kubrick he was the greatest film writter of the centuary and has messages for mankind when we choose to listen.

In respect to Crowley silver star. What do you think he was talking about :-)

The gematria of Aster Argos is 489, also the value of Sothis, the Greek name for the star Sirius. Eshelman states that "Sirius commonly is held to be the physical expression of that "Silver Star" after which the Order is named."

Silver is the feminine and is the bearer of life ! Like the moon or mercury ( not the planet ) in the alchemical marriage ! The sun or sulphur is the life creator but not the nurturing one !

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

I gave this reply to bryd. I thought you might like it too.

Lewis R. Gordon is the Laura Carnell University Professor of Philosophy and Religion and Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought and the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies at Temple University and Ongoing Visiting Professor of Government and Philosophy at the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica.

Notable comparison Dogon / Kemetic culture includes
1) Calendar : 360 day, 12 month, 30 days a month 5/10 day week.

2) Higher Powers: Nommo / Neters (rule the universe active agents/principles of the creator.

3) The Creator: Amma (means to hold firmly or keep the same place / Amen which means to make firm or establish permanently

4) The Creation: Before creation Amma had no place to stand / Before creation Ammen Ra had no place to stand

4) The World Egg: Amma bought foward an egg containing the cosmos. / The egg of the world was fashioned by Ptah on the potters wheel

5) The Mind of the Creator: The universe came from the mind of Amma who uttered the creative word / The neter Thoth is mind of Amen-Re where the universe is formed before before it came forth as the word.

6) Spittle and Breath: Amma created life on earth from his spittle and breath / Atum created Tefnut from his spittle and Shu from his breath as the ancestors of living beings.

7) The Original Powers: 8 Nommo or primordial ancestors of man / 8 primeval Neters

8) The Original Twins: Amma created the original male/female as the po (primal seed) Atum created the original male/female twins Shu /Tef Nut

9) The Seat and the Seeds: Within Amma is the seat which is the womb where the primeoridal seeds germinate. Isis is Ast which means seat and womb. She is the source of grain and seeds

10) The Serpent of Time: Nommo Sizu is the serpant who represents immortality. The serpent Sata dies and is reborn everyday.
Great stuff ! Thank you ! Nommo and Sirius are connected all over the globe in antiquity! I love this subject! Thank you once again

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: Byrd

There is no story about Orion and Artemis. Orion was the Egyptian god of the dead and Artemis was the Greek virgin goddess of the hunt.

Yes it is a story from Greek mythology. The short mythical story of Artemis is one of the famous legends that feature in the mythology of ancient civilizations.

It really is a lovlely story and worth a read.
Here is a link below. It will only take you a few minutes. :-)

This is the same stuff I was trying to show you earlier. It represents a period in time (Mithras crosses the bull - taurus). It is Kemetic in origin and later used by the Romans. It has over time been fully incorperated into Christianity. Much of what you see today comes from this.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Byrd

That's the circumpolar stars. Twaret is restraining Set, who is attacking the falcon-headed Horus (not Orion). Horus isn't ever associated with Orion. It's a very well-known tale about contending for the kingship of the gods.

Thank you for your reply.

Note how the bull has its leg missing. This as we will probably both agree on in reprsented by the leg of the bull. It is my belief and others that the leg of the bull represents the The Pleiades . Having nothing to do what so ever with the big dipper as is suggested by AE.

The seven stars around the bull represent The Pleiades. These are the sacred stars and they have nothing what so ever to do with the big dipper in placement.

Now the (leg of the bull -taurus) has in time had The Pleiades move position. This is what this image represents.

Again its found central to religous beliefs.

“These Pleiades are the most occult constellations that exist. . . . They are very occult, because they are connected with all the Rishis, too; they have an interchange of thought with the Rishis.” (H. P. Blavatsky, “The Secret Doctrine Dialogues” p. 319-320)

“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” (Job 38:31)

“As to the mysterious constellation of the Seven Rishis in the great Bear, if Egypt made them sacred to “the oldest genitrix, Typhon” – India has connected all these symbols ages ago with time or Yuga revolutions, and the Saptarishis are intimately connected with our present age – the Dark Kali Yug.”

The bull represents the sun gate . The missing leg is a symbol of man having to make up for the lame leg by accepting the bull and adding or helping in mans ascension . Hence the chain around the bulls leg ! The bull cant do its job unless man helps ! Soul and Body or Objective or Subjective.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Not correct. Egyptians had a 365 1/4th day calendar. This is why their year stayed consistent while everyone else's drifted. This is why Julius Caesar used their calendar to reform the Roman calendar.

Here is a list below for you to peruse.

Marshall Clagett, science historian and a leading scholar of the 20th century, noticed that the five "epagomenal" days often added to complete ancient 360-day calendars were simply absent in these ancient Egyptian calendars.

Egyptian Calendar: Forty years before the inscription of the Rosetta Stone, on another trilingual document, the Canopus Decree attempted to reform the calendar to effectively a 365.25 year via a modern leap year system. Even though this was as late as 238 B.C., still with great pomp the Egyptians would write, of "the year of 360 days and the 5 days added to their end..." Columbia University offers this translation, "if the arrangement of the year remained of 360 days plus the five days later brought into usage..." The scholarly 1859 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (see scan below) draws from this Egyptian practice in its discussion of the Roman 360-day year:

and it was common among many other cultures too!

"There is in the great History of China a description given of a reformation of the calendar carried out by the Emperor Tchuen-Hio, whose date is placed at 2510-2431 B.C."

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan baktun equals 144,000 days of exactly four hundred 360-day years. Their tun was a year of 360 days.

Aztec Calendar Stone: 12-feet in diameter, the Aztec calendar stone has its Ring B of 18 quincunxes which combines with the 20 uinal day signs for a 360 day year.

India Calendar: Encyclopedia of Indo-Aryan Research, G. Thibaut, states: "All Veda texts speak uniformly and exclusively of a year of 360 days.

Sumerian Calendar: The calendar and the ancient "base 60"

Babylonian Calendar: The Babylonians inherited from Sumeria the relationship between the calendar and the number system with the 12-month, 360-day year giving rise to base 60

Hebrew Calendar and the Bible's Year: John wrote the Book of Revelation in about 95 A.D., a century and a half after the Julian calendar reform of 45 B.C. which adopted a 365-day calendar with modern leap years. However, in verses 11:2-3; 12:6, 12:14; and 13:5, John explicitly indicates a year of 360 days.

Armennian Basic Calendar (HBT, ABC) consists of 12 months 30 days each, so 360 days plus 5 (or 6 once per every four years in fixed HBT) additional days (the New Years celebrations).

Funny one might actually supsect that at some time in the past as many cultures have said we actually had 360 days in the year.

Of course its very possible that just like the Dogon all these cultures are just making stuff up to troll your version of history or maybe we are simple being lied too.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Byrd

I feel like I am presenting you with a lot of interalated knowledge and you are picking hairs in it. One certainly has to admit there may be some kind of smoking gun here. There are some very obvious connections. I have lots more to share.

Thank you for your replies in thread.

Happy days.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Raggedyman

There is no holy grail, it’s myth, fairytale.

Just because you do not understand what something symbolises does not make it a fairytale. Funny the chalice is right there in front of you but you cannot drink from it.

That's not a chalice, it's my long-long family heirloom bud vase.

Whether or not the outline represents Orion himself, as logged historically, or some screwball otherworldly drinking cup becauseitmustfitomfgeverythingisacoverup is up to the ogling party. And it's also up to them to use their head mush -- depiction of mythical figure, woo-woo drinking cup, of Nyiah's lost heirloom bud vase?

You decide, though I guarantee my bud vase mockery is closer than your theory is.

The chalice is not a real thing. It is a symbol used by a religious institute as a symbol with layers of meaning. It allows you to talk about something in different ways at the same time whilst concealing the truth from the non initiated.


posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: purplemer
In Masonic lodges, Sirius is known as the “Blazing Star” and a simple look at its prominence in Masonic symbolism reveals its utmost importance.

It actually represents God but can also represent Beauty, Providence and Prudence. There is no mention in Masonic ritual to Sirius.

Notice the seven stars top right of the image. What do they represent to your lodge?

Here they are again below in a different symbol.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: purplemer

Very interesting, was planning to build furniture today however ATS provides another rabbit hole to dive down.

Thanks, as someone with a keen interest in Astronomy and the creation stories this is right up my street.

Great. Soz late reply. I have had a lack of internet. Back on this thread again. Just wanted to say this is a big rabbit hole and I am still digging. I intend to keep this thread alive by sharing information as I find it.

Happy days :-)

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Byrd

That's the circumpolar stars. Twaret is restraining Set, who is attacking the falcon-headed Horus (not Orion). Horus isn't ever associated with Orion. It's a very well-known tale about contending for the kingship of the gods.

Thank you for your reply.

Note how the bull has its leg missing. This as we will probably both agree on in reprsented by the leg of the bull. It is my belief and others that the leg of the bull represents the The Pleiades . Having nothing to do what so ever with the big dipper as is suggested by AE.

The seven stars around the bull represent The Pleiades. These are the sacred stars and they have nothing what so ever to do with the big dipper in placement.

Now the (leg of the bull -taurus) has in time had The Pleiades move position. This is what this image represents.

You're aware that scholars disagree with your interpretaion? And that the hieroglyphs on the wall dispute your version?
This site has a full catalog of the Dendera ceiling ... if you will search for "dipper" it'll hop right to the picture and the text there confirms what I've said (note that you'll probably have to dismiss the image first to see the long page of text. It's really long. REALLY long.) :

“These Pleiades are the most occult constellations that exist. . . . They are very occult, because they are connected with all the Rishis, too; they have an interchange of thought with the Rishis.” (H. P. Blavatsky, “The Secret Doctrine Dialogues” p. 319-320)

Blavatsky believed this but it doesn't make her correct.

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

But I will reserve final judgement until after I've reread everything, digested all the information and done some additional research etc.

PLease do and tell me what you think too. To me its some kind of smoking gun. I dont have the answers but I will keep digging and when i do i will post it here.

Happy days

posted on Jan, 12 2020 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
The bull represents the sun gate . The missing leg is a symbol of man having to make up for the lame leg by accepting the bull and adding or helping in mans ascension . Hence the chain around the bulls leg ! The bull cant do its job unless man helps ! Soul and Body or Objective or Subjective.

There's writing in hieroglyphs around the picture (cropped here, giving a bad impression of what's there.

The hieroglyphs are a caption for the scene.

It says that Horus is spearing Set. No sun gates or anything else.

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