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Find Alternatives to the Tech Giants

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posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 03:20 AM
Facebook, Google, Cloudflare, and these other tech giants are part of a global conspiracy to spy on and control the population. I was hoping in this thread we could post alternatives to gmail, skype, facebook, and other tentacles of the control grid. Its hard to stop them from tracking you but at the very least you could stop handing them your information. Maybe you're not the guy who stores his encryption key on an air gapped machine in a farraday caged underground bunker surrounded by armed guards who cannot be bribed. Security is a spectrum. You dont have to be an extreme paranoid to benefit from better security. These big companies get hacked constantly, theres a new gigantic data breach in the news every other week. With a little work you can make their job a lot harder. Even someone who says they're computer illiterate could increase their internet security if they had the right tools. Some of these encrypted IM clients are just as easy to sign up for as whatsapp or hangouts, probably easier because they wont ask for a phone number or a bunch of identifying information.

Find alternatives, talk your friends into switching. If you've found good alternatives post them here. I've been using this site and also suggestions from this guy's site but feel free to post any other resources or suggestions related to this topic.
edit on 12/20/2019 by revswim because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 03:24 AM
Junk the social media accounts, and switch to Proton Mail. Problem freaking solved.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 03:36 AM
The problem is, and I'm sure you have noticed this, is that all the big players always buy out the small players and roll them up into their little cabal. You can switch to others all you want but eventually they'll either be shut down or bought up. You'd be better off setting something up @ home for you and your associates.

a reply to: revswim

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
Junk the social media accounts, and switch to Proton Mail. Problem freaking solved.

Do note that Protonmail has banned a user for offensive political speech. I cant find the article at the moment but I swear to its existence, will try again tomorrow to find it but I did find this quote from them on Reddit:

"Note however, that any company has the right to refuse service, and we depend on the community for support for what we do. If a neo-Nazi organization was found to be using ProtonMail and a large fraction of our user base decided to boycott ProtonMail as a result, putting the financial stability of ProtonMail at risk, we would without question have no choice but to yield to community pressure in this situation.

In other words, what is politically tolerated on ProtonMail, is also in some sense, controlled by the politics of the community that dominates the ProtonMail userbase. Right now, we have an even mix of left and right, but if one side were to become the overwhelming majority, we would also be beholden to that majority. This is why we are strictly neutral in order to preserve the balance that currently exists, and do not overtly lean to the left or the right."

We're all anti-nazi here, I'm sure. But these days anyone could be labeled a nazi, I've seen them calling jewish people nazis. Just because theres an angry internet mob after you doesnt necessarily mean you did anything wrong. As a libertarian I think they should be able to run their server how they want, but as a customer I dont think a privacy focused email server for dissidents should be cowering to social pressure. That being said, its still probably a lot better than gmail.

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 06:09 AM
I would love to replace Google News. extremely biased.

anyone know a news collection site?

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 01:39 PM
Swiss service threatens to suspend email of anti-Antifa group

Make of this what you will.

Here are some google news alternatives that could be worth checking out:

You could also download an RSS reader, there are tons of free ones so you have different options for how it would look. You could pick and choose which news sites you want to show articles from. Here's a list of RSS feeds for different sites but you can find RSS feeds for most of the news sites. Its pretty easy to find RSS links for the sites, usually you click something that says "Subscribe." You basically copy the RSS url and paste it into any rss app and then you can follow all the news sites you want without having to rely on a central authority like Google to censor or track your usage. For android, Flym seems like a pretty good option for RSS apps. For iPhone, Reeder and Fiery Feeds look okay. Inoreader is also available for iOS and Android. For Mac OS X NetNewsWire seems good. For Windows RSSOwl and QuiteRSS look good. You could also use Thunderbird which is an open source email client that supports RSS. It's available on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Feel free to check out other options or make suggestions.
edit on 12/20/2019 by revswim because: (no reason given)

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