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Texas dad fights to save 7 year old son from female hormone therapy and chemical castration .

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posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: vonclod

Exactly, these SJW's don't look at it on a case by case basis. Just instantly defend those poor parents who have to endure the stigma of bringing up a trans child, when clearly the parents have an agenda which is detrimental to the child.

How anyone can defend this woman i'll never know.

Kalimitous clearly you have some personal experience in this matter which is clouding your judgement. Although i don't agree with your opinions i still respect them so please don't reduce yourself to emotionally charged aggression.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: Kalamitous
Creative maths in action! There are an estimated 150,000 kids between 13 and 17 that "identify" as transgender. Even if only 10% of them are genuinely suffering with gender dysphoria and can benefit from proper medical care, that's still a lot of kids to let fall through the cracks. These are the kids I care about and will defend. These are the kids that ignorance, rabid trans activism, radical gender critical feminism and the politicalization of their medical condition hurts the most.

Those are kids who can wait until they are 18 to mutilate the bodies they were born with.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: Kalamitous
I get it. This is a highly emotionally charged and complex issue but the fact is that transgender children do exist and the majority of people have no idea and only an outside perspective what the needs of these children are especially when political or religious influences have filled their minds with misinformation and misconceptions.

As opposed to impressionable/naive children and reasonable patience for nature to sort itself despite political or secular influences filling their minds with different misinformation and misconceptions...

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
From a child of 3?

As I understand the story, the mom decided the child was really a girl at the age of 3, and then treated the child accordingly does that happen. It does not seem to me the child indicated anything of the sort at the age of 3.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that by around age 2, children typically become aware of physical differences between boys and girls. By 3, most can easily identify themselves as one or the other. By 4, "Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity," the AAP says on its Healthy Children website.

Around 3 is when parents usually start noticing that things might be a little off which I would agree is probably just a phase and parents should just roll with it, let the child explore and provide gentle role modeling, guidance and reinforce typical gendered behavior without forcing it. If at 5 or 6 if a child is still saying they're not the boy or girl as indicated by their sex and it is causing anxiety and depression, they refuse to wear gender appropriate clothing, or exhibit suicidal ideation, as many of these kids do and they are miserable and suffering, well then something must be done.

I’m still waiting for someone to offer better solutions or what they would if this was their child.

Do some study into the childhood development of personality and identity. If we are boys or girls is one of the fundamental elements of our awareness and is the core foundation of who we are and how we interact with the world around us throughout our lives. Think back to when you were a kid. How old were you when you knew you were a boy, how sure of it were you and could anything have convinced you otherwise? What if someone said you were just too young to know? There are few things if any that make us who we are that run as deeply.

The mother in this story didn't allow her child to start expressing themselves outwardly as a girl with clothing, hairstyle choices etc., until they were 5 but more commonly these children don't socially transition until around 8 or 9 when it has become more than apparent that life in their natal gender role has become untenable and they are suffering and miserable.

This isn’t something parents force on their children or encourage unless they’re really horrible parents but because this world is so screwed up, it would be unreasonable to think this hasn’t happened in some rare cases but none of these kids are medically intervened before puberty and all these kids, their parents and their family and social circumstances are evaluated and counseled often for years before puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones are even considered.

If you want to see what your typical 6/7 year old transgender child is like, watch this award winning video then come back and tell me which would be more abusive? Letting her live as a girl or forcing her to be a boy? The mom says she tried that and her child wanted to die.

Here’s another one of these kids at 15 that transitioned in the 4th grade. The video is 2½ years old but you should see her now. She had sex reassignment surgery over the summer and is now a senior in high school with a bright, healthy and happy future ahead of her.

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
This mother failed to guide her son to properly identify. Usually, the process goes organically and naturally. But, at some point, he got confused for some reason. Instead of gently but firmly helping him understand, she reinforced it. Shame on her.

Why is it so hard to understand that gender dysphoria is a medical condition where this process you speak of doesn’t happen organically and naturally and what may work for other children doesn’t work for transgender children? The preponderance of scientific evidence and all leading theories point to this being physiological in nature not something learned or nurtured. How do you explain transgender children in households with strong, masculine and dominant fathers that do everything in their power to raise strong and masculine boys but still end up with a transgender daughter?

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
Exactly, these SJW's don't look at it on a case by case basis. Just instantly defend those poor parents who have to endure the stigma of bringing up a trans child, when clearly the parents have an agenda which is detrimental to the child.

How anyone can defend this woman i'll never know.

I'm hardly an SJW and actually think that's kind of funny. I have been speaking in general terms about situations with children with genuine, intense and diagnosed gender dysphoria and not specifically to the merits of this particular case because I don't know all the details. Quite frankly, neither do you.

If you watch the video posted by ZeroFurrbone on the previous page, you will learn that:
    * The child has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria by two independent pediatricians
    * Investigation by the Texas CPS found no evidence of child abuse or wrong doing
    * The mother has both boy’s clothes and girl’s clothes and toys and lets the child decide which to use
    * She is not forcing gender on her child

Court proceedings and transcripts suggest that the father in this case is actually the one doing harm
    * He’s made videos and publicly exposed the privacy and identity of his child
    * He’s fundraised $136,000 by pimping out his child
    * He’s forcing his religious ideology on the child
    * He was abusive to the mother’s 2 older daughters from a previous marriage
    * He cut the child’s hair causing great distress but did not cut the hair of twin sibling
    * He only allows boy’s clothes and toys
    * The child has stated that he is afraid of him

Let’s not mention that this wonderful father was a lying, fraudulent scumbag who married this child’s mother under false pretenses.

How anyone can defend this man I’ll never know?

Kalimitous clearly you have some personal experience in this matter which is clouding your judgement. Although i don't agree with your opinions i still respect them so please don't reduce yourself to emotionally charged aggression.

As I have stated, I have studied the trans phenomenon extensively, have had loved and close trans family members for close to 50 years, lived with a 6 year old transitioned transgender girl for five years and volunteer counseled the parents and grandparents of transgender youth so I feel my judgment is explicitly clear. When you have an understanding and experience with this that most don’t in a hostile climate like this one, it is hard to not be a little bit passionate if not defensive but I’m not going to apologize. I will however try to be more polite.

Thank you.

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: Kalamitous

You state you have had close trans family members for close to 50 years then also mention you have lived with a 6 year old child who has transitioned.

Do you think the confusion for the 6 year old could have been seeded by them seeing other family members having gender issues?

I'm glad you will try to be more polite, i will try to do the same so please call me out on anything in particular you find offensive.

My main problem is with the forced education of my own 10 year old son around these issues at school. I would prefer his school stick to academic endeavours and not swing into the realm of presenting mental illness as normality. There are no outwardly or diagnosed trans children at his school so why should he have any information on the subject at all? Quite frankly i think he's confused by the whole subject as his definition of gender is the same as my own, based on biological and physiological differences. The blurring of these lines by introducing the psychological is too much for a young kid to understand. When political fringe groups manage to quickly influence our education system i begin to worry. Same with all the SJW crap infiltrating American colleges.

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
Do you think the confusion for the 6 year old could have been seeded by them seeing other family members having gender issues?

Absolutely no connection whatsoever and completely different circumstances with no interaction. The 6 year old child was the daughter of someone I was in a relationship with I was coincidentally introduced to through my investigations and curiosity into the whole trans thing. She had transitioned prior to my even meeting her and was pretty much a normal bright and charming little girl with a few extra challenges. This child was well past the age of conditioning or convincing her to try to be a boy and so much more the girly girl than even myself and so adamant with strong conviction about whom and what she was so efforts in that vein would have been worthless anyway, had already been tried and failed and would have been counterproductive and confusing. However, options were always left open and things were never forced. I can only imagine if they had been or if she was forced to be a boy, it would have crushed her will and spirit and turned out very badly.

Since her mom was mostly out of the picture and my own daughter had grown and long since left the nest, I kind of latched on and took on the surrogate/step-mom role in her life but alas and sadly as sometimes adult relationships are wont to do, things didn't work out. This was all about 15 years ago. Last I heard, she'd had SRS after high school, had graduated college, was married and looking to adopt and start her own family.

Thanks for asking. This and my previous family experience is how I eventually ended up being a resource for parents to talk to that had their own trans and gender expansive children which I no longer do after the whole gender thing went crazy and I began to feel that most of the kids, like the non-binary and 76 gender kind weren’t really trans as I understood it and my views fell outside of the trans activist approved narrative so I became obsolete. I still hear from one dad occasionally about how his trans daughter is doing but with the rise of overbearing trans activism and the politicalization of everything, I have kind of bowed out of my involvement and distanced myself from the whole thing.

At least until some of the myths, misconceptions and misinformation presented here came along that riled me up enough to join even though now that I have it feels like talking to a wall. I came for my curiosity into the unknown and off the beaten path stuff like UFOs, and Fortean phenomena and have lurked for a long time. I don’t even read and can’t stand most of the political stuff. I’m not a raging loony leftist liberal and I’m not a right wing conservative either but hold many right leaning values. The only thing I can be considered socially progressive on are obviously the proper treatment of classically transsexual children and adolescents and maybe the legalization of cannabis. I also like to think I’m a free speech absolutist although that doesn’t mean I don’t feel like strangling people sometimes!

I'm glad you will try to be more polite, i will try to do the same so please call me out on anything in particular you find offensive.

I will and thank you for your consideration

My main problem is with the forced education of my own 10 year old son around these issues at school. I would prefer his school stick to academic endeavours and not swing into the realm of presenting mental illness as normality.
There are no outwardly or diagnosed trans children at his school so why should he have any information on the subject at all? Quite frankly i think he's confused by the whole subject as his definition of gender is the same as my own, based on biological and physiological differences. The blurring of these lines by introducing the psychological is too much for a young kid to understand.

Trans children that you know of anyway. Gender diversity, atypicality and non-conformity is not classified as a “mental illness” in itself by the American Psychological Association or the World Health Organization as it has been determined to be a naturally occurring variation in the human condition and not a pathological condition in its own right. I’m curious if you consider homosexuality to be a mental illness as well or have come to accept it as just a part of modern reality? Granted, transsexualism and transgender identities represent a small subset that falls outside of what most perceive as their normality and even the statistical norms but what’s “normal” to you is highly subjective and depends on your range of experiences and exposure to things outside the box.

Trans and LGBx people really don’t like to be thought of as having a mental illness and I find referring to them as such to be rather odious and it sets the tone for having unproductive discussions about these issues when one starts out with name calling but I will concede these conditions are often associated with undesirable social behaviors and co-morbid conditions that are considered to be mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, suicidality, etc.

I empathize with your feelings about your son’s “forced education” into these things. Neither my daughter or 22 year old grandson were ever subject to such things but from the perspective of those in the LGBTxyz community, many of whom have their own children in school and more importantly the alphabet kids themselves, these things are appreciated as their lives, needs and families are not erased.

Your kid may not know any trans or gay kids now but their older siblings or parents might be and how do you think it makes the kid that might have two dads or two moms or a gay older brother or even someone trans in their family feel when the people they love are talked about in disparaging terms or ignored completely like they don’t exist. (edit: I do know how that feels and it ain't great) Like it or not, your child will likely encounter LGBT people in school and how would you like him to react? With the same views you do that they’re not normal and mentally ill, beneath you and unworthy or do you feel you can objectively teach tolerance and understanding of those that may be different? One thing I have learned is parents might not have as much influence as they think.

As a child I went to a pretty exclusively white school in a Midwestern metropolitan area during the initial years of desegregation and forced bussing and people were flipped out of their minds because of it. At least to most, it’s not so much of a big deal now that things are more integrated but it’s hard for me to not draw some analogies to the introduction of LGBTx issues into the curricula and those that cry we’re normalizing abnormality and perversion when in reality it’s more in the name of inclusion, equality and diversity toward having a more integrated society as a whole. I would hope you teach your child that bigotry and prejudice against other races, cultures or religions is bad but it seems you might draw the line when it comes to sexuality and gender minorities which would make one wonder why that might be?

[continued - sorry to write so much]

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 03:25 PM
[continued from above]

Public and private education never has been simply about the three R’s without indoctrination and social influence of some sort and rather than homeschooling your child and indoctrinating them with your own brand of influence, be that theism, politics or your own social views, what are you going to do and will your efforts to thwart this lead to a child that is ready to face everything that the world is going to throw at them? I may not agree with the way things are being presented or the tactics being used but in the long run, I don’t see learning things outside of a child’s bubble or their parent’s norm as a bad thing. We don’t live in a static society.

When political fringe groups manage to quickly influence our education system i begin to worry. Same with all the SJW crap infiltrating American colleges.

When Christian religious fundamentalism and fanaticism influences not only our education system but our governmental policies as well I really worry so we both have our concerns. As far as the college thing, I can’t say I disagree but I saw what was happening during the Vietnam protest and women's liberation years and am not really surprised.

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Kalamitous

There's a lot to digest in your last post and i'm heading off to work just now so i'll have to address some of the points later tonight.

However, to answer your question on homosexuality i don't have any issue with it at all. I see this as a sexual preference and have no idea why people even equate sexuality to gender identity. I would however not be happy is i was duped into a sexual encounter with a "woman" who had transitioned from a man, that's the only way i can see the two worlds colliding.

I'm sorry but i have to disagree on the transgender issue being non pathological. Clearly to deny your biological sex is a psychological construct, especially when you delve into the realms of self medication and mutilation of genitals.

I'm perfectly fine with trans people pretending to be members of the other sex as long as it isn't for sexual gratification where it puts women in danger. The problem arises when I am forced to deny reality and play along with their fantasy. I will happily use whatever pronoun a person requests however that does not mean a man in a wig suddenly becomes a woman in my mind, there has to be a biological distinction. As you stated the trans activists have hijacked a very sensitive issue which is stigmatising the whole community.

edit on 1/11/19 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
There's a lot to digest in your last post and i'm heading off to work just now so i'll have to address some of the points later tonight.

Please don’t bother. There’s really no point in wasting any more of your time nor wasting any more of mine trying to share a better understanding of these issues. You clearly have no intention of expanding your perspectives or of reevaluating any of your preconceived notions and I don’t see any purpose in continuing this discussion with you. I feel pretty stupid for making the effort and for the time spent when I’ve been clearly bashing my head against the wall.

It takes me a while sometimes but I know when the dead horse has been beaten enough and it’s time to give up and move on.

Good day to you, sir. I wish you the best.

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Kalamitous
The American Academy of Pediatrics says that by around age 2, children typically become aware of physical differences between boys and girls. By 3, most can easily identify themselves as one or the other. By 4, "Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity," the AAP says on its Healthy Children website.

My 4 (almost 5) yr old daughter definitely knows the difference between boys and girls, since she has a 2 yr old little brother.

She decided she wanted to be Spiderman for Halloween. I asked her if she wanted to be Spiderwoman, and she said absolutely not, she wanted to be Spiderman.

I guess I have to start giving her pube blockers and change her name from Janet to James... NOT.

These people are NUTS.

Around 3 is when parents usually start noticing that things might be a little off which I would agree is probably just a phase and parents should just roll with it, let the child explore and provide gentle role modeling, guidance and reinforce typical gendered behavior without forcing it. If at 5 or 6 if a child is still saying they're not the boy or girl as indicated by their sex and it is causing anxiety and depression, they refuse to wear gender appropriate clothing, or exhibit suicidal ideation, as many of these kids do and they are miserable and suffering, well then something must be done.

Yeah, something must be done - like, maybe, stop indoctrinating these kids about the insane trans ideology and just let them be kids.

I’m still waiting for someone to offer better solutions or what they would if this was their child.

Stop indoctrinating children in radical trans ideology, thats what. Just stop the insanity. The truly gender dysphoric deserve much, much better than us lying to them to feed their delusion, regardless of the cause.

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 08:15 PM
Child decides supposedly to be a boy.

posted on Nov, 9 2019 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: feldercarb

I think you just shot the counter argument down in flames.

"Trans kids are like vegan cats" - love this quote.

posted on Nov, 9 2019 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Kalamitous

What exactly is it with my last post you take issue with?

The fact that i see a biological and physical difference between a man and a woman and that transgender is a psychological construct.

Bury your head in the sand all you want, these are FACTS!

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