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Why do the terrorists fight America

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posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 02:58 AM
I think that it's easy for anyone to label a person a terrorist because they oppose liberty and freedom. The term terrorist has been thrown around alot, in fact American politicians label each other terrorists or 'anti american'.

The question is, why do these guys fight? They must feel like they have been invaded, and lost their right to freedom (in their own twisted sense) by Americans invading the country. I think we should all take a look at the fact that these guys obviously have way more motivation to fight than the american troops do. Why is that? They honestly.... believe that they are right in their quest to kill. We are all quick to label them terrorists, or fighters of liberty. I believe its totally narrowminded to use brute force politcs as the Bush government do.

I admit I am completely left wing, however I brought this up to bring up a discussion. These guys in iraq are just as smart as fighters as american troops are. not to mention they have the motivation to fight. I think that complete demoralization of iraqi insurgents would win the fight... they have to hurt them where it hurts, not their faith but their underlying belief in why they fight. They fight against western democracy... the elections are a great step towards winning, however it's a long road ahead. The United States government needs to instate IRAQI DEMOCRACY, not american democracy. Do they actually believe they will 'throw down their weapons and adopt american democracy?'

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 03:05 AM
The reason "terrorists" fight is easily summed up in one word...


As for being Left-Wing... me too *secret-handshake*

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 03:12 AM
Its the Capitalism that holds back the 3rd world countries that breeds so much hate towards "the almighty superpower"...

If the Islamic "terrorists" had no reason to suspect the US was poking around for their oil,
and the US didn't abandon the Mujuhadeen when they needed them most,
and US didn't destroy there countries with totally out of proportion wars
and the US didn't black-list Islam...
etc, etc, etc

Well then... I dont think we'd be having this discussion

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 04:04 AM
First all terrorists are fighting the western world not just America. Islam is the motivation for there actions . A part of the problem is the fact that the USA aids groups of people that suit there interests however once those groups have served there puropse they have the means commit acts of terrorism.

It is easer for governments and organizations to blame the USA for poverty this gives them a means to explot people and brainwashing them into joining the cause. The USA need to stop its double dealing with regimes is Pakistan really a "friend" of America?

The world is ignoring Africa the next middle east no doubt the USA and its allies will play friendly with regimes and guerrillas no prizes for guessing what will happen. Our failuare to fight poverty in Africa will come back to haunt us. Its no use flushing aid money down the toliet if we provide people with clean drinking water and sanitation there quality of life will improve ten fold. You can teach people how to make hay without gifting millons of dollars to corrupt members of government.

You hear about Iraq developing into a stable democracy well its more important that this process takes place in Africa. This is not an open invite to Hailburton to make a profhit education is the key the people of Africa must learn how to built and run railways and diamond mines e.t.c. Aid money will only be helpful after democracy has taken hold and the wide spread weapon of education is at work.

[edit on 6-3-2005 by xpert11]

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:24 AM
EXACTLY xpert11!

Give a man a fish - and he'll eat for one day
Teach a man to fish - and he'll eat for a thousand days

If the US and all countries for that matter do nothing but continue to throw money at situations like that, then all we are going to do is breed a country of takers, and once we stop giving then?... It will just be history repeating itself

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:36 AM
The rich western nation know that the security of their financial life depends on the substance found under nations attacked. To label people who are defending themselves as terrorist is an old way of demonizing that cause.

As long as their is a financial interest or a financial gains, these immoral men will be snapping at the heal of the MIGHTY CHEESE, forever.

Forever is a long time. Hate to be stuck in one place for that amount of time.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:58 AM
Its that "Snapping after the cheese" in which the entire philosophy of Capitalism is based on, and it the continuing reason as to why the 3rd world is so stricken with poverty and can't get itself out of it. And it never will as long as we continue to live in a heirachial society...

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Justanotherperson
As long as their is a financial interest or a financial gains, these immoral men will be snapping at the heal of the MIGHTY CHEESE, forever.

Forever is a long time. Hate to be stuck in one place for that amount of time.

That was well put! Spending eternity in a state of "Wanting More", never being content but instead always having to feed a hunger that just will not go away. Yes, I would have to agree. That would be a pitiful existence indeed.

While reading up on Capitalism I came across this interesting concept that was dealing with "Thinking" aspect of Capitalism in how it effects society as a whole & for the individuals of that society:

The fundamental unit of meaning in capitalist and economic thought is the object, that is, capitalism relies on the creation of a consumer culture, a large segment of the population that is not producing most of what it is consuming. Since capitalism, like mercantilism, is fundamentally based on distributing goods—moving goods from one place to another—consumers have no social relation to the people who produce the goods they consume. In non-capitalist societies, such as tribal societies, people have real social relations to the producers of the goods they consume. But when people no longer have social relations with others who make the objects they consume, that means that the only relation they have is with the object itself. So part of capitalism as a way of thinking is that people become "consumers," that is, they define themselves by the objects they purchase rather than the objects they produce.

Ironic that those who Profit the most from Capitalism do it by creating a culture of "Consumer Gluttons" that do nothing but want & take more and more making Consumption their sole reason for existence. Just like the "Capitalists" who define their existence on what "Capital" they have aquired. Seems to me like both ends of the spectrum are suffering from the same "Disease of Dis-Content".

I think we should all take a look at the fact that these guys obviously have way more motivation to fight than the american troops do. Why is that? They honestly.... believe that they are right in their quest to kill.

Well, I'm not sure if it's their alleged desire "to Kill" or their instinctual urge to "Survive" that is making for their intensive degree of motivation. For example, if you ever happen to stumble upon a wild animal in the woods and find yourself in a tense "face to face" situation, it is usually much better to stop and allow for the animal to simply leave without an attack. However, you can bet your ass there is gonna be violence if you increase the instability of the situation. Regardless of whether it's a Bear or a Chipmunk, you'll find yourself with one seriously motivated opponent who will do anything as a means of survival.

[edit on 7-3-2005 by mOjOm]

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 03:06 AM
mOjOm that was posibly the most intelligent post I have read in my time here at ATS.

Capitalism is based on the exploitation of workers by the rich and powerful, in order to make goods and services that are then sold to the average person (or workers). And then where do the profits go? not to the person who did the labour etc, But straight back to the fat cats to start the vicious cycle again.

The meaning of socialism is to destroy the explotation of man by man
-- El Che

[edit on 7-3-2005 by ghostsoldier]

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