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I need help with a topic for school.

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posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

You won't even need college after that conversation!

Why not?

I did.

edit on 4/12/2019 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: SilentSaturn

Kind of along the lines of where JAG was headed, but maybe a little narrower in scope...

How about how the cellular phone has impacted/changed modern society?

Lots of available data out there, all sorts of metrics you can find, lots of different angles to examine (i.e. marketing, safety (texting vs 9-1-1 capability), business process and effectiveness, collateral businesses, complete social paradigm changes, etc.).

But never mind me, the sleepy-idol hath spoken, and he thinks I'm full of it.

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

But never mind me, the sleepy-idol hath spoken, and he thinks I'm full of it.

If I'm wrong, then what I said is a compliment and you have no right to complain.

Just enjoy the compliment, Ace

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: SilentSaturn

Write about how technology has affected young people. You can compare habits and test scores and a million other things with the generation that didn't have today's technology, the generation that started out without the tech of today (GenX), and then Millenials and GenZ who don't know a world withOUT technology.

I see a HUGE HIGE difference in the attention spans, work ethic, ability to endure a little delayed gratification, the willingness to put effort into mastering something; the past ten years in general but the last 4 or 5 years particularly hS shown a crop of kids who can't do anything if it takes a little work or more than a few steps to accomplish a task.

That would be a huge paper, but so plenty of angles to focus in on.
edit on 12-4-2019 by KansasGirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 05:03 PM
Perhaps recycling would be a an interesting theme for you.

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: SilentSaturn
Hi guys and gals!

I need a topic for my class in college. I can't seem to find what I want to write about and any help is very appreciated. I got one major paper for this class and it's a online writing class that I have only about four weeks to finalize the paper. This is an academic research paper in which I must choose one topic to argue for or against. I also have other classes, so it's going to be difficult to find time to research it.

It can be any topic that affects society and it must be well researched while showing strong opposing opinions backed by evidence. Tough! My first thought was to create an argument in favor of society going towards veganism. Yet, the research is huge and developing. Tons of research for and against veganism and I need to find a topic that I can research without spending crazy amounts of time on.

Any help is appreciated in suggesting a topic. Or any other comments are appreciated too! I may not respond to you, but I will certainly read all replies. Thanks for any advice,

Start with a list of 'verifiable' pros and cons. Start there.

Write the paper around the citations for both positions.

USE VALID SOURCES - not ideologic ones.

Have fun!!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 01:16 AM
what about reincarnation? or life after death?

There is a ton of evidence that mainstream science wont accept because it's not measurable. Tons of kids though have been able to remember people from their past lives and name them.

There's a lot of kids who claim they were in the twin towers during 9-11.

Lot's of people who claimed they could see doctors operating on them while they were pronounced dead and things like that...

Even scientific studies now that claim they have proven consciousness lives after the brain is dead.

I bet it would be easy to write pages about why people don't accept the evidence and why people believe it.
edit on 13-4-2019 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 03:04 AM
I like the suggestions of cell phones and technology affecting today's youth.
I am a baby boomer and can give you ideas of young life before cell phones
and video games.

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: SilentSaturn
Hi guys and gals!

I need a topic for my class in college. I can't seem to find what I want to write about and any help is very appreciated. I got one major paper for this class and it's a online writing class that I have only about four weeks to finalize the paper. This is an academic research paper in which I must choose one topic to argue for or against. I also have other classes, so it's going to be difficult to find time to research it.

It can be any topic that affects society and it must be well researched while showing strong opposing opinions backed by evidence. Tough! My first thought was to create an argument in favor of society going towards veganism. Yet, the research is huge and developing. Tons of research for and against veganism and I need to find a topic that I can research without spending crazy amounts of time on.

Any help is appreciated in suggesting a topic. Or any other comments are appreciated too! I may not respond to you, but I will certainly read all replies. Thanks for any advice,

The symbiotic relationship between parasites and Human hosts being directly related to all diseases including the Pleomorphic bacterial infection we mistakenly call cancer.Any diet devoid of anti-parasitcs is not a healthy diet.Dr.Hulda Clark would be a good resource to begin research with...I am sure whatever the topic you choose you will do well.
edit on 13-4-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 05:23 AM


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