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the tipping point

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posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: KiwiNite
It's neither us or ET. That's something more complicated.

Human travelers from the future sent back in time to try to change the timeline for the better.



Highly probable this COULD happen. If so, this might be the leader in the clubhouse.

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

as has been said here by yourself and others, i think it is a mix of a little bit of everything.

but what makes me scared is that the governments of the US and others at that level is that they 100% don't know what is going on outside their own secret projects. There are and will always be secret air/spacecraft made and hidden by our governments.

I have had the unfortunate(for me) run ins with scary and intrusive forces i believe to be an interdimensional intelligence that doesn't have our best interest in mind.

i think projects like Greeres and TDL's are not inherently bad or misleading as i believe THEY believe what they are pushing, but if you listen both of them(and im only using them because they are the most recent major attempts) they all RELY on heavy government involvement thru whistleblowers or various deepthroat's,

I believe my run ins with high strangeness is because of my use of psychedelics like '___' and mushrooms, and when in these altered states i saw and felt this intelligence and it saw me. I took these substances rather lightly in my youth but after seeing UFOs and people very close to me shapeshift(yes i know i was under the influence) clear as a bell it started my road of enlightenment and exposure to esoteric subjects.

i fully believe that people in the government have had these same experiences and during the psychedelic era and were fully explored by the powers that be, and they made contact.

Technology could be used to describe a way and method of connecting and conjuring these creatures or intelligences, and they may have made deals with humans to take people or feed off of them or whatever they want/need from us.

There clearly is a link between various parts of the US government that was or still is making these deals and contacts.

you wouldn't really need super spys or stupidly advanced air/spacecraft if you can conjure and task these forces with the mission.

and that is the real reason the government cannot disclose their existence(the real 'others), because it is so far out of normal people's idea of reality and the price we pay to these intelligences for their cooperation. it might be very dark and scary.

secret aircraft are clearly a passion of mine but i think the idea of extra dimensionals is way more interesting.

if that is what is going on, we humans might not even have a choice to collaborate and knowing that we made a deal for whatever we could get.

edit on 25-2-2019 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Here’s where I stand.

Some “UFOs” are ours and it is really cool tech; some are “Their’s” And we use ours to defend our airspace against them (non-aggression treaty, we just make them leave the area [seen it happen! BBT chased a “bright light” UFO out the area]; and as Valle says “really other” [even by Them! Probably why they mess with us mouth breathers... trying to figure out what it means!]

What the Guv knows is just a guess. But I posted a a thread about ONR scientist filing a patent (already filed 2 years ago) for a room temperature superconductor. And that kinda lines up with Astr0’s tale (take that for what it is worth... considering Russian “meddling” and Hi-Jynx). Real? IDK.

Just where my mind sits.

BBTs are impressive but only technology. And if they have been around since 89/90 then there is another 30 years of tech on top of that!

Keep questioning!

posted on Feb, 26 2019 @ 05:32 AM
As an experiencer, my current belief is that we are dealing with something non-human.
It seems sometimes to be benevolent (healing, awareness heightening) and sometimes sinister or at least uncaring (frightening/painful abductions).

To me it seems extremely improbable that any human organization could orchestrate what people are seeing/experiencing (for example synchronicity stuff).

But I do think there is a gradual disclosure ongoing. More and more people are seeing and experiencing things and at some point, the world will be ready enough for the truth.

But since things are far more complex than just small alien scientists visiting us in disc shaped crafts, the disclosure will have to take time to slowly mentally prepare the population.
The reality might be too shocking to just drop on people (landing on the white house lawn).

posted on Feb, 27 2019 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Thanks for this interesting reply!

There are quite a few paranormal elements in the Sekret Machines fiction books. One concept is becoming linked with a non-human hivemind, which leads to various, partly scary experiences. Maybe you could get something out of these books, especially the second one, "A Fire Within". Aside from the books supposedly teaching us facts disguised as fiction, they are really well written and great entertainment. Hartley knows his business.

It would be extra cool if you could repeat you experiences without the help of physical substances. You might have more control over them and possibly be in a stronger (more aware) position. I think that drugs have a tendency to alter perception, possibly also bring old memories and fantasies into the mix. That could make it hard to get an exact picture. But I do not doubt that you had some very interesting experiences!

if that is what is going on, we humans might not even have a choice to collaborate and knowing that we made a deal for whatever we could get.

I have an uncanny feeling that the truth lies in this direction. Sometimes I wonder if I will not regret one day having asked for "disclosure" :-)

posted on Feb, 27 2019 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: KiwiNite
It's neither us or ET. That's something more complicated.

Human travelers from the future sent back in time to try to change the timeline for the better.

The 43 failed attempts to kill assassinate Adolf Hitler. That started the whole conflict between travelers from different timelines. In our timeline, they compromised and decided to "kill" Hitler and then lose the body so it couldn't be proven he survived. In other timelines, Hitler was killed but then Hermann Göring succeeded him and threw a massive amount of German resources to create an atomic weapon and a way to drop it on New York. It was a horror.

Now new travelers are showing up all the time in an effort to "put things right," but the timelines are so screwed up now that it's just creating more chaos. And the occasional Mandela Effect, like everyone remembering a Thunderbird photo that never existed.

posted on Feb, 27 2019 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

i sometimes really think it is for the better that most of the humans on earth are blissfully ignorant of the possibility of such things even existing let alone them toying with us like a cat does a mouse, a temporary distraction and a snack.

ill check the books out i haven't read a real paper book in a while.

as far as the chemical thing, the first time i saw ufo's was with my very good friend and GF at the time. where we lived(i actually lived with her family for a year in highschool) at the time was very sparsely populated, in upstate NY, we had decided to take some of the fungus i had grown. we were very very close and still are it was very normal for us to finish eachothers sentences or even have straight telepathy to the point i would hear her talking and say something funny and laugh, and we both realized neither of us had spoken out loud and when i told her what i thought she said it was what she was thinking about saying and this happened allllot sober and otherwise.

but that night we were sitting in the back seat of our DD's car in a empty corn field when we both saw lights zipping overhead and one even lit us up on the ground that our DD freaked out about and made us leave.

another time i saw her shapeshift into a lion person and she saw me shift into a fish looking person, at the sametime.

we used to look into eachothers eyes without blinking or shifting or gaze(sober as a judge) and we would see eachother morph and have the able to read each other's thoughts. i think our deep connection as well as our 'training' when under the influence of the psychedelics opened us up to each other on a very deep level.

looking back i think we were doing what people would call magic, but without knowing it. i know it sounds nuts but to this day(almost 20 years later) we still have a spooky link. she lives in a different state now and we havent spoken in a while and i was really thinking about her a few weeks ago. i dont go on facebook allot and later that week i logged on to find a message from her on the same day, and we don't talk on FB ever so it was strange.

i think humans or at least some of us have the ability with the right situation and people to have very strange and mystical experiences but with our modern life it gets so unused or mistaken for something else we have forgotten about it.

it was all very innocent but when i tried the active ingredient in ayahuasca in crystal formis when i had already seen and strange things in my room as a kid(so no drugs than) i felt like i came face to face with something very dark and very old and apparently has extreme levels of perception and intelligence.

it is almost like the carl sagan flatland video, and we are the flatlanders

i think if it is in fact extradimensional it would be so far out of our ability to understand it that we would be lucky if all it was were grays from zeta reticuli

people sometimes dismiss these visionary experiences as delusions of a chemically altered mad man, but its hard to write off when people all over the world have the same experiences almost to a T. In fact i think the very act of altering one's perceptions allows a temporary removal of some of the filters our physicality affords us.

edit to add

Dr.strassman stated part of the reasons he stopped his government funded tests were, he believed as did the test subjects that the creatures they encountered were not happy that these tests were being done and had given messages and a dialogue to stop these tests. He started to have what we call high strangeness happening all around him(he did not administer the test to himself). he stopped messing with that 'area' and it all stopped.

i think our physical reality is at best a silver of true reality

edit to add 2

this is a great video, long but great if you have a long car ride or the time you should listen to it.

edit on 27-2-2019 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2019 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
I took these substances rather lightly in my youth but after seeing UFOs and people very close to me shapeshift(yes i know i was under the influence) clear as a bell it started my road of enlightenment and exposure to esoteric subjects.

A lot more people would be less strident and less bound to a particular religious, political or philosophical dogma if they had similar experiences. Not saying "pro" or "con," but it's a fact that a lot of people are just so wrapped up in their own heads that they never get a chance to see things from a different, challenging perspective. We can't all afford to broaden our perspectives with the help of world travel or advanced education.

And maybe that's the tipping point, right there. When enough people wake up and start dreaming.
edit on 27-2-2019 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2019 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

i have traveled all over the us some of canada and a lot of the caribbean and done some pretty crazy adventures and seen some amazing things but with to breaths i learned more about the universe and myself than i ever did in school or travel.

i never advocate visionary plants because some people myself included might not expect and be able to easily integrate mind blowing experiences, and some people forsure would be worse for the wear mentally.

during one of the experiences on di-methyl-tryptamine i was 100% sure i was going to die or that i had really lost it/gone crazy and i had to 'let go' and that was it, no more me. i came out of the experience stronger and less afraid of death on the other hand i could see how an experience like that might break someone's grip on reality.

the brain is flexible, but like everything else if you bend and flex it allllot it will break. these chemicals are not recreational and should be taken with the same understanding that you have to be ready and able to face death.

most folk stories have some grain of truth and i feel like the legends of magic are more real than most think. the story of elves, gnomes, et and now what we ID as extrademintinal intelligences. that means some part of the phenomena more or less is part of us and our culture, thats why they appear to everyone for the most part see the same things relevant to the time they live in.

i know there is something behind the veil of reality/mortality so thats comforting but i have seen where people just get so nihilistic they cant live a normal life anymore.

i wonder if any of the UFO research groups have documented the link between ufo's and hallucinogen use.

posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: penroc3

You can get the Sekret Machines books also directly from their website in electronic form (link) if you prefer.

These are highly interesting experiences that you had with your girlfriend!
I fully believe you, this is very much along the lines of my thinking.
Science seems to be gradually entering into the realm of the paranormal (mainly with quantum physics, but as it seems also with biology). So these phenomena may well become the new normal in the future.

i think if it is in fact extradimensional it would be so far out of our ability to understand it that we would be lucky if all it was were grays from zeta reticuli

I like the comparison with the flatlanders :-)
I find some comfort in the idea that all ET, paranormal or extra-dimensional beings are in essence the same as us: Eternal souls on a never ending journey of gaining experience. So we would not be fundamentally different or inferior from such alien entities. But I admit, this is just a religious belief of mine.

I had not heard of Dr. Strassmann before. Exciting stuff.
I wonder where humanity could go if people would not have to be afraid of ridicule when sharing their paranormal experiences. For example, I was surprised to find out that three people I know had out-of-body experiences. This is a phenomenon that could be studied and it might lead to new insights about our true nature.

I hope I will find the time to watch the longer video. Thanks for the link!

posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

i got chasing shadows in paperback for 11$ from amazon and should be here monday

posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Cool :-) You absolutely must read the foreword by Tom DeLonge. This is where he implies that the book is facts wrapped in a story, which puts everything in a different perspective. The second book (A Fire Within) goes much deeper into the paranormal stuff, but to have the complete story it is good to start with Chasing Shadows.

Maybe you give your analysis of it later in a thread?

Thanks again for that long video with the interviews! I got through about half of it.
I found it very interesting that John Mack came to a different conclusion than Grant Cameron regarding UFO sightings around 1900. People seem to have reported flying ships with features of the technology of that time. Ropes, balloons, etc.
Cameron interprets it as something the phenomenon puts out on purpose to simply WOW us and inspire us to take the next step in technology. Basically a fake show. John Mack however simply explains this with human psychology: People explained their sightings in terms of what they were familiar with. Much like how Ezekiel in the Bible speaks of a flying city and wheels within wheels etc. I personally like Mack's explanation better and think it is more likely that UFOs were more or less the same over thousands of year.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: SacredLore

the book came yesterday, holy smokes it is a tome.

the typeface is rather large thankfully, it was a strange decision to make the book sooooo thick in favor of larger print and wide margins

but ill post a review when im done

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: KiwiNite
It's neither us or ET. That's something more complicated.

Human travelers from the future sent back in time to try to change the timeline for the better.



Highly probable this COULD happen. If so, this might be the leader in the clubhouse.

If time travel were possible, someone would come back to us from the future and tell us how it REALLY is, just so we're not held in suspense.

"But WAIT," you might say, "telling someone the future causes them to change their courses of action, and that causes the future to change, just like in the movie Back To the Future."

Every age has its crackpots and nutjobs that care little for consequences. If it were possible--it would've been done.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Hah! I only have the electronic form, maybe you can recycle the book as a table later on :-)
Looking forward to your honest review!

I think the Sekret Machine books deserve more attention. After all, DeLonge stated that this fiction story is the way how they can release information. With the label "fiction" they cannot be blamed. An interesting statement that DeLonge made later was that he had to appear in front of a panel after Chasing Shadows came out. They wanted to know from where he got all the details. The situation got cleared up with the help of his contacts. Of course this might be just propaganda for the book, but we have no proof either way.
In my opinion, Sekret Machines at the minimum proposes an interesting theory regarding UFOs. And, who knows, maybe it is indeed based on facts as DeLonge claims in the foreword. In that case it would earth-shattering.

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