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Alert: new banning

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posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 10:20 PM
OOOOOOOH how i love it when you butter my scones.

Oh, care for some earl grey old chap?
*turns on the BBC and watches Monty python*

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 10:33 PM
I always wondered what ever happened to Morris Flecther since he disappeared after that unfortunate incident concerning the Lone Gunmen. Hey Kowalski, can you tell us where Yves Adele Harlow happens to be right now??

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 10:39 PM
This guy is being banned for what may I ask???

For making so-called stupid or false posts???

Well if it is the former than it doesn't constitute as a banned. If it is later than you must prove him wrong before you ban him. None of you have done that yet. I think this ban is another Nazi like tactic being used by the corruptors of this freedom of information in America we call the internet. Please get real and stop acting like children. Face the facts, don't deny them.

Let me ask this. How can we know if he is ready to act like an adult if we have banned him???

Sounds like to me that someone has an insider view on this matter. Otherwise we couldn't claim or even know what his intentions are. So considering that much, we must assume that he is indefinately banned. For how would we get word of his want to come and act like an adult???

Seems like to me the word adult should be replaced by the word, puppet or pawn.

This is more gross injustice committed by the staff. Doesn't suprise me at all though. Not one bit. This has been going on for quite some time now.


posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 10:44 PM

Read your damn U2U's and settle down.

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 10:46 PM
More activity on these posts than anywhere else...


I don't think ATS has to be "just". As a microcosm of the outside world, it is not unreasonable to expect peer pressure, lynching, and intervention.

As adults we all decide what role we play in this. Those that are adults, of course.

I trust William's decision to intervene, even though we didn't see the regular "warning" cycle. And if he was armed with inside information that enabled him to make that judgment call, all the better.

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 10:55 PM
Looks to me like this "Kowalski" guy was a bit of a shady character, who perhaps should have kept his mouth shut.



PS: Hi everybody, I am new, but couldn't post in the introductions forum because it messed up (and cause I am new and therefore walk into walls and closed doors)

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:01 PM

I wonder what was in William's U2U's.
I didn't see his damn post till I put up my damn post!
Bailing out of here...

Have a nice day AV!

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:03 PM

you tell em William!

Some people, boy I tell ya!

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
This guy is being banned for what may I ask???

For making so-called stupid or false posts???

Well if it is the former than it doesn't constitute as a banned. If it is later than you must prove him wrong before you ban him. None of you have done that yet. I think this ban is another Nazi like tactic being used by the corruptors of this freedom of information in America we call the internet. Please get real and stop acting like children. Face the facts, don't deny them.

Let me ask this. How can we know if he is ready to act like an adult if we have banned him???

Sounds like to me that someone has an insider view on this matter. Otherwise we couldn't claim or even know what his intentions are. So considering that much, we must assume that he is indefinately banned. For how would we get word of his want to come and act like an adult???

Seems like to me the word adult should be replaced by the word, puppet or pawn.

This is more gross injustice committed by the staff. Doesn't suprise me at all though. Not one bit. This has been going on for quite some time now.


I promised never to reply to one of your posts but for once we agree on something.
Why was Kowalski Banned?
What is the little Icon "Ignore" under the name of each post that is made for?
William, do you ask the other Moderators or Administrators if they had an opinion on the matter? I think that's the best way to get a broader view on banning one individual. Fairer too.

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:06 PM
Oh another hater, that is nice to know. I can now add you to my "These people hate me for no reason list"

Thanks for the word.

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:15 PM
I don't hate you. You just get fired up for no apparent reason. Cool down, we are right on this one. Don't get upset with these thugs!
I just do not see the justice in banning someone without a warning.
By the way what did William send you in the U2U?

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:35 PM
So lets get this straight, there are a big bunch of people that want to get rid of Kowalski, and a big bunch of people who want to keep him?

Why don't we all just vote on it? I don't usually think that if someone is hated more than liked, they should go, but I think with any kind of forum you need to consider the people who have to put up with them.

But as whatevertheirnamewas said; there is always the ignore button.


posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Cammo Dude

Originally posted by barba007
Sorry William I do not agree with your banning. He was not offensive to anyone in any way. We have had many Idiots on this site that have abused people left, right and centre.
I think that you should have at least given him a warning first.
What are the criteria for banning someone?

He got a warning. He kept coming back.

The rule he made was making stupid posts....

Sorry, but I've read all of the posts involved with this and I cannot see any warnings. I may be wrong, if I am please don't hesitate to point me to these so called "warnings". But as far as I can see, he was just banned for trying to spill info.

Perhaps you guys just can't accept that actually you don't really "know" anything about government military operations? Because knowlege is stuff that you are certain on, not unsubstantiated rumours that you have taken for fact. "Black Budget" is something that I am strongly skeptical of, and I must ask where the hell all the information came from. Some book written by a retired Air Force general who didn't like the idea of state pension, and decided to release a book of crap to make lots of money?

If you can beleive the stuff you read in your books, you can beleive whatever Kowalski has to say.


posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:49 PM
William screamed at AV

That was long due buddy.

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:56 PM
not my forum,
no one's guarenteed a membership.


goes back to checking out seekerof's extencive links.

posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Fury
not my forum,
no one's guarenteed a membership.


goes back to checking out seekerof's extencive links.

No offense, but that was a pretty useless post. In fact it's post like that which take everyones attention off of the subject.

Just being opinionated


posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 12:01 AM
what part of no one is guaranteed a membership does not pertain to banning?

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 12:02 AM
What did this guy post about? Please tell me everything not just a breif synopsis. I would perferably like to hear what he posted from william and someone else who saw it. Not that i dont trust you william, it is just people have a tendancy to leave out parts.

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Fury
what part of no one is guaranteed a membership does not pertain to banning?

You aren't gauranteed a membership, yet your not banned. People don't die in lifts because there is no gaurantee that it won't fall to the bottom floor.

Banning people is something that should happen for a reason, not because there is a chance it might.

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 12:12 AM
well, if you go on someone's forum, run your mouth, there's a chance you may get banned.

simple as that. the mods here are known to warn and warn and warn, so he must have done something.

not a democracy here. and i have a valid, pertinent comment. so who's post is distracting?

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