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In your humble opinion, what's REALLY going on?

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posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:06 PM
We think. Therefore we know. I've always found strange why people need a reason to be alive. Why are we here? And what happens when we die? Two questions that will never go answered because there is no answer. I'm not a PETA but I do believe animals have us beat by a long shot.

Animals don't murder unless provoked or hungry. Animals don't question. They do. Animals also don't try to be anything but what they are. They are more down to earth then we small humans could ever possibly fathom.

Just because they don't talk like we do doesn't mean they don't think on some level of consciousness more than fight or flight, mating and eating.

We build and create. Fight and love and somehow we are above them. We are better then them. It's disgusting. It's wrong.

In order for us to transcend higher to anywhere, we must have our feet planted to the ground. Stop with the self justice. "My life is important." No, no its not. You are nothing but a human. Eating and mating. Hurting and caring. There is no reason for it, only what you give it which is meaningless. There's nothing wrong with being nothing. Chickens in a slaughter house aren't trying to escape. Or protest for a better life. They accept it. As we intended them to do. Try doing that to any other animal and you'll lose a hand. Not counting cows or other farm animals you cannot find in the wild. They are made by us to be consumed. Just have to accept reality and form to it instead of forming it to you. That's the problem.

Everyone wants to make reality there own and it contradicts everyone else's.

First step in anything is acceptance. Without we are less than animals. That's why they ignore us. Like we ignore flies or ants.

Just stop. Take a look around. Close your mind to the human bs and actually look. If you too are not disgusted with what you see than your not doing it right.

Ignorance is bliss.

That's just my thoughts on the mater and you take it or leave it.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: TheGhoul

The experience of being a human being has a certain quality about it that, you're right, ought to be more sympathetic to animals, including the chickens who die in terror, as do the pigs, who know what's going on, generally speaking, perhaps at some level even better than we do.

Human ignorance in all it's presumptions is rather abhorrent, I get where you're coming from, but where you lose me where you relegate the human being and our experience to that of just another animal or a thing of some kind, like just a collection of various things, but just a thing itself - not a Person.

I think that when we deny our own intrinsic spiritual experience (more than merely psychological as a set of mechanisms to be labelled) we dey the very thing that will bring us into better sympathetic relationship and understanding with the animal kingdom, but there's no doubt I don't think that we are the stewards of the Earth having a certain dominion within that same animal kingdom which is in that very thing which differentiates us.

We are spiritual beings, sacred beings, having a human experience at the apex of evolution and of cosmic evolution, and for all we know we are made in a certain "image" (as multidimensional beings) imbued with consciousness, and to experience and enjoy a certain "participatory eschatology" hand in hand WITH God in Spirit and in Truth. I believe that this is what we were created to be and to become with Jesus Christ himself as a kind of model and point of reference in the Akashic Record of Mankind (book of life?).

Life is not a meaningless absurdity or worse an indignity and an insult, terminating in death of the essential self.

No, life meets life in a wellspring of eternal life from within the depths of the human heart when they try to honestly contemplate and deeply consider the nature of the dilemma that we are in, until it's undone, and God becomes our "condition" and are true state of being, but without removing the prime mover as the rock and foundation on which we stand or sit as the case may be. Father AND son. "As my father first sent me even so send I, you."

What I'm trying to suggest is that the unique "qualia" of our own personal experience of what it means to be alive, cannot be relegated to a thing or an "it" because you can't divorce yourself from that experience, point to it, to yourself and call yourself a "thing" as if lacking in conscious awareness and free will.

edit on 4-12-2018 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

In my humble opinion, ~35% of the population is poking, prodding, provoking and generally being obnoxious to the rest of us

"Conspiracy" is a very apt description, although the vast majority of participants (including us arguing here) are treated as "useful idiots"

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Is this what you think that I might be doing or trying to do with the OP, to give everyone a really hard time? If so, I'm guilty as charged, but without trying to Lord it over everyone.

It's more of an open invitation to give consideration to a type of knowledge you never even knew you didn't know, but that at some level you knew already, deep down.

It's a helping hand that's uplifting, and that's also capable of consoling us in our seemingly inconsolable miseries and regrets and heartaches.

Sound philosophy & psychology.

And it is a conspiracy of two or more conspiring together.

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:36 PM

posted on Dec, 4 2018 @ 11:39 PM
Bottom line I would like to be the first to hereby admit that I don't know what's really going on.


posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 01:26 AM
In the big scheme, I don't know.

But what's going on with me is I got some BBQ chips and some walnuts and I'm about to head home from the ol' workplace.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

No... you didn't get it at all. Your thinking about yourself as a high being greater than all others. But what gives you the right. Cuz others can understand you. Animals can have this same thought but we just don't know. So they are lesser. That's selfish. And that's the real problem really. Selfishness. You can give yourself meaning so that makes you better than a fly or an ant. That's disgusting.

We have to stop thinking that we are more special than anything else.

also chickens don't die terror. They know of nothing else than the life we make them live. They don't think of a greater life because they don't know of a greater life. I don't feel sorry for the chicken or the pig. They are what they are and you don't hear them complain about.

NOTHING gives us the right to think we are greater than anything. Only our selfishness does. It's impeccable. Rotten.

Sorry. I've seen this kind of life for a very long time and it's hard to describe. I've tried with many only for them to shove me aside. "He's just crazy." I wish I can choose the right words for others to better understand. I cannot. I can only try and while doing so make it harder to understand.

We are animals and we need to start living like animals and not monsters.

I hope this helps bit I probably made it worse.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: TheGhoul
We think. Therefore we know.

If we knew everything, there would be no purpose to think.
So there you have it.
It seems God has placed us in a 'time out' to think.

originally posted by: ElGoobero


there is a great cosmic struggle between
Good (God the Creator) and Evil (satan the destroyer)

Appreciating just what is, and being good 'stewards' to it
has it's benefits.
Create/destroy is bi-polar imho, worthy of a straight jacket.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 03:03 AM
Friedrich Merz cannot be allowed to be the next party leader of the CDU, esp. if Schäuble build him up to this!

The worse for the world would be of course Annegret Kamp-Karrenbauer, I would love to hear the foreigns trying to announce and pronounce her name..

And Jens Spahn is a Klappspaten, who even considered that man a candidate? I know that you can put yourself up on the list, but come on! Jens Spahn?!

Either way, the CDU is f*cked up.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

IMO, the very very powerful are re-engineering the world to their own design and that design is reaching a point that its now starting to have a direct impact on the masses, they feeling the pointy end of it.

This itself is a measure of how far advanced they are in the implementation of their plans.

Why do I say this? have a look at the parallels between the way the worlds going to day and how things were 200 years ago.

In the past lies the future.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Think about this.
The ancient question.
What do you get the guy who has everything?
Isn't the only thing Infinity is lacking, is lacking?

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 09:07 AM
From a cosmic scale viewing just a small part of the universe over billions of years:

Any one of those little points of light in a galaxy could be a star with a planet with sentient beings just like us, pondering the purpose of life.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Azureblue
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

IMO, the very very powerful are re-engineering the world to their own design and that design is reaching a point that its now starting to have a direct impact on the masses, they feeling the pointy end of it.

This itself is a measure of how far advanced they are in the implementation of their plans.

Why do I say this? have a look at the parallels between the way the worlds going to day and how things were 200 years ago.

In the past lies the future.

The plan was to eliminate poverty in the Far East and Africa. The only way they can do that is to transfer wealth and savings from the populations in the USA and Europe to those countries. They did this a couple of times in the UK and it always caused a recession or riots ("skimming off private pension fund surpluses", Gordon Brown's "redistribution of wealth" of pensions), the Bedroom Tax, the Poll Tax.

The French have had a go with their Fuel Tax for Renewable Energy.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 10:19 AM
Thank you for a great read to start my day! For myself, I am just trying to enjoy the ride and not take myself so seriously. This conversation reminded me of a quote that impacted me as a young person.

"Our birth is but a sleep and forgetting:
The soul that rises with us, our life's Star,
Hath had elsewhere it's setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come"
-William Wordsworth

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

I'm.pretty much on par with John Lear and Lou Baldin on the majority of your qurstions as to why we are here.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: TheGhoul

Animals don't murder unless provoked or hungry. Animals don't question. They do. Animals also don't try to be anything but what they are.

Cats hunt for fun constantly and will even toy with their prey before killing it. Ironically, that is an example of more complex animal behavior and you're right about animals having a much higher sense of awareness than most people assume, especially animals like dogs and cats. However you're wrong to say there's nothing which sets the humans apart from all other creatures on Earth, they don't try to be more than a simple animal because they lack the higher thought processes required. Yes they still feel emotions much like a young child would and some animals can even be taught languages, but we are the only species on this planet with complex problem solving skills.
edit on 5/12/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 12:31 PM
The gestation phase always involves dramatic changes. I believe there are forces involved in the gestation that also want you to remain in the gestation phase. But we all know a child doesn't remain in the womb forever. This calling is for everyone, and it is the advisable path for those who have recognized the futility of dying in the womb. Unfortunately, there are so many miscarriages that it has become the norm / status quo to die in the womb. But a caterpillar should trust its instinct and push forward to where the coercion of metamorphosis leads it. There is no rush, Jesus was not born crucified. but we should also not be idle.

I always enjoy your posts, they speak directly to a part of me that I often have to ignore during typical conversations.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 04:28 PM
it was explained to me thus

life on earth for a Christian is like basic training in the military.

you have to go through stuff to see if you're really dedicated. and not a quitter.

the really good stuff comes in the next world.

posted on Dec, 5 2018 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
it was explained to me thus
life on earth for a Christian is like basic training in the military.
you have to go through stuff to see if you're really dedicated. and not a quitter.
the really good stuff comes in the next world.

What exactly is there in the next world that would require us not to be quitters? Sounds ominous.

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