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UFO Sighting, February 25th 2018 Arizona

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posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: chowdan

You were less than 40 miles by road from the Fort Huachuca Aerostat system. When they're up you can see them from a long distance, as they are tethered up to 15,000 feet.

posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 09:35 PM
Hip aerostat or
the 1947 “What’s it” ship

posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: chowdan

It's a hard call for me as to what it is. It could be anything from a Helicopter coming strait at you to a large balloon tethered down at a distance. Thanks for sharing though, it is possible that some others may have seen the same thing and have pictures of the object from different angles.

originally posted by: wylekat
a reply to: want2beleave

I monkeyed with it. Odd shape, I can say that.

looks like it could be Marine1 flying over DC, but in all likelihood it is just HMX doing some flight time.

posted on Sep, 12 2018 @ 03:28 PM
Huh? oh right, thread de-railed almost instantly. about the black dot...

OP, interesting post certainly! I suppose there is potential for it to be a tethered balloon or something. Unfortunately at about 4 pixels in total it's hard to tell... So just as much potential for it to be an alie-oid spaceship! It does seem to fall into the same shadow range as the first set of peaks (rather than the very distant ones) so you might google map the area and see if there's a farmhouse or gas station below it or something. If not, if it's pure wilderness, then maybe it is an oddity. I covered it in my UFO No Show and kinda blew it off, so now I will de-rail thread further with my own vid lol, but after reading properly again, wanted to leave a positive reply. It's hard to tell, to the point it's almost pointless to tell, but hey, finding out what's underneath it might answer some questions or spark some entirely new ones for you
live analysis of your images (well it was...) at 1:41:23 "Above Top Secret UFO report"

some other UFO vids from 1:29:26

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