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Apollo 15 Astronaut Says Humans Are Descendants Of Ancient Aliens

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posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Neechavela
This video makes me very happy. It’s my first and foremost belief of how we got here. I firmly believe that the reason The Theory of Evolution (which is real) has a missing link is because the link isn’t really missing at all.

Telling the masses that “an extraterrestrial civilization started mankind as we know it in Mesopotamia” would shatter world religion, and thereby shatter control.


We do actually know a little of the civilizations that proceeded Sumer. So you have to push back the contact point even further.

And even earlier, you have to look at the proto-civilizations evidenced in places like Göbekli Tepe. These guys worked together, used tools, worked stone and built buildings but had no writing (as far as we know) and don't appear to have domesticated animals. If the ancient aliens contacted them, then it didn't leave any impression.

But there does appear to be a rational sequence in the ascent of civilization that does not fit with a sudden technological leap such as would be expected with contact with an alien technological species.

edit on 20/8/2018 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: GeechQuestInfo

Creationism = Ancient Alien hypothesis.

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: fakedirt
a reply to: Harte

appreciate the reply to a point occasionally niggling me for some years.

how about the j.edgar hoover part?

regards f.

Sorry. I don't read that far into claptrap.
Let me know when the part about the Beatles comes out.


posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: Soylent Green Is People

originally posted by: Charizard...After all, if aliens DID create the human species, then said aliens would have had to evolve too. If they could be a product of evolution, I don't know why we couldn't be as well.

Yes. And the same is true for the idea of panspermia.

I suppose panspermia is within the realm of possibility, and that 4 billion years ago life on a brand-new Earth was seeded from microbes floating through space on an asteroid or space dust. However, that life originally had to come from somewhere, and maybe even somewhere else before that. That life had an ultimate origin.

So while people may doubt that abiogenesis (life starting spontaneously on a planet from non-liveing materials) can happen on Earth and use that doubt to advance their claim that Earth life must have been seeded by space microbes, it is almost certain that abiogenesis occured somewhere, so why not Earth as well?

Researchers did construct a graph from the diversity of genes and species through time, and assume that this increase in diversity would follow an exponential curve like Moore's Law. They actually got consistent graphs that went back in time where there was simple single-cell life before the Earth had cooled down.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Neechavela
This video makes me very happy. It’s my first and foremost belief of how we got here. I firmly believe that the reason The Theory of Evolution (which is real) has a missing link is because the link isn’t really missing at all.

Telling the masses that “an extraterrestrial civilization started mankind as we know it in Mesopotamia” would shatter world religion, and thereby shatter control.


We do actually know a little of the civilizations that proceeded Sumer. So you have to push back the contact point even further.

And even earlier, you have to look at the proto-civilizations evidenced in places like Göbekli Tepe. These guys worked together, used tools, worked stone and built buildings but had no writing (as far as we know) and don't appear to have domesticated animals. If the ancient aliens contacted them, then it didn't leave any impression.

But there does appear to be a rational sequence in the ascent of civilization that does not fit with a sudden technological leap such as would be expected with contact with an alien technological species.

While not being a scholar, I will add to MY original belief in saying that:

The concept of writing

Aside from cave drawings (I’ll let you have that one as language and writing) can you show any evidence of SOPISTICATION to back your “nope”. I’m not saying that there weren’t examples of these (the visitors obviously landed in other places
but please, show me an example of three of the important aspects aside from your argument.
You telling me of tools and buildings is not a “Nope”.

Beavers build dams and dolphins know how to bum rush fish to the shore. Chimps use tools. You’re talking about a jump that YOU say didn’t happen, but YOU didn’t provide any evidence for.

So any way, I’m still comfortable with my beliefs.
edit on 21-8-2018 by Neechavela because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 02:31 AM
I like the guy, the somewhat mean comments about his age and possible senility are cheap shots, listen to the man for goodness sake. I'm 57, my mother died due to lung problems and the complications of dementia, my mother in law has dementia and I'm helping to look after an older friend of 72 who has full on dementia at this exact moment. If you can't recognise a dementia sufferer from a normal elderly man they you need to keep quiet about your views, there's even from the simple start of dementia / senility / Alzheimer's a very obvious loss of mental coordination and the ability to state it. This guy is fluid, his eye's are scanning for eye contact and in 'learn' mode and he's articulate without pauses.

The problem here is that people are taking this as a sign that an Apollo astronaut is saying there are Aliens based on his work and he's CLEARLY NOT saying that, he's saying its his belief based on his reading of Sumerian literature which is a perfectly valid idea that any of us could believe and then he's also an ex Astronaut...Huge difference..


But I like the bloke, he's saying his mind, he's lucid and clearly knows his mind, he believes (very different from knowing) we are the off spring of ancient space travellers and in the theme of things its NOT and absurd concept considering our constant updating of our understanding on physic's, the universe and what is actually out there..

To write off the possibilities based on our PRESENT understanding would be as unintelligent as you could be..Think forward, learn forward..

edit on 21-8-2018 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: GeechQuestInfo
If I had to lay down money in Vegas on how the human race was started, I’m probably laying it on the Ancient Alien hypothesis.

In order of what I feel like would have been the most likely:

1) Ancient Alien Hypothesis
2) Evolution

99) Creationism

Now, I’m not sure exactly what the “Ancient Alien Hypothesis” would entail; probes with DNA, actual breeding with Ancient man, a complete reengineering of Ancient man. Take you pick.

I’m just saying that the massive increase in brain size of human beings is unaccounted for and the only thing I can think of that naturally could enhance that would be psychedelics, which may as well be from another planet.

Do psychedelics make you smarter?

Perhaps we got larger skulls because of hydrocephaly?

Having lived next door to someone in college who experimented with lsd, I saw that those guys and gals that hung out with him were weird as hell and smart. But they were smart before they 'tripped'. I am betting they were no smarter and maybe lost something that allows them to make it with us 'normal' people if they were regular users of that type of drug. Pink Floyd lost a member to a massive 'trip'.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: Neechavela

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Neechavela
This video makes me very happy. It’s my first and foremost belief of how we got here. I firmly believe that the reason The Theory of Evolution (which is real) has a missing link is because the link isn’t really missing at all.

Telling the masses that “an extraterrestrial civilization started mankind as we know it in Mesopotamia” would shatter world religion, and thereby shatter control.


We do actually know a little of the civilizations that proceeded Sumer. So you have to push back the contact point even further.

And even earlier, you have to look at the proto-civilizations evidenced in places like Göbekli Tepe. These guys worked together, used tools, worked stone and built buildings but had no writing (as far as we know) and don't appear to have domesticated animals. If the ancient aliens contacted them, then it didn't leave any impression.

But there does appear to be a rational sequence in the ascent of civilization that does not fit with a sudden technological leap such as would be expected with contact with an alien technological species.

While not being a scholar, I will add to MY original belief in saying that:

The concept of writing

Aside from cave drawings (I’ll let you have that one as language and writing) can you show any evidence of SOPISTICATION to back your “nope”. I’m not saying that there weren’t examples of these (the visitors obviously landed in other places
but please, show me an example of three of the important aspects aside from your argument.
You telling me of tools and buildings is not a “Nope”.

Beavers build dams and dolphins know how to bum rush fish to the shore. Chimps use tools. You’re talking about a jump that YOU say didn’t happen, but YOU didn’t provide any evidence for.

So any way, I’m still comfortable with my beliefs.

If it didn't happen, how could I present the rational consequence of absence of any evidence for alien contact, as if it were evidence?

But I can present a logical sequence of acquisition of technological steps, building upon each other, from exceptionally primitive beginnings and which do not require external input.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 05:34 AM
He said something similar when I went to see him speak. It makes as much sense as anything else.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo
If what he's saying makes sense to you, then how do you figure he's getting that from ancient Sumerian writing? That's the part I don't get. Here's just one of my attempts to search for what he's talking about and I'm just not finding it:

I have to wonder if he is a victim of deception by Zecharia Sitchin and until I see a reference to the Sumerian texts saying what Worden says they say, I can't find a better explanation.

The words Mr. Sitchin tells us refer to rocket ships have no such meanings according to the ancient Mesopotamians themselves. Likewise when Mr. Sitchin tells readers things like the Sumerians believed there were twelve planets, the Anunnaki were space travelers, Nibiru was the supposed 12th planet, etc., he is simply fabricating data. It isn't a question of how he translates texts; the issue is that these ideas don't exist in any cuneiform text at all.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

It's not so much the specifics I was referring to as the broad idea. In comparison with "we all came from nothing" and "God did it" kind of scale.

I haven't researched the subject in any detail to have an opinion one way or the other

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo
Fair enough.

People are entitled to their beliefs as long as they don't expect other people to share them.

When people start citing sources to support their beliefs however, a number of issues arise as a result of that, which usually revolves around the presumed authority of the source, but in this case the only thing I can find remotely like what Worden says are completely faked and fabricated translations.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo

People are entitled to their beliefs as long as they don't expect other people to share them.

I don't share this belief of yours. And since your comment insinuates you're not allowed to argue your point, as if you expect me to be converted to your position, I would say your assertion is rather meaningless insofar as conversation goes, no?

edit on 21-8-2018 by Leaflock because: More points needed to be raised.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
a reply to: Arbitrageur
In comparison with "we all came from nothing" and "God did it" kind of scale.

All that this theory does is push the question back a step, and our alleged creators have an existence that still requires an explanation. So there's nothing "in comparison" here that somehow permits you to philosophically be free of the things you seem to be so biased against.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

The oarsmen of that ship the lahama relate to stars and constellations of the Celestial waters, the movement of their oars through such as the movement of the wings of birds, poetic language, so a Heavenly boat and in the myth were Inanna steals it from Enki referred to as the Ship of Heaven.

That's what I'm finding in my research too. Here's the true explanation for the "Ship of Heaven" and it doesn't have anything to with flying spacecrafts bringing anyone to earth...

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

edit on 8212018 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Deetermined

Traditions change over time though generally becoming increasingly absurd and one has to ask what was the basis for say the Egyptians believing that the Heavenly bodies such as the Sun were transported upon boats, the analogy was clearly made between ships sailing through the supposed Cosmic waters.

The article doesn't provide a "true" explanation but it explains various associations made between ships and Celestial bodies adequately, with regards to the stag of the Abzu though that related to the constellation Lu-lim/the stag as Andromeda, also the first King of Eridu.

Alulim was both the first king of Eridu and the first king of Sumer, according to the mythological antediluvian section of the Sumerian King List. Enki, the god of Eridu, is said to have brought civilization to Sumer at this point, or just shortly before

The Pegasus square was understood to be a Field, land within the waters of the Abzu, and the stag Andromeda grazed upon that field, is in direct proximity, when the Heavenly Kingship descended at Eridu it was as En-Lulim.

edit on 21-8-2018 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Phage

Not sure where you got swastika, but yeas the Hopi and other ancient cultures have been using that symbol for centuries if not eons. Nazis just flipped it around...

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: easynow

Awesome thread OP. Kinda strange how some here wanna derail and discredit this guy outright, not the least of which is because of his age.

Have any of us been to space.....? I’ll wait.

Any way, you’d think there’d be a bit more open-mindedness about this topic, but the dogma is strong in this thread...

Also. Why the he’ll hasnt anyone posted ancient Aliens dude...!?!

edit on 21-8-2018 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 01:34 PM
When I hear something about Eagle landing on the moon I immediately think eclipse. The eagle is the sun and the moon is the moon. When they come together one could say that the eagle has landed on the moon. Or you could say the moon has landed on the eagle depending on your point of view. So the eagle lands on the moon and people on Earth can deduce something. There are cycles.

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