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IMO - Department of Justice Leaders Are Being Controlled by Evil Forces.

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+1 more 
posted on May, 3 2018 @ 02:36 AM
May 3, 2018

Is it possible that the entire leadership of the U.S. Justice Department has turned to "The Dark Side"? The reason I ask is because:

1. Rudy Giuliani said last night (On Hannity) that since coming to work in Washington 2 weeks ago, he's amazed by how resistant the Department of Justice is to investigating Obama-era staffers, even though there is overwhelming evidence that Comey and Clinton broke federal laws.

2. The DOJ Inspector General (Michael Horowitz) was supposed to release his big report on Hillary/Comey/Lynch/Strzok/Page 2016 Election activities, BEFORE May 8th. He would then testify to Congress and make recommendations...ON May 8th.

A few days ago, OIG Horowitz sends a letter to Congress, letting them know that he will not finish the investigation and issue a report, until some time in the future.

Here's a link to the Congressional Committee's response letter:

3. The Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice (Sessions and Rosenstein), are not applying any pressure to get the Congressional Requests honored, even though Congress created the DOJ and has oversight of the DOJ.

4. Yesterday, President Trump said the Department of Justice is so dysfunctional, that he's considering invoking "Presidential Powers" that should never have to be used, in order to force the DOJ to comply with Congressional requests. It's taking over a year to get documents for their investigations. And when they get them, some pages are missing...or huge swaths of the documents are redacted (blacked out).


So what's going on with our Department of Justice? Is it possible that even the leaders picked by President Trump are being intimidated, or blackmailed, by certain people from the Obama administration? What are your thoughts, ATS family?


edit on 5/3/2018 by carewemust because: typical minor adjustments

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 02:56 AM
Witch hunt anyone?

From the outside, this seems to be a witch hunt, based on: hearsay (points 1. and 4.), and feelings (2. and 3.).

+1 more 
posted on May, 3 2018 @ 02:58 AM
I didn’t even realise it was up for debate?
All your 3 letter agencies (MSM included) are rotten to the core and compromised to the point of no return.
They have way too much power, too little accountability and way too much to hide to give up without a fight.

The fact that these people are against Trump is probably the main reason I am for him

And that’s coming from an Aussie

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

It surprises me because I'm "old school". The people at the top of government organizations put their hand on the Bible and take an oath to follow the law and the U.S. constitution. I'm finding it hard to believe that it doesn't mean much to them.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The conspiracy side of me thinks that DOJ must have some juice on all politicians otherwise they wouldn't be so gung ho

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Since the DOJ also has a direct computer connection with the Intelligence Community, you're probably right about that. My conspiracy side says that former Obama people also have control over top DOJ officials. Especially if they were trained well by Obama himself. He learned his politics in "anything goes" Chicago.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: carewemust

There you go OP big stretch, wipe the sleep
from those eyes, you're almost there. Coffee?

edit on Ram50318v45201800000052 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 04:22 AM
Am not surprised at washingtons reluctance to investigate washington Its hard to expose one persons misdeeds without shining a light on a bunch of other stuff and all the people who when along with it.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 04:29 AM
Here we go.

Bring it on Mueller!

edit on 5 3 2018 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Is it possible that the entire leadership of the U.S. Justice Department has turned to "The Dark Side"? The reason I ask is because:

1. Rudy Giuliani said last night (On Hannity) that since coming to work in Washington 2 weeks ago, he's amazed by how resistant the Department of Justice is to investigating Obama-era staffers, even though there is overwhelming evidence that Comey and Clinton broke federal laws.

There is no such evidence. Giuliani is a proven liar. The Department of Justice refuses to be used to prosecute the administration's political enemies. Doing so would be the first big step towards fascism.

2. The DOJ Inspector General (Michael Horowitz) was supposed to release his big report on Hillary/Comey/Lynch/Strzok/Page 2016 Election activities, BEFORE May 8th. He would then testify to Congress and make recommendations...ON May 8th.

Who set that deadline and why? The Inspector General must complete an investigation before reporting it.

A few days ago, OIG Horowitz sends a letter to Congress, letting them know that he will not finish the investigation and issue a report, until some time in the future.

Why are congressional Republicans trying to derail the investigation?

Here's a link to the Congressional Committee's response letter:

Congress has oversight of the Executive Branch, but cannot order it to do something.

3. The Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice (Sessions and Rosenstein), are not applying any pressure to get the Congressional Requests honored, even though Congress created the DOJ and has oversight of the DOJ.

How do you know what Rosenstein and Sessions, both Trump appointees, are doing? Why is a small group of Republican Congressmen trying to halt the investigation?

4. Yesterday, President Trump said the Department of Justice is so dysfunctional, that he's considering invoking "Presidential Powers" that should never have to be used, in order to force the DOJ to comply with Congressional requests. It's taking over a year to get documents for their investigations. And when they get them, some pages are missing...or huge swaths of the documents are redacted (blacked out).

Donald Trump thinks the system is "rigged" because the Constitution provides for a separation of powers. His belief in special presidential powers is delusional. All he can do is fire the people he hired. As usual.

The Department of Justice is engaged in a national security investigation. Sources and methods need to be protected, hence the redactions. Certain congressional Republicans are flirting with conspiracy and espionage.

So what's going on with our Department of Justice? Is it possible that even the leaders picked by President Trump are being intimidated, or blackmailed, by certain people from the Obama administration? What are your thoughts, ATS family?

Trump appointees realize that if they do not do their jobs honestly, they, too, will be facing criminal charges one day.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I KNEW IT! I said early last month that I was afraid Horowitz was going to keep delaying the release of his report until the people forget about it. I called it!

As soon as he did that first delay, I knew it. Plus the fact that he was so nebulous with actual release dates.

We're being played by every damn side, people.

And yes, I've thought for a while now that the DOJ and FBI top leaders are taking their orders from Satan
(and Obama hold-overs/Obama/Republicans pretending to be Republicans)
edit on 3-5-2018 by KansasGirl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 11:39 AM
The answer is for Congress to disband and fire every single one in the DOJ, then start over with a newly created Justice department. Then the new one can investigate all the old ones, and any other crooked government officials that Congress wants investigated.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

And you were 100% spot-on. As pointed out in the O.P., Horowitz keeps delaying the I.G. Report on Hillary/Comey/Lynch, etc..

First it was "late March"...then "sometime in April"....then "early May"...then on April 23rd, Horowitz sends a letter to Congress saying, "sometime in the future...beyond May".

I don't blame President Trump for investigating what Presidential actions are available to him. It really is a WAR.

Forces of intimidation, mind control, or just plain evil, are at work in our DOJ.
edit on 5/3/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I don't blame him either.

It's absolutely maddening. These people are held to NO accountability. Congress a is for records from the DOJ and they just simply ignore the request. Nothing happens to them.

Are ANY of these people ever going to be held accountable for anything?

Who was the last person in upper echelons of government and our public institutions who was held accountable for wrongdoing? Anyone remember?

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Taking down globalists is never easy.

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