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Ace In the Hole for China Trade War Rare Earth Minerals 99pct Monopoly

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posted on Apr, 6 2018 @ 10:56 PM
As many have stated it's not an ace in the hole by any means, strong bargaining chip maybe but China wants to keep those rare earths inside China, if it was an option they'd stop exporting them at all.

But again I live here so I can correctly assess that they are locusts and readily use up their own resources without regard for the future so who knows what they'll do.

They will say they win the trade war when in fact probably they will be on the losing end but the gov't must save face in front of the people.

If I told you how they make iPhones here and "export" them for "re-importation" you'd LOL at your keyboard.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 12:22 AM
well the article didn't mention any specific minerals but I'm pretty sure Africa (specifically Congo and SA) have rare earth's as well as possibly Somolia. From what I remember there was a lot of talk about Afghanistan having a very sizeable portion of RE's as well, though none have been mined and I'm not sure if it was pure speculation, but I seem to recall specific talk about the strategic value of Afghanistan in this very specific situation (problems with China) as well as Somalia, which could explain why we have had such a presence in both countries (not so much in Somalia until more recently, when trade with China has become more questionable).

I'll have to dig into this, but I specifically remember this topic. IIRC, Somalia may also have Uranium, which I have read in more recent articles. I'll do some digging when I get some time to see if I can locate the articles and link to them. If anyone remembers this or knows about this and wants to link, please feel free!

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: ErosA433
Rare Earths, well looks like Canada will start making a bit more profit when prices go up. There are a few mines in Ontario where word is that they already make enough money through rare earth production to completely cover the costs of running the mines... thus... their actual production goals/products (Ni, Cu etc) is actually just icing on the top. Might see a bit of a rebirth.

Rare earth oddly aren't rare earth there everywhere. Japan for example made the decision to stop buying from China. There main supplier is Australia why China owns so much of the market is they sell it cheap. They don't have to worry about workers health so for example mining creates thorium a radioactive material. In China doesn't matter in the west they have to make it safe for workers. China can sell it so cheap because they do not value their people. But this is nothing new the world has done this with Chinese for hundreds of years. Its no coincidence that Chinese built the rail roads in most countries they have all ways been expendable labor. The west needs to stop relying on cheap labor and put a stop to the Chinese peoples abuse.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 01:28 AM

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: TheJesuit
So here's an interesting article about the stance of the Chinese trade war apparently they have the Monopoly globally since back in the 90's and now could use this fact against the US military industrial complex rare Earth metals are used in most all computers,radars, satellites & such if they decide to use this is the trade war the US does not have domestic production and would cripple any industry associated with them.....

With all the reported mineral wealth in Afghanistan that may be one of the big reasons (plus poppies) we are really there...?

The NWO stuff only works when everyone is on the same page.. Anyone with half a brain and took two seconds to look at the various governments of the world would never dream under the present circumstances that all would be peaches and cream..

I personally wish we would quit poking the Russian bear and do a Regan type deal with them..stop all the tit for tat and start working together towards a better world for everyone...

China is not going away and will only get stronger with all the technology/money they have bought, hacked, or stolen from the countries doing business there. Our capitalist business model and China with their population is a huge candy bar held to the capitalist nose... Until they get there and have to turn over drawings and plans plus have a local national who owns 51 % of the newly formed company.. Many countries in Asia are not so blatant but are big believers in the 51% rule. Most (last time I looked) will not let anyone even own property unless in a minority position @ 49%. Keeps the big boys from buying a country out from under the feet of the locals.. America lets anyone buy property and start a company with open arms... Just pay taxes and bribe who you need to bribe... With China's cash position they are buying "whatever" big time all over the world and for the most part they are sole owners..

The Chinese are very smart and hard working for the most part. I still have friends from Taiwan and and even a couple of friends who left the mainland.. Card carrying communist and one even worked for their version of the CIA. She will set the record straight with anyone who thinks China's government is anything for a free people to emulate.

The Chinese communist government is still a communist mafia and will do anything to anyone to achieve their personal goals.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: TheJesuit
So here's an interesting article about the stance of the Chinese trade war apparently they have the Monopoly globally since back in the 90's and now could use this fact against the US military industrial complex rare Earth metals are used in most all computers,radars, satellites & such if they decide to use this is the trade war the US does not have domestic production and would cripple any industry associated with them.....

I read about this on the project Camelot site and according to the article on that, NK has has a mountain of the stuff also. In addition to that, I read that Afghanistan has whole mountains of the stuff. Seems that was the reason the Russians went there.

Now as we know, the US invented in feeble excuse to invade and occupy the place and they've been there now for 17 years according to someone who replied to a post of mine in this site.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: TheJesuit

Their Monopoly is exactly what Trump is talking about. They have the mines not the resources. They lowered the price to the point everyone else closed shop because you couldn't make money on it anymore. If China stopped selling we'd reopen our mines.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: ErosA433

um no I dont, not at all. Where do I even hint at that? I suggest that I produce some of the only ethical products my family consumes.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: ErosA433
a reply to: BlueJacket

You appear to suggest that the US is the only people who produce anything ethically... which... is certainly not true. Ultra Capitalist nations such as the US operate a different form of slavery, the end is roughly the same however.

It isn't a question of ethics, per say, it's more economic survival that's the issue.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 01:22 PM
Sure, except (and I fully appreciate why it is) but its just funny as an observer to see this whole... America the victim, China the problem mentality that has been fed to you all.

Along with CHINA = Communists = Evil
America = Capitalists = Holy

and yet a huge level of ignorance to who is making what money and where. How the economy is now is that you guys need China, and its actually the people in charge who love China... Christ i mean, most of Trumps official store goods are probably made in China. Because one thing that Capitalism tells you is this... Make a product for the lowest cost, and sell it at the highest price. And if you want to be all Libertarian about it... actually slave labour is perfectly fine because the profit of the individual is all that matters.

Its absolutely hypocritical to complain about labour conditions in China and make out its about human rights... the US doesn't care a jolt about human rights, it cares about money... so people should stop dressing the issue up with the ruse of ethics and calling peoples of other countries crazy without any knowledge further than their back garden or some dross they have read in the US media. If the US cared about human rights, it'd not pally up to the Arab nations, and at the same time point the finger at Iran. The Arab nations argubly have a worse record by a factor of about 10.... but hey... they give you guys the oil so all is good...

Money > Human rights

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 04:21 PM
SO the bottom line in any trade war is who is willing to suffer short term to gain long term goals.

China appears to be in a better position in terms of having Mao 2.0 in charge and the ability to say suck it up to the population.

That being said food is their weak spot so they will have to buy it somewhere especially in down years and none produces as much as the US.

Yes rare earth minerals will hit us hard. But the reason China has such a stranglehold on the market is that they are willing to bypass environmental controls for its production thus its just cheaper. If the prices spike, mines like the Mountain Pass Rare Earth Mine in California (according to wiki 20 million tons of 5% ore) will become economically viable again. Australia also has the ability to ramp up production. It may be better in the long run anyway to diversify the supply base.

While Im not a fan of 95% or the crap that comes out of POTUS, this was coming one war or the other. The trade imbalance was getting way to brutal and we have basically been financing their military expansion. Maybe the last 30 years of appeasement need to end.

posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: TheJesuit

Their Monopoly is exactly what Trump is talking about. They have the mines not the resources. They lowered the price to the point everyone else closed shop because you couldn't make money on it anymore. If China stopped selling we'd reopen our mines.

Exactly. The best example of this is the Bakken Formation which when oil prices spiked, became more economical to mine (new techniques helped too) but its the same thing

posted on Apr, 8 2018 @ 10:42 AM
I am not so sure it is an ace in the whole .... For such stuff you need buyers ...for a certain price ... otherwise ...
.....there are lot's of places with rare earth minerals: rare earth minerals interactive map

posted on Apr, 8 2018 @ 08:10 PM
The problem with the new owner of the Mountain Pass rare earths mine in California is MP Mine Operations LLC - a Chinese-led consortium including rare earths.

one new hope is there are a couple companies working on recycling rare earth from electronics.

posted on May, 31 2018 @ 07:38 PM
So i guess trump is working with/for China ? usually your supposed to work with your allies not against right?

Trump has officially put more tariffs on U.S. allies than on China be65d66f

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