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F.B.I. shadowing our N.R.A. conventions??

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posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 03:50 PM
I read a troubling article in our morning newspaper today. The Feds are now claiming that Russia funneled monies through the lobbying arm of the NRA, in the last election, to help elect DJT. A Russian NRA Life Member, and boss of a Russia based firearms rights group, is accused by two McClatchy reporters of doing this after meeting on the floor of the convention with Don Jr.

Adding to this, Alexander Torshin has an outstanding warrant in Spain, for unrelated issues. The Russian Gov't tipped him off, so as to keep him out of Spain. These Reporters seemed to be upset that they cannot get at the private lists of NRA donations, to our non tax exempt ILA. But there's a Lady College Professor, presently forwarding background data on conservatives and right wingers to ANTIFA, and the SPLC, in order to cause them both mental and physical harm.

I am a long standing annual NRA member, and I'm worried about the F.B.I. snooping on our convention floor, over who talks to whom, there. What are the Feds worried about?? All this money would have done is to get out the vote. Once you're inside the voting booth, you fill out a "SECRET" ballot.

posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: carpooler

Good! Time to round up the traitors selling out our country to Putin & his criminal cabal.


posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 04:31 PM
If there's a lady college professor releasing personal data about others with the intent or knowledge that it be used to harm others then there is a crime being committed.

If you know who she, you should probably report it.
Or leak it. Either way, having the fbi snoop on nra members would not suprise me in the least. It's not much different than when police setup lice plate readers to monitor who goes to gun shows.
Which in my opinion is wrong as hell.

edit on 19-1-2018 by Hewhowaits because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: carpooler

If you're concerned about the FBI at the NRA convention, I hope you're concerned about the Patriot act and unauthorized wiretaps on the world as well.

posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: carpooler
I read a troubling article in our morning newspaper today. The Feds are now claiming that Russia funneled monies through the lobbying arm of the NRA

Yep, the NRA is a weaponized arm of the Russian Federation, and are about to be labeled "enemy combatants", so that all the NRA can be sent to Gitmo without trial.

Gun problems solved!

Fast, quick, easy, efficient, solution to all mass shootings. Why didn't the govt think of this before

posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 06:10 PM
Great news, glad to hear this! a reply to: carpooler

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 08:15 AM
I thought of joining the NRA, I'm for such a lobby generally. But I don't want to volunteer myself to a list, let them do the work if they want me on a list, government entity or not. I voted for legalized medical MJ here in Michigan, but hell if I will become a registered pot growing provider, it's still illegal on the federal level. What better way to fill up a list then by having people do it themselves. The feds will come for you at some point, be it guns or some plant you like to grow.

I believe it would be best to be a closet supporter of any given organization. Stay underground and give what you can without letting anyone know who you are.

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Well, then, the Me Too movement sounds about right for you. If you find some, and come out of the closet, then ten or twenty million armed brothers will be standing beside you. The 1922 Federal law, which permanently Federalized the State Militias into the Nat'l Guard, which is the U.S. Army, specified that Congress would arm and train the common "irregular" militia to balance their Federal power grab. But all this arming and training never happened. Congress welched on their promises, so what's new?

Some sunny day, watch the announcements in the newspaper for "Appleseed" firearms training, and then go and observe one. I think you'll change your mind, over where the real muscle is in our country. Winston Churchill said something prescient about us. "Trust the Americans to do the right thing, after they've tried everything else".

Pres. Lincoln tried "everything else". It took four long years of bloody fighting in a war of attrition to quell the Confederacy. Today with modern weapons, even the overbearing Feds have to "Do the Right Thing", PDQ. Back in 1971, I rode a Ducati up the Italian Peninsula, and stopped at Scilla, an IYH, where a troop of Trieste rangers were quartered in the Castle's Hostel. Italy deployed them in every labor strike, to prevent the Reds from dynamiting the Italian's RR tunnels. So, whether either guarding the Adriatic Coasts along the edge of the Iron Curtain, or preventing Communist Labor sabotage in the Boot of Italy, these troopers were really only garrisoning different localities.

Ya gotta figure how many targets would have to be garrisoned here, in the event of a major uprising to get a handle on what the Feds can or cannot do. Check out Charlie Wilson's War, to get a snapshot of how an effective armed resistance can deal with a Soviet styled takeover.

I don't know if Obama was really serious about doing such a takeover, but Trump is quickly and quietly pulling it's remaining fangs out. The Left's idea that every U.S. military Vet is some kind of terrorist, shows how impotent they really are. Obama's plan for a domestic Brown Shirts operation, equaling the the U.S. Military, was Soviet pie in the Sky. American Vets and the NRA are already fully deployed here.

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: carpooler

When I come out of the closet! LOL! Ha Ha. That made me laugh.

When push comes to shove, I'll be on the side that stands for the constitution, no need to sign anything right now.

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

That idea won't fly. You need to step forwards today. It's the classic Pol quip that " we don't want no one, nobody sent." There has to be some trust, if I'm going to put my B$%tt on the line, along side someone. Boobs coming out of the closets, spouting Constitutional dictates, ain't a goin to ring my chimes. Hopi Indians keep food, which we cannot digest, for an apocalypse. LDS practitioners keep a year's supply of food that Round Eyes can digest. I don't know their plans to keep it for themselves.

I know that I should have more food stored than I do. When Mt. St. Helen's blew in 1980, I ran out and bought $240 worth of staples, including some gallon jugs of wine and cigarettes, although I don't smoke. "Trading Stock, no less". We only got an inch or so of the Ash, and I was made fun of for the next six months, as we slowly worked through my Mt St. Helens grub. Lotsa Mt. St. Helen's Pancakes and such.

So you better be part of something, long before you have to turn into some kind of armed forager. I'd rather beg for a few slices of bread, wearing my NRA patch, then try to stuff a gun barrel into some house Frau's face, and demand it.

IN the latter event, you'll get your bread ration, plus a bullet in your back, before you get down to the end of the block.

My late father recounted how he, and his two buddies did stuff M-1 Garand barrels into Frenchies faces for a chicken or some other foods. The Frogs didn't want to have anything to do with our U.S. Occupation Script, but Dad said he always, always, paid for anything they appropriated from the locals. Otherwise they would have been court martialed. The occupying force pays it's troops in some kind of script, and then has to back up it's value, with force or the threat of force.

Cartons of American Cigarettes, OTOH, traded with the Frogs, straight across. And there was very real starvation in the hills and valleys of southern France, up behind Marseilles, after the Germans were finally driven off by the battle of the Rhone Valley. American relief food stuffs came up their RR, way too slow for most of those kids.

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: soundguy
Great news, glad to hear this! a reply to: carpooler

If the deep state element rogues in the FBI/CIA are ever able to crush the 2nd amendment, who do think the jackboots will come for first? It will be the people who cheered them on.

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: carpooler

Don't ask, don't tell.

I have made many friends in the past 20 years living in my swamp here in Michigan, like minded friends. I know who I need to know and they know me. Enough said, too much already I'm sure.

I too certainly could be better prepared, but knowledge, particular skills and a certain frame of mind is top of the list for preps. We will gather when the time is right, most of us are every Sunday.

I do appreciated the advice, it's good, but your preaching to the choir brother.

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 10:47 PM
I was at a gun show recently. It was the most unabashed display of free enterprise I'd seen in years. There was so much bought and sold in there, a hundred Feds walking the floor could not have tracked it all.

I highly suspect that the average attendee knew more about guns than the cops running the checkpoint. They couldn't figure out how to lock the upper receiver back on someone's Ruger; the owner had to show them. They were worried that an SKS might be a machine gun, since it's "a kind of AK-47".

The Taliban gave the coalition hell for a decade; and that with imported arms and riding donkeys. Imagine what 150 million Americans in SUVs could do

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 01:01 PM
Thanx for the generous replies. Michigan, that's a neat postscript. My late dad always said to stop, turn around, and look at the back side of the trees. They look different, coming back home, through the timber.
And as for S.U.V.'s, I bet after the first couple of weeks, a horse or mule will be about it. Gas stations make bright bonfires, and historically, when my father in law was shipped out to the Mountain Home, US Army Air Corps base, in the early days of WWII, his troop train, made a great detour off to the South, as German sympathizers were busy wrecking as many passenger trains as possible, in the North Central and Mountain West States. But you never heard about these train wreckers in the Gov't controlled newspapers.

In the future, maybe the Internet will be their Achilles Heel, like the Western RR road beds were, back in the early WWII days.

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: aethertek
a reply to: carpooler

Good! Time to round up the traitors selling out our country to Putin & his criminal cabal.


Yeah if you actually believe the BS that the Russians have infiltrated our government...

I tend to believe the media and the establishment are misdirecting people like you to believe our problems are because of an outside force rather than an internal force.
edit on 21-1-2018 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2018 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: carpooler

Actually, those trains weren't blown up by German sympathizers. They were blown up by German spies[/I]. The official US government sources have a speech impediment that prevents them from admitting that the nazi regime ran multiple networks of spies during the war. Sort of analogous to how J. Edgar Hoover always maintained that there was no such thing as the Italian mafia....

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: tovenar

I went to some of those when I lived in Phoenix, man I miss those events.

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 08:43 PM
Like all large influential groups, there will always be some in the shadows devoid of ethics willing to do whatever it takes to see an agenda through.

The NRA was formed to keep guard of the 2nd amendment, but there are sure to be those within it that poison the cause.

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: aethertek
a reply to: carpooler

Good! Time to round up the traitors selling out our country to Putin & his criminal cabal.


Do you selectivley read?
Maybe only the things you want to hear?

And you brought Putin and his criminal cabal in to this?

posted on Jan, 22 2018 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: tovenar

Well, actually it's the Sicilian Mafia. Al Capone was an Italian, but he never made it into the Sicilians camps. You might go back to some of my earlier posts. I noted there and then that the 1945 Bomber which crashed into the Empire State Building, was following a narrow clandestine radio band, emanating from the 83rd Floor, transmitting spies' data out across the Atlantic, to either a recon aircraft or a U Boat. That veteran aircrew sniffed it out, and was ordered to follow that beam, into NYC controlled airspace. It was a misty day, and they were too close to the skyscraper when they saw it ahead. So they Tee Boned their bomber into that spy nest, and killed everyone. All that the newspapers reported was that a group of Catholic Relief workers were killed inside the Building, when that bomber struck it.

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