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German Interior Minister Wants To Use Your Everything To Spy On You

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posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 10:41 PM
I came across this article from csoonline at the full-spectrum-dominance article post. It's about a month old. I guess the German Interior Minister Thomas De Maiziere just wants to spy spy spy, and to that end he's got a big plan.

From the article:

Germany is sliding closer to “an Orwellian nightmare” in which companies responsible for tech connected to the internet — even cars — legally would be required to build in backdoors “to allow for secret surveillance” of citizens inside their homes and vehicles.

If the country’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière has his way, then German security agencies and law enforcement would be able to tap in and spy on people via devices in their homes and in their cars. He even wants to add a type of “kill switch” to kick their computers from the internet.

RND (RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland) explained that the interior minister believes it has become “increasingly difficult to install and hide bugs” and pull off eavesdropping attacks, so the answer is to “use technical means against individuals.” De Maizière wrote a proposal that would require backdoors for “covert information gathering” in devices that make up the Internet of Things. In reality, that would mean everything from “smart” toys, modern vehicles, computers, tablets, smartphones, TVs, networked sex toys, digitized kitchen appliances — the list goes on and on.

Networked sex toys...sounds serious. Seriously though, it's interesting in a scary sort of way that this seems to be a serious proposal. Is it? Germany is one of the world leaders in terms of surveiling its citizens, is it not? What do the European members have to say about this article? Is it accurate? Is everything under surveillance in Germany? Is it good, or is it bad? Why? What about other parts of Europe? Which have the most surveillance? Does it improve quality of life, or hurt it, and if so why?

As an American, I find this level of surveillance highly distasteful, though I wouldn't be surprised to learn our own government is covertly using our own devices against us here as well. Discuss.
edit on 8-1-2018 by TheBadCabbie because: fsd

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

You do realize that here in the good OL US of A every single key stroke is being cataloged. Maybe Germany wants to catch up to the US?

And it only cost 1.7 billion. Hell they could have had 10 F-35 jets for that.

Welcome to Utah, the NSA's desert home for eavesdropping on America

And we are all moving from old "dumb" meters on our homes to smart meters, with all the scary things that can be done with those babies. Let alone the little spy device in your pocket. And face book, and GPS and credit cards.....

edit on 8-1-2018 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Networked sex toys...sounds serious. Seriously though, it's interesting in a scary sort of way that this seems to be a serious proposal. Is it? Germany is one of the world leaders in terms of surveiling its citizens, is it not? What do the European members have to say about this article? Is it accurate? Is everything under surveillance in Germany? Is it good, or is it bad? Why? What about other parts of Europe? Which have the most surveillance? Does it improve quality of life, or hurt it, and if so why?

Already some of those adult toy makers have been caught recording usage of the devices. It is possible to do such with any device that has "smart" capability. Creeps love that. Why would the Germany's government need that? More than disturbing. Oh right, this is for government statistics and studies?

Bad enough with the devices already than can be turned on at anytime including cell phone cameras and audio recording. Best to keep those out of site if you want privacy.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:19 PM
no, I don't think it's news

about two years old.......we know our devices and friggin appliances listen....fridge has wifi....a wifi symbol

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:20 PM
things like that make me glad that am severely technology challenged and as result dont have all the high tech toys .
along with am old and hopefully will be dead before the high tech big brother state fully takes over .
more and more want nothing to do with the world .

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

I don't know why people think it's a good idea for government to spy on people, it's clear that technology grows at an exponential rate and that means hackers can gain access to any backdoors governments create.

It's lunacy I swear people are just plain dumb.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
If the country’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière has his way, then German security agencies and law enforcement would be able to tap in and spy on people via devices in their homes and in their cars. He even wants to add a type of “kill switch” to kick their computers from the internet.

The real problem is not German security agencies spying on you, it's when all those spy switches are networked, and the new AI software starts to make independent assessments from all that data collected, and is automatically deciding what everybody should be doing, or restricted from doing, after watching what they've been doing lately.

So, say you're having sex with your mistress instead of your wife on Thursdays by the corner shop. The AI machine observes this and decides it's not good for your marriage, so it switches off your sex toy on Thursdays so that you can't have fun with your mistress as usual, she gets upset and breaks up with you. Or the AI disables your car, disconnecting the start switch on Thursday, so you can't even go visit your mistress, all because the AI decided, on its own, that it's better to keep you at home to be with your wife Thursday nights.

edit on 9-1-2018 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 12:46 AM
There does seem to be a tendency for politicians to suggest things should happen, but for those things not to happen when they come to the practicalities of implementation. Germany has robust levels of control so is less likely to secretly implement surveillance and what will be introduced will be balanced by what the public will accept.

Look at China for intrusive and nightmarish whole-population monitoring.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: SkeptiSchism


The World's Largest Biometric ID System Keeps Getting Hacked

The personal data of many of India's citizens is for sale on WhatsApp for less than $10.

Access to the personal data of more than 1 billion people is for sale for less than $10 through WhatsApp. India’s The Tribune newspaper was able to buy the data and also claimed that it could buy software that would allow them to print fake Aadhaar cards for about $5 more.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

A cpouples of things firstly, there is this which comes from a speech given by Dr Richard Day on March 20, 1969, entitled "Everything Is In Place and Nobody Can Stop Us Now."


The Real and the "Stated" Goals ... he said:

"Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it."

Frequently he would say; "There is just no other way. There's just no other way!" .................

Beyond that, when governments fear the people, its hihg likely to be because they have done wrong to them, or, they are planning to do wrong by them.

Either way is all about control and the NWO or the Global Agenda.

I for one, very much fear we are all sliding inexorably into a big black hole of tryanny from which humanity or whats left of it, will not escape for scores of decades and more likely, hundreds of years.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: Azureblue

The Real and the "Stated" Goals ... he said:

"Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it."

Actually, the Tibetan Buddhists say everything has "three" aspects:

Outer, Inner, and Secret.

The "outer" is what the public sees, or what the public is informed about it.

The "inner" is what the insiders know, or believe they know about it.

And the "secret" is what the real purpose is, or real truth, known to the "enlightened" what the West call "Illuminati".

edit on 9-1-2018 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 06:45 AM
That´s what anti-citizens and anti-democratic interiour ministers exist for, to secure "the state" from it´s citizens, via censoring, surveillance etc. The state that normaly would be the citizens state, in a real democracy and not a market conform(Merkels kind of democracy/the western kind of democracy) one!

But i wouldn´t trust that RND. It´s in the hands of the SPD, one of those "different" parties in germany, that allegedly all work FOR the people. Do you trust politicians, then you can trust the RND! Same for "our" Staastfunk, we all are forced to pay for. The ARD is in the hand of the SPD and the ZDF is in the hand of the CDU/bavaria local union partner CSU.

And alltogether, almost the whole media ( and like almost ALL politicians) here is straight on Atlantik-Brücke line. I, again, left the german link of the wiki page, because, you can switch to english and compare for yourself, there is almost no information on the english wiki page.

Spying sex toys, could they come maybe from one of the members of the five eyes?
Smarte Vibratoren zu neugierig: We-Vibe zahlt Millionen-Entschädigung
Bullseye, Canada!

Oh, and the "app"(i hat that term for progs) you need to make that toy spying, is to get on "U"SA´s Google Store.
"Funny" thing is, my snake oil anti-virus warned me from surveillance and spying attacks, when i opened the google store for that comment here.

But it´s not only sex toys that spy, there are toys for kids too. "Smart" toys. They all need spyPhone apps from google etc, to work. Ok, i have to admit, the two most prominent examples of toys that were forbidden came from France, that is infamous for it´s surveillance system to spy on their people. My friend Cayla and My friend Freddy Bär.

To be honest, what GeStaPo- and StaSi DeMaiziere wants, his wet dream is the same kind of surveillance to spy on the german people that actually targets the people of the five eyes, especially the "U"S and "U"K citizens. People maybe still don´t know, or maybe still don´t want to believe, but germany is occupied by the "U"SA, since 1945. These Bundesknazler puppets have to sign contracts, called the Kanzlerakte:

Brandt war empört, dass man von ihm verlangte, »einen solchen Unterwerfungsbrief« zu unterschreiben. Schließlich sei er zum Bundeskanzler gewählt und seinem Amtseid verpflichtet. Die Botschafter könnten ihn wohl kaum absetzen! Da musste er sich belehren lassen, dass Konrad Adenauer diese Briefe unterschrieben hatte und danach Ludwig Erhard und danach Kurt Georg Kiesinger . Dass aus den Militärgouverneuren inzwischen Hohe Kommissare geworden waren und nach dem sogenannten Deutschlandvertrag nebst Beitritt zur Nato 1955 die deutsche Souveränität verkündet worden war, änderte daran nichts. Er schloss: »Also habe ich auch unterschrieben« – und hat nie wieder davon gesprochen.

Link The whol article is about the so called sovereignty, worth to use a translator and read it complete.

It is right that germany invented the modern surveillance state, made them way more effective, accurate. With gathering data about it´s people. And, for example, were the first that had an record of the "religion" in their ID´s. That´s why the Nazis could identify, find and kill that much jews. And later "we" had the GDR with it´s Stasi. But what happened to all the useful or rich nazi big brothers, after the fall of the Third Reich, for example?

Operation Paperclip

And i am pretty sure that the same happened after the fall of the GDR!

So, in reality, you took "our best big brothers" and made them better. Stole their knowledge and turned it against the rest of the world. You left some of the Nazi criminals here in germany(because nobody else was left, average germans were send to die in a senseless war), to create the "german" police, the "german" secret services, the "german justice" system, the "german" Bundestag. All these are puppets that have to dance to the "U"S tunes, if they want or not. Till today. And papers about the fact that germany is nothing more than an "U"S outpost in front of russia are kept secret till 2099, from the german people. What is there to hide, if all that is just a lunatic conspiracy theory of some tinfoil hat wearing idiots?

The whole RND text, what they fear could happen to germany, isn´t all that fact, right now, in the "U"SA?

And to be honest, because of all that "blow everything in the back of the rich" behaviour of "our representatives of the people", we are not even able anymore to build a train station or an airport. We pay our workers that less, that the people, that would be able to invent and run such a big brother system, fled to countries where the work and spend lifetime of the people still is accepted and appreciated.

All that new GeStaPo and StaSi stuff comes from the five eyes or their friends and partners, like France!

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

First of all, Germany is NOT a world leader in surveilling its own people, its not even one of the top ten.

The US however, sits pretty at the top of the list, not because it does the most comprehensive job of it (that probably goes to China, Russia, North Korea, or similar), but because despite massive uproar, the peoples awareness of it, and the fact that in a nation alleging to operate on the basis of freedom and liberty, these systems are automatically morally objectionable, the systems are still being deployed against the citizen, without their prior permission, and despite very public outcry against that system being deployed at all.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:33 AM
People need to feel and be alone. Psychologicaly for release of stress of the world. This world i promise will go slowly mad.

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: Azureblue

The Real and the "Stated" Goals ... he said:

"Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it."

Actually, the Tibetan Buddhists say everything has "three" aspects:

Outer, Inner, and Secret.

The "outer" is what the public sees, or what the public is informed about it.

The "inner" is what the insiders know, or believe they know about it.

And the "secret" is what the real purpose is, or real truth, known to the "enlightened" what the West call "Illuminati".

I can see that its easy to draw a parallel with the word 'enlightened' and the group the 'Illuminati' as both imply that a small group of people have knowledge and power not available to the rest of the people.

However, IMO, "enlightened" regarding Tibet meant people who were highly spiritually evolved.

As people become more spiritually evolved they were given knowledge denied to the less evolved and the un-evolved.

Tibet has always been a secular society focused on spiritual advancement. They believed in reincarnation which meant they had to endure many lives in this world before they before they become sufficiently spiritually evolved that they did not have to be reborn into this world again.

When they (well all of us really,) reach this point they/we go up a grade so-to-speak, like we did in school, into the next realm, the next level of vibration and reincarnate back into the world Christians refer to as heaven.... which is our real home when we are not living in this 'hell.'

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Germany never lost the war, they expanded it to the west.

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: AMPTAH
So, say you're having sex with your mistress instead of your wife on Thursdays by the corner shop. The AI machine observes this and decides it's not good for your marriage, so it switches off your sex toy on Thursdays so that you can't have fun with your mistress as usual, she gets upset and breaks up with you. Or the AI disables your car, disconnecting the start switch on Thursday, so you can't even go visit your mistress, all because the AI decided, on its own, that it's better to keep you at home to be with your wife Thursday nights.

Humans are smarter... just have sex with the mistress on Wednesday

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