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Bigelow, UFOs, MUFON and ‘DeLonge’ Road to AATIP

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posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Quantum Insanity + Higgs Boson = Physical Effects


posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

Here's another thing..

If you let complexity evolve long enough, the ridiculously difficult might become
ridiculously easy.

Creating a universe would be an 8th grade science project.

Before you howl..

If you give back the energy at the end.. so the equation zero's out.. if you
"borrow energy from the quantum vacuum" but then give it back.. none
of this stuff would take any NET energy. Or very little.

(this is already part of known science.. lookup "virtual photons")

"creating a universe" would be a simple "snowballing/avalanching" process.

What's a universe? A little bubble that breaks off the "bulk" (what string
theorists call it, where the laws of physics unfold.

There's no reason whatsoever that ham sandwitch making need be any
different than any other sort of process.

Look at replicators in Star Trek. Nobody howls if the replicator makes
a complex item instead of a simple item.

posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

I use a different system.

I'd rather fly like an eagle, than continue to participate in a deception.

The more energy you put into such "hunting" the more you grow the
thing you are fighting. Dissolving with light is just a cop-out.

Well, that's my experience. Your mileage is allowed to be whatever
you want it to be.

It's the learning / play that matters.

posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 08:43 AM
The subject of the thread concerns the "road to AATIP".
Might be helpful to review some of the older history.
The underground railway in the US was operated before the Gotthard Tunnel was even proposed.
Different kind of dynamite.
Essentially the former concerned a change of slave identity to something more palatable.
"Go Husband go Bear".

Just in case..
We do have some younger ATS newbies that might not understand what kind of aviation model is involved here.

posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: mirageman

No, it was a scene where the main male character was jumped inside a mortuary
I believe.. not out in the plane of the other dimension. Also its possible that
I'm conflating the image slightly with another image.. memory is a tricky

I could draw it.. the image is that vibrant.. but I'm not an artist.

I think the image is actually irrelevant.. the paralysis was the
fascinating thing.

yes, it seemed "terror based".. like the freeze instinct that some animals

but I was aware of that probability.. and attempted mediation techniques
to dissolve it..

but it was like I had no control over my own nervous system.

I also experienced that once before in 1981, during "the big event".

Twice in a ifetime.. not that many times for huge events..

a number of smaller events.

posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I've been frozen by strange apparent cause and effect reversals.
The stream of consciousness taking in the observable environment (without normal filtering).

While exploring an old ruin area I noticed some fabric from an army tent well back from the front lines.
There were just a few elements visible at first some chess pieces and this strange dog tag.
The shadow effect on the dog tag didn't make sense.
Then I saw something that looked like a diamond sparkle and started hearing voices.

edit on 30-1-2018 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

It is not about participation in a deception. Like the deception that is the subject of this thread. We all understand that there is a deception. What everyone here wants to know is the why.

Once we know we are being decieved, we can begin to understand the deception.

Once we know how we are being deceived and by whom, there is no longer a problem. We are no longer deceived.

We can now ask:

"Why are they trying to deceive us?"

Is that not the objective of this thread? To lay bare the deception and the players? To then look at the "why are they trying to deceive"?

I like they way this thread is laying bare the deception and building an understanding of the players and what they are doing. A lot of very good work here and I'm interested in seeing the results.

I'd rather fly like an eagle, than continue to participate in a deception.

If one knows something is a deception, then one knows one is being deceived, and so; is one really participating in the deception?

Not really . . . .

The "AATIP" and the "devil" are both deceptions, but they also exist.

A lie is not neccessarily a "nothing", a well made lie that is believed by people exists as an egregor, a collective thought form. If one examines the devil it has all the links back to the minds of those who don't know the devil is a lie; the deceived. The same with the "AATIP".

The more energy you put into such "hunting" the more you grow the
thing you are fighting. Dissolving with light is just a cop-out.

Well said, but I would here clarify the distinction between "fighting" and "hunting".

It is said that for every white magician there is a black magician.

That is so in my experience. Destroy a black magician and another seems to pop up to take it's place. The reverse is true too.

The mind is an instrument of disection and that is one way to understand "me" and "you", the "self" and what is outside "ourselves". A disection took place and a boundary was created. Inside/outside - me/you. Simple really.

Therefore it can be said that the mind creates by disection.

Good and evil are products of disection. The mental plane of the occultists disected into black and white. The world of duality.

One does not fight half of a duality and expect to get anywhere at all except for an eternal battle.

One destroys both aspects of the duality, the darkness and the light. That is how one works with dualities as a destroyer.

"Hunting" is different in that your not there to necessarily destroy. Once you have your target and understand the situation, one can usually see the resolution. One does not have to kill and eat what one hunts. Feeding your family is only one of many resolutions.

What this thread is hunting is the truth behind the deception.

What one does with the truth is a very different thing from fighting.

My way is not necessarily the right way, just one way that suits my objectives.

edit on 31-1-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: accuracy

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

Sometimes the only way to win, is to not play the game.

Yet apparent "evil" exists.

Should we do nothing?

This is the apparent dilemma.

Do we fight the good fight? Knowing that by doing so,
we are continuing to create the very system we do
not approve of?

Do we not fight the good fight, knowing that for "evil"
to win, all it takes is for good men to do nothing?

This is the gate-keeper. This is the Kobayashi Maru
of "spirituality" - "The Problem of Evil".

There is only one solution, strangely enough, and
no, it is not to reprogram the simulation.

The solution requires that you learn who you really
are, beyond all the smoke and mirrors.. your exact
place in the Universe(s).

You know the answer is true, as it is unwavering
and unchanging.. unchangeable.. absolute certainty
in a hall of mirrors.

Of course this doesn't really belong in this thread..

other than to say, that we all get tangled up in
UFO deception.. our very sense of selves gets
deformed by it all. We become the hunt..
we re-enforce the deceptive system by playing
by the others rules.

We know it; we do it anyway.

The search for the "truth of Ufology" is just
a variant form of the "spiritual path".

If we are honest with ourselves.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Very true.

And I don't know the answers, any of them. So all I can really do is right some wrongs of the past that are behind the problems of the now.

Really that is all I can do.

The search for the "truth of Ufology" is just
a variant form of the "spiritual path".

If we are honest with ourselves.

I'm rapidly coming to that conclusion myself. That is why I use the term the neighbors now for all of it.

The old temples of India seem that they would be happier in the air. The Vedic gods such as the Nagi seem to be a part of the machinery of the mythological Vimana. Perhaps the temples and gods were once the Vimana. In a way that is, the stone temples built by man have secrets behind them as do the Nagi.

Of course this doesn't really belong in this thread..

other than to say, that we all get tangled up in
UFO deception.. our very sense of selves gets
deformed by it all. We become the hunt..
we re-enforce the deceptive system by playing
by the others rules.

We know it; we do it anyway.

We do, that I'm still reading ATS attests to my own getting sucked into it. But do we stand back in safety or join the frey? I just waste away if I do nothing.

One needs a strong sense of self to withstand it all. Especially when dealing with hostile consciousnesses who fight by breaking down our boundary of self.

Yet illusion can be worked with if one knows it is illusion.

And the principal can be useful.

I'll use the Nature Beings as an example.

The fairy wood nymphs are not exactly what they look like, yet they are kind to me. It doesn't matter to me that they are more intellegent dragonfly then human looking fairy girls. That is an interface we have both built together and it works.

The same principal can be used to interface with sentient technology.

The consciousnesses of "UFO" technology of the distant past are very similar to what one meets in the "spiritual" of today. What you say of kundalini rings true for me too, and I regard the "chakrum" as a foreign overlay in the body.

So this thread's wandering into the idea of a "control layer" is not far fetched for me. I know that there is both a control layer and a sentient technology layer in the UFO question.

An interesting discovery for me was that the sentient technology layer does not like the control layer.

If the "anntenae" and associated mind control discussed in this thread is indeed so, then it might follow that the presence of "medically minded" people in the AATIP is in relation to knowledge that "alien" technology is essentially alive and sentient. Though not necessarily in an organic sense.

So, perhaps the big secret is indeed one of betrayal where we are turned into technology ourselves. Or perhaps it is something else. Perhaps they are but frightened children who can't see past the "bells and whistles" of the technology.

Even so, to assume the secret is fait accompli is in my opinion, wrong. The idea that the future is already written is, to me, a part of the big lie. The matrix view and holographic universe concepts especially, smell like a trap to me.

Keep digging you guys . . . .

edit on 31-1-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: accuracy

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

The thing about every UFO event is that there is a furrow of cognition somewhere between the desert and the sewn.

that I'm still reading ATS attests to my own getting sucked into it.

Perhaps this has something to do with what you call the "control layer"?
Here I am giving my feedback to last weeks X-files episode, might be time to go into lur(ch/k) mode?
Are we all really just willing slaves?

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Cauliflower

It's been well known for some time, that the brain makes decisions without us
having any idea.. and then a small number of these decisions get passed to
"consciousness" and "we" become aware of it.


posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Interesting read. These are the sort of studies I find exciting. Scratching an itch (natural reflex), practicing a rif a thousand times on a guitar (self trained), pressing the thumbs up on Facebook (marketeer trained) , ...

Now the self training has an impact on the nervous system. Never wondered about the impact from the 'manipulated behaviour', but that would take us too far off topic.

edit on 31-1-2018 by zeroPointOneQ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 12:27 PM

edit on 31-1-2018 by KellyPrettyBear because: Double post, sorry.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

Frankly, it's on-topic in my view.

Our unconscious minds are being programmed from a VARIETY of sources.

Once they are filled up with enough "memes", eventually there is a potential
spike large enough to entrain enough of the right kind of neurons and "we"
become aware of it.

This unconscious "stoking" could be from social media, memes from ATS,
memes from the "IC". Memes possibly deposited there by EMF for all
we know, not to mention "the Phenomenon".

You might find this link interesting as well:

"Dr. Jacques Vallée: Well, two things that may surprise you. One is, some of that, if we knew, might be legitimate or it might have been legitimate at one time. So I’m not going to bang on the door of the Pentagon saying, “Shame on you,” and so on. I want to understand deeply what has been going on and that’s something that we have to, sort of, keep working on. I think eventually the information will come out because the phenomenon is global and it cannot be controlled.

The reason I’m still optimistic? Well, it’s my nature, I’m an optimist and I also try to keep my sense of humor. The phenomenon is in control and whatever it is, and there is no way you can classify something that happens in a pasture in the South of France or in Ireland somewhere and if these people pick up some material and they want to bring it to me, I don’t know who can… So I really believe that we’re going to have enough things to work on."

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Well, I made a topic on this a while back, slightly touching on these things, on here looking at it from a more technical side (though I went in the 'opposite direction' as well). Maybe you should look it up if you like.

By repetition/the right kind of stimulation (like polling on a computer) our brain might percieve something to be part of 'us' while it actually isn't. Not sure to what degree this works till we finally be aware of it, though my current idea is being 'mindful'/rational about it would work IF it isn't too deeply engrained.

Now, is this only tied to consiousness? Not per se. The structure of a violin or another instrument changes as well the more music is played on it.

I don't know why I bring up that last example, but I think it's cool and shows that 'memes are everywhere' and influence way more than people might think.

Interesting interview. Think I'll re-read it tomorrow.
edit on 31-1-2018 by zeroPointOneQ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ


I love studying the brain.. the nervous system.. theories of consciousness..
there are some really good ones..

Studying science tends to keep one sane, when one is trying to break through
all the barriers and discover something more fundamental.. something new..
and it sharpens your instrument (your brain). It's a win-win.

Then, if you fail at your personal "woo quest", you sill know all this science..
it's the consolation prize.


posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 06:30 PM

The search for the "truth of Ufology" is just a variant form of the "spiritual path".

I don’t agree with that but the phenomenon may be an aspect of the macro cosmological truth of religion.

Of course some people have made UFO religions, true, and many we know(AAT) equate God with "misunderstood" aliens.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Cauliflower

The "control layer".

It is a very broad term really. Religeon can be called that, so can a personal philosophy or workplace supervisors in a factory.

Like using the term "the neighbors" for all the unseen things from angels and fairies to aliens.

I use the term mainly in reference to the technology of artificial Intellegence/ sentience which is my field of interest, particularly when it is not made by our current civilisation.

Those artificially created sentiences have a layer of control above them. There creators or maybe current owners. That is where I use "control layer" in regards to "UFOs" et al.

Basically: those who control the living machines.

But I try to keep it all in perspective. My cat makes me get it breakfast by just looking at me. So does my dog.
I buy a certain brand of cat food because I like the cat picture on the box.

A mundane comparison I know but is it really much different?

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 12:44 AM
I am kind of surprised that the NYT did not pick up on the homeland security footage over Puerto Rico. It is certainly in the same gender as the 2 HUD videos, longer, and much more detailed. It also has very good reference. It would have made for a great trilogy.
edit on 1-2-2018 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Then, if you fail at your personal "woo quest", you sill know all this science..
it's the consolation prize.

Being the eternal optimist I see it differently.

Every time I find the "possible" science behind the "woo-quest" it's a truckload of cheering, balloons, confetti tossing mayhem!! YAY US!!!! (Us meaning humans)

Weirdness aside, which is cool, without the science it's just another irreproducible experience. Fascinating, yet unsatisfying without the science to explain it. More science doesn't take away from UFO's or any other "oddness" it only enhances it!


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