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Proposed Regulation Allows Children To Self-Identify Gender And Race Without Parental Consent

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posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 08:18 AM
*Stop the world I want to get off*

If we consider the problem of mental health is getting bad now ......

Its nothing to the future world of really screwed up unable to function


posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj

Well that's a particularly slippery slope, isn't it? I hope that what I think you are suggesting is not actually what is happening.

Unfortunately, it's exactly what is happening.

The revolution in attitudes doesn't take place overnight.

It's step by step, one seemingly little transformation at a time.

Before you know it, kids having sex with adults is "a ok".

Nambla comes out of the closet and is approved, just like all the other sexual transformations accepting gays, lesbians and transgender.

The thing is, once the adult no longer has the right "to guide" the kid, but must accept the kids own impulses coming from within as "natural" and something to be "nurtured" rather than repressed, we've moved into a different playing field.

This is an entirely new domain, new territory, that our inner guide is more respected and accepted than the outer guidance provided by others.

We all know that "god" or "nature" has created the human body to mature faster than our society will traditionally accept.

We are the ones that "impose" on the kids the "limits" to expressing their sexuality, not nature.

This is part of social engineering that we think is good.

Now all that is being challenged.

Who has the right to set the age of "16 years old" for a person to have sex, without it being "illegal" ?

Nature has set the age lower, at "13 years old" for "sexual maturity".

We impose our view that "nature is wrong", and the kid isn't "mentally mature" to explore their own body at 13, so we raise the age "arbitrarily" to 16, to give them more time to think about it, before plunging in and giving in to exploring their new "sexual urges" that body is throwing at them.

Now, however, the wisdom is changing, we are to "let the kid follow their own inner guide and natural impulses."

So, we're headed towards accepting kids having sex at a younger and younger age, to properly "discover themselves" and figure out who they are.

Once we head down that new territory, it's a small step to accept kids having sex with adults, since who knows more about it than an adult? Who is better able to show the kid, "initiate" the young ones, on the right and best way to do these things, once the kid has expressed an interest in learning more?


That's where all this is headed.

Is it a conspiracy by the Nambla organization?

Who knows?

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: Jonjonj

Well that's a particularly slippery slope, isn't it? I hope that what I think you are suggesting is not actually what is happening.

Unfortunately, it's exactly what is happening.

The revolution in attitudes doesn't take place overnight.

It's step by step, one seemingly little transformation at a time.

Before you know it, kids having sex with adults is "a ok".

Nambla comes out of the closet and is approved, just like all the other sexual transformations accepting gays, lesbians and transgender.

The thing is, once the adult no longer has the right "to guide" the kid, but must accept the kids own impulses coming from within as "natural" and something to be "nurtured" rather than repressed, we've moved into a different playing field.

This is an entirely new domain, new territory, that our inner guide is more respected and accepted than the outer guidance provided by others.

We all know that "god" or "nature" has created the human body to mature faster than our society will traditionally accept.

We are the ones that "impose" on the kids the "limits" to expressing their sexuality, not nature.

This is part of social engineering that we think is good.

Now all that is being challenged.

Who has the right to set the age of "16 years old" for a person to have sex, without it being "illegal" ?

Nature has set the age lower, at "13 years old" for "sexual maturity".

We impose our view that "nature is wrong", and the kid isn't "mentally mature" to explore their own body at 13, so we raise the age "arbitrarily" to 16, to give them more time to think about it, before plunging in and giving in to exploring their new "sexual urges" that body is throwing at them.

Now, however, the wisdom is changing, we are to "let the kid follow their own inner guide and natural impulses."

So, we're headed towards accepting kids having sex at a younger and younger age, to properly "discover themselves" and figure out who they are.

Once we head down that new territory, it's a small step to accept kids having sex with adults, since who knows more about it than an adult? Who is better able to show the kid, "initiate" the young ones, on the right and best way to do these things, once the kid has expressed an interest in learning more?


That's where all this is headed.

Is it a conspiracy by the Nambla organization?

Who knows?

You almost sound like you are in favour of children expressing themselves sexually with adults ? I hope I read that wrong 😕.

I do agree by allowing children too much freedom , especially on issues that they are too young to fully grasp , that we are heading down a slippery slope.

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
What's it to you? Why does this bother you when it literally has no effect on you at all? Are you in the business of telling people who and what they are?

...This affects everyone living in Delaware, but I guess you are more than fine and dandy having the government tell parents exactly how to raise their kids... I am not the one telling parents how to raise their kids, the government in Delaware is the one doing this. Your argument is to try to deflect this and make it like I am the one trying to tell others how to live... Either read, and comprehend what you are reading when responding to a thread, or don't make such red herrings and asinine arguments trying to claim that I am the one telling people how to live their lives...

This type of government overreach is what happens in socialist/communist regimes where the state dictates exactly what beliefs children should have, how they should be raised and even takes away the parent's rights.

Not to mention that this line of reasoning, that minors should be able to decide what gender they are, or how to be raised, would also led to the belief that if minors can make these decisions then minors should also be able to decide "when to have sex and with whom", and it would be completely legal for minors to make those sorts of decisions since "according to the state/government" minors are the ones who make such decisions and not the parents.

edit on 24-11-2017 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: badw0lf

If it had nothing to do with me then it also has nothing to do with you.

Is the school forcing anything on the kids or is it simply giving them a free choice?

...Minors/children have very malleable minds, and yes this type of "regulation" does allow for "pedophiles" and "would be pedophiles", alongside some other people working in the school system, the ability to force their own views on minors/children. This should be left to the parents, not for the government to decide and for the government to take away the parent's rights on how to raise their children.
edit on 24-11-2017 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 02:11 PM
All of this crap about children should be making their own choices. Since when? We don't let children vote, we don't let children drive, they don't get to choose whether or not they go to school or make any decisions for themselves that drastically effect their lives. That's the point. Children do not know what's best for themselves 90% of the time because they lack life experience to make these kinds of decisions.

Why the # would anyone let a child decide it's gender and race? This whole debate makes my brain hurt.

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: Sheye

You almost sound like you are in favour of children expressing themselves sexually with adults ? I hope I read that wrong 😕.

I do agree by allowing children too much freedom , especially on issues that they are too young to fully grasp , that we are heading down a slippery slope.

I'm old. When the final steps are being taken, I won't be here on earth. So, technically, it doesn't really matter to me.

So, any appearance of me "favoring" this or that change is just an illusion.

I say this is where mankind is headed.

It's obvious to me.

If you predicted 100 years ago that homosexuals would be getting married in the future, almost everybody would have laughed at that idea.

Today, it's a reality. And many people have "accepted" it as good and normal. How come?

The fact is that the change was gradual. It went step by step, not overnight.

I'm just predicting the future, 100 years from now.

Most people can't seem to look ahead. They can only see the next step on the path. They should raise their heads and look further, and ask, where is it all going? After this change, what will "become acceptable" to us then? Leading to the next change after that.

The buddists train their disciples to look ahead and see the future the same way, by following the "logic", examining the "patterns", carefully tracing the path step by step, then the future becomes clear. In this same way, the yogis say we can know the past, before we were even born.

You don't need a crystal ball.

All changes follow a pattern, the same pattern that occurred in the past, repeat again in the future, just with different things.

Everything that is bad today, becomes good tomorrow.

If you haven't noticed that yet, you're just refusing to look.

If I say I favor this change, today I'd be criticized, and if I don't favor it, tomorrow I'd be called a bigot.

That's just the truth.

So, I stay neutral.

As Jesus said, be passersby, I look on and comment. If any many thinketh he can prevent the coming changes, then let him struggle his best to have the world conform to his own ideals.

I don't have much time left on earth to bother.

edit on 24-11-2017 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2017 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: AMPTAH

If you've read some of my posts on similiar threads you would have noticed I've said the same things. I've been seeing the long term goals for society and it's children for well over a decade.

The next steps to allowing children consenting sex with adults is not far off. Many cultures already accept very young child brides, and it may become a cultural norm in the west. I think they will also take the taboo out of incest under the whole 'consent' argument.

I'm sorry if I assumed you were ' for' these changes... but I agree with you that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg on many issues concerning children.

edit on 25-11-2017 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2017 @ 05:40 PM
Male Student - "I feel like Im a girl, but I'm afraid to tell my parents"

School Counselor - "I understand, this is a big challenge for many people, not just students."

Male Student - " You don't understand, my Dad will freak out and my Mom will scream for sure!"

School Counselor - "Do they do that often?"

Male Student - "Yes, all the time. When I get caught masturbating, forget to do my homework or even when I don't do my chores!"

School Counselor - "Wow, I'm not sure you SHOULD tell your parents, they seem very CONSERVATIVE."

Male Student - "You don't know the half of it. My Dad wears a MAGA hat sometimes!"

School Counselor - "Well, I've heard enough to believe that your parents would not sufficiently encourage your belief that you are a girl so I'm going to call Child Protection Services."

Male Student - "What?!"

School Counselor - "Yes, and you'll probably have to spend some time away from your family. But don't worry, we'll not tell your parents until all of the paperwork is signed and over with so there's nothing they can do about it"

Male Student - "Hold on, I was supposed to go fishing with Dad tonight at sunset and my Mom is making a pumpkin pie for desert."

School Counselor - "Well, now that you've told me how they'd react I'm afraid were going to have to get the ball rolling here."

Male Student - "Look lady, I was just trying to get a look at Sarah Swisher's panties in the bathroom. My friends told me if I explain I felt like a girl you would let me off the hook!"

School Counselor - "Oh dear, now you're exhibiting signs of emotional denial, probably typical in your family. Wait right here while I grab the school officer to restrain you so I can call CPS."

Male Student - "Nooooooooooooo!"


Sounds like a great law!

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