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SCI/TECH: Mad Cow Madness

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posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 03:52 PM
It is shameful, that's certain.

I feel as though we're all to blame. We let it get this far, and we've known, deep down, that something has been really wrong for the last 20 or 30 years in terms of deliberate lies being brushed aside as 'business as usual.' We've become so accustomed to the fact that politicians lie, we've sanctioned it with our silence.

All politicians need to be cleared by a jury of their peers in their home state before returning to work. That would fix the problem in many cases.

The people need a single voice with which to tell the government three things

Clean up our water now, no matter what it costs you!
Clean up and replenish our soil no matter what it costs you!
Assist the people in growing their own remedies now, no matter what it costs you!

Growing your own food supply in an enclosed environment would reduce your exposure to harm considerably. That might be a good stop gap measure for those who don't trust the government to give a damn.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by snotbooger

The UK killed and burned literally millions of cows in the late 1990's because of the Mad Cow scare. There were 150 cases of human infection in Britain alone... Where have you guys been??

Thanks for bringing this on, actually that is one of the reason we here in US are so interested in the problem with mad cow disease, yes we are aware of the diseases in other countries and how has affected the economy in your country and others.

But my question is to you, do you ever wonder why US is relatively "clean" went it comes to the diseases, minimum problems, beef is good for sell, I am very worry as how much the government has lie to us the American public to protect the beef industry, how secure is our own meet supply.

US is enforcing other countries to used all kind of US approved methods for testing and controlling the disease throught the slaughtering of the cattle.

But does any other country has done any research to see if US is following the same standards that it forces on your country and others?

I am starting to feel that something is not right and its smells foul.

I'm a US citizen, I didn't mean "where you guys been?" in the sense of location..

Obviously there is BSE infection in US cattle, Japan refuses to buy our beef because of the risk and the USDA has been actively blocking attempts to test cattle. It can be done for a few cents a pound and would allow us to resume beef exports, but then they'd have to explain to the people why we've been eating infected beef for years...

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by snotbooger

Obviously there is BSE infection in US cattle, Japan refuses to buy our beef because of the risk and the USDA has been actively blocking attempts to test cattle. It can be done for a few cents a pound and would allow us to resume beef exports, but then they'd have to explain to the people why we've been eating infected beef for years...

....You need to check the references and read a few more posts. Tainted beef is the least of our problems - we've got prions in our soil, water, hospitals, food processing facilities and more.

Current decontamination and sterilization procedures do not touch prions.

At this point - we're concerned about the epidemics of "subclinical" infections in humans, the links to AIDS and other new diseases - and the fact that prion infections cause victims to suffer decades of disability and dysfunction before death.

...prions use the immune system, and can infect virtually any organ or part of the body. This 'capability' causes a variety of diseases that are not acknowledged officially as prion-related - including heart diseease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and not to mention birth defects.

...Kerry claimed that over 100 million Americans are chronically disabled - my research says nearly 100% of Americans are infected with fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) by adulthood. ...FMD first appeared in the early 1900's in the USA - it results from a misfolded protein called "a-smooth muscle actin" - and looks like the first prion disease to infect humans.

...So potentially, virtually every American is already a walking prion timebomb - but health, Social Security and everything is getting cut - the EPA might do something to stop the spread and transmission through soil, food and water - but funding to those programs is cut too.


posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:05 PM
I got anothe source on the history of human prion diseases.

Several different forms of prion disease exist (see the Table below). The first human prionosis to be described is called kuru (Gajdusek, 1957; Gajdusek, 1959). This is an illness of the Fore people living in the highlands of New Guinea that is thought to be linked to ritualistic cannibalism. Presumably, this illness originated with the accidental consumption of an initial patient with sporadic CJD. Kuru was once the major cause of death among Fore women; however, the disease has virtually disappeared with the end of cannibalistic rituals. Similar to scrapie, patients clinically present with difficulty walking and they develop progressive signs of cerebellar dysfunction. Death occurs approximately 1 year following onset of symptoms.

The sad thing, is treatment for it, but can you get in time?

[edit on 12-2-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I got anothe source on the history of human prion diseases.

The acknowledged group of 5 or 6 prion diseases is incomplete - and tainted beef is the least of our problems - we've got prions in our soil, water, hospitals, food processing facilities and more.

Current decontamination and sterilization procedures do not touch prions.

At this point - we're concerned about the epidemics of "subclinical" infections in humans, the links to AIDS and other new diseases - and the fact that prion infections cause victims to suffer decades of disability and dysfunction before death.

...prions use the immune system, and can infect virtually any organ or part of the body. This 'capability' causes a variety of diseases that are not acknowledged officially as prion-related - including heart diseease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and not to mention birth defects.

...Kerry claimed that over 100 million Americans are chronically disabled - my research says nearly 100% of Americans are infected with fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) by adulthood. ...FMD first appeared in the early 1900's in the USA - it results from a misfolded protein called "a-smooth muscle actin" - and looks like the first prion disease to infect humans.

...So potentially, virtually every American is already a walking prion timebomb - but health, Social Security and everything is getting cut - the EPA might do something to stop the spread and transmission through soil, food and water - but funding to those programs is cut too.


posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:13 PM
Soficrow do you have a list of the symptoms of the disease in humans?

I believe it has another name, and is no mad cow disiease.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:14 PM
This is from a 1996 paper. I'm sure some of the info is dated but I think it still helps us to see what these prions are about.

Prions are proteins that occur in the brains of all mammals so far studied. The normal function of prion proteins is not understood, but recent research on mice that lack the PrP gene -- which encodes the prion protein -- suggest that it protects the brain against dementia and other degenerative problems associated with old age. Sometimes, 'rogue' prions are produced by genetic mutations. This explains why some cases of CJD in humans are inherited.

As all mammals produce prion protein, it would seem likely that it serves some useful purpose but, to everyone's surprise, mice without the prion-producing gene seem to grow up normally into healthy adult mice. Only after seventy weeks (which is late middle-age for a mouse) do things start to go wrong, according to Dr Suehiro Sakaguchi and his colleagues from the Nagasaki University School of Medicine in Japan, who report their findings in the April 11, 1996 Nature.

And, this may have been posted elsewhere, but the US is getting ready to impose more restrictions on Canadian beef.
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns, seeking to placate an angry American meatpacking industry, has slapped an additional restriction on Canadian beef imports when new rules take effect next month.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:22 PM
Thanks for the links, DontTreadOnMe,

US has been imposing sanctions all over the countries that have the problem with infections, but we here in the US have not clue as how our own beef is doing and if is also infected. I imagine that we maybe for a rude awakening soon.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:25 PM
Thanks for the links DontTreadOnMe - they are quite dated, but interesting. Plus
the Toronto Star article is quite good!

The links in the article above provide much more current and less widely known information.

Prions and the origin of HIV

Mad Cow-causing Prions Found in All Organs

"Mad Cow" Disease Uses Immune System to Spread in Body

Did Chemical and Drug Industries Create Mad Cow?

Rare Drug-Resistant HIV Found in N.Y.

marg is asking about fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD), likely the first prion disease to infect humans. There is some info on FMD here at ATS:


[edit on 12-2-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

marg is asking about fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD), likely the first prion disease to infect humans. There is some info on FMD here at ATS:

[edit on 12-2-2005 by soficrow]

Thanks for the link, I am do for a check up and I am going to make an appoitment this week and I am going ask the doctor to test me for fibromuscular dysplacia and see what he said about it.

I will said that is im my family.

Also do you know if the reason for the government wanting to start testing citizens for mental illness is part of the testing to find out if they have this disease.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by soficrow

marg is asking about fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD), likely the first prion disease to infect humans. There is some info on FMD here at ATS:

[edit on 12-2-2005 by soficrow]

Thanks for the link, I am do for a check up and I am going to make an appoitment this week and I am going ask the doctor to test me for fibromuscular dysplacia and see what he said about it.

Be careful! First of all - tests aren't covered until you have acute symptoms. Your doctor will treat you like a wingbat if you ask...

...The recognized gold standard test for FMD is an angiogram - when a catheter is inserted into the artery in your groin, and camera is pushed through your blood vessels to look for cell changes. It is used when the protein deposits have built up to cause fibrosis that blocks blood vessels. BUT

1. The cell changes are often transient, much like cold sores (so what's the point?);

2. The catheter spreads the prions in the blood vessels - not something you want to happen unless there's no other choice.

...There are genetic tests that look for mutations, and fibroblast skin tests that test for myofibroblasts (the skin tests can tell if you have it anywhere in your body). ...but no one does them because they don't show anything treatable.

...The safest test to look for protein deposits is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI - or MRA when it includes an angio). Again - not done unless there is aclear need like kidney failure, heart attack, stroke...

Really - the available tests suck, and so do the treatments - they are limited, and only good for advanced stages.

....Personalized medicine involves a battery of tests - immune, endocrine, fibrobalst, more - and is very, very expensive.

Also do you know if the reason for the government wanting to start testing citizens for mental illness is part of the testing to find out if they have this disease.

Even in the very early stages in young people, these diseases can have a secondary effect on the brain. ...Looks like they intend to let everyone just get sicker, and neutralize thee victims:

"A paper published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association raises some very troubling issues about mental illness and voting - and recommends "mental competency" testing for voters.

...losing the right to vote is not confined to the elderly who reside in nursing homes. If you are in a hospital as a result of anorexia, a suicide attempt or depression, the chances are good that you will not be given the opportunity to cast your ballot.

Historically, literacy tests were used to keep the poor and minorities from voting. While there are obviously many people who are too mentally ill to vote, the lingering stigma of mental illness and retardation - as well as stereotypes about the elderly - may still be denying many people their right to participate in elections."

[edit on 12-2-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 05:28 PM
So much for the test on the disease, I think I will ask and see what the doctor say about it.

For the last three years I had two surgeries so I know how it feels to be sticked by needles and have all kind of test, including MRIs. I don't think i will like that very much.

Now I though it was a simple blood test.

But the insanity case for people in the country its real and they are trying to push it, just like rumors now of having the population tested for HIV.

Some weird things are going on, and I can not believe that some people find all that nice and great, and are not looking to see what agendas the government has in mind.

Yes is ok to test for diseases but not to force everybody into doing it.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Yes is ok to test for diseases but not to force everybody into doing it.

Problem is marg - the "mental competency" tests just test for disease effects - the goal is to take away victims rights of citizenship, like their voting rights.

Assault on Voting Rights

At what point is someone too impaired to cast a ballot?


[edit on 12-2-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by soficrow

Originally posted by marg6043

Yes is ok to test for diseases but not to force everybody into doing it.

Problem is marg - the "mental competency" tests just test for disease effects - the goal is to take away victims rights of citizenship, like their voting rights.

Assault on Voting Rights

At what point is someone too impaired to cast a ballot?


[edit on 12-2-2005 by soficrow]

In 2002 the research of Prions became part of the Bio-terror research community. If you want proof there is an effort to HIDE the truth just go to the CDC website, or the NATIONAL PRION RESAERCH WEBSITE.

Please notice the "juvenile" appearance of the website. Most people just see the "font" an pass it off as a BS site. In fact it is funded by the US government. What are they hiding?

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 10:31 AM
The key to the cover up is how prion diseases are defined - and what is
acknowledged officially as a prion disease.

Most of this countries ills are in fact symptoms of "subclinical" prion disease.
They just aren't defined or acknowledged as such.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 10:52 AM
Thanks for the link Dr.Horacid,

It does looks kind of a put together site (at the last moment)

Dr.Horacid do you thing that perhaps the government is waiting when the diseases start showing symptoms of Mad cow before making the public aware that something is wrong?

I remember that HIV was let rampant for a while until the government took it seriously.

I remember that is was called a (drugs and homosexual disease)

What will they call the Mad Cow epidemic when it hits US?

Eventually it will be found on more that a few cows, so far the government has manage to keep it quiet.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 04:42 PM
Most of my Mad Cow research is purely scientific - but here are a few links from the "popular press."

"The Bush administration generally frowns on federal regulation and touts the virtues of voluntary efforts to deal with all manner of national problems. So it was quite a shock when heavy-handed regulators at the Agriculture Department refused to let a private company test all the cattle it slaughters for mad cow disease."

"Because it is so bizarre and horrifying, you may not want to know, but our government knows and isn't telling, that the milk and beef in our current diet are unfit to eat because dairy and beef cattle, just like in England, are fed a government-approved high protein meat and bone meal made from filthy chicken poop, slaughter-house inedibles, and sheep and cows that died from disabilities or disease. This genocidal practice, in addition to medicating cattle with antibiotics, tranquilizers and growth hormones that make them sick, may explain why up to 80% of all dairy and beef cattle have bovine leukemia cancer virus, and 50% have bovine immunodeficiency AIDS virus and an unknown percentage have Mad Cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) - all of which are transmissible to humans when we drink infected milk and eat infected beef. You can't know which milk and beef products are infected because they are NOT TESTED by Babylonian bureaucrats.

Welcome to the New World Order version of good nutrition and health at a time when the Orwellian Department of Health is, in reality, the Department of Disease and Genocide. The FDA really means Force Death in America, and the Department of Agriculture is, in fact, the Department of Annihilation. And the AMA has been coined by holistic medical doctors as the American Murder Association. You be the judge because our government and establishment doctors do not appear to care how many people die as a result of their food, drug and health policies."

FEB 2005 Ban on Blood for Transfusions Recommended

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 04:46 PM

New federal legislation takes power from the states, and will prevent people from suing for prion contamination.

Bush Pushes to Limit Class-Action Suits

Prion diseases can be transmitted congenitally and may cause birth defects. Sometimes, infected babies die quickly after birth - and sometimes too, parents are charged wrongfully with murder.

Woman who killed daughter to be sterilized!

Directives and policies don't just gag scientists and prevent them from talking publicly about prion diseases - scientists are forced to lie under threat of losing their jobs.

U.S. Still Silencing Scientists


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 12:25 AM

Excellent thread.

Here are a few new articles concerning prions:

Prions Rapidly 'Remodel' Good Protein Into Bad, Brown Study Shows

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Two Brown Medical School biologists have figured out the fate of healthy protein when it comes in contact with the infectious prion form in yeast: The protein converts to the prion form, rendering it infectious. In an instant, good protein goes bad...

This quick-change “mating” maneuver sheds important light on the mysterious molecular machinery behind prions, infectious proteins that cause fatal brain ailments such as mad cow disease and scrapie in animals and, in rare cases, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and kuru in humans.

Because similar protein self-replication occurs in neurodegenerative diseases, the findings, published in the latest issue of Nature, may also help explain the progression of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases...

Satpute-Krishnan said the speed of protein conversion was surprising. “The prions were taking all the existing protein and refolding it immediately,” she said. “It’s a very, very rapid change...”

“Just a small amount of prion-state protein can rapidly convert healthy protein into a pathogenic form...”

And another...

NIAID Scientists Characterize the Most Infectious Prion Protein Particles

A new study of prions—apparently malformed proteins that initiate deadly brain diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans—has yielded surprising information about how the size of prions relates to their infectivity. Scientists have found that small prions are much more efficiently infectious than large ones, yet there also is a lower size limit, below which infectivity is lost.


[edit on 11-9-2005 by loam]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 05:22 PM

Good stuff loam - thanks!

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