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Astronomers struggle to explain ‘zombie star’ that keeps exploding but won’t die

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posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 11:48 AM
Advanced species finding a way to repeat the explosion indefinitely to harvest the power put forth from the explosions? Might not be natural. Well.. might be natural, but manufactured. : )

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 11:56 AM
Now that it's been discovered, a patch will be released shortly to fix this bug.

posted on Nov, 11 2017 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13
just what i was thinking. now to go out in left field what if an advanced race was using that system to do scientific or weapon research?

posted on Nov, 12 2017 @ 12:00 AM
Perhaps there is a time anomaly causing us to see it that way?

posted on Nov, 12 2017 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Plotus

Probably, that or really really really slow churning neutron star. Or two almost about to collide neutron stars.

Or even weirder, its binary partners sucks up all the matter of the dying partner, before the dying star goes totally off, the other goes nova blasting and revives as it pumps all its hydrogen back into its partner. And on and on this cycle goes, like two pulsating globes to close to each other.

That is? Eventually till any excess matter and energy escaping in this slow tango slowly gets lost and leaches out in greater space. They would be two dimming constantly ever going, but slowly dimming tango dancing stars.

If the star keeps going on and off, maybe they should try to watch its size ie mass. Is it getting smaller and losing mass each and every time it does the whole phoenix back from the ashes thing?

Or it could just be a bizarre smudge on whatever there telescope or device they used to quote on quote capture this whole thing. The universe is a weird place, it could just be bad math or a misplaced 0 in whatever code they use to decode the data they use.

Just saying.

posted on Nov, 12 2017 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct
Not likely, considering that 60 year interval gap is not even an eye blink in the time scales of converging galaxies which is what? Takes place generally over hundreds of millions of years, and that's on the short side, even when there in the colliding phase.

Or even random orbiting planets don't go around in that short of a time span.

In fact! Not to many rouge planets flying around aimlessly through space out there, or at lest none in that space of time 1954 to 2014. Generally when galaxy's form its kind of a done deal with things slowly getting into there place were they stay for the next few hundred's or so of millions of years.

posted on Nov, 12 2017 @ 09:57 AM
Stupid news .
First a star that explodes will NEVER be a black hole .
A black hole is formed when a huge star collapse not explode .
Second there is NO reason a star cant explode more then once .

A big star explodes then the gravity pulls alot of the stars matter back and once it gets enough already being unstable it explodes again .

There are two kinds of Novas a super nova and a regular nova the regular Nova can very well happen more then once event .

what has p[probably got them puzzled is this stars mass may not be enough for the event like this .
But more then likly the star is just getting mass from a cloud or planetsbeing pulled in or what ever .

Once again its just a matter of finding the missing mass .

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:34 AM
Nice , Mega Structure around a Distant Star a few years back and Now this ?

a Re exploding Star

Apparently a Dimensional Rip , Frequency Vibration ( High )
in the Time Space Continuum ..

A Possible explanation

Star snapped before and after nova explosion
By Jonathan Webb
Science reporter, BBC News
17 August 2016
From the section

a Possible Binary Star system the other a Dwarf Brown Red what have you .

one went super Nova then the Other did from a Re Action From it ?

just a Hunch ..

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:47 AM
This light must be moving much faster than most and we keep seeing reruns as it makes it laps throughout the universe. .

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 10:51 AM
My guess it is continues Sonoluminescence pulses on a large scale.

edit on 13-11-2017 by EartOccupant because: Cosmic interference

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: midnightstar
Stupid news .
First a star that explodes will NEVER be a black hole .
A black hole is formed when a huge star collapse not explode .
Second there is NO reason a star cant explode more then once .

A big star explodes then the gravity pulls alot of the stars matter back and once it gets enough already being unstable it explodes again .

There are two kinds of Novas a super nova and a regular nova the regular Nova can very well happen more then once event .

what has p[probably got them puzzled is this stars mass may not be enough for the event like this .
But more then likly the star is just getting mass from a cloud or planetsbeing pulled in or what ever .

Once again its just a matter of finding the missing mass .

Without researching your response I’m going to agree. This makes sense to me, I have researched and read enough on space and physics to feel confident about this scenario.


posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 06:38 PM
Astronomers struggle to explain ‘zombie star’ that keeps exploding but won’t die

Obviously god got busy doing something else so he hit his tivo rewind button for instant replay.

Easy peasy.

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