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I Was Just ABDUCTED By Nordics!! Holy Crap!!?!?

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posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:43 AM
Earth is a prison.

Our keepers can stop and otherwise manipulate time.

We don't do anything that they have not orchestrated.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

The talk was quite interesting. I think it helps make sense out of dreams. The brain is using experience to fill in parts.


posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:45 AM
One more thing that came to mind as I read your OP, do you have sleep apnea? Is it possible you died last night and somehow revived yourself naturally rather than continuing onto your next level?

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Abysha

I can't think of a single symbol of any type that I saw.

I wasn't looking for anything though.
I was kinda caught up in the moment.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: starwarsisreal
a reply to: muzzleflash

Do you have kids? Just letting you know, they will be next or so the abduction stories say.

I recommend reading this thread about alien abduction:

Most likely you were abducted as a child yet you do not know it.

I really don't know.
I don't think so but who knows?

I'm not worried about anything like that though.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:50 AM


posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:50 AM
Last night in my dream we traveled south 2 days to go to a party. I brought music equipment. I got smashed and someone stole it. A good buddy of mine was in the dream said he got my stuff. Then i confronted the thief by saying "i know it was you, my voices rarely lie".
My voices are jerks and lie.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Reverbs

see when i tell people i see no difference in words like: angel/demon/alien/et/gods/archons/ghosts

they think well its one or the other.. I think we are seeing what our subconcious maps as there based on past experience..

Something IS there, but your explanation of it is what you expect to see..

you say "hall of records" its all just words back in the day all information was in books or scrolls so you would see a library.. now all information comes through screens so hall of records is now screen banks..

I agree that all of those are just words to describe the same entities.

I hoped that I made clear that I didn't see what I wanted to see, but instead, I believe that I saw what they thought I'd be more comfortable with seeing. And that they have some sort of technique that allows them to manipulate one's perceptions in that manner.

I didn't get any negative vibes from anything really - not even from the part where I yelled curse words. I sorta thought it was funny because I didn't think anyone would judge me wrongly for the strong expressions, despite the strong 'diplomatic aura' to the entire ordeal.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: muzzleflash


edit on 19-9-2017 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: muzzleflash

Ever had sleep paralysis? Just asking because I've had several "abduction" type experiences and I'm still not completely sure it was aliens.

Then again, I've always left that possibility open, however remote it might seem. Some of the experiences are so real feeling and vivid it's hard to write them off.

I've never had paralysis of any type ever before.
Sleep or awake.

I have always had full control of my body as far as I can remember - although during a few injuries I specifically did not move certain parts of my body on purpose because it hurt worse to move them.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: CynConcepts

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: CynConcepts

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: CynConcepts

Do you remember vomiting?

And also do you remember if it was "really hard" to see them straight on?
Like they were able to make themselves hard to see directly?

I really can't remember vomiting. I was enthused that these were my higher selves. They really knew me quite well. I recall the characters seemed familiar, yet weren't. The main one seemed to be the only one to answer my questions. The others hurried about seeming busy with controls and would not respond to me.

I thought to myself that this was my subconscious modern perception of book of life, life review library, or the archives folks talk about. First time I was curious and slightly confused. Second time, it was very familiar. The same rooms and monitors and most of the same characters. Certainly, easier to think my subconscious was creating a dream rather than being abducted, though.

If you were sleeping inside though it would be difficult to see if UFOs were hovering right over you when you woke up.

I sorta got lucky with this one because of that aspect.
Otherwise I honestly wouldn't have thought much of it.
I would have totally blown this off as just a really weird dream and never told anyone anything about it.

The presence of the actual inexplicable UFOs sitting right over me when I woke up was the clincher that got me to start freaking out like "OMG NO WAY!!!!"

My grandson woke up one morning and was very upset and angry with me and my youngest daughter who was still at home. He eventually had multiple but the same nightmare for multiple nights! He was 5 years old.

He became frightened of thunder and lightning storms, though he said, the ones in his dream had green lightning. He said the storm would come and suck him outside. His aunt and I would just be standing outside watching. We would tell him it would be okay and didn't help him. He cried the monsters in the cloud always hurt him! He literally broke my heart at his accusations. Honestly, it took months to get him to believe it was only a bad dream and his aunt and I love him very much.

That would be disturbing and, as I have two kids, I sympathize for the difficulty of that situation.

I would just hold them and tell them it was a bad dream and that daddy loves them a lot and it'll be fine.
Not sure there is anything else you can do.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Specimen

Even Jacque Vallee very skeptical about ufo possibly not having any occupants at all, all the while most abductee stories follow popular trends. He even mentioned something that ufos are more like windows rather then craft apparently.

I'm thinking Mr Vallee is just speculating based off of his own assumptions and until he has his own actual experiences all of his ideas are pretty unfounded and lack any solid foundation.

Just taking thousands of very diverse stories and then saying "that's not a space craft, it's a window" doesn't even make any sense. Did he really say something like that? Because it's totally silly.

If my inside-the-craft experience has any validity at all, it's a nuts and bolts technological spaceship.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:00 PM
My thoughts?
Ever have a complex adventure of a dream, then you wake up and realise that you've only been asleep for moments? And you wonder how all of that could have played out in such a short time? (Happens to me...I assume it's normal)

So I'm thinking some kind of awareness of the UFOs, which triggers the dream you had. Mind you, I'm listening to Nik Turner's "LIFE IN SPACE" right now, so all bets are off.

edit on 19-9-2017 by JohnnyCanuck because: correct!

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: underwerks

And that opens up a Pandoras box of questions.

After Pandora opened up her box (jar) we might as well open our own.
Question everything.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:03 PM
Narratives. In the end all that we have are narratives.

The meta-narrative is the Journey or the Hero. Shaman use special plants and fungus to alter their world view. That is the other meta-narrative: the Shaman. I like that one because it is not, "rescue the princess" or "find the sword" it is more, "some pretty #ed up stuff happens and in the end you are better for it."

The Shaman narrative starts with being cut up while travelling down a tube! At the end you find yourself in a strange space. There you meet your guide. This all sounds familiar, huh? Joseph Campbell had it right. If you use certain plants and fungus you usually puke too!

Masks. That is an apt analogy. The white owl as a cover is typical. You got Super Heroes! It was all part to keep you calm. Extreme fear and other feelings seem to mess with the tech (high tech? magic? all mental? That is part of the narrative!) Call it angels or demons, or faeries, EBEs, etc. See? You don't have to be "correct" or "prove it" to others. It is like, "prove you love your mother"? No matter what you say somebody can (and usually does!) call you a lair, so don't take it personal.

A personal experience. I was under the influence of (T&C keep me from saying). I was "cut up" while spiraling down a tube (was I de-digitized?). I woke up in a bed. There were rows and rows of beds. I stood up and looked around. None of the people in the beds were human! Neither was I. I walked down some rows and found a couple greys (typical, big eyes, big head). They were inspecting a person in a bed. They were kind of surprised to see me. They said, "You're being bad! Go back to your bed and enjoy the colors." I started protesting, "It is too real! Everybody in there thinks it is real!" They said, "Our scientists have said it is harmless. Look at those colors." I turned to look, crap! I popped back to being in the bathroom having just puked. Had an uneventful few hours. What does it mean? It is another narrative.

In the end, you have started a journey. Cool narrative! Happy travels! Thank you for sharing with us.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Diabolical1972
I was reading this at the doctors office, my prescription to you, get off ATS for two weeks and you should go back to normal. ATS has a lot to with alien encounter dreams. Even a dim light photo would have been helpful because some the members would have been able to see the background image of the object, even though it doesn't show up in a photograph.

That's ridiculous.

I don't even gravitate towards UFO threads generally.
I did years ago when I first came to ATS, but most threads here are rehashes of the same 30 or so incidents.

In the last few years I was mostly interested in the Nazi UFO topic and normally I roll my eyes at anything like what I posted in the OP so I really cannot blame others for thinking it's ludicrous to a degree.

Some people might be so weak-minded and uneducated and poorly trained that they shouldn't be anywhere near ATS or anything X-File related at all.

But I don't fall into that category. I can handle my own mental state just fine. I question myself and all of my beliefs and though answers are not generally forthcoming, I can live with that.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: underwerks

And that opens up a Pandoras box of questions.

After Pandora opened up her box (jar) we might as well open our own.
Question everything.

I agree. All possibilities should be considered. I still have a weird little red puncture mark on my arm from the experience I had last month, that hasn't gone away or changed..

I still don't really know what to think about all of this. Things seem to be getting weirder all around. For everyone.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:12 PM


posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: antar
OK you sound excited as well you should be. Thank you for bringing this forward on the forum as you of all people know what that entails...

Document everything, times, dates, weather, everything.

Have this recorded at your choice of UFO reporting stations to find out if there were any significant sightings by others in your general location or of similar craft.

How is your car today? Any electronic anomalies or changes?

Were the Craft triangular in shape, different sizes and lights on them? What color lights and how many?

How many Beings did you encounter total? What consistency was your vomit and did you floss or anything upon waking to see/smell what it may have been that you vomited?

Were there windows on the craft? Any seating, tables, or control centers you recall?

Did you get any images of them on your camera?

There were no noticeable electronic disturbances. All the street lights seemed fine. My camera was operating as expected.

I wasn't fast enough to dig my phone out to capture anything in time. I didn't think about it until the 2nd fly-by and as it was dark I had to turn the brightness down, then open the camera app, by that time the thing was dimming away and I just kinda figuratively threw up my arms and said to hell with it, lol.

I do not know the shape of the craft, it was a very bright light. Brighter than any star (yet no where near as bright as the sun). It was colored white (the light).

I recall at least 3 beings.

My vomit was liquid, it was dark brown or black colored.
All I had in me was coffee.

I didn't see any windows, just hallways-corridors.
The main area I started in had a receptionist sitting on a stool I think.
They had something akin to computers behind them.

There was the control panel where all of the screens popped up that I saw. It was like really small and the screens appeared to be holographic projections and not actually physical screen panes. There was no tvs there. They just appeared above the panel in the air.

Around that corner near this is where I saw the bed with the strange young creature in it. I remember they said "shhhh don't wake it up" or I got that impression at least, I may have thought this to myself.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash

Just taking thousands of very diverse stories and then saying "that's not a space craft, it's a window" doesn't even make any sense. Did he really say something like that? Because it's totally silly.

If my inside-the-craft experience has any validity at all, it's a nuts and bolts technological spaceship.

Is it? Because there's no indication you physically left your sleeping bag or whatever. You dreamed.
If anything it's a consciousness thing and the UFO gave you a hallucinations/vision which might have been just a test what your favourite lore is. Replace window with portal ....and you still never left your bed, but got a glimpse at something beyond which your brain interpreted in the for you most comfortable way.

It might be nuts and bolts, but you might just got your brain fried without entering it, because it was a ball lightning, heck even a fairy is a possibility.
One story doesn't tell you the truth, only the overlapping points of all stories show you certain true aspects which are still very much open for interpretation.

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