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Chemtrails, Nye County, NV, 2-8-05

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posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
James, absolutely.

And when you look at the satellite photos of the earth, you'll see a lot of persistent contrails over the ocean, too. you gotta ask youself who are they planning to deliver these "drugs" to -- the fish?

Why is it you insist on putting words into the believers mouths??
You try your hardest to make us look like a bunch of paranoid idiots who think they are trying to kill us. So for one last time, so to set the record straight...THEY ARE NOT TRYING TO KILL US...It is weather modification.
WE ARE NOT PARANOID....We just want to know what's going on and why they're screwing with our weather.

OTS, you try your best to make us look like idiots, that's all you do...Because the best way to have someone else dismiss a conspiracy is to make the believers look like idiots. By using big words and long explanations but they still don't explain what people are witnessing.
And you conveniently forget to add the word RARE when talking about lingering contrails.
But suddenly these RARE lingering contrails are now lingering ALL DAY and covering the sky in a cloud layer. Now suddenly these RARE lingering contrails are being seen EVERYWHERE. And these RARE lingering contrails are being seen over the same area in the same checkerboard patterns over and over.
And when you see the same aircraft going over the same area for hours, with a trail, in the middle of SUMMER in a cloudless sky (including cirrus) creating a huge checkerboard pattern of trails.
Then it has got to make you stop and go hummmmmm.

Interesting study on lingering contrails and there sudden increase in the 1990's...

[edit on 2/3/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:42 PM
Hey ANOK, did you miss my post?

I covered all of those issues. Go ahead and read it before you repeat those ridiculous claims again.

BTW, I am still waiting for you to answer my questions to you in this other thread.

[edit on 2-3-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:32 PM

And these RARE lingering contrails are being seen over the same area in the same checkerboard patterns over and over.

I've heard others talk about these checkerboard trails, yet I have never seen evidense of such a thing. Where is the evidence? Someone must have pics of these patterns if they exist? Please point me in the direction to see them myself.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:35 PM
you should see bakersfield......I'm moving to Alaska after my baby is born lol

[edit on 2-3-2005 by Lamagraa]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:30 PM
Actually the polar regions are also prone to persistent contrails. In a few years, when the air traffic volume grows a bit more, you will have the same up there.


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Terapin
You have it all wrong. There are indeed chemtrails!!!!
the thing is though.... that they are not up in the sky ... those are just condensation the REAL chemtrails are comming out of the tail pipe of every SUV ( Stupid Urban Vehicle) Now Breath DEEP and enjoy the rush of petro chemical fun.

Sonny E Growl is that you?

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by sensfan

And these RARE lingering contrails are being seen over the same area in the same checkerboard patterns over and over.

I've heard others talk about these checkerboard trails, yet I have never seen evidense of such a thing. Where is the evidence? Someone must have pics of these patterns if they exist? Please point me in the direction to see them myself.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:51 PM
Great God!

Sonny E. Gowl!

I havent thoght of him in years!!

Remember how he used to list the license plates of all the "chem-trail" cars that were poisoning him, interspersed with a "Praise Jesus!" about every fifth line?

And yet no one on Clowney's forum ever called him on it, because of the unwritten rule: "Don't laugh at my theories, and I won't laugh at yours!"


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:53 PM
These debates really are never going to end... they've persisted for years and will continue. It's like trying to argue whether or not Reticulans are coming down and probing our nether regions. Would hyperintelligent beings from another star system really give two bits about a bunch of apes constantly killing eachother? Of course not. But you'll get the same following of people who swear up and down that they are, and would give their lives if it meant proving their 'evidence' was based in any way on reality.

But I guess that's what makes the Internet so great. Everyone can express their own beliefs and then jabber on about them to no end. It's the American way! (Disclaimer: these statements not exclusive to Americans)

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 11:00 PM
The route map of just one airline

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 11:03 PM
ANOK says:

"... so to set the record straight...THEY ARE NOT TRYING TO KILL US...It is weather modification."

That's only your opinion, ANOK. For every "chem-trail" believer who swears it's "weather modification", there's one who says they're trying to sicken us with or innoculate us from some disease no one knows about.

"WE ARE NOT PARANOID....We just want to know what's going on and why they're screwing with our weather."

Yeah, you are.

And besides, if it's "screwing with our weather", why did you not address the second half of my post where I showed that, if it really were some weather amelioration, why aren't they "chem-trailing" places where the UV is at dangerous levels, like southern Chile?

Or if it really were some sort of way to fight global warming, why would they cover the skies when cloud cover blocks as much heat from escaping by radiation at night as it blocks heat from arriving during the daytime?

You see, ANOK, the one thing that the "poisoning us all" hypothesis and the "messing with our weather" hypothesis have in common is that neither one makes any sense.

When you sit down to examine either assertion logically, they both fall apart.


posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 05:36 PM
The sense is the nonsense - it is not natural
You make presumptions on the basis of the shared experience and knowledge
Do people have to be involved in criss crossing the sky?
You have to get rid of the myocelia
What is coming down?

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:14 PM

Why is it you insist on putting words into the believers mouths??
You try your hardest to make us look like a bunch of paranoid idiots who think they are trying to kill us. So for one last time, so to set the record straight...THEY ARE NOT TRYING TO KILL US...It is weather modification.
WE ARE NOT PARANOID....We just want to know what's going on and why they're screwing with our weather.

I think I found out your problem:


Symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into two groups: positive and negative. Positive symptoms refer to traits that are "added" to your personality and include a combination of disordered thinking (cognitive impairment) and psychotic symptoms (such as hallucinations). Negative symptoms are capabilities or aspects of your personality that are "lost" with schizophrenia (such as lack of emotion or expression) and usually develop first.

Negative symptoms include:

Inability to experience pleasure. This is a common symptom in schizophrenia and includes difficulty enjoying activities that once brought pleasure, such as playing golf or visiting with friends.

- The number of kooktrail believers who claim they can’t talk to family or friends anymore because of their obsession with kooktrails is staggering.

Lack of emotion. This can lead to few friendships or social contacts. Showing little facial expression, having poor eye contact, and slowed speech are characteristic.

Loss of motivation to succeed or accomplish goals. Job or school performance problems are common and usually due to an inability to complete tasks or goals.

- The old; “I’m too tired because of ‘stuff’ that was sprayed today. “ Pure laziness...

Problems focusing or paying attention, difficulty processing information, confusion, and fragmented thoughts.

- Speaks volumes all by itself when used to describe the Insane Cloud Posse.

Negative symptoms usually occur first and can be confused with other health problems such as depression or substance abuse. Substance abuse often occurs before the symptoms of schizophrenia become apparent.

Positive symptoms include:

Hallucinations. These usually involve hearing voices, but can involve all the senses—seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, or smelling something that is not there.

- Another classic description of chemtrail hoax believers.

Delusions. These are firmly held but false beliefs. Some common experiences include thinking you are the President of the United States, or that you are being persecuted or chased by the CIA or by demons.

- Now where have I heard this before???

Disordered (confused) thinking and speech that does not make any sense. Examples include abruptly responding to questions, not being able to respond with enough information, or always giving a one-word reply to questions.

- Wow, just visit any chemtrail hoax believers message forum and you’ll see this in action

Bizarre or disorganized behavior. Usually the behavior involves being overly excited, angry, or unresponsive to other people. It may also include bizarre body movements, such as rocking back and forth or grimacing repeatedly.

Self-neglect, such as becoming isolated from other people, wearing dirty clothes, or neglecting living space until it becomes untidy or cluttered.

Inappropriate emotions, such as smiling when speaking of sad topics or laughing for no reason.
Some people with schizophrenia also have unusual symptoms, such as jerking eye movements.

Other symptoms can occur, depending on the type of schizophrenia you have:

Paranoid schizophrenia causes unreasonable fears due to misinterpretations of what is going on around you.

- Need I say more?

Catatonic schizophrenia causes peculiar behaviors such as standing in an awkward position for long periods of time.

Disorganized schizophrenia causes unusual speech and behavior such as making up words or constantly rhyming words.

- Chem-trail, chem-cloud, chem-fog, chem-goo (need I go on?).

Childhood schizophrenia, which is rare, initially causes disorganized speech and lack of emotion. Later, it can cause hallucinations, such as hearing voices.

Symptoms of schizophrenia usually emerge during adolescence or early adulthood and may appear suddenly or develop gradually. When symptoms develop gradually, they may be misdiagnosed with other conditions with similar symptoms, such as bipolar disorder or substance abuse (which commonly occurs with schizophrenia).

( )


posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:20 PM
Here's a thought, after 9 11 with virtually all air traffic removed from the skies except for military aircraft what happened to the trails? You'd think if they were doing behviour modification that would've been the prime time to be spraying, unless you believe that it comes from commercial airliners, which nobody seems to nowdays.

If it's weather modification then yes you can see that might give it a miss for a few days so they don't draw attention to themselves. But I think everyone does agree that the trails do modify the weather, at least to some extent: warmer at night, cooler during the day. It's just the theory behind it that we don't agree on, either it's a worldwide government conspiracy or it's a natural consequence of flying at those heights.

[edit on 3-3-2005 by flurfl]

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:27 PM
Hey anut, I'm not finished yet...

OTS, you try your best to make us look like idiots, that's all you do...Because the best way to have someone else dismiss a conspiracy is to make the believers look like idiots.

We don't have to make you look like idiots, you and the other members of the Insane Cloud Posse (ICP) do a good enough job making yourselves look like idiots.

And you conveniently forget to add the word RARE when talking about lingering contrails. But suddenly these RARE lingering contrails are now lingering ALL DAY and covering the sky in a cloud layer. Now suddenly these RARE lingering contrails are being seen EVERYWHERE. And these RARE lingering contrails are being seen over the same area in the same checkerboard patterns over and over.

You mean persistant CONtrails that have been around since World War 2? And its taken you this long to notice them?

And when you see the same aircraft going over the same area for hours, with a trail, in the middle of SUMMER in a cloudless sky (including cirrus) creating a huge checkerboard pattern of trails.

The SAME aircraft? I'm sure you have a high resolution photo showing that it was the SAME aircraft, right? A photo that shows the registration number so there will finally be definitive proof (something the ICP has never done) that it is the SAME aircraft?

Here's the short and sweet. I don't believe in political correctness, it goes against my Consitutional Rights. So... Anut, you are a liar when you said it was the SAME aircraft. But I really shouldn't have expected anything less from the ICP.

The Chemtrail Hoax was started with a lie and it's perpetuated with lies, just like yours, Anut.



posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:27 PM
May I submit that you are the Schizo
Takes one to know one as they say
Maybe the schizo in full excrescence merely sees the thing as it really is
Let's not play society's games here
You see things as they are, so we must lock you up as a potentially dangerous paranoid-schizophrenic
It becomes likened to the Muslims
House arrest without charge or trial
Well done!

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:34 PM
The ignore button is very handy when dealing with ignorant scum

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:57 PM

The ignore button is very handy when dealing with ignorant scum.

Ah yes, Armpit. Straight out of the Insane Cloud Posse’s (ICP) manual. It’s a two-step process where 1) stick your fingers in your ears and then 2) go running around saying “neener-neener-neener”.

Reminds me of the old phrase “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up.” But of course nobody in the ICP has ever been able to prove they even have a mind.

And no I don’t believe you’ll ignore me. Because you’ll want to see if I say anything bad about you. It’s human nature.


posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:47 PM
You're right about the last part, but the first part describes YOURSELF

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 09:02 PM
OK traveler you found me out

You see there is a conspiracy to make everybody believe in the chemtrail hoax, I am a part of it. When we have everyone believing in chemtrails then we're gonna, we're gonna do what?
What would be the purpose of me lying?

The only reason I first started posting in chemtrail threads is because of what I saw. And I couldn't believe some peoples closed mindedness on the subject. So I decided to look on the web for info, and what do I find? Other acounts of exactly what I witnessed. And again what I witnessed was 2 aircraft, the SAME 2 aircraft, for almost 2 hours making checkerboard patterns of trails.
Your accusation of me being a liar bothers me not one iota. I know what I saw. I don't give a rats ass whether you believe me or not.
I guess it makes me fashionable cause there's a hell of a lot of people "lying" about what they are seeing

Wow the debunker's are getting desperate.

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