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The Hindu Religion is Racist

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posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: LittleByLittle
a reply to: muzzleflash

If it is about spiritual color then it would mean that the blue people where good at expressing ideas since it is the throat.

White would represent light that includes all color at a spectrum that can be seen with a prism.

Throat, air, blew blow BLUE.

Hahahaha zing
Thanks for posting that.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: LittleByLittle
I think you are seeing it from a western perspective. Here is what I see.

Humans naturally gravitate so that the ambitious and successful end up on top. Then others follow that success and fall into line in this hierarchy. It is a somewhat natural pecking order resulting from the concept of structured civilization.

Perhaps they were so aware of the human condition, they simply slapped a name on it which became the illustration for how humans organize themselves.

The West certainly did not create such a system, but neither did Hindus. It is really just a basic underlying principal of human hierarchy. Those who strive to be the best clothes dyers, or blacksmiths, or farmers/herders, or bankers, or wood carvers, stone masons, fighters, philosophers etc.. etc.. will naturally fall into a place either revered or reviled by those above or below him based on where they have fallen. After so many generations they become the priests, the governors, the lords and the Kings of men and end up on top.

At the bottom are those who basically live off the scraps of those above. it is literally the exact same system in all capitalist societies. Somehow though, they end up being called something different. Communism attempts to change this natural structure through some very authoritative means, which many of us clearly do not agree with.

I think when they describe a caste system, the translations like those of other societies simply became garbled up. Because every time the caste system is described, it just seems like any other way of non communist human society.

People in India technically have as much upward mobility as those in the west. There is just a helluva lot more people and limited opportunities than North America or Europe. This trend seems to be going in reverse though, as India is fast becoming a society where innovation is outpacing everybody else in terms of actual and potential growth. That is more characteristic of a more accommodating and open society than we are taught to believe is the case there.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: ancienthistorian

I think this entire thread is racist, and really dumb.

Fact is, of the few cultures I respect the most, India is high on my list.
edit on 15-9-2017 by ADSE255 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 05:00 AM

wrong again, nazis turned a jewish symbol around for bad luck

I know there are a lot of crack pot conspiracy theorists on this forum but the fact that someone would go so far to say that the swastika is a Jewish symbol is absolutely hilarious.

originally posted by: ADSE255
a reply to: ancienthistorian

I think this entire thread is racist, and really dumb.

Fact is, of the few cultures I respect the most, India is high on my list.

This is even more hilarious , how is reciting religious text racist?

Just because you respect a culture doesn't mean it doesn't have problems.

That's like saying you respect the Muslim culture, while ignoring the fact that Muslim women are oppressed every day.

As for the comments saying that some of the Hindu gods were "blue" , sure whatever I guess there may be some references in ancient text depending on the translation but as a scholar who studied ancient text for over decade , I'm not aware of any text that indicates that the Hindu gods were "blue".

But hey I'm just trying to be as honest as possible.

edit on 15-9-2017 by ancienthistorian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: ancienthistorian

Now, if you want to construe them as racist, which is plausible and seems accurate, why exactly did they hate the darker skinned peoples? What did those people do that generated this mindset? You've been reading the scriptures, you tell me.

I'm afraid I can't give a direct answer to that question but as the encyclopedia of Britannica points out:

dasyu, Sanskrit dāsa (“servant”), an aboriginal people in India who were encountered by the Indo-European-speaking peoples who entered northern India about 1500 bce. They were described by the Indo-Europeans as a dark-skinned, harsh-spoken people who worshipped the phallus. 

The dasyu lived in fortified places from which they sent out armies

- [Britannica encyclopedia]

The Indo-European invaders made negative generalizations towards the native people who were simply defending their land , they saw the native aborigines as violent and uncivilized people.

So maybe war could have played a role in their racist remarks towards dark skin , I'm not sure to be honest.

edit on 15-9-2017 by ancienthistorian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 05:41 AM
Sure same with all the other religions, and their bias, where any out sider may bring the Wrath of the village God up on.

Maybe there were budget cuts when they drew these books, after that how Super Saiyan came about. The drawer got sick an tied of constantly colouring Goku hair, that the most iconic transformation of all was due to budget cuts.

How's the Gentiles with atomic weapons sound? Or the Aztecs waiting on their shiney feathered serpent to sail across the sea, back to them?

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: ADSE255
a reply to: ancienthistorian

I think this entire thread is racist, and really dumb.

Fact is, of the few cultures I respect the most, India is high on my list.

Lol. India is 23 totally different cultures. You silly mo mo!!

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: ancienthistorian

Wow, thanks for this. I didn't realize there was so much racism in the Rig Veda. Maybe this contributed to the caste concept and the 'Untouchables' who tend to be really dark complexioned.

Aryan invasion is likely true, due to some clues from religion. There are many similarities between Zoroastrian religion/culture and Rig Vedic culture such as the Fire sacrifice/ritual. Also from studying Buddhism, I have seen the same names that refer to super-natural beings in both Zoroastrianism and the Tipitaka - they refer to them as Asuras and Devas/Daevas (spellings vary but are similar). The role of demons/angels seem to flip flop between the two religions. Also The Aryan 8-fold Noble Path of Theravada Buddhism is similar to something in Zoroastrianism. I think it is beyond any doubt that they are related and show proof of a migrating people.

An example is the relation of the Zoroastrian word Ahura (Ahura Mazda) and the Vedic word Asura (meaning demon or demigod). They are descended from a common Proto-Indo-Iranian religion.


posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: ancienthistorian

If you bite into an apple and found that one particular Apple tasted a bit off. Do you consider all apples to be bad? Here lies you complete and utter failure in proving your point. Apples come in many variety shape, colour, size and taste, yes taste. Picking one you don't like and labelling everything bad, is just, evidence of lack of intelligence to be able distinguish the difference between singular and collective. Hinduism, in this example, are the apples (notice the plural). If you still can't understand this concept. Let me break it down for you. The collection of apples is Hinduism, so think about what I said about variety. All you did here is point out a bad apple. You have still failed to prove how Hinduism is racist. But hey, feel free to harp on that bandwagon you have created. It will be certainly interesting to see what conclusive evidence you have which points out that Hinduism (remember the apples analogy, they come in all shapes and size, variety being the key point here) is racist.

Please don't start a thread about how apples are racists....
edit on 15-9-2017 by f0xbat because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-9-2017 by f0xbat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: ancienthistorian

Think about it, back in those days nearly everyone was racist.

Like the Hebrews for example, they claimed they were "the Chosen people" and that they, by divine right, slaughtered hundreds of thousands and took their land from them (the Levant area).

And still to this day these religions are playing race politics regularly. The same crap is happening in Israel that has been going on for thousands of years.

That particular religion has avoided being outed as racist because other racists nearly wiped them out, and they pull the victimization card anytime anyone questions their ideology.

Still to this day you see Hindus, Jews, Muslims, even a few groups of Christians, etc - marrying only people of certain genetic/ideological heritages and promoting that. People can marry whoever they want but it's only fair that we can criticize their false ideological pretenses.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Racism is as universal as racism

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Well written even if I do not fully agree with you.

From my point of view:
The narcissistic and ego insane go towards the top without regards of what happens in lower parts of the power pyramid. The truly groundbreaking scientists are never given the real value of what they create. Tesla is probably the soul on earth that gave humans the most relief from suffering by his actions. Aware and moral people cannot allow themselves to become the monster feeding on the others and know that predatory behavior cannot be justified in the end.
edit on 15-9-2017 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: LittleByLittle
Tesla trusted in a socialist principle and thats where he failed. He sacrificed his hard work in the hopes that those who can make decisions for society would utilize his research and inventions for the good of mankind. Thats what happens when you trust socialism or even communism for that matter. Capitalists will exploit that trust and destroy everything you worked hard for in the name of their further greed.

Capitalism is the default economy in a natural state. India has always been very capitalist. The social structures played out the same all over the world though, from Europe to South America, Africa and Asia. Those who were most successful
become revered and gain followers. This could be in the form of additional employees for someone's expanding trade, or loyal servants as part of a religion.

The reason some may perceive that mostly narcissistic and ego insane people get to the top is because that is what doing whatever it takes to survive may look like to those of less ambition.

If I were in a filthy, squalor ridden village and everybody was on equal footing somebody more than others are responsible for the excess filth. Somebody who is sick and tired of that filth may decide to confront others responsible for said filth, to the point of violence in order to succeed. That person becomes a leader from that day on who gains followers. However, to others not inclined to lead or follow, the behavior may seem insane.

Survival requires controversial action, and leadership is knowing when to do it. After survival has been conquered the next logical step is expansion. Otherwise the cycle of filth starts over again due to overcrowding and lack of production. I think the Caste system simply describes and illustrates where certain people and trades sit on a hierarchy, but does not necessarily condemn them there for life. Just like the social pyramids we frequently see for capitalism have the financiers, priests, elected (or not) leadership near the top, the various trades, skilled labor and professionals and security/defense at the middle and the rest of us hard working, unskilled dreamers at the bottom.

The steps required to reach towards the to from being a dreamer at the bottom will appear insane or ego driven to those without the ambition or desire to move up. But guess what?? That insane person is making their lives better are they not??

The top consists of the families who have managed to survive over the centuries by taking whatever insane measures needed in the time period where the first one rose from a dreaming follower to an ambitious leader taking action. You should not feel bad about our natural order. Everyone cannot be saved from thirst, even if you lead them straight to the water and throw them in. Some will just refuse to drink.

Hindus were probably just the first to give the system that is followed globally in most all societies a name or title with illustrations. But one thing is for certain, humans have been following that model since the first person gathered a group to become their leader. Western double speak and propaganda simply gave us some misdirection about the nature of the caste system for a handful of centuries.

India today is pretty similar to the USA though in terms of social structures and the distribution of labor. If somebody want to move from scooping dung to grooming animals , they just need to save up enough money by flinging dung for the appropriate equipment, or make it with their bare hands. Either way, it is the individuals choice where they want to stay or move on too.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 04:00 PM
Most hindu gods are portrayed as blue or black. Even their names represent this. KRISHNA means blue like a dark raincloud- KALI means BLACK.

The actual spiritual philosophy of the Vedas says YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY! Hindus believe that everything is ONE. There is no hierarchy in the limited parameters of ONE.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: SpeakerofTruth
Yeah, Hindus and Buddhists are just so "evil." In the meantime, some bomb just exploded in a crowded shopping district after someone just shouted Allahu Akbar... But Hindus and Buddhists are "evil."

Claimed Bhuddists are burning and persecuting Muslims in the numbers of around 400,000 people:

(This isn't to say Buddhists are evil, just that all religions have evil persons within it that claim belief is their justification.)
edit on 15-9-2017 by saint4God because: Clarity

edit on 15-9-2017 by saint4God because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

spirit beings were portrayed as being blue.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

See the curse placed on Ham's son Canaan the father of the negroid races. Though not biblical tradition holds that Hams wife was a decendent of Cain whose mark was actually a color change so people could see him far enough away, sling shot, arrows shot, or spear throw distance so people would know if they killed him they would suffer 7 fold. We see this seven fold killing working out in the streets of Chicago today amongst the Hamites/Canaanites.
edit on 15-9-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: worldstarcountry

See the curse placed on Ham's son Canaan the father of the negroid races. Though not biblical tradition holds that Hams wife was a decendent of Cain whose mark was actually a color change so people could see him far enough away, sling shot, arrows shot, or spear throw distance so people would know if they killed him they would suffer 7 fold. We see this seven fold killing working out in the streets of Chicago today amongst the Hamites/Canaanites.

I've read the Old Testament a time or few and you've totally lost me here, so pardon me when I say, "wut?"

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: saint4God

Honestly, that sounds more like something out of the Book of Mormon. I don't know of any place where it states dark skin is a sign of a curse in the Old Testament. I do know that the book of Mormon claims that dark skin is a curse. Black in Mormonism

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: ancienthistorian
It ties in with these philososophies (checkout for example at 14:03 and the beginning of the 2nd part):
The Pagan Religious Roots of Evolutionary Philosophies Part 1

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