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What ten changes would you make to the country if you were president

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posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 01:23 PM
How about a list of ideas that actually could happen?

Make music great again...ppfft...

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 01:25 PM
!:Tie capitalism to education starting with Kinder garden to get them used to what money is and how to more appropriately use it ,not breaching into child or slave labor ,perhaps the end game for this money is to get a car upon graduation,but students need provisional apartment living training as well.
AND recreate the classes for morals ,civics and critical thinking from the beginning SURGICALLY implementing honest and unity with light corporal punishment in the younger grades.
ACTIVISM in a class by a teacher would be a crime unless it was the subject of a study of non violent protest s and turn back the "Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars" campaign.
2: create a science branch of government that will take over medicine oversight,measurements and ecological leadership as well as spearhead civilian sciences outside military dominance ,financed by an annual budget
3: Change Admiralty law to more reflect a jury driven trial as well as reduce the legal professions to advisors ONLY.
I doubt ANYONE here believes anything but MONEY motivates that system
4: Mandatory service to government functions for 2 years with a military OPTION alone some can't fight ,I don't need any in war ,again.
5 reclaim industries by WRESTING the cabal down and taking their tech...pipe dream there but I would try.
6.Create a foreign legion,we have MANY people in the world who would LOVE to forget their passed and come here.
7: Eliminate Central banking powers ESPECIALLY speculators,Too complex and requires dumbing down for nominal civilians.
8:Return knife dueling in a discrete mutual format,not involving media. ( I know ...but I want it)
9: CLEARLY separate news cometary LEGALLY from facts,and make Propaganda ILLEGAL again.
10:Expand job corp to utilize non felon penal units on a voluntary basis so the infrastructure can be rebuilt ,they can travel and learn a trade that will be needed in construction as well,include all ages capable of functioning IN a it nationwide so an applicant can apply for jobs in any state running said job and develop a national employment placement system since some like myself have trouble interfacing with corporate entities...

I AM the Curmudgeon party,don't vote for me, get off my lawn...

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: joshysway

Only 10??? Ok here goes...

1. Congressional Term Limits
2. Universal Health Care
3. Reduce Income Taxes
4. Eliminate taxation on re-sale of homes & cars
5. Make the education system a priority and fund it fairly
6. Start a National Lottery to help fund college & trade school education
7. Create a realistic livable minimum wage
8. Campaign Finance Reform - Get corporate financing out of politics and put all candidates on an even playing field.
9. Eliminate POLITICAL PARTIES and Super Pacs!!
10. Amend the Constitution to make any organization that has a history of hate, racism, murder, drug dealing, and
stealing illegal to assemble.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: joshysway

Only 10??? Ok here goes...

1. Congressional Term Limits
2. Universal Health Care
3. Reduce Income Taxes
4. Eliminate taxation on re-sale of homes & cars
5. Make the education system a priority and fund it fairly
6. Start a National Lottery to help fund college & trade school education
7. Create a realistic livable minimum wage
8. Campaign Finance Reform - Get corporate financing out of politics and put all candidates on an even playing field.
9. Eliminate POLITICAL PARTIES and Super Pacs!!
10. Amend the Constitution to make any organization that has a history of hate, racism, murder, drug dealing, and
stealing illegal to assemble.

Couple of problems with number 10 - would make the US Government unable to assemble, as well as 99.99% of most religions....

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: joshysway

I feel like this should be titled "What ten changes would you make if you were king" seeing as how most of these lists are full of things a President would never be able to do and are by and large anti-Constitutional.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: joshysway

1) Free healthcare for all, running hospitals as a profit making business drives prices up. Insurance is a scam.
2) Focus on renewable/alternate energy and remove reliance on oil and as a result cut ties to oil rich nations in the Middle East.
3) Force American companies such as Apple/Microsoft/Google etc to manufacture their products and pay their taxes in the US or countries friendly too it.
4) Stop arguing with Russia, think what could be achieved together.
5) Tax the crap out of cheap imported goods from China/India and take action over copyright infringement.
6) Free education based on ability with financial support through high school for poorer students.
7) ID during voting and proportional representation
8) Ban affirmative action
9) Regulate the media - CNN should be called Democrat News and Fox Republican News. It's more honest.
10) Stop bombing people


1) Admit the truth over aliens
2) Show me (just me) all the cool stuff in Area 51
3) Create a reality TV version of The Running Man where annoying celebs are publicly removed from circulation for my personal entertainment.
4) Ban all religion and worship Homer Simpson as the all knowing being
5) Rename the World Series
6) Say tomato and aluminium properly.
7) Make a new series of House
8) Open a global chain of Katz's Delicatessen
9) Call it Football not bloody Soccer
10) Ban Mickey Mouse the single worst and most annoying cartoon character ever.

Not sure which list I prefer

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 02:36 PM

Couple of problems with number 10 - would make the US Government unable to assemble, as well as 99.99% of most religions....
a reply to: DrunkenMimeMaster

LOL, you have a point there. Than again, the country would probably be more at peace without both of them.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 02:39 PM

7. Deport Justin Beiber
a reply to: FauxMulder

Lol, that needs to be done on the first day you're in office.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 02:45 PM
1. Reduce the military budget by half including closing at least 300 bases around the world, probably could do with closing 400.
2. Term limits for congress and senate
3. reduce retirement for congress to let's say $10,000 a year for life from $150-180k that it is now.
4. Get rid of the FDA. All they do is cater to big food and big pharma anyways. They don't really do anything
5. Ban Fracking
6. Huge Fines for all corporate polluters. Make it a percentage of annual profits, big enough to put them out of business.
7. Get rid of homeland security and the NSA. That should be FBI and CIA anyways.
8. Audit the Fed
9. expand medicaid medicaire enough to cover anyone that needs it. Sort of like a lower quality but universal healthcare, where employees and people could still purchase better coverage if they chose to.
10. lower taxes on everyone.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 02:54 PM
1. Aggressively promote individual freedom .
2. War on drugs , gone .
3. Asset forfeiture , gone .
4. Imminent domain , gone .
5. Courses on the constitution / bill of rights , mandatory .
6. Queen Cersei gets eaten by a dragon, and or wolves .
7. Ron Paul gets free coffee from McDonald's for life .
8. All the taxpayer money given to oil companies would be redirected to wildlife conservation .
9. Full disclosure on any info pertaining to alien life , or paranormal research .
10 . Artificial intelligence would be tightly controlled .

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 03:05 PM
1) Abolish the Federal Reserve
2) Abolish the IRS, favor a 15% flat tax
3) End all lobbying
4) Congressional term limits
5) Abolish the ATF, end restrictions on automatic weapons, SBR's, suppressors, etc. (Not nukes)
6) Scale back government involvement in education, more school choice/competition
7) Repeal Obamacare
8) Return Federal lands to State governments, more power at State level all the way around
9) De-militarize a fair number of Federal agencies (BLM, IRS, etc.)
10) Remove Federal election funding and institute fair requirements for ballot access, enabling emerging Parties to stand a chance.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 03:57 PM
1: Term limits for the house and Senate

2: Tax reform in the way of a flat tax and the outlawing of loop holes and tricky accounting

3: National Sales Tax of 1 cent on every sale both private and commercial

4: Federal lottery every month with one dollar entry fee

5: line item veto for both Congress and POTUS

6: require balanced budget

7: Free healthcare with preventive medicine leading the way

8: Take the money out of politics by outlawing lobbyist and campaign fund raising, require all newspapers and television to provide free but limited equal time to address voters to ALL candidates

9: Reform criminal codes and decriminalize drugs and demonitize drugs to take power from the government and cartels

10: Provide access to all to our country fairly and with a vetting process but work hard to make every place on earth a desirable place to live so they do not have to leave their homes or I can go there

And one extra that could hardly be applied

11: Make common sense required for all

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 03:58 PM
1. Erase and Forgive Everyones Federal Student Debt
2. Provide Universal Healthcare
3. Subsidize State Universities and make them completely free.
4. Plan and execute covert options CIA/Black ops to assassinate Kim Jong Un and liberate North Korea
5. Start a federal work for housing program in which homeless people are taught construction trades and work on actually building federal housing for themselves (ex: you help build a federal housing building, you are offered a residence in one) thus getting them experience to take to jobs in the private sector.
6. Initiate a plea for increased funding to NASA for more trips to Mars & the Moon.
7. Continue to push for tax breaks to those who get solar and wind energy on their property, and give more tax breaks to power companies who shift from fossil fuels to wind, solar, and nuclear power.
8. Create an easier path to immigration and accept a larger amount of citizens over our borders.
9. Disclosure
10. Rework the fair housing act laws so that credit cannot be a sole determining factor in rejection of obtaining an apartment.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: joshysway

Ask The U.K. to take you back.

And have a sensible Head Of State. Queen Elizabeth II

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 04:08 PM
1. Eliminate virtually all welfare through comprehensive means testing.
2. Flat income tax for all, no deductibles, no payments from the IRS to individuals. If you don't have skin in the game, you're part of the problem.
3. Close the borders, including to business travel, until comprehensive immigration reform is passed.
4. Reinstate massive tariffs on importation of goods into the USA. Make it economically unpalatable for goods to be manufactured by foreign workers and sold in the US.
5. Eliminate agricultural subsidies, particularly ethanol.
6. Break up Google's monopoly.
7. Pare the federal government down by elimination of all federal agencies not directly tied to national security, promotion and defense of interstate commerce, and direct defense of Constitutional rights.
8. remove North Korea and Iran from the table, then withdraw and allow the world to resolve their own problems. If American interests or security is threatened, we move and we move with insanely disproportionate force, otherwise we keep it to ourselves.
9. End divisive nonsensical and Unconstitutional federal policies such as affirmative action, unequal enforcement of the law via hate crime legislation, and ethnic/gender qualifiers for federal programs. We're either equal or we aren't... can't keep claiming equality while artificially advantaging one group over the rest anymore.
10. Breakup the media monopoly in the US. It is ridiculous that 5 multinationals control 80%+ of America's media outlets.
11. Reinstate the homesteader act in the western states, offering acreage to individuals who physically homestead and work the land they receive. The feds hold way too much land in the US.
12. Federally require completion of firearms and militia training for all high schoolers prior to graduation.
13. No more TSA for domestic travelers.
14. Shall not be infringed will once again mean SHALL NOT be infringed via parring down most modern firearm regulations for qualified Americans.
15. Establish federal term limits as well as laws that require seated representative step down from their position if they choose to run for higher office while seated in one of the two houses.
16. Reinstate the ban on abortion in the United States.
17. Establish federal standards for funding homeschooling, charter schools, and private schools providing them the same tax payer resources as our public schools receive.
18. Eliminate public employee unions, as they represent a massive conflict of interest for the tax payers of the United States.
19. No more federal dollars used on chasing Chinese Whisper drive scam known as Climate Change.
20. Separate the state from the church, but recognize the fact that the Constitution never stated that the church has no place within the state.
edit on 16-8-2017 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 08:50 PM
I would fart into a microphone on television 10 times.
I would otherwise be somewhere doing something I enjoy.

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 11:50 PM
1. Print, not borrow our money.
2. Eliminate income taxes
3. Abolish fractional reserve banking
4. Make corporations responsible for welfare costs if employees aren't paid a living wage.
5. Allow all Americans to purchase a health care policy that prohibits unearned income completely.
6. Break up the large food and agricuktural monopolies.
7. Government funding for campaigns, no outside money allowed.
8, Term limits for all elected positions
9. No lobbyists can have personal interactions wth elected offciials
10. Restoration of common law.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: PraetorianAZ

- all citizens when they turn 18 have to serve a minimum 1 year in the military or 1000 hours of community service.

I actually kind of like this idea. Except I would say 2 years military or 4,000 hours community service. Seriously.

Reasoning...Just a single year military service I believe would be detrimental to the military and counter-productive. Plus, 4,000 hours community service is essentially (2) work years, creating an equivalency to the military requirement.

Of course, at the very top of my list would be...

1. TERM LIMITS (House and Senate) - No more "career politicians"! I'm on the fence about presidential term limits. Half of me says remove the two term limit on a president entirely. However, in place of the two term limit I would propose creating an economy grading system, and a president would need to be at least a 'B' grade to be eligible for election.

Note...I categorically disagree with your #8 (coal and nuclear) though.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical
1. Print, not borrow our money.

Huh??? Surely you didn't mean what you wrote did you? That would be fiscal suicide!

Back printed money by known commodities maybe, but just printing it? NO WAY!!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 07:29 AM
1. Flat tax for all.
2. Take over healthcare and education so everyone gets a fair shake.
3. Allow Americans to buy Cuban cigars and rum again.
4. Legalise drugs to pull the rug out from under organised crime.
5. Make the method of execution a firing squad so there aren't any more horrible stories about the drugs they kill people with.
6. Teach all religions in schools as religions, and make sure every kid has a good scientific and philosophical education so they can go out into the world with their eyes open.
7. Give the Dolphins the first round pick in perpetuity.
8. Set up a moon base
9. change the flag a little bit....I was thinking say, some stars, with a little union jack in the corner.
10. Resign and have a referendum to let all right thinking Americans vote to rejoin the Empire.

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