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G20 - Hamburg right now

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posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
hmmm ... somebody just threw a pyrotechnic into the crowd of police. The Polizei just let it go and scolded the crowd from a loudspeaker.

DerBeobachter is unfortunately obscuring some facts. The Hamburg police twitter account stated that they were attacked right after they showed up to contain the protesters to their areas and provide security. That incident forced them to stop the protest altogether.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
hmmm ... somebody just threw a pyrotechnic into the crowd of police. The Polizei just let it go and scolded the crowd from a loudspeaker.

In other words just another dog and pony show! I had FOX on and they were describing the protesters as Anti Globalists and I about lost my mind! No, they ARE Globalists. It's those people who they are protesting against who they adhere to every idiotic policy that is implemented an promoted by the globalists that these people protesting shove down all the rest of our throats by calling us Racists, Xenophobes, and the list could go on and on.....
edit on 6-7-2017 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 02:57 PM
It's funny how the German police can show up in force to protect G20 representatives from protestors, but when it comes to protecting German citizens from gangs of "refugees" they are no where to be found.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Wow that's some gear your police have, did you see those tank like vehicles they were driving in the video Stosh posted? They looked like the business! Looks like the protesters turned up mostly for a rave and the police turned up for war!

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Don't these anticapitolists have jobs to go to?
Oh wait, probably not.

That's because their jobs went overseas. It's called "globalism" and that's partly what the people are protesting about.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: micpsi

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Don't these anticapitolists have jobs to go to?
Oh wait, probably not.

That's because their jobs went overseas. It's called "globalism" and that's partly what the people are protesting about.

But their jobs went to people less fortunate. That's a progressive wet dream.
Besides this is a country with the universal healthcare and that's all that matters, free healthcare.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 03:47 PM
I was watching the news and a protester said the reasons people were protesting was, mainly, because of Trump and other leaders. When asked why, the protester said, "Have you read any of Trump's tweets?" before getting into the other leaders crimes in the same breath. The protesters in Hamburg have it so good in life that Tweets are reason enough to protest.

Not to mention there are many marching against Capitalism, perhaps forgetting that no more than 30 years ago, they were under the thumb of socialist rule.
edit on 6-7-2017 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Yeah I'm sure there are lot's of libtards and what not among them, but the main point of the protest is anti globalization, which Trump supposedly is against and the likes of Merkal can't stand him for it, and the likes of me can't stand Merkal and the globalists agenda.

Personally I liked the smurfs in the blue corner best though, and it looks like plenty of people showed up just to party really and vent a bit maybe and I'm all for that. Party on brothers and sisters, and remember peace and love.

edit on 6-7-2017 by surfer_soul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 04:47 PM
Before Trump this entire board would be praising the protests. Now look at this, all thanks to the manufactured enemy that is the 'left' the conspiracy/alternative folk are praising the establishment. Played like fools.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: lightedhype

Kinda escalated quickly, didn't it?

OT is "obscuring facts" for not stating the police state twitter facts release. There you have it in a nutshell, the truth. Nothing to see here, please mind your shoppings and obey a nice day!

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

you seriously think the police twitter account is a good source for what happened ? think twice

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: lightedhype
Before Trump this entire board would be praising the protests. Now look at this, all thanks to the manufactured enemy that is the 'left' the conspiracy/alternative folk are praising the establishment. Played like fools.

Yep! Seem like they're all out of Kool-Aid.
My nation (Iceland) maybe should've just followed that same path instead of y'know...protesting and rebooting governments, pm's and more. Looking the other way and mocking protesters seems to be the way to go nowadays. I'm pretty sure the majority of people have it so good, as long as they have their iphones and whatnot they couldn't care less. It's when the Iphone gets taken off them and Kardashians stop airing on TV when they will rage. Or maybe when Trump's blocked from twitter??

As for the folks out there protesting, I applaud them. At least they're out there trying to make a difference, even though like someone said here earlier it probably wont amount to any big changes. At least they're there using their right (isn't that a pretty popular thing amongst Americans?) to protest.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 09:02 PM
Who here in this thread think it's okay for these beyond rich
and certainly beyond greedy, verfiable criminals to decide
the fate of millions?

Who of you are so well off you idolize these war mongers
while other human beings starve?

If only the cops would turn and go after them as well?

Know thy enemy!

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 10:32 PM
He doesn't need a hotel, he can crash with one of his corporate butt buddies.

posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I am a "leftie" but i have to disagree a bit on the mood you sketch,

In the weeks before the summit, left radicals have sabbotaged rail ways. The police have found knives, bullets, moltov cocktails and all kinds off other weapons days before the summit. there have been threats off violence all over the internet. And the on the day itself, 1000 masked people show up on the protest and you seriously wonder why the police halts the protest?

Most protesters came/come in peace to show their dislikes on various kinds off problems/views/laws/actions, but a small group is ruining this message. There is a problem with some groups on the left. They fail to take responsibility for their actions or even fail to see they have to take responsibility for some off their actions. Anarchy is not the way to go.
edit on 7-7-2017 by Felicio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 05:16 AM

edit on 772017 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy

originally posted by: Snarl
hmmm ... somebody just threw a pyrotechnic into the crowd of police. The Polizei just let it go and scolded the crowd from a loudspeaker.

DerBeobachter is unfortunately obscuring some facts. The Hamburg police twitter account stated that they were attacked right after they showed up to contain the protesters to their areas and provide security. That incident forced them to stop the protest altogether.

I am not obscuring facts, i just ignore Twitter, Facebook and all that former US social media platforms . We pay enough tax money here in Germany, so we can expect an own police website, not outsourced to overseas companies. How should one trust a former US data stealing company with backdoors for and a straight line to the NSA and Co? How should i know that not a former US censor is censoring everything? Trust in the former USA, if it comes to spying? Not really! How should i know that the tweet is real, and not the work of a "hacker"? Why should i, as a taxpaying german citizen, become user of a former US based and multinational spying data leech, just to get informed by the police i pay taxes for? Why do we have to pay taxes for MSM(GEZ/Rundfunk"beitrag") if our police thinks that it has to inform us via Twitter and Facebook?

That´s why i ignore and ignored "Twitter(or Facebook)-Facts", it´s just laughable to use such "social"-media platforms for yuvenile self-exposers, that didn´t make it into trash TV, to inform the taxpaying public about serious issues. I don´t think that Ursula Meier, 80 years old, is using Twitter to get informed by the officials! We have Radio, we have TV, and our police has the possibility to create an own website to inform the people. Why does one have the feeling that the people should be forced to become users of those foreign data leeches?

I am sorry, but i can´t take Twitter and Facebook serious, as i can´t the users of those data leeches serious, including the german police that tweets.

And to the reason for stopping the demo. Even today the official reason is:
Masked protesters!
Not firecrackers, smokebombs, flying bottles!
The official reason is masked protesters, the amount of them grew over night to officially 1000.

I was switching between several news channels that had live reporters on-site yesterday(plus newspapers), as i do now, and everywhere was said that masked protesters were the reason to stop the demo after two minutes. The real reason is that TPTB never wanted to let that demo happen. The first attacks and riots were reported at around 15-20 minutes after the masked police stopped the demo after 2 minutes. So, the policy of the police didn´t de-escalate!

Don´t get me wrong, i know that there are some people that just want to:
Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht/Destroy what destroys you

And i don´t say that the riots wouldn´t have started if the police hadn´t stopped the demo after 2 minutes. But then maybe they had started several hours later, and Hamburg had some hours of chaos less.

Another question is:
Why can´t 20.000 cops stop the black uniformed(easy to spot) rioters but hit, kick, spray and whatever peaceful acting protesters, even young girls and old women? It seems that TPTB/their police we people have to pay for, let the rioters do whatever they want and use that chaos they create as a reason to stop or at least disturb all protests, to act violent against all protesters, to show dominance. It seems they wanted a demonstration of their power, to scare the people. Not that others come to the idea to critize TPTB in public, loud and clear.

But now the police of HH is screaming for help, begging at other federal states for police forces. They threw out 300 cops from Berlin, after they had a party in those barracks they had to live in(without TV or anything) and had some fun. Really, i can understand these cops from Berlin, if you saw the barracks they were gathered in, everybody would understand that they were bored and needed some distraction. And even that could be a tactic of TPTB, make the cops angry days and weeks before, with forcing them to live like cavemen.

The funny thing is, the first police forces that were send to HH today were 300(3 Hundertschaften) from Berlin. I bet this are exactly the cops that were send home not long ago...

posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: Felicio
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I am a "leftie" but i have to disagree a bit on the mood you sketch,

In the weeks before the summit, left radicals have sabbotaged rail ways. The police have found knives, bullets, moltov cocktails and all kinds off other weapons days before the summit. there have been threats off violence all over the internet. And the on the day itself, 1000 masked people show up on the protest and you seriously wonder why the police halts the protest?

And we just have to believe all that?
That all that were anti G20 protesters, leftwing terrorists?
Did you ever see a letter of confession that proves that radical lefties were the attackers of the DB. Or ever heard of any evidence for that claim, that it were leftwingers? Not? Everybody just thinks that if the DB is attacked, it have to be radical lefties. Nobody else could and would do that. Like the alleged NSU was for years a turkish/kurdish mafia thing, a drugdealer war, and not "our" secret services like Verfassungsschutz, and their little Nazis they control. Now we know better!

Isn´t it very handy for TPTB, if they find "tons of weapons" of radical lefties, months and weeks before the coffe party of TPTB? And spread these news To create an anti left, anti protesters mood in the population? Weapons like knives, bullets(guess for a slingshot) and molotov cocktails. Where did they find that stuff? If i remember right, on train passengers? Who transports molotov cocktails weeks before the G20? Which idiot would craft them weeks before the G20 and transport them through Germany? Come on...

Another thing are the "1000" masked protesters. When the cameras and reporters were on-site, only a few masked protesters were to see by the cameras and reporters, that were right in the middle of the demo. And this morning it suddenly were 1000. If i count all masked protesters i saw since yesterday, i would say it were around 200-300,let it be 500, but never 1000. And why can they still move and create chaos? Why weren´t they arrested? Why are people hit, kicked, sprayed with gas and water guns, that obvisiously are protesting peaceful, while the rioters can riot without a pause?

Those rioters in black. Whoever they really are. We had an incidence in Germany, it was the G8 in 2007, in Heiligendamm. Some peaceful protesters caught one of those rioting "Black Block" "protesters", the other four fled to the other side, to the police. And the peaceful protesters forced the police to admit that these rioters, at least one of them, was a cop:

"Nachdem sich einige der Vermummten auffällig provokativ verhielten und zu Angriffen auf die Polizei aufriefen, wurden andere Demonstranten misstrauisch, kreiste fünf der Männern ein und verlangten ihre Herkunft und Identität zu erfahren. Vieren gelang die Flucht auf die andere Seite – zur Polizei, zu der sie offenbar gehörten. Was den fünften betraf, so drohten die beteiligten Demonstranten später, sein Foto zu veröffentlichen, falls die Polizei nicht von selbst bestätigen würde, dass es sich um einen eingeschleusten Beamten handelte. Die Polizei gab dies nach einem ersten Dementi schließlich öffentlich zu. Allerdings habe der Beamte nicht zur Provokation angestachelt. Viele Zeugen bestreiten das." Link, german, sorry

You are completely right with the second part of your comment!

But we can´t believe anything anymore, we don´t know who these black masked and hooded rioters really are. Should we still trust "our protectors", even after agents provocateurs were caught and the police was disgraced for that fact?

And i don´t think that all of these rioters are agents provocateurs, you need only a few that heat up the atmosphere, that incite the idiots that only came for riots, and not for protesting. And i don´t think that these guys are leftwingers. If they are no agents provocateurs, they are nothing else than hooligans. Like the football hooligans that riot almost every week, somewhere across germany. That destroy trains of the DB, that sometimes attack bystanders, but everytime the police, if they are able to. That are all drunk and on drugs, so they are fit to fight and to feel less pain. Every week, and nobody says something about these rioters... Because they maybe are not described as "left"?

For me, the difference between left and right is:
The left is for the people, the right is for the government, the Führer, and the state power.

So some people would describe me maybe as left, but i never would describe myself like this, because i don´t fit in any of these prefabricated schemes, like these left/right scheme. You can´t be left without being a bit right, you can´t be right without being a bit left.

posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

""And we just have to believe all that?
That all that were anti G20 protesters, leftwing terrorists?
Did you ever see a letter of confession that proves that radical lefties were the attackers of the DB. Or ever heard of any evidence for that claim, that it were leftwingers? Not? Everybody just thinks that if the DB is attacked, it have to be radical lefties. Nobody else could and would do that. Like the alleged NSU was for years a turkish/kurdish mafia thing, a drugdealer war, and not "our" secret services like Verfassungsschutz, and their little Nazis they control. Now we know better!

Isn´t it very handy for TPTB, if they find "tons of weapons" of radical lefties, months and weeks before the coffe party of TPTB? And spread these news To create an anti left, anti protesters mood in the population? Weapons like knives, bullets(guess for a slingshot) and molotov cocktails. Where did they find that stuff? If i remember right, on train passengers? Who transports molotov cocktails weeks before the G20? Which idiot would craft them weeks before the G20 and transport them through Germany? Come on...""

I dont feel like "they" have created an anti left or anti protesters mood, i feel like they brought the news like it best they created an anti left radical mood, and i believe that is a good thing, just like creating an anti right extremist mood.

""Another thing are the "1000" masked protesters. When the cameras and reporters were on-site, only a few masked protesters were to see by the cameras and reporters, that were right in the middle of the demo. And this morning it suddenly were 1000. If i count all masked protesters i saw since yesterday, i would say it were around 200-300,let it be 500, but never 1000. And why can they still move and create chaos? Why weren´t they arrested? Why are people hit, kicked, sprayed with gas and water guns, that obvisiously are protesting peaceful, while the rioters can riot without a pause?""

I dont know why they werent arrested...i saw the police trying to seperate them from the rest of the protesters, why they werent arrested beats me.

""Those rioters in black. Whoever they really are. We had an incidence in Germany, it was the G8 in 2007, in Heiligendamm. Some peaceful protesters caught one of those rioting "Black Block" "protesters", the other four fled to the other side, to the police. And the peaceful protesters forced the police to admit that these rioters, at least one of them, was a cop:

"Nachdem sich einige der Vermummten auffällig provokativ verhielten und zu Angriffen auf die Polizei aufriefen, wurden andere Demonstranten misstrauisch, kreiste fünf der Männern ein und verlangten ihre Herkunft und Identität zu erfahren. Vieren gelang die Flucht auf die andere Seite – zur Polizei, zu der sie offenbar gehörten. Was den fünften betraf, so drohten die beteiligten Demonstranten später, sein Foto zu veröffentlichen, falls die Polizei nicht von selbst bestätigen würde, dass es sich um einen eingeschleusten Beamten handelte. Die Polizei gab dies nach einem ersten Dementi schließlich öffentlich zu. Allerdings habe der Beamte nicht zur Provokation angestachelt. Viele Zeugen bestreiten das." Link, german, sorry""

No problem with the german link, i understand most of it

edit on 7-7-2017 by Felicio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 10:22 AM
Ongoing protests in Hamburg are purely staged by the Italian, German, Greek, French and Dutch governments to create a sense of chaos and division on the ground. Or better to create a perceived sense of division and antagonism in regard to policies which politically correct and shamed politicians like Merkel cannot openly discuss due to them being purely NAZI genocidal policies.

Therefore the EU has orchestrated all protests and city chaos that is being fought right now in Hamburg

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