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Gay Genes, Religous implications ?

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posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 10:19 PM
to deesw,

Do you know some people are offended when Black people are allowed to sit anywhere on the bus, or eat at the same restaurant, etc?

Some men and women were/are offended when women vote, wear pants, get jobs of authority etc.

Some Upper class patricians are offended when eager bright people from the lower classed succeed to positons of wealth and prominence when it is 'the patrician's inherited right to rule'.

If pandering to the delicate sensibilities of some people or groups of people blocked social progress we would have none.

The free market is open to all.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by madhatter
Fair enough, you don't like Gay People, thats your business,
but "Aiding The Decline Of Modern Civilization"??? just a tad
overdramatic....thats just my opinion however

Food for thought- it's only modern civilization for a while. In 1,000 years this will be considered primitive civilization, and there's a good chance that all of our petty beliefs and opinions will be considered no more profound that a cave painting.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
I know many gays, I have a gay sister. I don't know nay gays that have "revolving sex"
My sister has been with her partner for about 24 years...most I know are in committed long term relationships...some have had a few, just like us, some have given up in finding that right person...

I didn't mean to say gay people have revolting sex. I just know that some straight people think of gay sex as revolting, just because straight people do not understand the sexual desires of gay people.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by mattison0922

Originally posted by Jakko
Scientists allready found similar brain differences in the brains of gay sheep, it's just a matter of time before they find similar things for humans.
I wonder what all the "I can turn you straight" shrinks are going to say then...

I'd be really interested to see this study. Perhaps you can provide a ref.
insert "gay" and "sheep"
first link:

the original link:

[edit on 7-2-2005 by Jakko]

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by psychosgirl
what about homosexuals who aren't of the christian faith? they are persecuted by christians for not follwing the christian doctrine? what kind of sense does that make?

First off, Christians shouldn't be persecuting anything. That's not how you win souls.
Second, Christians, as a part of their faith, do have the right to say what they will of anyone else's habits.
Third, ANY sin can get between you and God. Homsexuality is just one of many.
Fourth, gays, in general, need to quit stomping on ME jsut because some other "christian" was a bit off in the way they behaved towards them. Gays are jsut as pushy as chistians, because, guess what, they are all human, and they oten both have an agenda, or are looking for an excuse.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by jlc163
Third, ANY sin can get between you and God. Homsexuality is just one of many.

Please keep in mind that this is debatable, even in the christian world. disagrees with you for example.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:21 AM
My comment was directed more at the idea that to perescute Homosexuals over Liars is a bit off.

It was more directed at the chistians who should know this, so that's hwy it was so poorly worded.....that and I'm nodding off. (I keep spelling christins as christinas, *sigh*)

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:25 AM
jlc, that little sigh at the end made me curious. are you gay?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Jakko
insert "gay" and "sheep"
first link:

the original link:

[edit on 7-2-2005 by Jakko]

Okay, I looked at the primary study contained in Endocrinology, and the study brings serious questions to mind regarding the "gayness" of these Rams. First of all to quote from the Results section of the article, "The rams designated as male-oriented never copulated in the performance tests," emphasis mine. Furthermore there was no statistically significant difference in the observed precopulatory behaviors with respect to "Ram stimulus" between the male oriented and female oriented Rams. What this means is that, statistically speaking, the straight rams were as likely to exhibit precopulatory behaviors with male Rams rather than with female Ewes when compared to the 'gay' rams. To be fair the 'straight' rams do engage in precopulatory behavior with the ewes, which the 'gay' rams do not. I guess my biggest problem with the 'gayness' of these Rams is the lack of copulation by the 'gay' rams. What is also not addressed is the behavior of the rams mounted by gay rams. Do they run away, or are they willing participants? Since copulation was never acheived in performance tests, one is forced to conclude that no actual mating behavior took place. Based on this, one might also conclude that these 'gay' rams are hardly analogous to human homosexual relationships.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 05:26 PM
I understand your point matt, but in this research the scientists took that into consideration.
Let me quote something else as well.

The differences are almost identical to those identified by the neuroscientist Simon LeVay in his studies of the brains of gay men. His work has always been considered controversial, partly because the brains he studied were mostly from men who had died of AIDS. So it was not clear whether the differences were related to the disease or to sexual preferences.

Now this is an interesting quote. So there have been experiments with humans. I will try to find some more info and links about those LeVay experiments.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 06:09 PM

I do not adhere to your Christian/Islamic/Jewish cult and am therefore not a sinner.

Because you don't believe in it doesn't mean you are free of sin.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 06:10 PM

Do you know some people are offended when Black people are allowed to sit anywhere on the bus, or eat at the same restaurant, etc?

You can not possibly compare being gay to being black.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by deesw

Do you know some people are offended when Black people are allowed to sit anywhere on the bus, or eat at the same restaurant, etc?

You can not possibly compare being gay to being black.

Yes you can. A person is black - fact. A person is gay - fact. discrimination doesn't discriminate.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 04:14 AM

I sure the F can compare being gay to being black.
I didn't ask to be that way, I fought it in my teenage years, but that is the only thing that excites me sexually. I am male. It is very apparent what does and does not excite me.

So get off your smug little pulpit and get real.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 05:38 AM
Paranoia, being black has nothing to do with being gay.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 06:10 AM
I dont think a genetic predisposition changes anything. We all have base desires which are sinful, whther the desre is to sleep with a different woman every night soley to live out lustful desires or men sleeping with men. We are all tested by God the only differences are what particular tests he chooses to administer.
I for one speaking as a christian do not hate gays, however I do not consider thier lifestyle to be in accordance with God's laws, and while I will tolerate thier choice I will not endorse it.
The difference between tolerance and acceptence is IMHO to offten confused in the popular mind.
Tolerating Gays means accepting that they have the same choice of lifestyles that I do and that while I may not agree with thier choice,I am required to cultivate the understanding that it is thier choice to make not mine.
However that does not mean I have to accept thier choice of lifestyle as valid or correct.
Personally I don't care what a man or woman do within the confines of thier own home, however the gay community is not content to leave thier sexuality in thier own home at present. Just the other day a potential employee announced to me at the end of an interview,completely without case, that he was gay. My response was "what makes you think I have any interest in your sex life?"
After a feww moments f stunned silence he finally responded " well I just wanted you yo know upfront"
Again I asked "what gave you the impression that I have any interest in your sex life?"
Again he could not formulate an intelligble response.
When I further informed him that as a place of busness soley concerned with the creation, and protecton of client wealth, sex was a subject that had no bearing on our business or client interests and therfore was a subjsct which had no place in workplace discussions, and furthermore had no bearing on employee performance he seemed a bit offended. Why I can not imagine. However IMHO in 99% of political or legal discussions and in most of the legislative areas where the "gay rights movement" is taking a stand sex and sexual orientation have no bearing.
Why should a film promoting tolerance in schools be concerned with the tolerance of the children of same sex partners, shouldn't the goal be tolerance of all school children regardless of backgroud?
Why should hate crimes laws make the penbalty for a sexually motivated killing any different than a financially motivated killing? Shouldn't the law be more concerned with preventing and punishing murder regardless of the motivation?
I do not accept homosexuality as a moral choice of lfestyle, and in many peoples eyes ths makes me a homophobe or hate monger. However have no hate, only pity fr those who have chosen this lifestyle. It is my belief that men and women were litterally made for each other. That a union of a man and woman in love joining thier lives together is the most rewardng and fulfilling one possible. I believe that the union of the sexes is the way that nature and God intended it.
I will not apologise for my beliefs nor will I be intimidated into denouncing them by those who choose to believe my beliefs are based on hate or prejudice.
Tolerance is yours for the asking, aceptance is mine to hand out as I see fit.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by chrisamatic
Paranoia, being black has nothing to do with being gay.

Did you read my post, its quite simple.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 04:49 PM
If there is a genetic disposition to being gay, maybe it's built into the species as something that gets switched on as a way of culling the species. It is obvious that almost every major problem facing humanity today can be traced back to over-population in some form or another. A higher percentage of genetically disposed "gay" people can't contribute to the population problem.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 06:14 PM
Choice, choice, choice...

People are always talking about sexuality as a choice. I can't comprehend that in the slightest. Am I the only person who did not choose my sexuality? Apparently. My story goes like this: About 15 years ago, I suddenly realized that I found the female form, hmm, interesting. I had no control over this sensation. It was like feeling hungry or thirsty, it just came upon all of a sudden with no conscious control. There was never a moment where i had to make a decision along the lines of 'guy or girl?' Never.

Today is no different. Though I have gay friends, the thought of sex with another man is something I find unspeakably gross. And I have not been raised in any kind of fundamentalist family either! So in short all this talk of choice just baffles me. I had no choice, and I still don't. Virtually any homosexual will say the same thing of their own orientation. As distasteful as I may find male-male coupling, a homosexual will feel the same way about male-female relations. It's true.

Ok I'm done.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:11 PM

TextYes you can. A person is black - fact. A person is gay - fact. discrimination doesn't discriminate

A person has no choice what color skin he has,,,, but he has a choice of who he lays down with, plain and simple. To imply he doesn't, is the same as implying that Jeffry Dahmer had no choice to do the things he did, he was born that way.

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