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Defending Against Attacks/Harassment from High Strangeness Phenomena

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posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 05:04 AM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: Gryphon66

Well, thats the interesting thing.. maybe the salt attracts different entities while repelling others. In this realm of exploration, we frequently operate on the basis that is constructed by the observed, "negative" behavior. The salt may be a bit like trading a tiger for the mongoose for the snakes. Far more devious, far more subtle/hidden, and far more dangerous.

That is, of course, if any of this has merit. My opinion on that is probably obvious by now (it has merit). Even if its all just creations of our mind(s), it would seem the avenues for action remain the same though.

Now, I think that the state of the defenders mind is the first step, followed by the barrier system previously described.

That barrier system has an incredible amount of depth. I see it as combining ye olde fort design with runes or just general symbols, all "walked out." But, if possible, one can also construct the building itself in the same way and I don't see why it couldn't be scaled up (think city-size).

Your post caught my attention in that it struck me as being very true it's likely in choosing one form of protection over another you are simply trading one set of entities/pantheon of Gods, over another less desirable to you existing set.

This would automatically (to me) appear to negate the entire exercise?

Perhaps a full clearing will never be practical or achievable, but achieving neutrality would be? In essence a forcing of entities to self-select out depending on the conditions of that "neutral space".

This is something I worked on but let fall by the wayside as everyday life cropped up. I used many different types/forms, overlaid and pulling out the commonalities of each highlighting the neutrality aspects. It wasn't an amalgam of all, but a "one at a time" superimposition of complete systems as best as could be achieved.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: Serdgiam

LOL. Yes, the old "out of the frying pan into the fire" maxim.

These discussions at least have merit. We just have to remain clear that at least half of any experience is subjective.

I keep saying that. What I mean by the word "subjective" in this case is that experiences are personal. Individual. Unique to each of us as a nervous system.

We know that "reality" is constructed for us by our brains. This isn't "woo" ... it's a fact. Our eyes collect light and focus it on our retinas. Our ears focus sound on our ear drums. Our brain processes this input into the "world" we experience around us.

That's just Neurology 101.

Yes, there is a world out there that we perceive. Yes, there is "consensus reality" i.e. if we both go into a room with a chair, and walk back out, if our brains and eyes are functioning normally, we will both agree that there is a chair in the room.

That's "the objective."

However, is it a nice chair? Did it look comfortable? What color was it? How tall was it?

Those answers are "subjective" ... and are just as much (or more) of our daily reality as the objective.

(I know this is basic stuff; I don't mean to be pedantic, I just wanted to be clear on my use of the words, even if I'm only clarifying them for myself.)

We have to admit that consensus reality exists to live in our world.

For example, in your work, you can't design something amazing that only appeals to you.

I have to admit, personally, that the world as experienced (at certain times, in certain conditions, by certain people) is much, much more varied and ... inconsistent ... than my nice, neat, materially-based, logically-fashioned "real world."

The "real world" is a short-cut.

As I took my journey through "atheism" ... the first experience, for me, was more of what I'd call "abrupt house-cleaning"... I had been altering my Working Theories for many years. Suddenly, it was just clear that there was no remnant of "Heavenly Father" (Yahweh/Jehovah/etc.) as my conception of how Universe works.

The concept was just ... gone. Evaporated. Collapsed under its own weight.

What was I left with? Science. The world of the real, the tangible, the visible, audible, etc. etc.

That was okay with me.

Then I started realizing somethings, if I were honest. Where other people said things like "thank God" ... I said "thank Random Chance." If I forced anyone into an argument, I found that what they called "God" ultimately was just what I called "the Universe."

For the most part, it's a matter of semantics.

Martial arts is a great basis. Should be part of every human's training. If for nothing else, for the training of the mind. It is natural for us to include tools in everything we do, so to me, adding a sword or a club isn't that much different from adding a Smith and Wesson.

I think I would add a Item 0 to all of my lists above: "Make sure you're actually being Attacked."

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: Caver78

I love the wording of trading one Pantheon for another. It isn't exactly what I meant, as it could all happen within a single Pantheon too, but I like your take much more as it expands on the concept in some really neat ways.

While I don't hold it as strictly and explicitly true, I feel that all the different pantheons are referring to the same thing.

Literal wars have been fought over it, so who knows, but it seems that (referencing G66 here) its easy for different cultures to look at the same thing in diverse ways. They all look at a chair, but one calls it "a seat," another "a chair," and another "a place to sit."

We are an odd folk, I think.

I think you are right though, a sort of equilibrium is a good goal. More than that, perhaps its also the most effective form of defense. We find the most personally comfortable aspects, embrace them, and expect their efficacy.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 04:26 PM
I could only add to this....I dont know.

We are going to try something different this fall. I wont be here when it goes down. Assuming there are survivors, Ill update ATS with any news.

What Im dealing with is a increasingly hostile, seasonal, skunk ape infestation. While Im using skunk "ape" to describe them. I dont believe it is an ape, as we know apes. They move and behave like humans, yet appear to have animal features and abilities.

We have tried playing nice, corralling them, cutting away brush, security cameras, lights, ignoring them, you name it.

As far as the post about the family in Tennessee. I have no experience with the "alien" encounters.

I do however have a really detailed account given to me by a local that claims to be a lifelong contactee.

According to this person.
These greys and other obviously more advanced creatures have people they contact for various reasons.
There is no reasonable defense.
This individual also believes the various types of sasquatches serve as mercenaries for these u.f.o. inhabitants. He also believes they have strong psychic ability.

The purpose of these things according to this person is to "protect" certain experiencers as well as secure certain areas.

Another person that at one time was a regional higher up for MUFON back in the Gulf Breeze days. He explains in a total non-paranoid way to me. That this persons life is now spent under obvious at times, and constant surveillance.

Nothing aggressive has ever transpired. Just the usual calling cards, coming home to items thrown around, tinted windows pulling up across the street, being followed by same, phone call malfunctions, computer issues...etc.

He states he continues to be active and speak to other experiencers, but claims mufon is almost 100% C.I.A. controlled now.

He says the governments biggest issue is they cant do anything to, or about the contactees. If they do, even by accident, bad things happen.

So he feels harassed, yet protected overall.

He believes contactees are either already modified, and serving as a fifth column type force, or they are being used to create more modified humans.

I wish I could add something to help.
As far as the family in Tennessee. I would be careful about shooting at these things, unless I had to. You know what we do to lab animals that get the "fractious" label. If they are taking the children and bringing them back. They are probably taking one or more parents as well. We just get abduction reports from the ones that remember. Alot of those feel they have probably had many more experiences, but the amnesia was more effective.

I would add that some experiences, though frightening, have had positive outcomes where experiencers have been cured of some ailments or disease. In other words sometimes they heal people.

I keep holding out Tom deLonge is going to come thru with something that is going to lift the veil on this HSP. As far as disclosure, I believe they have never stopped disclosing themselves.

As gods, flying serpents, giants, talking burning bushes, and seemingly magical hebrews.

I personally believe these things have lived with us and tampered with us humans the whole time.

Neil Tyson breaks down what 1% difference in dna could produce very eloquently.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I really find it interesting that "science" and "God(s)" are seen as these mutually exclusive concepts, a sort of conflict of ideas.

I get it, as I went through the same exchange, but it seems that like all those "chairs" that they are different explanations for the same thing. Placing them in opposition, from either side, seems to throw the baby out with the bathwater since the natural conclusion is to then dismiss all facets of one to maintain conflict congruity. It'd be like a Patriots fan claiming another team was better in some way; its unheard of.

Getting kind of sidetracked, I suppose, but its such an interesting, good conversation and it is related.

Objective vs subjective is kind of a non-starter in my opinion. Its more nuanced than that claim, but we have to subjectively interpret and apply the objective data, subjectively. Frankly, in a lot of ways, I feel modern science is starting to delve more into our mind and our perception of things than the "real world." On the same note, I feel that's actually an important part of the process as long as we recognize it for what it is.

I think the most important part, for me, was understanding that while it is a self-correcting process, it is a process all the same. It was easy for me to operate on the foundation that since it is largely self-correcting that what I knew to be "true" had already been self-corrected.

It is an *immensely* easy jump to make. I think that all of these belief systems are judged by their predictive ability, and math and the SM are unequaled in this ability.


None of that imparts understanding. That is where the rubber meets the road in all of these approaches. We can know that 2+2=4, but that's ironically immaterial out of context. Yet, we tend to seperate this application of the knowledge out of science and into engineering while older systems tend to maintain congruity. I think there is a lesson to be learned from that, especially in this particular "woo" field.

There are these invisible lines that we dare not cross if we wish to maintain credibility. Yet, isn't it that very spirit of exploration that drives science itself? Even talking about these things in a professional setting, much less actively exploring them, is enough to get shunned.

I think its a result of a natural dogma that comes with the territory of a certain level of predictive ability. Its self-defeating in many senses, and assumes that what we "know" imbues equal parts knowledge, understanding, and application of that knowledge and understanding.

It may seem like an unrelated rant, but when the top tiers of knowledge operate like this, it trickles down through the entire culture. I know that I struggle to make meaningful progress in these arenas because I think a certain way. Finding effective forms of defense inevitably arise from the same cultural mindset that is the foundation behind our method of exploration itself, both collectively and individually.

When it comes to actually pursuing this topic, I think we would be best served to integrate old world knowledge with modern techniques. The question is, how do we actually do that? If it ends up creating new facets in the foundation of our EM (exploration method), will we be astute and wise enough to build on it, or will we force it on top of what we already think we know purely out of habit?

FWIW, I tend to type so much because I do it over multiple sittings. I used to apologize for it, but I've come to accept it even if it alienates most (if not all) readers. Hell, I would probably skip through/over my own posts based on length alone but I'm not really sure how to change it at this point. *shrug* I do, at least, try to make it engaging and readable.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: blueyedevilwoman

I think once we start involving humans and solid, material beings it transfers to a bit different of a field.

That may be erroneous, but it does seem fitting. I mean, in a certain book, mice are the most advanced species in the universe and their physical form is really only their true being dipping its toes into the "waters" of time and space.

I must apologize to gryphon at this point, because personally, I really struggle to stay strictly on topic and on point with such a.. difficult.. topic.

I don't have a lot of confidence in TPTB (vague, I know) successfully executing disclosure. I think they have been caught up in their own game for so long that they don't really know how to get out. Many view previous efforts as psyops, essentially, but I think they have been honest attempts to cover ground in a truly alien landscape (mindscape?). I could really go out into left-field with this part, but out of respect to the topic and gryphon, I will painfully and uncharacteristically restrain myself (
) .

In my arrogance, I feel I could help, but I have so many things on my plate, very poor health, and I'm not sure I'd want to get involved anyway.

All that said, I think some are spot on when they claim communication as the core issue. I don't think "disclosure " is so much about showing that ET/ED are here, but more about shaping our culture to be able to even comprehend what they are and how they interact.

I think the overt disclosure attempts are part of a multi-pronged approach that may include everything from Forgotten Languages to even Scientology. Though, the latter could be said to have spiraled off into their own thing..

If I go uber-conspiracy, even movements like extreme political correctness are a means to this end. Basically, trying to shape our cultural story into having the ability to successfully integrate very, very, very different interactions than we are used to being involved in.

Interactions that take place constantly and everywhere, but due to their nature, can be hidden as long as there isn't awareness en masse.

So, with all that being said, and taken note of you saying nothing aggressive has ever happened.. could your experiences be attempts to communicate? What would appear as mischievous, or even outright harassment, may be a note in a bottle, so to speak. Not necessarily something to be handled with actions like cutting away brush any more than brushing hair would have part in a negotiation.

If so, the goal may be to make clear that you/they are not the ones that want to oversee such a meeting. The tricky part is that this may be as simple as claiming it concisely and clearly (unlikely) or as convoluted as cracking a soft-boiled egg on three-and-a-half river rocks on the equinox while cawing like two crows and a marmot.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 07:25 PM

So, with all that being said, and taken note of you saying nothing aggressive has ever happened.. could your experiences be attempts to communicate? What would appear as mischievous, or even outright harassment, may be a note in a bottle, so to speak.

With the smaller ones. Considering the out and out overtly hostile actions taken against me and others in the neighborhood.
The note clearly states:

We are bigger than you, from September to March stay inside after dark.

Now with the larger more human looking, docile and shy type. They are way more rare and are not known to hang around.
With them, the note seems to say:

"Oops, didnt realize you could see me" or "you caught me", Ill be leaving now.

The behaviours and frequency of encounters varies wildly between the two types.

And we have plenty of these reported around here too.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: blueyedevilwoman

Thanks for accepting my invitation BEDW! Good to see you posting again. I assure you, there will be no trolling in this thread as you have experienced in others.

The amazing thing to me is that you've lived with the Sasquatch day-in and day-out. It's not something I envy you, per se, but it does simply amaze me. I've long since accepted that there was "something" out there causing hundreds of sightings a year, but your daily life is just on another level.

I've just finished a couple of books, one really good one (Enoch by Autumn Williams) and one ... I'm not so sure about (The Sasquatch People by Kewaunee Lapsertis).

I thought of you a lot while reading Enoch, not because you have a ... pleasant relationship with the Sasquatch near you ... but because of dozens of small details that they related incidentally that you have in the same way.

Do you think the smaller ones are juveniles? They are notorious for pranking. I remember when I asked you about responding to the tapping on the windows only to find one looking at you if you open the shades, intending to scare you.

I would like to think that somewhere between the ... near godlike status that Kewaunee bestows on the Sasquatch (and of course, UFO beings) and the outright hostility you're experiencing (didn't you lose some dogs and other animals?) that there would be some sort of "detente" or middle ground possible.

Everything I've read though suggests that the ones east of the Mississippi and south of the Mason Dixon line are just assholes, by and large, LOL.

Thanks for joining the thread. I want you to get far far away from your place if your husband etc. are doing what I think they're planning. Defending your home is one thing. Going out into theirs is yet another.

I don't know if you remember all the way back to the first Jaws movie or not, but the first time Sheriff Brody sees the giant shark he says dully ... "We're gonna need a bigger boat."

I'm wondering if that doesn't apply in your case as well.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Serdgiam, feel free to bring up ANYTHING you think will help ANYBODY experiencing hostile or harassing contacts.

Even if it's from the purely human spooks.

I'll respond more thoughtfully to your posts later.
edit on 26-4-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Well, back when science only meant knowledge or knowing, perhaps there wasn't the "reality war" level conflict with gods and monsters. Heck, Frankenstein was an alchemist for goodness' sake. (The Dr. used to be one of my archetypes for myself; sadly, I always ended up more like Dr. Jekyll)

Science: we only know what we know until we know better.

Credibility. That's an interesting one. I've spent years arguing with folks about perfectly reasonable, logical and provable claims ... and yet, belief still reigns supreme. Pick an tavern or an arena or a lecture hall, as the case may be.

The predictable nature of scientific knowledge is based on a certain action being repeatable so long as the number of variables is controlled. Dogma? Or Karma? In a Moebius strip of cause-and-effect that we try to read like an old ticker-tape.

This is one of the reasons I asked blueeyedevilwoman to join us, and I'm happy that she did. You haven't delved into what you've Experienced, Serdgiam, aside from mentioning Faerie. This lady is a no nonsense Experiencer that is in the middle of dealing with, as she puts it, an infestation. (Or maybe that just passed as she mentioned Sept-March).

Don't apologize for your words. I enjoy your perspective and your poetry immensely.

I'm giving more thought to my Item 0.

(PS, my condolences on the loss of your father. I am glad you have a sense of his Presence, still.)
edit on 26-4-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 09:06 PM
Did someone mention time ...

I understand pareidolia ... but let's get real here. 14-23,000 years ago?

edit on 26-4-2017 by Gryphon66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: blueyedevilwoman

Thanks for accepting my invitation BEDW! Good to see you posting again. I assure you, there will be no trolling in this thread as you have experienced in others.

The amazing thing to me is that you've lived with the Sasquatch day-in and day-out. It's not something I envy you, per se, but it does simply amaze me. I've long since accepted that there was "something" out there causing hundreds of sightings a year, but your daily life is just on another level.

I've just finished a couple of books, one really good one (Enoch by Autumn Williams) and one ... I'm not so sure about (The Sasquatch People by Kewaunee Lapsertis).

I thought of you a lot while reading Enoch, not because you have a ... pleasant relationship with the Sasquatch near you ... but because of dozens of small details that they related incidentally that you have in the same way.

Do you think the smaller ones are juveniles?

No the 6' to 8' have a baboon or dog like snout and fur. But they can walk on two legs. Ive never seen one shorter than 6'.

They are notorious for pranking. I remember when I asked you about responding to the tapping on the windows only to find one looking at you if you open the shades, intending to scare you.

The presumed juveniles of the larger variety seem shy and standoffish. Theyve been caught looking in peoples windows. I was told it looked as though it was watching t.v. in the peoples living room. The witness caught him off guard outside one night, they just looked at each other for a moment and the witness ran away. They do not appear to be aggressive, just very intimidating.

I would like to think that somewhere between the ... near godlike status that Kewaunee bestows on the Sasquatch (and of course, UFO beings) and the outright hostility you're experiencing (didn't you lose some dogs and other animals?) that there would be some sort of "detente" or middle ground possible.

Everything I've read though suggests that the ones east of the Mississippi and south of the Mason Dixon line are just assholes, by and large, LOL.

My husband thinks theyve tampered with him, in his opinion. What Kewaunee is dealing with is not the same thing as these skunk apes. He also noticed a recurring theme in K.L. message, and the message a good many abductees repeat.

Either we have to learn to get along with them or the skunk apes have to go. The last two years they have become increasingly hostile and venturing deeper into the neighborhood. The larger ones have not been as frequently encountered or hostile.

I want you to get far far away from your place if your husband etc. are doing what I think they're planning. Defending your home is one thing. Going out into theirs is yet another.

I don't know if you remember all the way back to the first Jaws movie or not, but the first time Sheriff Brody sees the giant shark he says dully ... "We're gonna need a bigger boat."

I'm wondering if that doesn't apply in your case as well.

Im kinda wondering the same thing.
Ill be out of town.
They can figure it out.
I and others have already stated its a very bad idea. Legally and otherwise.

But you know....$1,000,000

Great thread btw.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
Did someone mention time ...

I understand pareidolia ... but let's get real here. 14-23,000 years ago?

Almost uncanny resemblance to A.C. guardian angel, Aiwass

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: blueyedevilwoman

posted on Apr, 27 2017 @ 05:34 PM
Ooops. Hope Uncle Aleister didn't run everyone off.

It's Blueyedevilwoman's fault.

(Actually, it's not. LOL).

No, I wanted to express a thought process in my own mind that I think is exemplary of applying purely "logical thought" to these types of Experiences.

Let me say for the record that I believe BEDW completely when she tells us what she's seen and experienced. I don't have a logical reason to do so, and I myself asked a bunch of questions in another thread of her ... but ... in this thread, when she was talking about the two kinds/varieties of HSPs she's got at her house, my "logical brain" balked at the idea that the smaller more aggressive ones have snouts ... while the larger ones (typical Sasquatches) looked like I would expect them to (mostly) in her description.

For almost a day I chewed on her description ... and suddenly I realized, that I am quibbling over things that I have never seen, never experienced (except maybe once at a distance) and yet, I think I "know" something about them.

I think that's a good example of the "limits" that Serdgiam and a few others have pointed out.

It's like I was saying "Well, I'm fine with the nine-foot Sasquatch which look really human, but these dog-faced baboon-faced ones ... now that's just silly."

There's something silly there alright ... YOURS TRULY.

posted on Apr, 28 2017 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: blueyedevilwoman

I think once we start involving humans and solid, material beings it transfers to a bit different of a field.
Interactions that take place constantly and everywhere, but due to their nature, can be hidden as long as there isn't awareness en masse.

I'd like to take this a little further and add, besides the isolation of the events happening to multiple people unknown to each other, so a more accurate accounting of instances can't happen. Another problem was illuminated with Gryphon66.

For almost a day I chewed on her description ... and suddenly I realized, that I am quibbling over things that I have never seen, never experienced (except maybe once at a distance) and yet, I think I "know" something about them.

While it IS hard to reconcile descriptions of things one personally hasn't encountered, it's also of limited help to turn to anything written and find out those doing the writing have based their information on the "status quo" leaving you both with no answers and forced to just "wing it".

The propaganda in the Cryptid area is legion.

Mothman's appearance denotes an impending disaster.

Sasquatch is an Ape & resides ONLY in the extreme wilderness.

The Little People are mostly in Iceland and Europe with the few exceptions of Native Lore but they can't possibly be the same types.

Orbs are plasma beings except when they aren't and are tagged as earth lights or ufo's.

This goes back to Serdgiam's point of things can be everywhere yet hidden right in front of our faces with the divide and conquer coming from our own ranks as much as it comes from TPTB or people who just don't know anything yet about it.

Then again back to Gryphon66 and the premise we can work out some protective measures, but we'd have to stop dithering about the "if" and just do something, ANYTHING during an event to force it's hand and maybe gain some insight. But we don't. We buy into the "we need proof" mantra, need better camera's, need more tech toys and as a result get neither proof OR insight.

WHY NOT snouted BF?
Is that so much harder to believe than that there is already a 8ft hairy bipedal thingy running around out there?
Last I heard none of them were going to win a beauty contest, so flat face, pokey face really doesn't matter? We'll find out eventually the "why of it" cause someone somewhere will eventually get their Slab Monkey.

BEDW brought up a couple of good points in that it's more than possible we're being shined on by our own so to speak who are toeing a "party line" to our detriment.

I'd heard before that cyanide was being used to eliminate dogs in BF area's but didn't understand it either till I took a trip down south where everyone had packs of dogs running all over their property. THEN it made perfect sense.

posted on Apr, 28 2017 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

First, I apologize a bit for scampering away
I've been working on a headphone amp of my own design (to match my 3d printed headphones, of course) for a few months. My dad "helped" by talking with me as I designed/constructed it, so finishing it feels important. However, in true Serdgiam fashion, it has really turned into quite a beast of a thing.. I was also hoping to include some of its final stages into YouTube tutorials that I have been talked into doing, but Amazon is taking forever to ship. Keeping in form, I will blame this on aliens.

Moving on..

One of my personal difficulties is that while I hold "Science: we only know what we know until we know better" to be true, I find it far too easy to jump to "we already know better." I know I'm not alone in that, I see it constantly. While I may be a bit more open-minded than some (probably due to working on the cutting edge), I have to keep myself in check.

In order to do this, I moved from holding my own dogma and beliefs (science, specifically the scientific method) as superior and instead began viewing all of these things as mythologies, as stories.

I don't always succeed, of course, but in 100,000 years all of this stuff is likely to be viewed just as we look at ancient pantheons. I just try to jump the gun and look at all of it like that now.

What's neat about that is that now, when having discussions, I am just as interested in hearing others stories as I am in relating my own. I used to tell myself that's what I did, but in reality, I was constantly looking for little quibbles to "correct" or even just semantics in order to stay in that mode. I wasn't actually hearing the other persons perspective, their story. I was looking for ways to assert superiority.

Interestingly, this approach extended even to entertainment. I was finding it hard to just enjoy the damn story since I was always looking for things that were "wrong."

Fascinating psychology.. and if I'm honest, I still know I can carry a condescending tone. I also think that many do the same thing as I used to do, but that's a bit assumption-y and projection-y no matter how right I think I am.

I think that's why these conversations in particular can be so difficult.

My own experiences truly span the spectrum of these things. Ghosts/spirits, shadow people, Fairies, intuitive insights, and general "woo" being the major players. I used to have constant experiences, not just daily but throughout the day, every day. Over time, beginning around 20yo, these things started to subside until now, I experience very little.

The biggest shift was when I was really into lucid dreaming. My entire night, every night for years, was nothing but lucid dreaming.

Introduce the woo: At some point, I had a serious health episode. I was told it was a seizure. Basically, I woke up from being on the ground for several days, unconscious. My leg didn't seem to work quite right and I was very disoriented. I knew I had to get to me phone though, so that is what I set out to do. It was only about 30 feet away, but I didn't know at the time that my femoral head was completely severed off of my femur (the "ball" of the hip). Nevertheless, I made it to the phone and my dad talked me into going to the ER, thankfully.

There, I was told that my levels (everything from creatinine kinase to potassium) were so abnormal that I shouldn't be alive. The doctor clarified that he didn't mean hypothetically, but that my body very literally should not be alive.

They really couldn't explain what happened. A seizure doesn't normally result in a multi-day loss of consciousness, and there are a few other oddities. One is that the femoral head had no blood in it, dried or otherwise. I was told this usually only occurs after weeks. I also now had a metabolic bone disorder, and a shockingly low bone density. Can't quite remember, but I believe it was right around -4 standard deviations.

Fast forward to now, one more seizure later (normal one), I have 8+ broken vertebrae that wont heal due to the bone stuff. Instead of healing like normal, they just slowly break more and more. Sadly, they have been broken for going on a decade.

After the first event, all experiences abruptly ceased and it has pretty much stayed that way. I also don't really dream at all anymore, lucid or otherwise. I also ran/run into constant roadblocks on the official/medical side of things, ranging from the unbelievable to the absurd. Two examples: one doctor claimed that medical science states that a person my age can't break bones (?!) and I have been denied disability four times. The last was because I am "partially ambulatory" (as if that's actually grounds for denial..).

I am convinced that there is something very, very strange going on. I have been hounded by the government since a young age, as I tested rather highly on some intelligence tests. When I went to enlist in the military, I was given some strange assurances even though I had things like severe asthma and, at the time, some horrible knee issues (like "expedited" boot camp and immediate promotion to "officer"). They even put those explicitly into the contract. Which, I've come to learn, is truly the odd part.

On the more.. "spiritual" side, I have experienced things like turning into pure golden light (no substances, entheogenic or otherwise).

Years before that, I also had a therapist who was unapologetically new agey. It was at the time I was going through my fervent materialist atheist phase, but we got along very well. She wanted to see about opening my third eye, and I was curious albeit dismissive. It felt like one of those movie shots with the huge ornate doors opening to blinding light for me. For her, she gasped and said she had never seen anything like it. Over the years, she was very good at knocking me down a peg and never, ever "feeding my ego," so I'm still not quite sure what to make of it. That was the moment I decided to approach all of these things on my own terms.

I think my only direct encounter with Fairies was told here.

There is a lot more to "my story," but that should give some insight into my interest in this topic. It may just seem like a personal data dump (and one I've semi-done before), and in a sense it is, but I really do feel there is some connection there.

Whatever happened made protection or defense a moot point, and leading up to that, I felt I had pretty much made a system that enabled good natured interaction while eliminating the unwanted. In a lot of ways, I think that may have been the case, but maybe something "big" enough came along and shattered it. Maybe it was connected to the lucid dreaming. I was building persistent worlds and trying to "sort out" this one. Maybe something, or someone, didn't like that very much.

Maybe something saw what I was doing with my life (which was not much) and decided to put me back on course. Rather harshly, I might add. I can't deny that the stuff I'm working on now would have happened until decades down the line, if ever, and I like to think its pretty big stuff. I would though..
Its an immense, horribly trying daily struggle to make progress on it though.

So, I think there is a lot to share there. Everything from techniques to cautionary tales.

posted on Apr, 29 2017 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Caver78

I hadn't realized until I "came back" to the matter of ... Forteana, paranormality, cryptozoology, whatever-the-heck-we're-talking about ... that the field of "literature" on the subject is ... profound, overwhelming and sillier than than the average Sunday School lesson book.

And my god ... the DOGMATISM ... that these folks have! "Well, obviously you don't know the difference between a smaller Grey from Beta Regulos and a tall Grey from the Pleadian Star Empire, not to mention the sixteen different types of hybrids, etc."

... and it's easy for a basically grounded logical personality like mine to just call "BS" on the whole thing ...

In another way of looking at it though ... it's completely refreshing. So many people have just cobbled together their own beliefs and world-view from a thousand different mythological scraps ...

... it reminds me of the Gnostics. LOL.

posted on Apr, 29 2017 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: blueyedevilwoman


How does other wildlife in the area react/interact with all of this going on? Have they been driven off, or do they seem just as plentiful as always?

Also, have the governmental folks been there from the beginning or did they show up later?

In an uberwoo way, I consider that my initial health episode was the result of an abduction that involved extended time in space (bone density) and time manipulation (broken bone exhibiting traits of being broken for weeks). Even if I consider it "unlikely," I think its important to consider all possibilities. If not important, then just.. fun.
In that, what your neighbor has to say about the topic interests me quite a bit.

posted on Apr, 29 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

I'm glad to have your posts in the thread. You Caver and BEDW are great conversational pals, even if we're the only ones "interested."

As far as your background ... I'm speechless. I wouldn't assume to say much at all. I have nothing in my experience that even approximate that experience.

I will say that when you were describing what happened/has continued to happen with your skelo-muscular system, the first thought I had was "exposure to Zero-G."

My observation as we move on through in light of the OP leads me again to a realization that I had more than a decade ago ... that the one substrate that I seem to be able to identify in any system of ... cognizant awareness of the world (?) is Chaos.

I mean that in all possible senses ... Χάος, chaos theory, chaos magick, Discordianism and Maybe Logic.

I'm going to read your experience with the Fae now. Thanks again!

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