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North Korea shows off it's new missiles including ICBM capabilities

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posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 04:03 PM
an attack on no.ko may trigger an massiv attack on south Korea...meaning an possible collaps of stock markets world wide...
good for apple if samsung is hit but for the rest?

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: bphi1908

The article you referenced was speaking of Cruise Missiles. Those don't have that far of a range.

Yep I know. The purpose of these hidden weapons platforms is to be concealed until reaching a port, like in the United States. Then range doesn't matter that much if that port is in a large population center like Los Angeles, San Fransisco or Seattle. Port security at our nations ports has been an issue.

With North Korea claiming they have already been able to miniaturize their nuclear technology it isn't that big of a stretch to hypothesize that this might be possible scenario.

Stated in the article:

Russia is one of the world's top arms exporters, selling a record $8.5 billion of weapons last year to countries ranging from Syria and Venezuela to Algeria and China. Its order book is estimated to top $40 billion

This article was written in 2010, it is also possible to assume North Korea may have gotten their hands on this system...unlikely but possible.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: BloodxRayne

Things are heating up and now they are at alarming levels.

No they're not!

NK threatened a nuclear test and a balistic misslile test aimed towards Japan to celebrate the Birthday of their founding farther Kim il Sun.

This did not happen because of Trump!!!

I was going to do a peice on this but i dont have time today.

This is a victory for Trump and the west.

Edit: I should state the nuclear test was not aimed at Japan but actually underground on a fault line, the ballistic missiles were and always are pointed toward Japan.
edit on 15-4-2017 by muSSang because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Idreamofme

I hope not. We have China. Is assume we can shoot their crappy ticket out if the air. The longer we wait, the worse this is gonna get. Let's hit em quick and hard, that's my stance.

PS - Easy to say when I'm not in the military. Still seems to be a solid stance.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 05:15 PM
ha.. knowing murica... they would let a nuke hit to have a reason to start a conflict

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: Jiggly
ha.. knowing murica... they would let a nuke hit to have a reason to start a conflict

We don't need a hit to do that. If our defenses blow the thing out of the sky moments after launch, it's a major aggression from NK warranting a proper retaliation (with a sledgehammer, of course... because we can. )

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: BloodxRayne
ICBM(Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles)

In North Korea the proper term is "Inter Country Bull**** Missiles"...
Japan and obviously South Korea are within range of attack.
Along with Russia...

But for the most part North Korea has the capabilities of Russia and America pre-coldwar.
Almost 80 year old technology by modern standards.
I do however believe something needs to be done before they develop any further.
edit on 15-4-2017 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: Jiggly
ha.. knowing murica... they would let a nuke hit to have a reason to start a conflict

We don't need a hit to do that. If our defenses blow the thing out of the sky moments after launch, it's a major aggression from NK warranting a proper retaliation (with a sledgehammer, of course... because we can. )

A lot of conspiracy theories are centered around the idea of an incident needs to act as a catalyst that unifies the American public to support an action they otherwise might not. Incidents like the sinking of the USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 all hypothesize and that the US government either let it happen or committed a "false flag" in order to achieve their desired goal of public support for military action.

If North Korea launched a missile that was intercepted it might not generate enough of that desperately needed public outrage at home that a successful missile strike might. Nothing spurs the public like a terrifying headline with video of the incident leading off their evening news. A lot of clueless people might be lulled back into a sense of complacency due to the large distance between the US and North Korea and the fact the first missile was handled so easily by our obviously superior missile defenses, especially if its presented by a general at a podium stating this incident happened instead of video...people may even be inclined to believe it is in itself is a conspiracy theory...We have just gone into Inception territory.

Conspiracy theories like these dictate that an overwhelming force needs to compel the public into action.

(disclaimer: I am not claiming one way or another that the USS Maine, Pearl Harbor or 9/11 are or aren't conspiracies...they are just some mainstream examples of potential conspiracies.)
edit on 15-4-2017 by bphi1908 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: bphi1908

Im more concerned for our troops in S Korea, my numerous S Korean friends and the Japanese, I lived there for a year and have a great deal of respect for the culture.

Kim has nothing in quantities sufficient to get through our defenses on the mainland. If on the outside chance he got one into space and detonated for an EMP...well then Id worry

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

I totally agree, while it is interesting to discuss these really unrealistic scenarios involving a NK ICBM strike on the US mainland the likelihood very remote.

The people most likely to be impacted by any NK aggression are those you listed. I couldn't imagine having to live under the constant threat no more a few dozen to a few hundred miles away.

I hope for their sake it never comes.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 08:59 PM
North Korea attempted to top off the "Day of the Sun" celebration with a missile launch. It blew up almost immediately.

Maybe they would have had better luck with one of the big cardboard missiles used in the parade!

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 02:32 AM
I think the latest batch of saber rattling from Lil Kim is just a bargaining chip, perhaps waiting for the international community to offer him something juicy enough to keep quiet for a few years. Obviously the Chinese embargo on coal would be lifted, and I'm assuming a few more trade incentives would be worked out. Starting a war really isn't in Kim's best interest, and he knows it. It's not in America's best interest either, and I think they know it too.

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