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Link between Illuminati & Knights Templar

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posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Talking of royal bloodlines - what about the most common of names Davis. Davis, Davison and Davidson - all derive from Son of David

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by The Axeman

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 10:30 PM
[edit on 13-12-2008 by jonah0julian]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:22 PM
"It has been claimed that Dr. Weishaupt was an atheist, a Cabalistic magician, a rationalist, a mystic; a democrat, a socialist, an anarchist, a fascist; a Machiavellian amoralist, an alchemist, a totalitarian and an "enthusiastic philanthropist." (The last was the verdict of Thomas Jefferson, by the way.) The Illuminati have also been credited with managing the French and American revolutions behind the scenes, taking over the world, being the brains behind Communism, continuing underground up to the 1970s, secretly worshiping the Devil, and mopery with intent to gawk. Some claim that Weishaupt didn't even invent the Illuminati, but only revived it. The Order of Illuminati has been traced back to the Knights Templar, to the Greek and Gnostic initiatory cults, to Egypt, even to Atlantis. The one safe generalization one can make is that Weishaupt's intent to maintain secrecy has worked; no two students of Illuminology have ever agreed totally about what the "inner secret" or purpose of the Order actually was (or is . . .). There is endless room for spooky speculation, and for pedantic paranoia, once one really gets into the literature of the subject; and there has been a wave of sensational "ex-poses" of the Illuminati every generation since 1776."Hugh de Payens, the Templars' first Grand Master, met with King David I of Scotland. King David later surrounded himself with Templars, and appointed them as "the Guardians of his morals by day and night". King David granted Hugues and his knights the lands of Balantrodoch, by the Firth of Forth, but now renamed Temple, near the site of Rosslyn.

Jonathan Pentadragon
Gnostic Order of knight Templars Associate

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by mystiq

what are you talking about with this whole high level low level mason thing?
What makes a mason a high level mason?
What makes a mason a low level mason?

There is no degree higher then Master Mason. the Scottish Rite and York Rite degree's are not higher then a master mason.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by TheGeneral

the Knights Templar did guide pilgrims through the crusades but were also known to be spending most of their time digging under Solomon's temple for something, when they found whatever it was, they claimed to have higher knowledge and started building and trading, within a short amount of time they become very rich and powerful and the king of France fell into debt to them. instead of paying his debts off he ordered their execution this is known today as Friday the 13th and is considered bad luck however a few survived and went underground, they headed to Scotland and changed their name to stonemasons and built well known cathedrals, they are also said to guard the holy grail. The name stonemasons later developed to Freemasons so yes they are directly related there is no doubt about that. This was just a quick breakdown but you are obviously becoming more aware of the world around you so keep looking into it, however don't listen to these people on the forum trying to ridicule you that is a well known illuminati trait but that also apply's to me as well do not listen to any information and take it as truth I am just passing on the information I've gathered but it is not up to anybody to decide if they are right or not as that is a sin therefore Satanic so just keep an open mind and do your own research. God bless.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by shaun1992
reply to post by TheGeneral

the Knights Templar did guide pilgrims through the crusades

The Knights Templar did not start off guiding pilgrims, because there were only 9 of them. They started off aiding other groups of knights in clearing a path to Jerusalem from Europe by fighting anyone who stood in the way. "Protecting pilgrims" was just a typically Frankish euphemism for their brutal methods.

but were also known to be spending most of their time digging under Solomon's temple for something, when they found whatever it was, they claimed to have higher knowledge and started building and trading,

According to the legend, they found the Holy Grail. Nobody knows what the Holy Grail is, but the European nobles apparently became intimidated. They didn't get rich by threatening to reveal the secret of the Grail, but rather by setting up an international banking system. They protected the pilgrims by safeguarding their money

within a short amount of time they become very rich and powerful and the king of France fell into debt to them. instead of paying his debts off he ordered their execution this is known today as Friday the 13th and is considered bad luck however a few survived and went underground, they headed to Scotland and changed their name to stonemasons and built well known cathedrals,

Actually, no. Stone masons existed all across Europe during the Middle Ages. The masons in Scotland built Roslyn Chapel.

they are also said to guard the holy grail. The name stonemasons later developed to Freemasons so yes they are directly related there is no doubt about that.

This is a point of contention even among the Freemasons.

This was just a quick breakdown but you are obviously becoming more aware of the world around you so keep looking into it, however don't listen to these people on the forum trying to ridicule you that is a well known illuminati trait but that also apply's to me as well do not listen to any information and take it as truth I am just passing on the information I've gathered but it is not up to anybody to decide if they are right or not as that is a sin therefore Satanic so just keep an open mind and do your own research. God bless.

Yep, pretty much. Welcome to the forum!

edit on 10-1-2011 by vcwxvwligen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by The Axeman
First, foremost, for the umpteen millionth time, the Masons ARE NOT Satanists. Period. Now that that's out of the way, here and here are good places to start, along with this. PLEASE do some research before talking and making claims about something you are admittedly ignorant about.

Hope this helps.

[edit on 2/1/05 by The Axeman]

Yes you are right a lot of people think its more of a satanist
But it is only because the person saying that does not understand the Gnosis of our live and has not been given the Oculus to see what the blue jen real are from some from the out side it easy to see why thay say what thay say- so dont blast these people enlighten them to the real meaning of the real world not what the book says

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: smally2k2

Does anyone know of a link at all between The Illuminati and the Knights Templar?

The Link is jesus
, why i hear you ask, well its all about jesus's blood line, knights templar and priory of sion are good people trying to keep it alive, or so ive heard .

however it is my opinion and i could elaborate further if anyone was to reply
i would welcome a reply

posted on Nov, 29 2016 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: TheGeneral
Hi All

I am totally new to these theories and ideas, and would like some questions answered if I may. I have read a bit about the Illuminati, it's beginnings and the like. What I'm interested in at the moment is that I keep hearing the Kinghts Templar being brought up whenever I talk about the Illuminati. Now, I know the illuminati work hand in hand with the Masons (Satanists), yet I have also heard that the Knights Templar (who were apparently guards for the israeli trade routes in biblical times, and are supposedly of christian faith) are very deeply involved with the Masons. So, the question is, Does anyone know of a link at all between The Illuminati and the Knights Templar?

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