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America, All of These Problems Are Your Own Damn Fault!!!

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posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

There are only 2 options....

You don't regulate and trust big buisness to do what's best for society and not to rape and pillage the American people.

Which has almost never gone well since every business's goal is profits and only profits..


You trust the government who is at least somewhat beholden to the American people through the democratic system.

There is no third option..

Just imagaine private police and fire...

You think things are rigged for the rich and famous now....

Take the reins of government off and watch automation take 90% of jobs and big buisness not give one flying flip..

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 11:40 AM
"I don't like hillary ,, nor any national politician i can think of...

The ONLY way I don't think she is "dirty" is relative to her contemporaries. "

I respect your opinion and share the "dirt"
She was the candidate with experience.

Unfortunately , we had to choose between a white trash clown and slightly dirty woman.

Let not argue about how dirty. Fair?

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

I love philosophy and politics - and pragmatism. An endless amount of possibilities - none of them perfect

Since we don't have a perfect system (anywhere - or at any time) the only thing we can count on is change, a fear of change - and a need for change

All I see is civilization swinging back and forth trying to achieve balance. You mix in resources, disease, weather - you know - variables above and beyond our humanity and all the strengths and weaknesses that come with that and you get what we have right now. Fear, panic - irrational thinking

I think you're right for as far as we're willing to look in this country, but there are more options. Those might come with a great expense of human life if we're not careful - or even if we are

Right now - information is almost useless. Our trust in information - gone. This is a problem as so many people seem to be running on the fumes of emotion lately and willing to bet the farm on what they personally believe (or want to believe). I don't know you personally, or understand exactly what position you've chosen to make your stand. I'll just go ahead and say - I am leaning to the left of center in most ways - but not all

What I'm beginning to see is a movement towards conversation - and community. People are suddenly interested in thinking again. I think there is a third option - but it requires balance and compromise. So, yeah - I get why you say there are only two choices :-)

It's going to be interesting to see if we can come together after all - and beat the clock

I'm also an optimist - so my opinion is probably useless

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: SmilingROB

"I don't like hillary ,, nor any national politician i can think of...

The ONLY way I don't think she is "dirty" is relative to her contemporaries. "

I respect your opinion and share the "dirt"
She was the candidate with experience.

Unfortunately , we had to choose between a white trash clown and slightly dirty woman.

Let not argue about how dirty. Fair?

A just as dirty clown (sans the white trash part imho) VS a status quo , extremely unlikeable, corporate stooge from a nearly completely broken system..

I think it really all goes back to Obamas win..

The dnc promised this go to hillary to gracefully step aside with obama and the superdelegates kept their promise..

But she literally has NO fan base and a mountain of people who hate her..

So the American people said "not happening.."

I think it is sad that all the fake pedo rings , secret murders and false sexual assault allegations (on trump as well) look on the surface to have been the cause..

When in reality they probably were not the cause but only appear to be.. and even more sadly validating all the false allegations in the eyes of many...

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: trustmeimdoctor

Well then if we don't support democratic countries that kill people the United States just lost all its allies beause they have all killed people. They will have next to No one to trade with.

If you truly belief that the only ethical thing the US government can do is dissemble it's military and split into individual countries.

They should pay reparation to all countries in which they gone to war with. It's a very long list.

Fair is fair. Buddy

Israel did kinda wedge themselves in there , I admit this point.
They are under consistent pressure of attack. Missiles, random gun fire. Hesbola raiding parties crashing in. Airliners have to frequently dodge...all against a land of stark arid beauty.

Every one trains during high school in a miltitary trade as well as the basic. At 18 both genders must enter the military for two of service. And they are enthusiastic to join because for year the lived in fear of religious persucution. They finally get to help.

There is saying in the middle east:

If the Arabs laid down their guns there would be peace. If the Israeli set down their guns their dead.

They have been living the hell of being the target of radical Muslims since the beginning of their country and before that they were being burned by the nazi's.

How dare you attack them for defending themselves.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

I think the historical record shows we have always progressed forward.. you have little Down turns now and then but we are always trending up.

The best way to do things is almost always equal to the most efficient way to do things. Bad times make us trim the fat and cut out the BS and get it done.

Class, race , religion, sex don't make one flying flip in a fox hole under fire.

I also think the information deluge will work itself out soon enough..

Now scientists could live stream their experiments and findings for all to see we are steadily getting smarter and better at decoding..

Logic always wins in the end because of its efficiency.

Logical fallacies such as over generalizations, slippery slope and the rest crack under scrutiny.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Actually they can work and do work well with average palastinian.

It the right wing hesbola that keep attacking them. The Egyptians are ever so kind. If Iran or iraq finish their bomb well.....

They have it so trucking easy we should ask for our money back. (Sarcasm )

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:28 PM
Here's my take.

We want to stop failed policies, there is truly only one choice. That choice boils down to money.

Make everything you could ever purchase or pay as a service for, be free to 100% of the worlds population, and eliminate borders.

That would stop failed policies.

However, one thing we can't stop, is failed (flawed) human nature. When things are 100% free to all the worlds people, but only 99% of the worlds people are willing to live without greed and power escalation, then even that "utopia" fails.

So really, USA isn't as much to blame as is our inherent nature and that nature has caused what the USA has proven upon the world stage.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

I liked reading that - I could stand to read more posts like that

Here's hoping you're right

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: purplemer

originally posted by: trustmeimdoctor
a reply to: SmilingROB

Screw Isreal. We give them a ton of support and they kill people. Why the hell should we continue to support them?

The US continues to support for the same reason it supports Saudi Arabia.. They want the middle east divided. Its easier to control desperate people.

Have a look at the podesta leaks in which they talk about SA paying for ISIS. Its a game of destabilisation.

With out some one or something keeps the separation what do you thing happens?

One way or another there will be united as a radical muslim nation. Isis is nothing. Unity on such a mass level will let them and plan and build. You know they have allies all lined up right?

They are patient, they can plan, if you think it through they are very close to this situation already.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: SmilingROB

"I don't like hillary ,, nor any national politician i can think of...

The ONLY way I don't think she is "dirty" is relative to her contemporaries. "

I respect your opinion and share the "dirt"
She was the candidate with experience.

Unfortunately , we had to choose between a white trash clown and slightly dirty woman.

Let not argue about how dirty. Fair?

A slightly dirty woman would have won. Especialy since, you apparently think we swapped one idiot POTUS for the another orange one... If she was slightly dirty you might have a lot of 'splainin' to do like Lucy would in those "I Love Lucy" reruns. Like why did she lose then if she truly was the best choice?
edit on 19-3-2017 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: SmilingROB

"I don't like hillary ,, nor any national politician i can think of...

The ONLY way I don't think she is "dirty" is relative to her contemporaries. "

I respect your opinion and share the "dirt"
She was the candidate with experience.

Unfortunately , we had to choose between a white trash clown and slightly dirty woman.

Let not argue about how dirty. Fair?

A slightly dirty woman would have won. Especialy since, you apparently think we swapped one idiot POTUS for the another orange one... If she was slightly dirty you might have a lot of 'splainin' to do like Lucy would in those "I Love Lucy" reruns. Like why did she lose then if she truly was the best choice?

Then why wasn't she prosecuted as promised???

Maybe because none of it was illegal. Insider trading and pay for play was made legal generations ago.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: SmilingROB

"I don't like hillary ,, nor any national politician i can think of...

The ONLY way I don't think she is "dirty" is relative to her contemporaries. "

I respect your opinion and share the "dirt"
She was the candidate with experience.

Unfortunately , we had to choose between a white trash clown and slightly dirty woman.

Let not argue about how dirty. Fair?

A slightly dirty woman would have won. Especialy since, you apparently think we swapped one idiot POTUS for the another orange one... If she was slightly dirty you might have a lot of 'splainin' to do like Lucy would in those "I Love Lucy" reruns. Like why did she lose then if she truly was the best choice?

Then why wasn't she prosecuted as promised???

Maybe because none of it was illegal. Insider trading and pay for play was made legal generations ago.

Am I the only one seeing the irony of a post like the above, where it always boils down to partisan posturing which IS part of the problem with us as a people, in a thread designed to point out that we, as a people are actually the problem?

Joshua, I'm only using your post as an example, it's not an attack on you, but the partisan message it's sending.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: proteus33
a reply to: [post=22028420]JoshuaCox[ i

"they had their dirty laundry aired and we the people saw it and made our choice. they did not even try to deny what was posted in those emails if they had been mine i would have lied my butt off and denounced them as fakes the whole time . "

Excellent you have told us you are lair and will cheat to make a point.

Will you now remove your self from the discussion?

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: panicman66

That was the Spanish and the English who did that.

I believe America was formed some time later after a nasty civil war. I had heard once that they signed a document called the Constitution.

You can correct me if I am wrong.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
morph somewhere to find SOMEONE willing to stand up to the Globalist lies that are being steadily fed the Western civilizations....
Them having been so totally involved in the globalist's agenda, supporting the hateful Wahibi's in Saudi, may be behind this whole ME mess more than we realize. We need a swamp drainer to include both sides of the aisle in Congress.. We the people have to kick our globalists out of office or this continues.

Hi am only reducing the quote to what I am going to comment on. fair?

I agree with you about some aspects of globalization agenda. In all the discussion papers on green house gas etc. Buried way deep is the core stratagy.

Make it too expensive for the industrail country to continue with heavy industry and let the 3rd world countries to catch up. This why we see this carbon tax stuff. It is certainly working in Ontario (Canada) a power is 100$ plus 1600$ or more in fees.

The Saudi's situation is awkward. The US is not self sufficent in oil production. They need the oil to run cars and more importantly for this discussion to power the military. This an aspect of globalisation that I do think America will back off on. If you want to project power across the globe you need the ship, the planes, the numerius base in countries around the world. It would a defeatist statagy to pill it all back. So you have to play nice to the Saudi's.

Current the US plans to curtail free trade with its two closest neibours. It odd because one of them provides a significant amount of oil.

I agree that the Congress is disfunctional. One side is seemingly out of touch with the needs of the average American and is willing to hurt the good people of America to score hit the other side.

The other side isn't willing to fight dirty and is rendered ineffective.

The US has done great work as humanitarian. I speak specifically of the ebola break out. Without the cooperation of several nations including the US that could have been an international trajady.

It would be as shame if countries did not communicate and cooperate at the level.

My opinions ...yours may differ.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Justonemanhink

This is the same Israel that denies the people of Palastine a nation. Denies them basic human rights, imposes sanctions, keeps them just below the poverty line, takes land, denies people clean water and bombs schools with white phosphorus.

Rhink if you where on the recieving end of that you might be a bit peed off..

And the US does help the native americains and has littered several countries with land mine, unexploded munitions and two peices of nuclear glass. They pollute their own rivers and streams and store garbage on barges off shore so they can pretend it isn't theirs.

We all live in glass houses . We can throw stones at each like like little children if you want .....
edit on 19-3-2017 by SmilingROB because: Grammer

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox


As we know that story ended horrible.
That part about direct control of industries had escaped me. I knew they liked being an over whelming presence but I did not have the whole picture.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Lets just ignore the Barbary Pirate Wars. Islam has been attacking the US since before the US was officially the US. That is not a policy problem. That is an ideological problem. They think the US should all die, the US believes that they shouldn't. It is not because of their support of Israel. That is just an absurd excuse.
Lets just ignore what Castro, Che, and others in the region have done. That is not a policy problem, that is a result of mass murder and political enslavement. They thought they should murder, rape, and pillage their way through the region in a quest to spread Communism, and the US thought they shouldn't.

Its true, many of the worlds problems can be directly tied to the US's bad policy. I'd think the existence of North Korea would be one of them. The US literally allowed that through inaction to happen, but not just the US, the entire world.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: SmilingROB

"I don't like hillary ,, nor any national politician i can think of...

The ONLY way I don't think she is "dirty" is relative to her contemporaries. "

I respect your opinion and share the "dirt"
She was the candidate with experience.

Unfortunately , we had to choose between a white trash clown and slightly dirty woman.

Let not argue about how dirty. Fair?

A slightly dirty woman would have won. Especialy since, you apparently think we swapped one idiot POTUS for the another orange one... If she was slightly dirty you might have a lot of 'splainin' to do like Lucy would in those "I Love Lucy" reruns. Like why did she lose then if she truly was the best choice?

Then why wasn't she prosecuted as promised???

Maybe because none of it was illegal. Insider trading and pay for play was made legal generations ago.

Am I the only one seeing the irony of a post like the above, where it always boils down to partisan posturing which IS part of the problem with us as a people, in a thread designed to point out that we, as a people are actually the problem?

Joshua, I'm only using your post as an example, it's not an attack on you, but the partisan message it's sending.

I'm just keeping it in perspective..

You (not you, you lol) don't get to point at hillary clinton and pretend like she was some speacial class of corrupt . When she is par for the course in a very corrupt system...

Sure she is corrupt compared to your average middle class worker, but compared to her contemporaries?!?!


The system is so rigged that they don't have to break the law to rape and pillage their fourtunes..

But that's not what you hear...

That she is average corrupt in a nearly broken system...

You hear that she is the most corrupt person in Washington and murderer who is secretly running a pedo ring...

why would you steal , murder people and run a pedo ring when you are legally allowed to insider trade and pay for play???

You wouldn't..

They just point at a single politician and pretend it is them , not the system that is broken?!?!

edit on 19-3-2017 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)

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