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India 'human sacrifice': Arrests over 10-year-old's death

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posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 11:41 AM

Police in the south Indian state of Karnataka have arrested three people in connection with the "human sacrifice" of a 10-year-old girl .
Police told BBC Hindi that the child was killed on the instructions of a "sorcerer" to "cure" a paralysed man.
The man's brother and sister have been arrested on charges of abducting and murdering the girl.
The alleged sorcerer told them it was the only way to undo "black magic" affecting their sibling, police said.
A 17-year-old boy has also been arrested for helping to abduct the girl, police said.

"There are a few more people who have abetted the crime. We are investigating it from all angles. So more arrests cannot be ruled out," senior police officer B Ramesh told BBC Hindi's Imran Qureshi.

India 'human sacrifice': Arrests over 10-year-old's death

As incredibly backward and archaic as this seems, don't we do virtually an identical thing when we send our young men and women off to war? Their sacrifice will somehow remove an evil. This entire "war on terrorism" is just a giant black magic ritual.

Think of the US's strategy: take the head off the snake and the body will die. We have bombed, shot, and other wise tried to decimate the leadership of these terrorist organizations. However, if some foreign nation or organization was to kill one or more of our leaders, wether political or military, would that stop us from doing whatever it is they were objecting to? The answer is obviously "NO". It's the same with the war on drugs. We take out cartel/gang leader after leader, and another just pops right up to take their place.

We are sold on patriotism and the innate urge to strike back when hit to continue to fuel these on-going human sacrifices. It doesn't solve anything and only makes matters worse. It is nothing but black magic.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

Nice twist. Worthy of the sofi award.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 11:56 AM
Generally soldiers are not abducted, you sign up to join the army and guess might have to fight and could die.
The 10 year old did not sign up.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

The 10 year old did not sign up.

If she had agreed to it, would that make it okay?

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: gr8skott

originally posted by: vonclod

The 10 year old did not sign up.

If she had agreed to it, would that make it okay?

We dont let 10 year olds join the army.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: gr8skott

Not sure your point, a 10 year old is not old enough to consent to any kind of decision like that.
Join the army and you get paid, and you take your chances.
I do not like war or support the game of world chess but it happens.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: gr8skott

Not sure your point, a 10 year old is not old enough to consent to any kind of decision like that.

If she'd been 18 and agreed to it, would that make it okay?

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: vonclod

Obviously not a direct equivalent. However, when we are lied to about 1. the reason for a war, and 2. the likely outcome of our actions, can we honestly say that it is reasoned decision.

Hypothetical example, woman says she's pregnant with your baby. You marry her as a result. You later find out that she is not pregnant or that it is not your baby. Do you feel the same about your decision to marry her?

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

Are you #ing kidding me? You're equating fighting a war against terrorists or another country with performing human ritualistic sacrifice in the hopes that evil magic will be reversed... Please do not EVER attempt to equate those two things again...


posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

What's interesting to me is your obviously visceral reaction. Please try to eliminate your emotional reactions, which are understandable, and see if you can follow my logic. Here are the values in the equation with which I believe we are working. We have an obvious bad situation: a paralyzed man or a terrorist sect. Then we have a false cause for the problem: black magic or they're just bad people (or they have WMD, or we didn't fund them in the first place, etc.). Then we have a faulty and evil solution: kill a child or kill thousands and thousands of people, including our own, and spend mucho dinero in the process. Finally, we have a result that was not the promised result but I suspect was exactly what the formulator of the original solution expected: a man who remains paralyzed or many, many more terrorists than there were at the beginning. The other result: one dead girl sacrificed for stupidity or many dead men, women and children, sacrificed for $$$$$$.

So I think the analogy fits pretty closely. Though I've never made this analogy before, and find it unlikely that I will again, I certainly will if I feel it is appropriate. While I wholeheartedly endorse your right to disagree with me, hence the star I gave to you, I do not endorse your telling what not to say/believe. You don't have that authority.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

Impossible to say how I would feel unless living in that moment..we are dealing with emotion's. If the woman was a nightmare I would likely opt out of the situation..if a child was involved I would stand up and be a father more than likely, a lot of variables.
As for signing up for the military a reasonable person should be under no illusions about what can happen..and there are no illusions in today's info age as to how we are manipulated.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: gr8skott

It's a weird question..if a person wants to die, I'm not sure what I feel has any bearing..the decision is made.
Joining the military is not a guarantee of death, it is a job and it has risk..anyone know's that.

posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

I support only very few of the military actions that have been taken in the last two centuries. VERY few. None of them in this century certainly, disgusting, profit driven murder machinery is all they have been in my opinion. But I take great issue with the idea that joining the military is something one does to ward off evil magic.

My grandfathers were not fighting sorcery and black magic when they fought the Nazis. They were fighting flesh and blood humans, who had taken into their heads the notion that they were superior to all other life on the face of the Earth, and were seeking to wipe everything else than themselves out completely, to leave only appropriate breeding stock according to their uttterly witless understanding of genetics and biology.

People JOIN up with a military outfit for many good reasons these days. They want to serve, maybe some want to use their energy and their potential to cause chaos productively, rather than negatively. But those who join for the sake of service to their country, ought to be able to rely on their commanders, the people who command them, and their commander in chief, whomever that may be, to have PERFECT reasons to send them to fight. Morally unassailable reasoning behind the choice to go to war, or not. That is not the case at the moment, and until it is, I fear for the lives of those sent to war, as much as I do for the lives of those they will inevitably kill, and especially those who will die for no reason, those among the collateral count, who sign up to nothing, yet pay the same heavy toll.

It is simply not right to even put military service, and this... disgusting event that you have connected to it, in the same headspace. They do not belong together in the least.

posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: gr8skott

If she had agreed to it, would that make it okay?

In what reality do you live - the age of adulthood is usually 18, when people can enter contracts etc.

posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

In my analogy, I did not intend to say that the individual soldiers were the equivalent of the black magician. To me, they are the sacrifices, the men and woman slaughtered do to lies told to them.

I fully support our fighting forces, especially the enlisted men and women. They are certainly from better stock than I. I fell for the lies after 9/11 as well. I jumped on the jingo bandwagon and fully supported the wars. It is only in hindsight that I see that we were lied to, repeatedly, and that I was wrong to support these actions.

I just see so many of my fellow Americans who still have the same reaction even after all that we have learned. Quite often Americans, including myself, have the "shoot first, ask questions later," mentality. My post was intended to attempt to break that cycle, in some small part.

My father served in both the US Navy and Army and was disabled as a result. I'm very proud of my father and all people who willing sacrifice for the betterment of others.

posted on Mar, 8 2017 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: gr8skott

I suppose if the Euthanasia laws are updated to support that like some American States, than yes, it would have been ok if she were 18 and signed up for it, legally speaking of course.

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