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why the heck is bush constantly compared to hitler?

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posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Simple. Do a search on "Hitler" and you will see the similarities. Except for the fact Hitler had a very high IQ....

Dangit, you beat me to the witty comment about Hitler being a genius. I saw this post and immediatly thought about typing the same cunning humor in this thread. Oh know what they say, "Great minds think alike."

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by thematrix

The only two countries bush invaded was to spread freedom

I can't believe someone actualy believed Bush's speech and thinks that was why he invaded Iraq and Afghanistan :@

I lost count of how many times the Bush administration changed the said reason for invading Iraq.

First it was WMD's, then it was Saddam being a threat, then it was Terrorists in Iraq, now its "to spread freedom" ...

Djeezes bloody christ people, how can you be so gulable.

Pat yourself on the back, thematrix. What for? For not being a mindless zombie adapting to the idiotic rhetoric of our leaders. I, for one, commend you. Well done, sir.
I approve.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Ive noticed many people that are anti-Bush have almost a obsession with trying to make him out to be the root of all evil. I cant even count the number of threads on ATS that had nothing to do with Bush yet people love to tie him in with it. Everything from microbiologist murders, Global warming,NWO,AIDS,Reptoid aliens you name it and people will ty to connect bush with it.

Its quite funny some people claim Bush is dumb as hell others think he is some type of evil mastermind

Most of the people that make the Bush-Hitler comments never knew what life was like when Hitler or Stalin was around because they were born decades after it.

Would you enlighten us about what life was like under Hiter and Stalin? Most blind followers of Bush doctrine reject everything that implies he is bad without looking at the facts. Not all the facts are deeply hidden because the Bush's don't need to hide anything. Sure, he is not Hitler or Stalin but we are questioning his ability to become a Stalin or Hitler. He has the ability and that is frightening enough for me to dislike him. He is a threat to my democracy and just for that alone, I dislike him. If a man has the judicial, legislative, and executive branch all in his hands, he is a threat to democracy. What does Bush have? I'll answer that, all the branches of government through the Republican party. Does anyone in the Republican party deny him anything he wants? No, they don't! Why? Because it will ruin their careers! It's a simple matter of self-preservation.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by bushfriend
your all right bush is a dummy, He graduated from Harvard with a business degree and prevoisly went to a prep school. Also he is a trained and certified f-105 pilot. Some dummy

Smart enough to get a criminal record also. HAHAHAHA! Irony is hilarious!!

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by dgtempe
Similarities between Hitler and Bush

Take a look see.

He just won by a majority not to long ago.

Let's not note his use of fear to get voters. Whether it be the image of 9/11 in the background of his advertisements. Oh, and voter machine irregularities? Don't even go there. Right? Why not? Cause it will hurt your pride. Both parties are corrupt, start to realize it now, sonny boy. It is just horribly worse when one side has total control. I vote for the party that is doesn't have control, to hopefully balance things out.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Because people who have no ideas of their own have nothing to contribute to society except sitting around and complaining about those who do have good ideas and are moving the country forward.
moving the country forward? how? Please elaborate.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:28 PM
as i said before our FOREFATHERS(washington,jefferson,and one of the worlds greatest minds..franklin) would ROLL over in their graves if they were able to see bush's war on religion,because that is what the USA was founded on....freedom of religion and matter if a whole country disagrees. bush shows dictator qualities and the people of america won't stand for it!!! 3 years he's gone(if it doesn't happen before then). he needs to keep his head over here and solve our country's problems...and keep his head out of iraq's and his daddy's a**.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:46 PM
I find it insulting that opponents of Bush feel the need to re-educate those of a differing mindset. That those who do not agree with them are incapable of personal thought and unable to formulate their own political opinion. According to them you do not possess the mental faculty to recognise biased spin in your news reports, you're morally bankrupt enough to vote for Bush regardless of the "obvious" evidence that he is a despot, and that you are a danger to yourself and others because of your power to vote someone like Bush into power.

If these people had their way all news would be filtered by them before it reached you, your opinions and political stance would be reviewed and corrected by them before you were allowed to voice them, and if they deem you unable to vote "correctly" they'd like nothing more than to take that power away from you. They'd also wish to take away your freedom of speech so that you are no longer able to "posion the minds" of others into holding beliefs contrary to them. And you should not question them either, perhaps no one has told you, but they're the only ones able to discern between right and wrong. In fact, if the left wasn't known for it's pacifistic stance, they would advocate violence against dissenters.

I ask you now, who is the Nazi?

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:46 PM
It's interesting to note that before his 2000 election he didn't even know who Yassir Arafat was. Now he probably knows every leader in the Middle East. The irony, the irony.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux

I ask you now, who is the Nazi?

Probably you spouting usual rhetoric without evidence. Show us how "our" side, whichever that is, has done what you have said we "want" to do? We have never done anything that you say. Yet you seem to think you know "our" intentions. How can you seem to know another people's intentions? Your statement is a contradiction in itself.

How do you think the Nazi's eradicated the threat of Judaism? By spouting rhetoric, rhetoric that supposidly knew the intention of the Jewish people.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by The Division Bell]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:59 PM
People are so quick to forget that Hitler was a National Socialist.
Most critics of the Nazi party were dismissed as conservative reactionaries, and any wealthy 'conservatives' were robbed by the state. Phony news of Jews and Gypsies planning armed opposition to the Reich led to registration of private firearms, and the Reichstag bombing was used to excuse the confiscation of private guns.

And the Republicans are the Nazis.

[edit on 1/30/2005 by BeefotronX]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:05 PM
if bush was trying to kill 4 democratic senetors he would know some else opens the letter. The senetors could just have easily come down with "a rare disease" or been outright shot.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:06 PM
Bush may be a bit overzealous
and believe me i voted for Gore because of his enviornmental policys back in2000
i didnt vote in the recent election because Kerry is a goon and Bush well, im from Texas and i think Bush is ok but im not all for him at all

ok Bush = Hitler? NO Way!!!

Bush = Bozo the Clown? More Accurate
kinda like a smart bozo with rich friends...well its a funny comment so i had 2 say it

Hitler had MILLIONS murdered!!!!!!!!!!!
ill say it agian for those whom are too blind to see it after one statement

-Bush's policys on the other hand; results in the deaths of UNDER 25,000

Hitler murdered all political opponents to his gov't

-Bush lets everyone speak their mind, within reason *threats of murder and bloody riots are still illegal*

In hitlers regime; all the 'leftys' were Burnt in a Furnace
in Bush's term; all the 'leftys' were called idiots

IF Bush = Hitler
dont you think Michal Moore would have been Censored? and Murdered?
you bet ya he would have

IF Bush= Hitler
Dont you think he would use Nuclear/Biological/Chemical weapons agianst his enemys??
he certainly COULD; but Bush Doesnt!!!

Just because Bush is a Liar; which he IS, doesnt mean hes a Hitler
if being a "Lying Politician" equated to Hitlerism

LOL i cant help but chuckle about it

Bush is Bush and Hitler is Hitler
they are two different individuals entirely

Bush does go agianst UN protocol; like 15% of the time
the rest of the time Bush follows the rules like everyone else Should

but Most world leaders dont even follow it, dozens of world leaders are Full Fledged Dictators and murder their own people for their own political reasons

on a deeper more conspiracy related note;

I think Bush IS part of a secret elite group that wants a 'nwo' of sorts
i follow the nwo ideas loosely; but i wont take them to an extreme

I think Bush is part of a corporate Greed scandel; because they want All the $$$ in the world to themselves 'in a sense'
its a plain true fact that the Rich get richer while the poor get poorer

i dont follow the conservative or liberal viewpoints; i tend to follow the logical Democracy - viewpoint which wallows in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.... call me a Freedom Pig if u will

I do think the Patriot Act is Good/Bad
honestly if they Legalized Marijuana; i would have NOTHING agianst the Patriot Act
the only fear the Patriot Act gives me; is that cops will bust down my door and try to bust me for a few grams of pot.....but thats another story

Honestly; if we could just get rid of Corporate Greed Machines; and Legalize Weed; i would EMBRACE the NWO ! it really would be a great way of keeping the world peaceful; because if Everyone is under the same umbrella; wars will be obsolete entirely

Bush is Far more like Scrooge!

Scrooge was a penny miser; greedy for $ and to gain as much as possible at the detriment to everyone else
Hitler was a murderer; greedy for BLOOD and to gain as much as possible no matter Who died

BIG huge Massive Differance!!!

Anyone Intelligent would call Bush a Scrooge
Idiots usually call him Hitler because they dont know enough literature or History to find better illustrations to make their points

Bush isnt commiting Genocide plain and simple
Bush isnt a mass murderer
Every single leader of EVERY nation on earth has policys that end up killing people.....
Bush is no different; but Bush DOESNT create Mass Murder or Genocide!

Hitler, Stalin, Gengis Khan, a few Caesars, MaoZedong, PolPot
these are the mass murderers!!!

Bush doesnt fit in that catagory
Bush has a different agenda altogeather
its called $$$ Greed $$$

Bush doesnt want to kill you!! he wants you to give him and his "base" $$$
Now how could you give them $$$ if you were dead?

The corporate Elitists know this; and thats why no one is dying in mass proportions; there is no street massacres going on

There is Wallet massacres however; and everyones pocket books are being burnt in a "corporate furnace"

See ? Huge Differance!

Hitler = Blood
Bush = $$$$

the agendas are vastly different
as are the two people being discussed

make no mistake
i do not support Bush's $$$$ Greed

but by NO means is Bush = Hitler
thats just plain stupidity

cmon yall
focus your insults in the right direction! lol

edit - i respelled hitlers name correctly now lmao
i got it wrong because well; thats how is name sounds in my head "hitlar" but ok ok ill spell it yalls way
****shoots self in foot *****
good call man u got me

[edit on 30-1-2005 by muzzleflash]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:08 PM
i also disagree with BeefotronX. Clinton might not have been my favorite president but he was no hitler. In fast he didn't even attack the enemies of the US or claim there were and make significant action

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:11 PM
hitler was by no means a genuis. He was an idiot. He attacked his biggest ally and in the last two years of the war he was to adddicted on drugs to make a differance and even made some dumb deicsons like bombing london instead of the airfields.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:13 PM

Probably you spouting usual rhetoric without evidence. Show us how "our" side, whichever that is, has done what you have said we "want" to do? We have never done anything that you say. Yet you seem to think you know "our" intentions. How can you seem to know another people's intentions? Your statement is a contradiction in itself.

Division, I'll keep this as civilized as I can. I'm personally proud to be "spouting" my "usual rhetoric" of Think for yourself. My statement is not a "contradiction in itself", rather my statement is self evident when taken in cotext with many of the posted statements made by the Bush opposition. In America people are allowed to think for themselves, conversley you're allowed to disagree. So please, take full advantage of your freedom to disagree but please allow me mine. I am not an imperialist, fascist, or hate monger. I am not ignorant, blinded or stupid. I just didn't vote for Kerry

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

It's spelled Hitler, not Hitlar. Please rewrite everything you wrote with correct spelling because spelling his name is an important part of anything you write about him.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by bushfriend
if bush was trying to kill 4 democratic senetors he would know some else opens the letter. The senetors could just have easily come down with "a rare disease" or been outright shot.

Leahy and Daschle were the democrat senators who recieved the anthrax letters. It was people farther down the line of handling the letters, postal workers, who died from exposure to them. In any case, the letters certainly stopped all opposition to the administration's plans for Afghanistan, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the passage of the Patriot Act.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:18 PM
link a little more research on adolph hitler. he was a very smart guy! until syphallis reached his brain and made him incompetent.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by bushfriend
hitler was by no means a genuis. He was an idiot. He attacked his biggest ally and in the last two years of the war he was to adddicted on drugs to make a differance and even made some dumb deicsons like bombing london instead of the airfields.

He was a genius. He created the Autobahn, prototype of Volkswagen Beetle, and corrupted millions of German minds into believing they were of Aryan descent. If that doesn't take genius, what does? Ofcourse, nobody wants to give credit to a dead dictator that was responsible for countless murders and deaths, but he was a genius.
He probably bombed London to hurt the morale of the Allied opposition, hurting morale is worse than hurting military defenses, in the short-term.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by The Division Bell]

[edit on 30-1-2005 by The Division Bell]

[edit on 30-1-2005 by The Division Bell]

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