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I need help with my soul

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posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 12:28 PM
Honest and sincere advice for you:

1.) Stop screwing around with this stuff...Not healthy for you mentally or physically.

2.) Your soul doesn't belong to it can't be taken away from you.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 12:36 PM
Two things I've picked up about the big G.O.D.

God is either all about self teaching, self motivation, self worth, to have some self pride is needed as in having positive self esteem, however having the ego the size of a country isn't good and will lead to self destruction.

I've also seem to pick up that God is about using the very act of helping others as a vessel that can also help yourself as well, don't seek out to help others just to help you out, but to find a balance is always the desired goal.

And as for being punished,

sorry to say that we're the only ones who punish ourselves, you are not the items you surround yourself with, you are you, that cannot be taken away, so when you loose your home, or even your friends, you haven't had anything taken, you've only missed the reason and ways to a solution.

The god you might read about in these " holy books " isn't there, that was and is a slave like doctrine and should be used as a guide book for those lost but not a life preserver.

You're here to improve yourself and help others along the way, you can choose to have fun or sadness along the way, but if you don't make any progress, you'll feel lost and need help.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 12:52 PM


posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: cooperton

I'm not sure god can tell which soul is which and if I do ask for forgiveness he would be confused.

it's as if my soul split one side for god one for Satan and I am just a vessel switching.

one thing I noticed was when I repeated "I am light" I would side with God. the other "I am dark" would be for Satan.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: luciferslight

its kind of interesting. From one perspective what you say would sound crazy to me if i had not experienced something similar last year in a deep "flashback" of a ayahuasca cermony.
It was like i broke the unconditional mirror of existence and was suddenly on the other side in which the "mirror of reality" was bent.

I recommend : FOCUS on something totally different. you can not solve this by focusing on it.
You will solve it however by focusing on something that brings you joy. Positive experiences integrate. Once you did that reflect on your view of polarity. Because your view of polarity gave birth to that experience. In a sense concepts are like "code"..they become real.
So reflect on your sense of "good and bad" and do this from a posiive state. You will see that polarity is just a construct.
What we are is trinity: because there is always ther zero rest balance point. The state from which everything is neutral. You can focus on it by breathing and sensing your "i am" not focus on your concepts of polarity as long as you can. After a while this will bring knowledge.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: luciferslight

I hate that I did this and I wish I could take it back but I can't.

Thinking you can't be forgiven is the tricks of Satan... God can forgive all debts, the fact that you're still alive indicates you have a chance to change. Perhaps there are people in your life you have not forgiven - forgive them and you will be forgiven. This whole scenario you were presented with happened so you would know the reality of Good and evil. It is no joke. Be virtuous and Good and the minions of Satan will flee from you.

Try a fast if you want to expedite the cleansing process (don't eat food, just drink water).

Well, leave it to the religious folks to blame obvious mental illness on the devil and then suggest not eating as a remedy.
I wish this post was sarcasm, but unfortunately this mentality actually exists.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: luciferslight

Go help out at a homeless shelter, or help feed the poor. Do some good deeds.
It'll turn it around.
Be the light 🕯

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Honest and sincere advice for you:

1.) Stop screwing around with this stuff...Not healthy for you mentally or physically.

2.) Your soul doesn't belong to it can't be taken away from you.

So who owns a person's soul?

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: luciferslight
I tried to steal God's power by using the mirror as a portal and now he split my soul in two.

how I tried: I pressed my third eye to the mirror and repeated " I am who I am" for awhile. somehow I felt my soul taken away from me. I stopped and realized reality changed.. at least for me.

that night I had a dream. my soul came out of my body and went through the mirror I used. once I got through I felt my soul split. once I passed through the mirror everything was the same but my soul sensed a change. it felt like good/bad switched roles. as if good is bad and bad is good. I woke up when my soul went to my body.

anybody know how to merge my soul's good/bad essence back into one? or would I have to wait til death and face God himself and see if he can merge them..

I hate that I did this and I wish I could take it back but I can't. I'll try to open the portal or mirror I used to see if my soul will go back to its original reality. unless... I merged my soul with God and some how we split.

side note: don't ever try this at all.. the mirror really is a portal. I thought it was all bs and in the head but it's freaking not.

He gave you what you wanted. You called He that is Good your enemy. So, He made you aligned to that which you claimed.

He can heal you if you ask in Jesus name, but the strange geek you're feeling won't go away completely for a while because you will remember the feeling. You'll question your healing because of your access to that backwards feeling.

But you can ask to be corrected and He will do it, in the name of Jesus.

You should have realized that you can't steal from an omnipotent God.
edit on 2/4/2017 by TarzanBeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Justso

it seems impossible for it to happen because nobody really thinks about doing that. let alone gain God's power.
thank you for the prayers.. I really hope I do get my duality merged. it sucks having one over the other vise versa.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 02:13 PM
It really peeves me when I see members here enabling mental health issues or giving wack religious responses to people that are susceptible to suggestion.


Please don't pay any attention to those people. There are no supernatural effects actually happening to you. This idea that your soul is split in two is all in your head. Your reality has not changed. Your reality canNOT be changed like that or any other hocus pocus. You're fine. Snap out of it and realize nothing happened, you're a physically normal human being with no "soul issues". Learning to cope with reality can be difficult, but this kind of thinking isn't healthy.

If you are unable to get this notion out of your head, THEN you might want to seek counseling. I don't think you're crazy. I think you need to face the music.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: luciferslight
I tried to steal God's power by using the mirror as a portal and now he split my soul in two.

how I tried: I pressed my third eye to the mirror and repeated " I am who I am" for awhile. somehow I felt my soul taken away from me. I stopped and realized reality changed.. at least for me.

that night I had a dream. my soul came out of my body and went through the mirror I used. once I got through I felt my soul split. once I passed through the mirror everything was the same but my soul sensed a change. it felt like good/bad switched roles. as if good is bad and bad is good. I woke up when my soul went to my body.

anybody know how to merge my soul's good/bad essence back into one? or would I have to wait til death and face God himself and see if he can merge them..

I hate that I did this and I wish I could take it back but I can't. I'll try to open the portal or mirror I used to see if my soul will go back to its original reality. unless... I merged my soul with God and some how we split.

side note: don't ever try this at all.. the mirror really is a portal. I thought it was all bs and in the head but it's freaking not.

It is not so much our actions, but the intentions behind our actions that will hurt or heal our soul. Spiritually-sensitive people will feel more than a sense of guilt if their bad deeds are intentional, the soul literally aches from the damage to it. It feels like torment, and no prescription can relieve the pain of it.

You did what you did with the intention of 'stealing God's power', whether it is possible to actually steal God's power or not is completely irrelevant. Your 'intention' was real.

Meditate to calm your soul, quietly put yourself on trial and ask what were your intentions behind what you did and why do you think it makes you feel so bad, ask yourself every question you need to, if you are truthful with your answers you will feel your soul 'learning' or 'growing', this is the start of healing. To try and fob yourself off with 'excuses' will make you uncomfortable, take your time, truth heals and you will begin to feel it immediately and want more of it. It's a wonderful experience. I've done it many times, it works for me.

You, and only you, have all the answers to your questions about yourself. No-one else. Just look inside for them, and you simply ask.

God bless you my friend.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: luciferslight

The role reversal could be an attempt to teach you that Satan's deceptions are always made to appear as good while being the opposite. How to fix your soul? Only God can do that. You might want to try rejecting Satan's falsehoods and then apologize to the one true God. Satan will try to convince you that God won't forgive you, or make you believe you have no chance to escape your past choices choices. The last thing you want to do is wait until after your body dies. Make the choice now and reject Lucifer and the wickedness he stands for. You won't get to be redeemed after you die if you don't take a stand while you are still alive physically, and stop your ways and apologize to the only one who can save you. This is very serious business and it is your own choice, so stand up for yourself.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: luciferslight
a reply to: cooperton

I'm not sure god can tell which soul is which and if I do ask for forgiveness he would be confused.

it's as if my soul split one side for god one for Satan and I am just a vessel switching.

one thing I noticed was when I repeated "I am light" I would side with God. the other "I am dark" would be for Satan.

But God does know exactly every single detail about you spiritually and physically, even the numbers of hairs on your body without error. The devil has always tricked you and that's why you are now in a bad spot. He didn't deliver you into anything good..That should be as plain as can be to you now. I know the Lord because I have experienced his mercy personally even though I am not worthy, but he does have mercy for people but you need to seek him out and continue calling on him until the day you die. Tell him you are sorry and mean it. You just never know when he might actually visit you personally which is what happened to me. He told me he loves me and he told me to tell others that he loves them very greatly. I heard his voice. People who don't believe and who mock the very idea of what I am saying, say it's all faith based. Nothing is further from the truth. It starts there, but it doesn't end there. God and his victorious son are VERY real, and are waiting for you!

edit on 4-2-2017 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

I always tell those who mock and laugh and disbelieve, they are in for a wonderful surprise when they leave this life and discover my words are true when I say there is another life after this one.

I absolutely know it. I just can't prove it.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 08:28 PM
I believe you.

all you have to do is ask. The Lord would not be confused. He knew you would experience this particular situation before you were even born. Apologize for 'trying' to steal his power, (you never could anyway,) and ask him to heal and protect you in his son's name.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: luciferslight

You should know that playing within the occult (mirrors) is forbidden. It is clearly stated in the OT that occult practices are forbidden and there is a reason why ..... and now you are experiencing the penalty for playing.

Of course God forgives sin but he also allow punishment ..... what you are going through and maybe for the rest of your life ... who knows? right.....

Free willingly you did this ...... don't forget that part..... God does not and he rarely fixes what we break ...... its that free will thing.......

It sounds like your spiritual battle has begun and if so prayer and concentration will be your defense.... don't go mad.

I hope all works for you. I will pray for you.

Keep mirrors out of your bedrooms unless you like the other side watching you as you sleep.

Good luck

edit on 4-2-2017 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 11:34 PM
Many cultures believe this sort of thing and there are stones that are supposed to help with what is known as, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic studies.
Kunzite, Morganite and Tangerine quartz came up on a google search concerning, Soul Retrieval.

I believe you should humble yourself before God and if you feel bad, ask for forgiveness and to help you deal with thinking you wanted Gods power.
Also check in with a good doctor as another suggested, especially if you still feel "off balance" or fragmented.
The herb, Wood Betony and Wood Betony properties, is said to protect your soul, i steep it and add it too about a gallon of cool water and use it to pour over myself while asking "The lord God in heaven, father Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus, may i be cleansed, purified and protected."
I hope you feel better.
As a side note on my knowledge of Wood Betony...please do not injest as i have not studied it in depth concerning any medical benefits...i suggest using it as a bath i have had no bad reaction from it steeped in water and poured on my skin.
Be safe.
edit on 4-2-2017 by peppycat because: safety of making sure wash is cool water

edit on 4-2-2017 by peppycat because: more on wood betony

edit on 4-2-2017 by peppycat because: ugh, clarity

posted on Feb, 5 2017 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: luciferslight
a reply to: cooperton

I'm not sure god can tell which soul is which and if I do ask for forgiveness he would be confused.

The Most-High is omniscient of all thoughts before they even happen. He knows your situation more than you do and you are being taught like a child by your Father. Don't listen to the material reductionists, just continue striving for the Good and your anxieties will diminish.

originally posted by: trollz

Well, leave it to the religious folks to blame obvious mental illness on the devil and then suggest not eating as a remedy.
I wish this post was sarcasm, but unfortunately this mentality actually exists.

Dear Troll, You must not be updated on scientific research either. Fasting, or "calorie restriction" as it is called scientifically, has shown amazing effects on mostly all illnesses. It is truly the lost art of letting your body heal itself, the following links are the effects of calorie restriction (fasting): on neurogenesis (brain cell growth), Anti-cancer, anti-aging, etc. In fact, name an illness and I bet calorie restriction (fasting) considerably helps deal with the disease.

You material reductionists cannot fathom the spiritual warfare that is going on in each and every one of our minds. To mock and ridicule our efforts to straighten someone's soul is like a blind man ridiculing someone for discussing colors. We get it, you're atheist, but leave the spiritual warfare for people who at least partially understand what is happening.

edit on 5-2-2017 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2017 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: luciferslight

anybody know how to merge my soul's good/bad essence back into one? or would I have to wait til death and face God himself and see if he can merge them..

It sounds to me like you challenged God, and he accepted the challenge... and proceeded to take away a part of your soul and scattered the pieces throughout the world. Now you are embarked on a journey of self-discovery to reclaim the lost pieces of your soul.

I never went through the experience of my soul being split in two. I've always felt as if I was missing a part of my soul, and along my journey I've been picking up the lost pieces. I always know when I've found a piece of my soul. The spirit of the place attaches to me and stays with me forever.

Paolo Coelho, the author of the Alchemist, has written several books about journeys of self-discovery along these lines.

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