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Got Spooked This Morning (True Story)

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posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 12:57 AM
I think that first photo in the op is a Maine coon. I used to have s brown striped one. They are named that because they have an m on their forehead.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

If you believe in this "fabric" then compiling with others events, beliefs is important.

Physics once used to be considered magic or witchcraft. Its out there, we just haven't figured it out yet.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:27 AM
The Ghost and the Darkness is what came to my mind.

Used to own a house that was very close to a road that wasn't unlike the road in Pet Sematary where tractor trailers rumbled by at high speeds.

Had two black cats that lost their lives within a week of each other but the strange thing is when we lost one cat, another black cat showed up on our doorstep. Twice... no clue where they came from.

We moved back home a month later with two new black cats.

(RIP Missy and Prissy)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Now I am even more intrigued Flash! I'll try to catch That thread when You create it, but if I haven't commented on it, maybe within the first page of comments or so there, perhaps You would be so kind as to drop Me a U2U on it? If so, I'd appreciate it. If Not, I'll prob find it sooner or later.

Later, Syx...

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Just subscribing

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 12:32 PM
There is some sort of link with cats and the supernatural, other side, theres no word for it now. My friend (who has cats) just recently stayed at a motel room and felt a cat jump on the bed and nestle next to her.

We were like "you were dreaming, you were half asleep, you were having restless cat syndrome bc of your own cats"

She insisted she was AWAKE and felt it.

I normally would just not think about this much and say she was just half asleep and used to her own cats but there are so many encounters just as that... ghost cat jumps on the bed...even with people that don't even have cats. I think I've even read some stories about it here on ATS.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Archonic

lately I've been seeing a lot of coupled crows. Never just one, always 2.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

edit on 27-1-2017 by ccbears because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: veracity

lately I've been seeing a lot of coupled crows. Never just one, always 2.

i'm sure you've seen crows eating road kill right? ever wonder why you never see a dead crow on the road?
it's because their buddies up on the phone lines yelling car car car car.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: veracity
There is some sort of link with cats and the supernatural, other side, theres no word for it now. My friend (who has cats) just recently stayed at a motel room and felt a cat jump on the bed and nestle next to her.

We were like "you were dreaming, you were half asleep, you were having restless cat syndrome bc of your own cats"

She insisted she was AWAKE and felt it.

I normally would just not think about this much and say she was just half asleep and used to her own cats but there are so many encounters just as that... ghost cat jumps on the bed...even with people that don't even have cats. I think I've even read some stories about it here on ATS.

At my last house I had a shadow/ghost cat for a while. I didn't own a cat at the time, but had lived with roommates who had them, so I very much knew what it felt and sounded like to have a cat jump on the bed and do thier clawing the blanket and settle in thing.

I would often catch a glimpse of a cat like shadow darting around, ususally heading up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Numerous times while trying to fall asleep in bed I would feel it jump up on the bed and settle in. I could even hear the sound of its claws snagging in the blanket and a faint purr. I would sometimes turn my bedside light on, but never saw anything.

i think it was probably connected to the tenant in the basement, who did own a cat, because after she moved out I stopped encountering it. And just to clarify, there was no possible way for her cat to make it from the basement to the main floor and 2nd floor of the house which I occupied.

No bad vibes from it, felt like it was protective if anything.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 09:25 PM
I went back and got photos of the location this occurred last night, will try and get around to uploading them here in a bit. Just to give a little visual to my story.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Ok this is the corner I went around before the hell kitties jumped me. The small object by the wall on the ground is the ashtray.

In the background is where I saw the anomalous activity.

I walked around that corner to the right in the photo.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:33 PM
Around the edges of the parking lot is mostly light to medium forest for about 50 to 120 meters and then what I'm guessing are houses out there.

Above that ashtray is a window where I put my coffee.

About 3 meters to the right of the above photo, around that corner, is the door to that building.

Now, if I turn around almost 180 degrees from the perspective of the above photo, all you'll see is this:

That's the direction the ferocious felines ran off to.
edit on 2/3/2017 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 09:00 PM
Creepy and cool at the same time, thanks for sharing. Off the top of my head, I have two separate incidences to share which could be familiars or something else, but interesting nonetheless.

When I was a kid touring a museum, could have sworn I seen a "ghost" cat walking in the hallway of the the place. Later on I had heard that it was haunted, the cat or cats were seen from time to time. The apparition almost seem like it was dimensional, sliding between this reality and the next.

Fast forward,I had recently moved to a new area when I took a wrong turn. At the same time I had noticed what looked to be two young white tail deer in nearby someone's yard in a residential neighborhood. Upon returning home the same day and within a close time from the first sighting, coming down the driveway two young deer(similar to the first two) ran across the driveway and into the woods. The distance between the sightings was more than 30 miles, as it was not the same animals.

I guess it's not that off in being a coincidence. As well as with saying it could have been a common sighting with sibling young deer or doe and fawn during the time of the year and with a rural setting. Needless to say having two double deer sightings in one day was enchanting for the time being considering totem animals, mythology, familiars, etc.
Deer in mythology

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I read this thread awhile back and really love it.
I was reminded of an experience of seeeing what i believe to be, Cait Sidhe
here is a creepy picture of one that has been stuffed after its passing,

Thanks for the OP!

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