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Secret Socieities: The Point?

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posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by freudling
I tried but couldn't do it. Any other suggestions? Also, I have made a decision "Notorious Mason", "Senrak", and whatever else you ascribe to your persons. I have decided to aspire to be someone like you. I am going to my first meeting at a lodge next week. I specifically asked to get connected with people who point out spelling mistakes and make personal insults on internet forums. The lodge secretary said no problem, and that as a bonus, I will receive a license that will allow me to arrest people who make ad hominem attacks! Great deal, huh!

I wonder what the members of your brotherhood would say if they saw the stuff you post here. Maybe they would laugh, because after all, it is worthy of that.

Have a good time at your so-called "lodge" What is it the Water-Buffalo Lodge? Or perhaps "MOSS" (Mystic Order of Secret Sh*t)

As to what members of my brotherhood would say...well duh! Several of them are on this list. What have they said?

Or are you talking about those super-secretive decoder-ring-wearing high-ranking Masons that I'm not informed enough to know about. Well, they're too busy plotting to vandalize your toilet.

Oh where is Mirthful Me when we need him!!!???

Plumber monkeys...not just for p-trap destruction anymore.

I'll miss you freudie and akilles, ol' trolls. I have some state required classes to take Mon-Thurs and I'm not sure I'll have internet access. If I don't, though, I'll log on Thurs. evening and catch up on all the brilliant enlightening things you're sure to dribble our way....

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by senrak
Oh where is Mirthful Me when we need him!!!???

Plumber monkeys...not just for p-trap destruction anymore.

I was recently wondering the same thing.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 02:19 PM
Awww, you guys are so close you even MISS one another!

That is so cute.

Why do you guys bother to post when it is always off-topic/meant to take the conversation off-topic/personal attack.

This is the mentality that is wrong with Secret Societies, that you are somehow 'earning' something that you didn't have the right to.
"I believe that knowledge is never free. It's very nature means that it has to be earned. What has to be earned always comes at a price. "

Is this one of Masonry's teachings: Herd Conformity -- It's all right to conform to a person's wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you.

Thats what it sounds like when everyone keeps repeating how all Brothers can make up their own mind, and still consider themselves equals in Masonry.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:03 PM
See you at the Lodge boys! Can't wait to discuss Slippery Slope arguments, Syllogisms, Mysticism and the future of the brotherhood! Ahh, I love you guys like brothers! or is that "brotha's" to the black members?

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by senrak
Have a good time at your so-called "lodge" What is it the Water-Buffalo Lodge? Or perhaps "MOSS" (Mystic Order of Secret Sh*t)

The Incoherently Driveling International Order of Trolls (commonly referred to as I.D.I.O.T.).

[edit on 2/13/05 by The Axeman]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:32 PM
with the grand poooooooobah and mascot?

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by akilles
Awww, you guys are so close you even MISS one another!

That is so cute.

Ummmm Dude...he was talking to you.....

Originally posted by senrak
I'll miss you freudie and akilles, ol' trolls.

Why do you guys bother to post when it is always off-topic/meant to take the conversation off-topic/personal attack.

huh!?!?'re usually the first to change the direction of the converation when your theory gets shot out of the water....

This is the mentality that is wrong with Secret Societies, that you are somehow 'earning' something that you didn't have the right to.
"I believe that knowledge is never free. It's very nature means that it has to be earned. What has to be earned always comes at a price. "

Is this one of Masonry's teachings: Herd Conformity -- It's all right to conform to a person's wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you.

Thats what it sounds like when everyone keeps repeating how all Brothers can make up their own mind, and still consider themselves equals in Masonry.

Oh how far we have traveled ....and how little we've progressed....

[edit on 13-2-2005 by Golfie for: content]

[edit on 13-2-2005 by Golfie]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by akilles
This is the mentality that is wrong with Secret Societies, that you are somehow 'earning' something that you didn't have the right to.
"I believe that knowledge is never free. It's very nature means that it has to be earned. What has to be earned always comes at a price. "

Well akilles, you can selectively pick pieces from my statements but in this case, I'm afraid that you've only reinforced my point.
Take a look at how you impart what little you already know.
Knowledge can be used as a weapon. If you don't have true knowledge you can swing that weapon in the wrong direction.

You may believe that it's OK to hand sombody a loaded gun. But if they don't know how to use that gun there's every chance that they may end up klling themselves or an innocent bystander.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:25 PM
In my opnion, most small secret societies or small fraternal brother hoods, are more or less a stopping ground/proving ground. This is why bush is doing what he is doing today, they picked him because he acts stupid, everyone believes it, then shows his true self. To me, there more of a proving ground for the bigger ones, with more secret knowledge and great power.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:04 AM
as i read most of the subjects in these forums..i see so much iresponsabilty..i also see so much power being thrown around..
everyone is being corrected,it all seems so one is better than the next.i am you and you are me.
why does everyone seek knowledge of/thru words..the knowledge that is most valuable is the knowledge that is with in us the knowledge beyond words..we can not see it because we are constantly seeking knowledge thru others/outside of ourselves
nothing is secret we do know everything,first this power trip must be denyed..
come from a place with good intentions kneel before yourselfs the creator is with in..we are all the supreme artist..
first you must stop living in the human mental state of hell.
everything is alive everything is evolution everything is biological everything is alive
become the manifestation
there is only one truth
no matter what religion/philosophy etc etc you look at..
look with in
lets become responsible

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by freudling
See you at the Lodge boys! Can't wait to discuss Slippery Slope arguments, Syllogisms, Mysticism and the future of the brotherhood! Ahh, I love you guys like brothers! or is that "brotha's" to the black members?

Nope. I can SAFELY say that I'll NEVER see you at the Lodge. Not my Lodge anyway.

But thanks for offering. And thanks for the racial slur. You're a real fine fellow...probably got a lot of friends...many of them with hoods.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 01:12 AM
I had some bad things happen to nice people around me over the past few days. Although we have all had our differences, I wish you all a good day today, even you Senrak.

[edit on 19-2-2005 by freudling]

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by freudling
I had some bad things happen to nice people around me over the past few days. Although we have all had our differences, I wish you all a good day today, even you Senrak.
[edit on 19-2-2005 by freudling]


I wish you the same thing. Honestly. I'm sorry to hear that bad things have happened to people around you. I just wish you'd drop your apparent hatred towards Freemasonry, which has done nothing to you. It's possible that a Freemason or Freemasons (members) have done something to you that they shouldn't, but that's NOT Masonry. We're about helping not hurting and any Mason who does otherwise is in violation of his obligation. Plain and simple.


posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 11:33 AM
Just another way to make people feel "wanted"

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by surfnaked
Just another way to make people feel "wanted"

Uhm...WHAT is "just another way to make people feel 'wanted?'" No mind-readers on ATS that I'm aware of.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by greenmansmind
as i read most of the subjects in these forums..i see so much iresponsabilty..i also see so much power being thrown around..
everyone is being corrected,it all seems so one is better than the next.i am you and you are me.
why does everyone seek knowledge of/thru words..the knowledge that is most valuable is the knowledge that is with in us the knowledge beyond words..we can not see it because we are constantly seeking knowledge thru others/outside of ourselves
nothing is secret we do know everything,first this power trip must be denyed..
come from a place with good intentions kneel before yourselfs the creator is with in..we are all the supreme artist..
first you must stop living in the human mental state of hell.
everything is alive everything is evolution everything is biological everything is alive
become the manifestation
there is only one truth
no matter what religion/philosophy etc etc you look at..
look with in
lets become responsible

Dude!!! No offense, but do you ever make any sense?!?!?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by senrak

Originally posted by surfnaked
Just another way to make people feel "wanted"

Uhm...WHAT is "just another way to make people feel 'wanted?'" No mind-readers on ATS that I'm aware of.

I think he's trying to say that people join the Craft to feel wanted. Just goes to show you how these guys really dont know what they're talking about.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by sebatwerk
I think he's trying to say that people join the Craft to feel wanted. Just goes to show you how these guys really dont know what they're talking about.

True. It's funny how many non-Masons out there are EXPERTS on Masonry...when we Masons don't know anything about it. [shrug]


posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by senrak

True. It's funny how many non-Masons out there are EXPERTS on Masonry...when we Masons don't know anything about it. [shrug]

Yeah, but conspiracy dorks are like that about everything. Only they are privvy to this secret knowledge, and every other person in the world, no matter how smart, is being controlled by reptilian overlords or by an NWO. Forget the fact that they are completely unqualified to make these assertions.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:04 PM
i am not a conspiracy dork...i dont even watch the news or the weather.
nor am i qualified to see the world run by reptilians or a new world order.

i am out of context and speak in ways not many understand.
thou my good actions speak loader than any word.
just my presence can be enlightening...or many feel insecure as well..??

I am not agianst masonry..a part of wishes i could have the experience.
thou i have known many masons and something does not seem right...and i am trusting what i feel and seeking something i am not sure of yet....i do trust myself..for the visions i have and then where i wind up with out reality unfolds..i feel as if i wear a halo at times,and a great smile..thou can not see it..the most curious thing i ever did see..better than alice seeing a grin with out a cat.
perhaps you can call it gods hand is guiding me
no reptilians in my mind

is the cat in the box or outside of the box?

animals speak

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