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thule society of hilter is the skull and bones of george bush

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 01:47 PM
The only black dragon society I am familiar with is the japanese occult secret society that helped to inspire some of the aryan ideology.

Can you explain what you are talking about and how its relevant?

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 11:48 AM
The one connected with Karl Hausoffer? That was the Green Dragons, I think.

Kinda like the name of that Boston Kennedy tavern.......

One I meant is the Elizabethan one,

if you look into the civilisations of the 'New World', and recent developments in archaeology findings of the flat plains of that area ( in South America mostly ) - as to when and how they were farmed,

and look at the Skull and Bones motifs in the Mayan and Aztec cultures,

it should make a picture.

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