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interdimensional or extraterrestrial?

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posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

They are extra dimensional beings. And they are the fallen angels/ Demons. (just calling them for what they are.)
In 1997 a frantic caller called the Art belt show claiming he worked in area 51. Now if you pay close attention to the conversation you will notice the despair in this man's voice. What he said here and what sparked my interest the most was:

"Hello Art? Art? Hi....I don't have a whole lot of was a former employee of Area 51...I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago...and...and...(starts to cry)...I kinda been running across the don't know WHERE to start......they'll triangulate on this position really, really soon... (starting to break up and get more frantic--Art tells him to give us something quick>) we're thinking of as Aliens ...they're EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS...that an earlier precursor of the SPACE PROGRAM MADE CONTACT WITH...uh...they are NOT what they claim to be...uh...they have INFILTRATED a lot of aspects of the MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT particularly Area 51...uh...the DISASTERS that are coming...the GOVERNMENT knows about them....and there's a lot of SAFE AREAS in this WORLD THAT THEY COULD BEGIN MOVING THE POPULATION TO...N O W - Art.....but they are NOT doing anything about it... THEY WANT THE MAJOR POPULATION CENTERS - WIPED OUT SO THAT THE FEW THAT ARE LEFT WILL BE MORE EASILY CONTROLLABLE....(breaking up more, starting to cry...)...I started getting...." Silence - Art went off the air at that point."

What is weirder is his change of tone on a later call and this one seems more suspicious than the first. He called to retract his story but his tone was off.

But hopefully this gives you something to look into.

But something that may back up the caller's claim on what these beings are is the following discovery from thundercorp:

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: HUSARIA

theory: unknow

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: VVV88

theory: interdimensional
also they dont have a agenda and are benevolent
never in the story of humanity has a humanoid atacked a human for a nefarious porpouse
stop watching holywood movies the just brainwhash you

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

also interdimensional doesnt mean spiritual it means that they are from a diferent reality so from their perspective we
are the interdimensional beings!
theory: demons

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord


I am fortunate I fit nowhere and can see that none of you are correct about much of anything. Even what you call facts,so called science or even truth for that matter is all tainted. Get in there and getcha some more. I was done long ago.

I don't think I'm greater than everyone---I am greater than everyone.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: superluminal11


posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 01:37 AM
Yes this! They are inter-dimensional shapeshifting beings called Jinn in islamic terminology. They are probably responsible for nearly all reported paranormal behaviour. This is a fact many know but few in the ufo community - spread the word! I stopped taking UFO's and aliens seriously after finding this out.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 02:53 AM
On Earth there are lots of things going on. Biological ET's, trans-dimensional ET's, evil spirits, good spirits, everything and anything you can think of has been witnessed and reported for thousands of years. Even creatures that shouldn't exist according to modern science like Bigfoot, mantis creatures reported on the Musconetcong river, and demon ghost dogs, panthers, etc.

Earth is like a picnic spot along the galactic highways for whatever stops by..

The only things that are not true about this are the excuses made to keep people's comfortable and safe living in a controlled box like environment for sanity's sake.

Not just Lions and tigers and bears

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 04:07 PM
A logical explanation for spirits or ghostly looking beings is E.T. alien technology, that delves into laser holographic imagery as a way to communicate with Earthlings --- That --- coupled with artistic geoglyph carvings, gives the ET's a step-up in a process that entails a proper protocol --- without close-up physical confrontation between the two races, because it is not needed --- Yet...they can be in the general area of the ET/Earthling communication attempt, but they're nearly invisible to us, due to laser holographic cloaking and high-tech camouflage armor suits an helmets.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 04:23 PM
Where ever demons come from.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 05:48 PM
They are interdimensional beings who occupy a world in almost the same space as us. If that sounds confusing, try to understand that Gravity as a force extends between Branes and a massive enough body like a Star actually bends Branes to one another in the same way it can bend light. Sol exists in multiple Branes with different Planets in each simultaneously. The Greys are literally from right next door, the Orbit of their world is slightly different than our own but overlaps in periods extending over Thousands of years, the last being nearly 13,000 years ago. Currently, the orbit of their world is soon to overlap our own again in the not too distant future. As both worlds are "massive bodies" the closer our two worlds lay in orbit to each other the closer the fabric of our two Banes draw to one another. This is why you have been seeing so many visitations in recent decades. Larger worlds like Saturn serve as gateways for their craft atm, Massive enough to cross between Branes but without the extreme forces of the Sun as an example which would destroy most craft. These are the visitations of the moment and recent history, passage between Branes requires them to leave their world via craft. What the "elite" are preparing for however is the Transit of worlds in which both Earth and their world will for a short time occupy the same space and be practically touching. At this time they can travel directly from their world to our world, a sort of "opening of the gates of hell" for lack of a better term. This event will last less than a day but during that time Billions of Greys will simply "appear" here, harvest both ourselves and our resources before returning to their own Brane (our main use is as food/slave labour). The survivors will repopulate the Earth and those in "the know" will go underground for this short period, the harvest is certain, they have capabilities that make it a given, the capacity to pass through matter and to paralyze humans and they out number us and will appear everywhere at once, high density of matter they can not pass through, a minimum of 3-5 feet of concrete is needed to protect against that capacity.

edit on 4-1-2017 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2017 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

They are interdimensional beings who occupy a world in almost the same space as us. If that sounds confusing, try to understand that Gravity as a force extends between Branes and a massive enough body like a Star actually bends Branes to one another in the same way it can bend light.

I think this is the best evidence against inter-dimensional visitation, gravity should play a role either way, not aware of anyone reporting oddities in orbits. As far as I know, everything is well accounted for from a gravity perspective.

I dont equate this with the spiritual realm, although I guess that is one way of looking at it.

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

And how do you know.

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 04:48 AM
Misidentified man-made technology or naturally occurring events. Nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: Erno86

theory: et holograms

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

theory: interdimensional

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Highroad214

theory: misidentification

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: VVV88
a reply to: Caver78

Theoretical "physics" allows for a multi dimensional "reality". Your post is a matter of semantics.
Theoretical physics hasn't produced or found non-carbon based beings occupying our reality possibly out of phase with what normal human perceptions are capable of observing. This doesn't mean to say there is a multiverse, but that there is one and it operates on MORE principals than we currently understand, or know how to manipulate.

Altho there was some limited scientific findings that for example, the human consciousness or non-carbon based being formerly encapsulated in a carbon form exists, we never followed up on it's further existence in it's non-coproreal state, then in a fit of ridicule we abandoned more studies.

Just one example, but the easiest to understand.

What I AM saying is that what we are mistaking for ET's and other things are not inter dimensional but things that live alongside of us, always have and we, not having a more perceptive biology, physically, generally don't sense them in any way. A Bear, Dog and others have a profoundly better sense of smell than we do due to their biology. Hawks, owls eagles the same with eyesight. If we could see full spectrum of light, we'd see that trees are actually not green but red.

My point is our current understanding of physics is limited based on the founding principals based on our physical biology, use a different base, get different answers.

The finding that an atom's parts being split doesn't always act predictably since it was found that just by it being observed changed it's behavior? There was your first clue that there is more to the rules of physics then we currently understand so right there we have to reevaluate the basic principals. or as I said, use a different base.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Gravity extends across Branes but it does weaken, it takes a massive amount to actually make a different universe connect. This is something that happens naturally to Stars and in fact, also explains Black Holes. This is also why you see craft coming and going from massive bodies, Saturn by itself does not cause the effect but is large enough to where technology can give it a "push". As far as smaller objects on Galactic and Universal scales it is incredibly rare for two smaller objects to ever overlap even in a case where it might have been done via "intent" the time frame between those moments is Thousands of years and still it requires a "push" to crossover. I know the technology to give that push is Electromagnetic in nature but not much more.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: 808Funk

I've been goofing around on such subjects for decades, recently I was accepted into a sort of think tank for lack of a better term.

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