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Why is it so hard for Most Trump supporters to believe Russia tried to influence our election?

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posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

It's another fake story conjured up to get people on the "Russians did it" ferris wheel.

It triggers the irresistible magnetic urge to automatically believe the "Russian" hoax.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: UKTruth

Sure...Statements issued from the Vermont Public Safety Commissioner, Burlington Electric and Gov. Peter Shumlin, Sen. Patrick Leahy and Rep. Peter Welch amongst many others

WHAT IS how fake news sites have declared it fake news...and propagandists like yourself are selling the Russian Agenda.

I see. So you are saying it's not just some dude was found to have malware on his computer after a check carried out following the release of the govt code earlier in the week? Or are you saying that and were just being sensationalist earlier on? It's hard to keep up with all the new 'it's Russia's fault' propaganda being pushed by the left.

Ah well, looks like another Russian doomsday scenario has been avoided just in time! Until tommorrow

Here's the correction on the article in your link.

CORRECTION: An initial version of the story stated Russia penetrated the U.S. Grid. Recchia of the Public Service Board and Kanarick of Burlington Electric Department said the grid was not compromised.

At least this source can admit their earlier fake news.
edit on 31/12/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: goou111
As most of you know I am a Trump supporter but I have no doubt Russia did everything they could to try and influence our election and get Trump elected.

I have never seen so much imminent nuclear war talk at least since the 80s. Putin went so far as to tell all those reporters about how they have been making offensive weapons this whole time and how most Americans do not even realize the danger they are in.

He has the cities do nuclear war drills . So now that Trump is elected what happened to all the imminent war talk? I mean not a peep.

We have even gone so far as to accuse him of personally hacking the emails and retaliated by expelling people from the country and threatening sanctions.

And go figure no nuclear threats no war threats ,just we will wait and see what Trump does.

Why? Because he got what he wanted, Trump elected.

So why is it so hard for some of you to believe they hacked and or leaked the emails? It does not make a Trump presidency any less valid. Unless you can prove he colluded with Russia the whole time to pull it off.

People still voted on their own they were just more informed then the left wanted them to be.

I wish people would stop putting Putin the former colonel in the KGB on such a pedestal the guy is all ESTABLISHMENT.

Nice of you to provide proof beyond any doubt..... atleast you didn't only offer your opinion.


I'm agianst Trump, but I wanted to see Clinton go down for treason against the left wing which I'm represented by.
Still... I'm not so stupid that I will buy into this crap about it being the Russians.

If only the US could own up to it's own internal issues and problems. I can totally understand why agents inside the states would leak those emails. If I had been an agent I would have done the same thing.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: UKTruth

Sure...Statements issued from the Vermont Public Safety Commissioner, Burlington Electric and Gov. Peter Shumlin, Sen. Patrick Leahy and Rep. Peter Welch amongst many others

WHAT IS how fake news sites have declared it fake news...and propagandists like yourself are selling the Russian Agenda.

And the gullible such as yourself are good for a New Years laugh.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990

originally posted by: Illumimasontruth
I'M IND, it happens. Get over it. We influence most every election. That's the way politics work. Swallow it. Always been that way, always will be. Period. The people voted and the electoral college did their thing. You done yet, you mad? Your Demon spawn lost, boo hoo.

Lmao, this kind of ignorance.

He is a Trump supporter, he said so in the OP. He never mentioned Hillary once.
The Hillary comment was not directed at the OP and my wording was an ignorant mistake. I own the mistake and it is too late to edit. Apologies to the OP.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 05:03 PM
Because Russia wasn't involved in the DNC email leak. Julian Assange even said so: count/

And even WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared to suggest Tuesday that recently murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, a 27-year-old Democratic National Committee staffer who was shot near his townhouse in Washington, D.C. last month, was the source of the WikiLeaks-exposed DNC emails. Assange hinted at the newest revelations during an interview on the Dutch television program Nieuwsuur. “Our whistleblowers go to significant efforts to give us material, at often very significant risks,” Assange said. “There was a 27 year old, works for the DNC, who was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons other than that he was walking down the street in Washington.”

The person responsible for the DNC leak was Seth Rich. A DNC staffer who was conveniently murdered shortly after the leak. IMO the whole reason for this "Russia did it" propaganda is to draw attention away from Seth Rich so the DNC can cover their asses. They don't want a murder investigation on top of all the other crap that happened to them during the election.

Seth Rich was the leak. Russia is just a scapegoat that the MSM is pushing and everyone everywhere is drinking the kool-aid. I'm tired of the propaganda. This is worse than WWII Nazi propaganda. If I hear one more news anchor talking about how evil Russia is for tampering with the election I'm going to puke.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: Swills

TBH, I'm no Trump supporter but I couldn't care less about Russian influence because, as far as we know, they did not hack the vote and that's all that matters. What they are guilty of is propaganda and so is our gov't for doing the same thing at home and abroad. We even take it one step further with our regime changes which has been on going in the Middle East.

So if anyone is guilty of invading other nations way of life it's the USA. And if people fell for Russian propaganda, well no matter who owns it they'll fall for it.

Crooked Hillary lost this election, along with the corrupt DNC and MSM. Screw that witch!

Good points and I agree with them. I also happen to believe that US intelligence agencies really have some more sinister plots (=hacks'n'stuff) proved but i don't even dream to see those. EVER. That's their practice. Or if I ever happen to see something it isn't "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".
I think that the original question still hasn't been answered here tho. Why is it that trupeteers just can't wrap their heads around it? Is it too much of a mental gymnastics to think that there are entities that constantly try to push your buttons, and when they succeed in that with enough people the results can be astonishing. Like for instace trump winning the election. When it comes to NWO, Illuminati etc etc everything is possible, hell, even propable, but when it comes to our topless he-man hero putin and russia nothing should be questioned. This is the dishonesty I see among some Trump supporters.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 05:40 PM
I'm not a Trump supporter BUT I'd be less opposed to accepting it, if they didn't keep trying to spin like Trump and Putin are in cahoots, and Putin was trying to get Trump elected and Trump is (what a joke) some Russian plant/stooge.

IF Putin interfered it wasn't to get Trump elected, it was to prevent Hillary from being elected. Hillary, Obama and Co have been very anti-Russia for awhile now. If Hillary won, Putin would have to seriously consider war, cause Hillary made it pretty damn clear she wanted to push for it. For Russia nothing good could come from Hillary winning.

So yes, it's possible Russia tried to influence the election. If he did so, however, Trump as her opposition was a circumstantial benefactor of this, nothing more.

My big issue is the attempted spin that where the information revealed might have come from means we should ignore it, as well as the assumption that Hillary only lost because of Russia, and the conclusion that Trump was somehow in on it.

IF it happened Putin was specifically against Hillary and Obama not for Trump, and irregardless of where it came from, the information should not be ignored or treated as irrelevant as a result and much of the nation has been opposed to Hillary for a long time for many reasons unrelated to anything Russia exposed.
edit on 12/31/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 05:47 PM
Because it takes a lot for a human being to admit that their whole existence is a lie and its actually not all Trump supporters, but the conspiracy theory people on here are a special brand of crazy if you hadn't noticed so that should answer your question. There are plenty of Trump supporters who are true skeptics. Don't be fooled by the nutty inhabitants of ATS. They represent less than nothing and are generally shunned by successful people who aren't insane. Truth for sure.

The funny part is that they're so die hard no matter what horrible things Trump has done or said, and you know Trump would call security if any of these fanatics got within 100 yards of him. I would. These people are nuts and several openly discuss shooting liberals and board members. The bottom of our society without a doubt.

Tldr...It's just ATS nutbars and unproductive conspiracy theorists who have time to watch homemade YouTube videos all day.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: goou111

The OLD stuff was scarier ,LONGER AND FAR more dangerous,THIS is "Cold war lite" it'll blow over once America has rearmed appropriately.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
I'm not a Trump supporter BUT I'd be less opposed to accepting it, if they didn't keep trying to spin like Trump and Putin are in cahoots, and Putin was trying to get Trump elected and Trump is (what a joke) some Russian plant/stooge.

IF Putin interfered it wasn't to get Trump elected, it was to prevent Hillary from being elected. Hillary, Obama and Co have been very anti-Russia for awhile now. If Hillary won, Putin would have to seriously consider war, cause Hillary made it pretty damn clear she wanted to push for it. For Russia nothing good could come from Hillary winning.

So yes, it's possible Russia tried to influence the election. If he did so, however, Trump as her opposition was a circumstantial benefactor of this, nothing more.

My big issue is the attempted spin that where the information revealed might have come from means we should ignore it, as well as the assumption that Hillary only lost because of Russia, and the conclusion that Trump was somehow in on it.

IF it happened Putin was specifically against Hillary and Obama not for Trump, and irregardless of where it came from, the information should not be ignored or treated as irrelevant as a result and much of the nation has been opposed to Hillary for a long time for many reasons unrelated to anything Russia exposed.

Well not to mention that Putin stands to personally gain 100 Billion dollars when the sanctions are lifted. Interestingly the
other man who stands to gain a windfall in the new secretary of state due to his part in the EXXON organization. We don't know how much Trump stands to gain because he never showed his financial ties, but his subsidiary does have shares in Alpha bank which is the same Russian state back ties to Putin and Tillerson.

Doing all this for financial gain is the real reason, but I guess people dont care anymore about much of anything. This type of stuff used to be seen as crooked .
edit on 31-12-2016 by banjobrain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 06:02 PM
The lack of proof perhaps?

I hear a lot of talking going on, but I do not see any evidence.

Could they have? Sure.
Might they have? Probably.
Do I KNOW they did? Nope. And until evidence is presented, innocent until proven guilty applies.

I'm not denying anything. I simply have not been shown it to be real.

There is nothing to deny.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: goou111

Why is it so hard for the democrats to understand that they had the worst candidate possible. The voters saw through her crimes, deceit, corruption, and selling out America through the Clinton Crime Foundation. The Russians may or may not have had a hand in leaking the emails. Mrs. Clinton nor the democrats ever debated the truth of the emails, only that they got caught.

At least we now know that Mrs. Clinton will never be President!

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 06:36 PM
This entire "Russia did this and hacked the election" IS BOGUS all the way to the finish line.

The first thing that happened was Obama coming out and saying "No evidence of election hacking exists"

Then more and more damning things come out in newer leaks about DNC corruption and then suddenly the MSM is ranting about Russia hacking election.

These people and our current POTUS and his wife are a true embarrassment to the entire human race.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 08:50 PM
Because the DNC and Obama are racist, xenophobic, sexist, fascists.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: jlgreer1

No doubt. It'd be like pick any high profile murder or embezzlement court case, the police would be on trial instead of the actual suspects.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: goou111

maybe because no actual concrete evidence has been presented. Aside from that...

the whole
"Russia hacked elections"
Narrative is false

Fact: The voting machines were not connected to the internet,
edit on st2016000000Saturdayst000000Sat, 31 Dec 2016 21:33:16 -0600fAmerica/ChicagoSat, 31 Dec 2016 21:33:16 -0600 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: Perjury
a reply to: angeldoll

i dont live in vermont... so no

I always pity people who are as shallow as you, who lack understanding, empathy, and who have an apparent inability to reason. But in your case, I think I'll just write you off as a nitwit.

edit on 12/31/2016 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 09:32 PM
"Why is it so hard for Most Trump supporters to believe Russia tried to influence our election?"

Because there's no proof. Was that hard?

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: peskyhumans

You know, if the Demcrats were on the ball, they'd just admit that Seth Rich did it and then blame the Russians for murdering him after he double crossed them by handing the leaks to Wiki instead of his Russian handler.

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