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Why don't we drop a Neutron Bomb on Iraq?

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posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 10:47 AM

4) Do you think your behavior is OK? behavior is fine. I asked a question. I'm not allowed to ask questions? Do I believe we should drop a neutron bomb on Iraq? NO....but don't I have a right to ask the question and see what answers are given? Isn't this a free country? Don't I have a right to get opinions on a subject? Isn't this a good way for all of us to learn?.....I've learned a lot by starting this thread....I've learned that there are a lot of intelligent people on this site that have intelligent things to say and have interesting opinions both pro and con on the topic. I've also learned that there are some people that have noting more to offer but insults and bs......if you have nothing to offer, then keep your questionaires to yourself

Here's my questionaire for you:
1. Do individuals have a right to question the war?
2. Do individuals have the right to feel we should be fighting this war differently?
3. Do individuals have the right to feel that this government should have a plan to win this war?
4. Do individuals have the right to ask questions?
5. Do individuals have the right to feel that this government is lying to them on a daily basis?
6. Do individuals have the right to feel that this government has a hidden agenda?
7. Do individuals have the right to know the truth?

etc. etc......I OPENED THIS THREAD TO GET REACTIONS. I DID. And it appears to be a pretty popular thread.....isn't this what this forum is for ATHEIXT?....if not, explain the rules that you would like to govern my life with please.....

[edit on 5-2-2005 by Zabilgy]

[edit on 5-2-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 11:18 AM
I think you got attacked from all sides because you proposed a really disgusting and ignorant subject -- so you say meant to encourage debate and get people to express their viewpoints, but you yourself were not clear on your opinion right from the get go. It was imperative that you do.

The only thing you succeeded in doing is getting everyone up in arms by sounding like an ignorant red-neck American, sorry to say. Don't forget, there are folks on ATS from all over the world, many of whom are under the impression that all Americans think this way (thankfully I know this isn't true, but I have an advantage living next door to you). And most of the world was against the American invasion of Iraq in the first place. All these people have their own opinions and viewpoints. You can't expect not to hear about it if you propose a horrid subject without stating your position first in the first sentence.

I think I understand now what you were attempting to do because obviously there are people in America who feel that way - USA #1, no matter who gets hurt or killed. But the way you went about it leaves to be desired.

Remember what I said first: I can't even believe this is a topic of

Live 'n learn!

[edit on 5/2/05 by AlwaysLearning]

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Croat56
Well what did you think would happen when you invade a country?

The lying b**tard Cheney told them they'd be greeted as liberators! Thing is they believed gullible can you get? In the meantime cha-chink, cha-chink as the fortunes of the few keep growing.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
And for that matter, any other country in the Middle East giving us problems. Seems like a quick solution and one that would make the rest of the world fear us again instead of thinking we are a big joke. Of course we'd have to get our troops and civilians out first.
Is this too extreme?

People forget easily who they really are.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 11:47 AM
Oh brother...

Why would the U.S. want the rest of the world to fear it? Would that make Americans feel better about themselves? And in this supposedly enlightened 21st century, would it be more civilized?

Zabilgy, I know that you started this thread to cause a reaction, and although I won't pass judgment on the rationale of it...

you ask how many innocents died on 9/11. Without detracting from that tragedy, I must remind people that innocents die on a regular basis. They die in Darfur, they die in Iraq, they die in Congo. Why should the fact that 3,000 innocents were Americans suddenly justify laying waste to an entire region of the world? Are we to take this to mean that American lives are worth 100 times those or other people?

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 12:09 PM
nobody derseve to be exterminate, every soul is a part of the source, why can't you be one with the is our home...what if someday it all blows out! Will you think about iran, irak or think about yourself and the real meaning of existence?????

Stop thinking about war dear ones, you have a mission and it's to live in love and love your enemies


posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 12:24 PM

I think you got attacked from all sides because you proposed a really disgusting and ignorant subject -- so you say meant to encourage debate and get people to express their viewpoints, but you yourself were not clear on your opinion right from the get go. It was imperative that you do.

Thanks for letting me know what it's imperative for me to do.....and your "redneck" comment proves my point that some people are here to add to the debate and some to just insult....which is ignorant. So I guess we are both ignorant in our own special ways!

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
Thanks for letting me know what it's imperative for me to do.....and your "redneck" comment proves my point that some people are here to add to the debate and some to just insult....which is ignorant. So I guess we are both ignorant in our own special ways!

Whatever.,.. You know what they say, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Or in this instance if you can't take the response, don't propose the subject.

All I said is that you should have been clear on what your own position was on such a subject.

Here's a yourself a clue one of these days.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 01:34 PM
I think the Iraq cover of democracy is soon coming to Iran as well and its already fixing to be cloned Iran shall be Iraq Jr. and they will perfectly mimic each other as well , Condi has laid it out already the next Farse war and democracy is Iran as they and this is a quote from here first foreign speech said "Iran is not immune to the changes happening in this region"
when asked if Bush had war plans for Iran , so are we going to have two Iraqs now or do you think it can happen?

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 02:41 PM
Because we are not murderers.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 02:55 PM

Here's a yourself a clue one of these days.

always always continue to prove that you have no substance and only the ability to insult.
If you have nothing to add to the discussion, then why don't you sit quiet like a good boy and let the adults talk......oops, that was like stooping to your level, my apologies!

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 03:03 PM

All I said is that you should have been clear on what your own position was on such a subject.

What difference does it make what my position is? Does that change your position or anyone else's position for that matter? Perhaps I developed a position after hearing what everyone else had to say? Is that okay with you? If not, again, feel free to let me know how you would like me to behave since you feel some odd need to control me....

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 03:18 PM
Please stop the bickering.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Otts
you ask how many innocents died on 9/11. Without detracting from that tragedy, I must remind people that innocents die on a regular basis. They die in Darfur, they die in Iraq, they die in Congo. Why should the fact that 3,000 innocents were Americans suddenly justify laying waste to an entire region of the world? Are we to take this to mean that American lives are worth 100 times those or other people?

Otts - you're getting one of my WAY ABOVE votes for the month for this.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
always always continue to prove that you have no substance and only the ability to insult.
If you have nothing to add to the discussion, then why don't you sit quiet like a good boy and let the adults talk......oops, that was like stooping to your level, my apologies!

You know, my initial response to you the other day was one of disgust because it seemed you were taking the position of wanting to drop the neutron bomb on Iraq. But earlier today, having calmed down and read a few more of your posts, I was trying to offer you constructive criticism on why you were getting bombarded...but you came back with both barrels as if I were attacking you personally, instead of the way you approached the subject. I don't know about you, but I come to ATS because I want to learn...and I want to help deny and fight ignorance where and when I can. Though I have been tempted many times to hit the ignore button on various participants, I haven't done so. I almost just did with you. But I realize that I need to be reminded that there continue to be those who don't really want to encourage discussion and just want to spread their ignorance and hate, contrary to the mission statement of ATS. So I didn't do it simply because it strengthens my resolve to be different.

I'm sure you'll forgive me now if I don't continue this back and forth dance with you as it is tiresome and hasn't taught me a thing. Have a nice day.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Look I dont know many of you all but I think we can all agree that dropping a neutron bomb on ANY country in the world will not solve anything. And seeing as this thread is becoming very hostile with the same comments being mentioned over and over again, I propose to a mod that this thread may please be closed. It will simply go on repeating itself, much like the majority of the world and history. I say we vote on it. I vote on closing this thread. Anyone else agree with me?

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
Anyone else agree with me?

oh yeah.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 10:59 PM
Nothing against our American cousins....but isn't a country who salutes their flag and sings the national anthem every morning of their school life a tad brainwashed?

I've been to New York on hols and I loved it...lovely people...not much different from Brits or Aussies.

However, why can they not bring themselves to criticize their administration...believing instead that US world policy is always correct (to enforce western democracy on all any cost??). Is the US responsible for the majority of friendly deaths amongst the allied forces? Or is this a falsehood spread by opponents of the regime and Iraqi mischief-makers?

All hail Fuhrer Bush !!!

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 12:32 AM
Many countries salute their flag. It's about national pride. Many people here in the US don't sing the national anthem every day. Don't make assumptions if you haven't lived here. I've noticed many people on this board love to single out americans and make assumptions. I also definitely don't agree w/ dropping a neutron bomb.

Oh yeah, since when did rednecks live in Boston??

[edit on 6-2-2005 by deadpresidentz]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 03:00 AM
as I am not even getting anywhere I go into the door widely , I usually deny that thread closures are helpful as they end an unfinished debate in the quickest and close minded way I have come to distaste, but this is getting nowhere and most arent even getting answers for the arguements of a few, I concur the thread is dead lay it to rest.

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