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dream special forces unit

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posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 08:35 AM
What would you dream SF unit's training, missions, equipment, etc be? Also try to make your own actual training course with special endurance tests, rigourous obstacle courses, etc. And you can even make up your own special equipment, have fun!

blue cell

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 07:36 PM
come on 45 views and no one has replied, well here is my dream SF unit.

I organisation

Okay first my SF unit would be divided into 10 special units, Desert Warriors, Jungle Fighters, Forest Rangers, mountain Group, Extreme Weather Unit, Urban Fighters, Airborne Troopers, SBS unit, SEAL unit, and UDT unit.

1.Desert Warrior Training

Desert Warrior Training would consist of learning how to use desert vehicles, learning how to use desert camoflauge, and learning how to set booby traps, and ambushes in the desert. There would also be several endurance tests, one test would be a 25 mile run in the heat with full load in no less than 6 hours. Also another test would be to evade from SAS, and US rangers equiped with jeeps, trucks, and helicopters in the Sahara desert for 96 hours. In addition to this daily calisthenics would be done, pushups, jumping jacks, running, pull ups, swimming, etc. In addition to this they would learn how to do patrols, long range reconnasiance, sabotages, intelligence gathering, insertion techniques, hand to hand combat, and advanced shooting skills.

2. Special Courses

sniper training
desert vehicle mechanic training
advanced medical training
advanced demolition training

I'll do the rest of the unit profiles in another post, right know I'm tired.

blue cell

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 08:02 PM
My dream Special Forces


Children start training at the age 7 to join the group. They are trained and schooled all by the unit from that age on. Much like a normal military school early on but with the clases in

Weapons training
Computer hacking
Medical training
Most learn atleast 2 other languages

At the age of 18 they would enter into training like that of military SFs training much like the SAS,Delta Force,Spetnaz with a focus on Urban warfare

At the age of 21 comes tryout time to see if you get into the Unit. The test would be rigourous designed to weed out all but the top 10% of each class.
People that past the test get the spartan uniform

Complete with Carbon nanotube armour and optical camo.

Standard rifle would be the M-29 chambered for the 6.8 rd

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 03:25 AM
My dream special forces unit would be made up of members of the Eng/Aust/NZ SAS. There would also be recuits from American/German/Russian special forces .
Note other countries are welcome to join the party.
I would divide the unit into the following.
Recon - former SAS members would head this aspect of the unit. In short they have ablity to disappear behind enemy lines for weeks.
Assassination squads - American and Russian members head this aspect of the unit.
Urban warfare - former German special forces would head this unit.
Hostage Rescue - This aspect of the unit would be headed by Israeli special forces.

I havnt listed the likes of maritime capabliltys (I good ramable on forever!) but Im sure you get the idea behind my Unit.
Note each member must speake two languages and have been selected from a special forces unit in his/her countrie.
Women would make up an important aspect of the unit. I wish to make one point clear the women would be there because of there ablity not there genda.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 07:05 AM
How much would one of those suits cost, i would guess you couldnt have corps of such soldiers and with such suits explosives would break your body even if there wouldnt be visible wounds. About bullets can be certain, as the pressure from hit would go so large area thanks to nano size fabric that you wouldnt even faint, like modern ringmail.

I would go special forces sort of spartan way too, teaching from whole childhood, but same time would monitor everyone and pick their best traits and ensure best of their traits nd then put serve in most suited positions as not all need to be field. I would also require infinite resources to run backround for this unit, it would have to be high in chain of command and by so only answering to chief of state to ensure its right to act on its own and not to become political debate, as i guess there would be a lot more people behind scenes aiding the unit, to ensure latest intel and make operations like surgeons. ensure best of their traits

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Observer83
How much would one of those suits cost, i would guess you couldnt have corps of such soldiers and with such suits explosives would break your body even if there wouldnt be visible wounds. About bullets can be certain, as the pressure from hit would go so large area thanks to nano size fabric that you wouldnt even faint, like modern ringmail.

They would be very expensive think of them as f-16s on legs in term of price. This would have to a very small elite group like you said you could have a whole corps equiped in such a way. I would envision these troopers as the head of the spear shock troppers. You could have other people that didnt make the team act as a support team to these guys. They could be equiped with much cheaper versions of these suits.

Explosives would still be a problem perhaps they could deal with fragmentation from small grenades but actual blast waves would kill you without even breaking the armour.

Atleast its very hard to hit a person directly with a RPG i mean people have missed tanks and helicopters with them.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 09:48 AM
love shadowXIX idea's Would take them a little farther though.

1. Genetic engeneer all the kids that would go into the program test tube babys. To be stronger, smarter, faster you get the idea.

2. Would intigrate them with the new sub orbital bombers that can be anywhere in the world in 2 hours they are working on.

So bomber takes off from where ever and drops them men in drop pods over the target 2 hours later. Or lands them in the theater of operations.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by shadarlocoth
love shadowXIX idea's Would take them a little farther though.

1. Genetic engeneer all the kids that would go into the program test tube babys. To be stronger, smarter, faster you get the idea.

Great concept Im sure the orginal Spartans would have done that if they could. They even had their own methods to better genetic stock sickely babies were deliberately put to death, lest they grow up into weakly men and women and thus pull down the physical average of the race.

Crude but effective for the time I would imagine.

I was looking some more into ancient Spartan life and found this

They were encouraged to steal, since the practice of thieving developed keenness, quickness, caution, and other warlike qualities. But if caught in theft they were severely punished, not for the deed, but for the blundering which had left them open to detection.

Thus we have the well-known story of the Spartan lad who, having stolen a fox, concealed it beneath his cloak; and when it began to bite and tear at his body, he endured the torture without a sign until it killed him, rather than betray himself by any move or outcry.

Thats some amazing discipline and self-control, no wonder they were feared and the best soldiers of their time.


posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 03:36 PM
I've thought about this 4 ALOOONG TIME!!!!!
My idea is like from those "Rainbow 6" games:
International Counter-Terroist Team:
[Clears throat and takes a deep breath]

Missions= 1 Day, u might be in Los Angeles taking down a Drug Lord, the next day, u might be in Baghdad while protecting the Iraqi President.
Mainly= SWAT Types:
Hostage Rescue
Terrorist[Leaders or a whole group, most likely, it would be small 4 Terrorist Organizations] Takedowns
Capturing Enemy Personnel
Protecting Key Personnel[Ex: Working beside Presidential Security Forces]
and Special Recon Missions
Now, 4 like Recon, 4 ex., it wouldn't just happen in Urban Terrain.
They'll fight everywhere: Deserts, Moutains[even caves if needed], Tropical, ect...

Training: 16 weeks:
1 week: Introduction: They'll go thorugh some entry test about themselves, and get 2 know the instructors and teammates.
2 week: Mainly PT
3 week: Weapon Training: M8s, MP5s, and Pistols 4 starts.
4 week: Advance Weapons Training: Shotguns, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, other Assualt Rifles etc...
5 week: Heavy Weapons and "BUD" Trainings: Demo Charges, Anti-Tank Weapons, Grenades, OICW, Rockets, etc...
6 week: More PT
7 week: Urban Tactics
8 week: Tropical and Jungle Survival Skills[Tropical and Jungle Ghillie Suits, Food, etc....]
9 week: Forrest Survival[Forrest Ghillie Suits, Food, etc....]
10 week: Desert Survival[
11 week: Arctic Survival[
12 week: More PT
13 week: Medical Training
14-15 weeks: Quick Review
16 week: Tests and Gradutaion
The soldiers could come from any branch[Marines, Army, etc....], and could only quit 2 get out of the program[or get hurt[God Forbid]]
Where: Most likely the USA.

There would also be a seperate sniper team 2 help with the groups.

Equipment: Body Wise, it would be like from Shadow's Reply: "Warrior Of The Future", but weapons wise, although most of the time it would be the OICW, pretty much infinite chooses: ex:
1 guy might have an OICW, but another might have a AK-47
and Ghille Suits, except 4 Urban Fighting.

But, I have a "Small" Change 4 the OICW[
There would be 3 Types:
The Assualt Version: 30 Round Mags Underneath the barrel, u could either have a grip handle, or a "Mini" Shotgun[Like the Remington 870 4 the "Masterkey" M4 SOCOM or that XM-26 4 the also M4 SOCOM]
The Automatic Rifleman Version: has 100 Round Drum Mags, still could have the shotgun or grip handle, and vice-versa, but this is made 4 it,
in other words, the "Assualt" and "Sniper Version" can have 1 Drum Mag, but sense it doesn't have a heavier and stronger barrel, it can't do so on Automatic But 4 so long.
The Sniper Version: No Automatic or Burst Modes, 30 Round Mags, Simply that it has a bit of a longer barrel, weird as it may sound, but also could have a shotgun or grip handle 4 CQB.
All fires 6.8mm KE Rounds and all of them has a Bi-Pod also.

Organization: 25 Combat Teams:
Each with 32 Soldiers,
24 of the would b broken down into 4 6-Man Squads,
further broken into 2 3-Man Fireteams
With 4 2-man Sniper Teams
Plus: 5 Support Teams:
3 Training Teams and 2 Supply Teams.

Many of ya'll might have some
comments, but this could happen.
, but 1 tiny little prob, the only countries who would might join r these:
USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, and Russia, and yea, there still is a big possiblility 4 all of those in 1 unit.


This could just be a new "US Couterterrorist Team".

[edit on 29-1-2005 by SEAL Trident]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:29 PM
I like the idea of the school, and that combat suit for 2020 look really well thought out. These soldiers should be made to work in the hardest of conditions, each one should learn the art of sniping, and have a blackbelt before they may graduate.

Also, The learning of languages isn't extremely important, there are new digital speech to speech and speech/text to text translators out now.

[edit on 29-1-2005 by faddinglight]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by blue cell

I organisation

Okay first my SF unit would be divided into 10 special units, Desert Warriors, Jungle Fighters, Forest Rangers, mountain Group, Extreme Weather Unit, Urban Fighters, Airborne Troopers, SBS unit, SEAL unit, and UDT unit.

1.Desert Warrior Training

Desert Warrior Training would consist of learning how to use desert vehicles, learning how to use desert camoflauge, and learning how to set booby traps, and ambushes in the desert. There would also be several endurance tests, one test would be a 25 mile run in the heat with full load in no less than 6 hours. Also another test would be to evade from SAS, and US rangers equiped with jeeps, trucks, and helicopters in the Sahara desert for 96 hours. In addition to this daily calisthenics would be done, pushups, jumping jacks, running, pull ups, swimming, etc. In addition to this they would learn how to do patrols, long range reconnasiance, sabotages, intelligence gathering, insertion techniques, hand to hand combat, and advanced shooting skills.

2. Special Courses

sniper training
desert vehicle mechanic training
advanced medical training
advanced demolition training
advanced scout training
heavy weapons training

3. organisation
demolition man
heavy weapons man
grenade man

4. missions
search and rescue
direct action
zone patroling


Just wanted to add some things I never though of

[edit on 29-1-2005 by blue cell]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:28 PM
ut 1 tiny little prob, the only countries who would might join r these:
USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, and Russia, and yea, there still is a big possiblility 4 all of those in 1 unit.

It dosnt make any sense to limted the number countries that can join your unit. Why not allow members of the Aust SAS to join?
The SAS has capablitys that american special forces dont have they would add capablitys to your unit.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 03:51 AM
Well, maybe this should have been on BTS, but no sweat cause it looks fun

Well, this may not fall under what some of you would call special forces, but they'd be special enough if you ask me.
What I have in mind is a light dragoon force designed for rapid deployment to crisis areas and disruptive attacks against critical enemy weaknesses. This force could also be capable of skirmishing/ambushing then withdrawing in order to harrass an enemy advance.
Transport would be based mostly on dunebugs but primary weapons would be crew-served weapons capable of being mounted on vehicles. Think of it as a larger, better equipped, better trained version of a combined anti armor team.

Title: Raiders
Strength: 1-3 Regiments
Mission: To penetrate enemy lines by speed or stealth, deliver heavy firepower to critical targets, lay ambushes, or perform demolitions, and to serve as an anti-armor force in defensive roles.

Training: Airborne, Escape/Evasion. High accuracy with heavy weapons including in motion and at night. Emphasised training in ambush and break-through attacks. Identification and engagement of armored threats.

Operational Organization:
Regiment- 3 Raider Batallions
Batallion- 2 Raider Companies, 1 Indirect Fire Company,
Company- 2 Weapons Platoons, 1 Sapper Platoon
Indirect Fire Company: 2 Mortar Platoons, 1 Rocket Platoon

Weapons Plt- 15 dunebugs, 3 crewmen each. 5 mounted with 25mm auto cannons (as yet uninvented, derived from LAV-25 cannon), 5 mounted with Mk-19 (belt fed 40mm grenade launcher), 5 mounted with M-240B (mounted version of standard 7.62mm machine gun).

Sapper Platoon- 10 dunebugs, 10 dirtbikes. Dirtbikes carry 1 AT-4 each, mines, and 1 laser designator among the 10. Dunebugs carry Javelin anti-tank missile teams and additional munitions for dirtbikes.

Mortar Platoon- 9 humvees, 9- 81mm Mortars

Rocket Platoon- 9 humvees equipped with a derivative of MLRS designed for light weight and low physical volume, capable of defeating armor.

Mission example:
We need a force to stand in the way of an invasion quickly. We send all the light infantry and aircraft we can get our hands on, but we can't get armor into the region very quickly and if we want to take the fight to the enemy our counter-attack has to deal with their armor effectively. Enter: The Raiders.
They attack into the enemy rear area to target enemy fuel and ammunition as well as to hit and run on enemy tanks. Once they've taken their toll the main force makes it's attack. The Raiders slip back through the lines and lay in wait for the enemy's reserves, hopefully anhilating them. Of course such guys would be out of their jobs once the FCS and the it's air-mobile tanks come around, but in the meantime it sure would make a good story to say, "yeah, there's these guys in dune-buggies who run around in the middle of enemy territory beating the snot out of tanks".

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:02 AM
Thought I might add a example of a misson my Unit would undertake.

Example .
A government is being undermined by insurgents. The country is remote with harsh terian and few urban areas. It is the usual story insurgents threating the local population with death unless they cooperate.
The following units are deployed.
Assassination squads

The recon team would find the enemy bases locate his supply dumps and cause havoc .
The Assassination squads would take out the leaders of the insurgency.
While this is going the unit would be winning the hearts and minds of the local population.

Governtment forces would be trainned at an overseas location after proper sercuity screening .

I would welcome any feedback on equipment that would be suitable for the unit.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 12:51 PM
Jungle Fighters

I organisation

demolition expert
heavy weapons expert

II training

Okay their would be 7 phases

Phase 1 conventional warfare tactics 6 months
phase 2 unconventional warfare 9 months
phase 3 counter-terrorism 5 months
phase 4 SERE training 3 months
phase 5 18 months hand to hand combat
phase 6 2 month of airborne school
phase 7 1 month of camoflauge and concealment

Phase one

In this phase recruits learn the basics of warfare, shooting, patroling, etc.

phase two

In this phase the recruits learn how to set up ambushes, advanced patroling tecnniques, deep reconnasiance, and sabotaging.

phase three

In this phase the recruits learn how to approach terrorist bases and take out armed sentries, in addition to learning how to use silenced guns they also learn how to use bow and arrows with cyanide tipped arrows. They also learn how to clear rooms in hostage situations, and learn how to access situations.

phase four

In this phase trainees learn how to survive, evade ,and escape, their in the jungle. They learn stuff like how to start a fire, how to live of the land, and how to escape and evade people that are after them.

phase five

In this phase students learn how to employ pressure points in combat and also they learn advanced self defense and karate techniques. Courses they take in karate and self defense are jujitsu, krav maga, ninjitsu, keet kune do, kung fu, grappling, and tae kwan do.

phase 6

In this phase students learn how to parachute from airplanes and rappel from helicopters.

phase 7

In this phase students learn how the basics of camoflauge and concealment.

III Special Courses

sniper training
heavy weapons expert training
medical training
demolition training
scout training
advanced airborne training

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 05:47 PM
Okay I'm redoing my unit profile its kinda dumb, this is a dream special forces unit so they can do anything.

I unit organisation

demolition expert
intelligence officer
communications officer
heavy weapons man

II training

Okay there would be 10 phases

phase 1 unconventional warfare techniques 12 months

In this phase they would learn how to set booby traps, and ambushes. In addition thye would learn patrol techniques, and learn how to do long range recon missions.

phase 2 amphibious warfare 6 months

In this part they would learn how to infiltrate beachs and fight in the jungle and in the river. They would learn how to conceal themselves with camoflauge and also learn how to be stealthy and track the enemy.

phase 3 mountain warfare 6 months

In this phase students learn how to climb mountains, and attack and defend positions on mountains. In addition to this they learn how to rappel from mountain tops.

phase 4 hand to hand combat 5 years

In this phase students learn how to use pressure points, fight in the dark in order for them to use their senses to find their enemy and attack him.
In addition this they would learn Krav Maga, jujitsu, ninjitsu, jeet kune do, tae kwan do, aikido, capoeira, grapling, and many othe martial arts.

phase 5 arctic warfare 8 months

In this phase students would learn how to dress and fight in arctic conditions. They would learn how to make snow caves, advanced skiing techniques, also they would learn how to use snowmobiles.

phase 6 PE training 6 months

In this phase the emphasis would be on physical endurance, they would do tons of running, pushups, situps, crunchs, pullups, swimming, weight lifting, marches with heavy loads rigourous obstacle courses,etc.

phase 7 underwater demolition training 4 months

In this phase the students would learn how to plant explosives on ships, and clear explosive ridden waters. In addition to this they would learn how to do hydrographic surveys, and learn how to navigate in the water.

phase 8 special boat service training 5 months

In this phase trainees learn how to use special boats and the boats weapons, in addition to this they learn how to patrol rivers and coastal waters.

phase 9 urban warfare 9 months

In this phase recruits learn how to clear buildings and fight in the streets. The emphasis in this phase is to work like a team they learn how to communicate with each other to tell were the enemy is, and make plans to help each other take down the enemy where ever he might be.

phase 10 airborne warfare 7 months

In this phase students learn parachute, HALO/HAHO , static line parachuting, rappeling, and many other advanced airborne techniques

III special courses
sniper training
medical training
heavy weapons training
scout training
demolition training,
hand to hand combat master course
intelligence officer training
communications training

[edit on 31-1-2005 by blue cell]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 12:39 AM
Thought it was time for a summary.
Should I live in a Countrie where insurgents are running wild I want Xpert11 unit
to fight the insurgents.

If I was taken hostage I would want SEAL Trident unit to rescue the hostages .

Should a rogue countrie devlope WMDs I would want ShadowXIX unit amgonst the action.

Should I need to slow down an armored divison I would want Vagabond unit on the scence .

Should I need support troops (example to train locals to fight insurgents) that can wipe the floor clean with the enemy I would want Blue cells unit.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:44 AM
Here's a strange SF idea for you: Engineer Infiltrators.

You take your standard fare special ops guy: physically fit, martial arts training, small arms expert, etc etc.

You give him a specialized education in a given culture and a top notch costume/disguise program so that he can pass for a citizen of a country in a given region of the world his team is assigned to.

You give him a first-rate understanding of infrastructure systems such as transportation/traffic management, electric, water, sewage, etc etc etc.

Teams will include demolitions experts, electrician, electronics/hacker, and a CIA trained member trained to make contacts and develop "assetts" for when the team needs help from locals.

You drop these guys in months in advance of an invasion, before you're even sure you'll need them. They run around mapping out and preparing to sabotage infrastructure and mapping out/developing routes for movement between key areas of cities via sewer lines.

The time comes, these guys play hell with the power grid, water supply, etc of the target city, and additional special forces drop into the city at night, go to ground, and go to their targets where an exit from the sewers can then be created by creative use of explosives.

Long story short: a team of a few guys designed to engineer the fall of a city from the inside out.

[edit on 1-2-2005 by The Vagabond]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:01 PM
Just wanted to add a couple things to my dream special forces unit

phase 11 12 months land and maritime counterterrorism training

In this phase recruits would learn how to infiltrate guarded boats and learn how to delicatly infiltrate boats with hostages on them. In addition to this they would learn how to infiltrate buildings, plan hostage rescue operations, and take down terorists with hostages in the room.

special courses

pathfinder course
mechanic course includes maintanence of ships, and vehicles.
advanced shooting course

special equipment
laser cutters can cut through barbwire and other hard metals
SA (sittuational awarness) helmet would be equiped with thermal radar, advanced hearing aids, and regular radar.
tripod mounted mini tomahawk launcher

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 05:52 PM
Diversion and deception unit...
My unit would be a unit designed to go onto the front lines or just behind the enemies. Wearing enemy uniforms and enemy weapons or if needed to weapons and uniforms of an enemy country. Also create confusion behind enemy lines. AKA keep enemy on alert and wear down troops, etc.

Entry requirements: Must have served with any of :14th intel, 15(UK) Psychological Operations Group, british army Intelligence Corps or the department of naval intelegence. Also members from SF can join if they have served with or assisted one of the above for over 6 months.

Training: SAS standard (will post later when have got time..)

Weapons: Mission dependant.

Missions: Diversion, deception, confusion, basic recon and physcological warfare.

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