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Fake News Just For Right-Wingers: A Huge Industry

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posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:53 PM
Don't feed the trolls guys.

A left wing troll, posts a thread from a left wing blog site, sourcing an NPR interview with an admitted left wing troll.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

1, you fool, how could you miss the obvious angle? its easy just think for one moment on just what would be the purpose of disinformation targeting conspiracy theorists... and no it isnt money/profit, thats a cop-out,

2, also spend a moment to wonder why it wouldnt work as well on the left.., engage those critical thinking skills you claim to possess...

1= disinformation is and has always been to muddy the waters of truth, to attack a field of secret truths with disprovable lies in order to slander and cast doubt upon any truths existing in that field, OBVIOUSLY

2= the MSM is 99% left, the left has their news source it is the MSM, right wingers get nothing except alternative medias, (if you count fox then your just as ignorant as i expect) so for someone who only listens to MSM to believe only whats on MSM is no great revelation is it.
and for someone who focuses on alternative medias to be more susceptible to disinformation on alternative medias also isnt very revealing is it...

hell you are an example of this very thing in the way you present this article as to buy it hook line and sinker straight from the MSM and parrot it here without any unique or critical thought applied to it first...
edit on 26-11-2016 by NobodiesNormal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: thesaneone

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Buzzy, this is so true.

I used to be Republican. I used to watch FOX news.

But, along the way - - something happened - - about the time the Neo-Cons took over the Republican Party.

My favorite FOX News began to change. It became "Tabloidish". The more hyped and emotional the stories - - the higher the ratings went.

I literally had to move on from FOX - - - my brain cells were dying. My logic was hiding in a back room somewhere.

That Rush and O-Reilly are #1 shows - - - is just damn scary. But, we have to let these people pick our president - - even though the majority votes otherwise.

So you are admitting that you let the news brainwash you?

Reading comprehension?

"I literally had to move on from FOX - - - my brain cells were dying. My logic was hiding in a back room somewhere."

Or are you missing the intentional injected humor?

If you couldn't change the channel to save your brain cells then you would be brainwashed.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: eNumbra

originally posted by: denybedoomed
It's all such a farce. Both sides gobble up the garbage and we all become more divided because of it.

The world is insane. Left/right. It's all the same. Control.

Consume, sleep . . . sleep . . .

Absolutely. This is about the third iteration of this story I've come across, each time the statement that liberals don't fall for fake news, each time it's equally absurd.

People love their confirmation bias.

Just read the commentary by ATS members.

The "right is good, left is bad," and vice versa is at an all time high.

People are being played.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Nice long post, but sorry doesn't apply to me or anyone with common sense.

If you can't tell the difference between what is real news and what is made up news, then there is probably no hope for you anyways.

The whole fake news thing is getting old...real old.
edit on R002016-11-26T14:00:44-06:00k0011Vpm by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:59 PM
I can't say I hold the site's ownership responsible. This is a forum where (mostly) anonymous folks from around the world post. A certain amount of "fake news" will always find its way into forums like this and it's something that we should expect, particularly with a site in the CT domain.

The "mainstream media" has been shooting itself in the foot. I would suggest that they realize that they're also part of the problem. Specifically, the haste with which they're publishing articles based on things like "online reports" from social media because the subject is sensational or supports an editorial bias.

Consider this recent "CNN airs 30 minutes of transexual porn" debacle. It started with a tweet from a random twitter account with 80 followers. A second Twitter account with 64k followers tweeted the picture from the first and repeated the claim as truth. The next thing you know, Daily Mail, Independent UK, SFGate, Variety and a few others are posting articles about it along with the countless Russian languages sources and the "fake news" regulars.

Granted, the more "mainstream" sources updated their stories when the cable company involved said that they'd had no reports of the purported (by ONE TWITTER ACCOUNT) issue but if the tail that wags the dog is a single anonymous social media account, then the mainstream media and we as a society have a very serious problem.

The mainstream media also didn't do anyone any favors by pouncing on every claim by every person who said they'd been harassed by a Trump supporter. There will always be people who falsely claim things for attention, particularly following something like this election. By not being more discriminating, they cast doubt on legitimate instances. They have to own that.

It's not just the left-leaning media of course, Fox News personalities (remember, Sean Hannity never claimed to be a journalist) repeat crap off Twitter and tell people to search YouTube. Talk radio hosts are even worse. That highlights yet another problem. The "mainstream media" is lousy with pundits, polemics and partisan propagandists who people look to for information from which they base their world views and those people don't feel one inkling of ethical obligation nor do they claim to have any sort of journalistic integrity because... they don't consider themselves journalists (and they're not).

They are partisan hacks trying to persuade people and being factual is only a consideration if their viewers/listeners are holding them to task for lying — and they're not. Sean Hannity has only become MORE popular. Why would he stop?

That said, there is an information war being waged on the Internet and on multiple fronts. Some of the parties involved are simply trying to make a buck peddling "fake news" and while it's not strictly a new phenomenon (e.g. tabloids, gossip rags) it's now possible for anyone with a little knowledge of web dev to become a "fake news" outlet for the cost of web hosting and leverage social media to reach hundreds of thousands if not millions.

Then there are those whose interest is creating "fake news" as propaganda. The Internet has made this easier than ever too. There is and has been a well-funded, coordinated effort by foreign governments to influence politics and while the US is in the spotlight, it's not just happening here. There ARE sites that make completely fake news and mix it in with aggregated pieces from other sources. This election, I'd say the award goes to True Pundit. I tend to believe that TP is a front for a foreign government but it could just as easily be a domestic group whose political agenda aligns in some way.

There ARE "troll farms" that control networks of thousands and thousands of social media accounts. This has been building up for years now. These teams of operatives can not only make selected "fake news" go viral, they actively work to influence opinions and in some cases — I believe the "30 minutes of transexual porn" to likely be one — they are creating the news.

Beyond all that, what really has concerned me in recent months is that we've elected a new President who has repeated fake news stories and who is appointing people like Lt. Gen. Flynn who has also repeated them — and he's going to be the new National Security Advisor.

When fake news is coming out of the mouth of the man who will be the leader of the free world and half the people simply don't gaf, what does that say about our standards? That we have none.


My apologies if this isn't the most coherent of posts but it's such a f'ing mess and it's very frustrating to have been watching it unfold.
edit on 2016-11-26 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: thesaneone

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: thesaneone

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Buzzy, this is so true.

I used to be Republican. I used to watch FOX news.

But, along the way - - something happened - - about the time the Neo-Cons took over the Republican Party.

My favorite FOX News began to change. It became "Tabloidish". The more hyped and emotional the stories - - the higher the ratings went.

I literally had to move on from FOX - - - my brain cells were dying. My logic was hiding in a back room somewhere.

That Rush and O-Reilly are #1 shows - - - is just damn scary. But, we have to let these people pick our president - - even though the majority votes otherwise.

So you are admitting that you let the news brainwash you?

Reading comprehension?

"I literally had to move on from FOX - - - my brain cells were dying. My logic was hiding in a back room somewhere."

Or are you missing the intentional injected humor?

If you couldn't change the channel to save your brain cells then you would be brainwashed.

Are you intentionally trying to make the humor - - something besides humor.

Dying does not mean dead or brainwashed. The escape was in time and successful

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: RickinVa

Yeah. It is.
And all of Trump's backpedaling, too. But hey - I'm just the messenger.
Hate me all you want, say that I'm a lily-livered liberal who was brainwashed at a liberal "state university" (and of all ironic things, it was The University of Kansas! Oh noezz!!! Kansas turned out a few liberals!!) (But Kansas isn't liberal. Brownback ruined it.) and therefore must be a sheep, a blind one at that, who is asleep all of the time and also probably a shill being paid by some subversive CFR committee after enduring MKUltra brainwashing. Yeah, say that. Or, I'm a double-agent....somehow linked to Russian propaganda psyops to make people think that Russia is involved, when it really isn't, but in fact it really is, and I'm one of their bots. Yeah.

Say you read it from me on this site. That will make it seem true.

There are lots of people who, in fact, can't tell the difference.....and while you say there is "no hope for them", the FACT is that lots of them voted. And now Trump is taking back all of the things he said he'd do that made them get off the couch and vote. Who's the tool? Who are the puppets?

I was taught critical thinking. And in half a century, I've learned a lot about lies and the lying liars who tell them.
Is the guy referenced in the article a "liar"? I don't know. Disinfomedia shouldn't be that hard to trace......

unless they subscribe to "Who-Is Guard" to hide their identities.

edit on 11/26/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: NobodiesNormal

The mainstream media isn't 99% left "you fool." You're just repeating baseless, uninformed easily discredited truisms that have been pounded into your head. Fox News dominates cable "news" and has for the past 14 years since it's launch. Fox News recently hit a milestone that you probably missed. They became the most viewed channel on all of cable. Conservatives also utterly dominate talk radio and by a far wider margin. How many talk radio hosts from the left can you name? How many from the right? (Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Savage, Ingraham, etc etc etc)

Many will argue that the "left" has an edge in broadcast news outlets but if you look at recent history, broadcast news tends to favor whatever party is running the country. They sure as hell didn't put up much resistance to the war in Iraq did they? The closest they get to being "left" is being socially progressive and well they should be.

What's that leave? Newspapers, magazines and websites? For every NYT there's a NY Post and for every Washington Post there's a Washington Times. I don't know the last time somebody really dissected the ideological lean of the whole of American newspapers but there's plenty of representation for differing political outlooks.

I'll give you magazines though as much as magazines are relevant. If you count all the readers/viewers/listeners and somehow quantify the political bias of individual media outlets, you might very well find a left lean, particularly on social issues, but to say that the MSM is 99% anything is just plain thoughtless twaddle.
edit on 2016-11-26 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: desert

One of the messages I have for liberals is that they’re not going to change that basic viewpoint. We are not going to convert people who hold that viewpoint to a liberal view

And this, desert, is most confounding. Part of the philosophy of liberalism that I first believed was that this was possible. That what was necessary was to offer information, coherent information that all minds could grasp onto and over time digest to a degree that the old thinking, that the old adherence to past paradigms would dissolve in light of emerging knowledge. As I understood the liberal philosophy in my youth, this was not just part of it but rather, fundamental to the whole idea of progress.

I would really like to know from liberals today, just what they are going to replace this sadly false belief with. I know what many will say. Force. But this is not the liberalism of my youth. It is rather, a turn to 'might makes right' which is fundamentally the core of what liberalism is against.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:31 PM
Here's an example of fake news that has surfaced from the morally bankrupted, regressive left:

Ironically, in between playing clips of one allegation after another with no evidence to support any of it (twitter posts are not evidence), they decided to sandwich in there some footage from the destructive protests being carried out by the left after Trump's victory. As if it's proof that the right is lashing out?

The disinformation campaign is strong.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
Here's an example of fake news that has surfaced from the morally bankrupted, regressive left:

How is that fake news?

Fake because its comes from a place you don't agree with or understand?

Here is their website:

edit on 26-11-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

About time. We've had to put up with fake news from CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the leftist MSM.

CNN Caught Faking War Footage AGAIN, This Time in Syria

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Somehow these fake news left wing miserables - are in my humble opinion totally lost the factual state of MSM, and how biased, wrong and outright liars they just are - and were during the whole campaign.

Then to talk about "fake news" - is really ironical. It really sounds as if these folks would actually believe what MSM tells them.

So, of course, against that background, any other story must be a lie.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:42 PM
People that mention the Daily Show couldn't be more correct here.

From the roots of it's origin of a satire or mock news, whatever you want to call it,

The point of the show was to attack aspects of news that make it 'fake'.

The bi-partisan nature of the show was only the beginning of the war against disinfo and sensationalism. Have you ever seen how many times they fact-check the news itself? Stewart was an admitted liberal, but the zingers he started with about Republicans was often opening the curtain for how hard he could smash Democrats.

IMO, the show is still enjoyable, but has gone massively downhill in that 'non-bias' feel. Trevor Noah is more of a Liberal Comedian than a mock news Caster. Stewart kept character well. That's what made him unique. As if somehow, the news caster opinion of stories makes an influence of the story, is something he contrasted well.
edit on 26-11-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Annee

Fake because none if it is news. It's all allegation, no evidence, no suspects, no corroboration, no investigation even.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
a reply to: Annee

Fake because none if it is news. It's all allegation, no evidence, no suspects, no corroboration, no investigation even.

Maybe because it says its an Advise Show.

You are the one labeling it a news show - - and fake.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Good points. To try and portray the media as solidly left leaning aside from Fox is always a reach.

But I would point you to which reviews a study Pew Research did about who reads or watches what, and there's a significant majority of dots on the left side of the spectrum compared to the right.

The article does a good job of pointing out the number of outlets on the left, but also mentions the size of FoxNews' viewership in general. It's really more of a mixed bag than any hard right or left lean.

edit on 26-11-2016 by Shamrock6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: imjack

IMO, the show is still enjoyable, but has gone massively downhill in that 'non-bias' feel. Trevor Noah is more of a Liberal Comedian than a mock news Caster. Stewart kept character well. That's what made him unique. As if somehow, the news caster opinion of stories makes an influence of the story, is something he contrasted well

I agree with all of that and that it was fundamental to Stewert's character and to The Daily Show's brand for him to be bi-partisan.

But remember, Stewert hand picked Trever and Larry Wilmore. In fact, Stewert was the Executive Producer of The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore in the very beginning. Wilmore revealed to Colbert after The Nightly Show was cancelled that Stewert was the one that proposed to him the idea of a show where the premise was taking any issue going on in the United States that's causing controversy and looking beneath the surface to reveal what kind of discriminatory ideology is responsible.

Thus, systematically creating a show where the central focus is always about race, sex, gender, class, (insert progressive oppression list). Rather than a show that is fundamentally critical of every aspect of news, The Nightly Show was a show that was fundamentally built upon a leftist interpretation on race.

I predict we will see Trevor Noah go the same route as Wilmore within the next 1-2 years.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

You mean the same fake news that exposed the DNC corruption where the head of the DNC resigned in total shame? Except they showed no shame and Hillary immediately hired her? Or the fake news that said Hillary's chances of winning the election was 97% to Trump's 8%? Or was it the fake news that got all the polls wrong that you made fun of people calling the polls fake? Your fake news?

Seems every time you say something it is publicly proven wrong/fake a week later.

Yep, fake news isn't really your province.

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