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Will pope Francis announce the Angels are ET, and make a new start for Church and World?

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posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 01:11 AM
Pope Benedict in his book Jesus of Nazareth said the Angels didn't have wings. It was released shortly before Christmas 2012 when the world expected the Mayan prophecy. Instead of going further that road, 2 months later Benedict resigned, at consistory of cardinals.

How would the angels fly if they don't have wings? All the paintings in the churches are incorrect then. Or may be they are correct for one thing: the angels are painted together with stars. So it remains for the angels to be higher dimensional beings who travel to earth either by spaceships or thru some portals of higher dimension (known from sci fi).

The word angel means "messenger". It doesn't mean "being of spirit" only.

Mgr Balducci was the first Vatican person to say clearly the ET are higher dimensional beings and are not demons.
That was followed by pope's astronomers Funes and Consolmagno who said the Universe could have life created by God.
Finally, pope Francis said on two occasions, that he would baptize Martians if a delegation from Mars would come to ask him for that. And another time he said, "the beings of the universe". He stopped short of repeating those homilies in his lengthy encyclical about the environment. There he only spoke of God's creation of the universe in general terms.

Wil he have the strength to announce to the world, all those angels seen in the old testament are de facto extraterrestrials? Ezekiel's wheels, Elijah chariot of fire, spceships?

What will help that the world? Very much in every respect. First, the taboo kept for centuries will finally fall. The people won't be paralyzed of thinking how bad all aliens are coming to eat us. New awareness will come of God's creation ways. We will know we are not alone looking at the stars.

More practical, it will make irrelevant many of the word's struggles, such as for oil sources. It will help world's peace. That in the landmark year that according to many Catholics is the year of Fatima fulfillment.

If there is coming cataclysm (and I don't know it) it would be easier to offer ways out, if that truth is being said.

What if pope Francis doesn't have that strength, after he already did quite much for uneasy 3.5 years following a number of scandals inherited by his predecessor? What if he already fulfilled his mission?

Then it is a time at his 80s to think of his successor. The example of Benedict was very clear to any future pope. The pope doesn't have to fall ill or to reach age of incompetence, in order to give place for another one to be elected. It is not shameful, it is honorable. Benedict will remain in history as the first modern pope who preferred the interests of the Church before his personal interests, by stepping aside in all honor and letting new ideas to come by new people.

I don't know what the decision of pope Francis will be. Will he continue the road of the reformer, at his 80, will he have the strength of it. Or will he retire on the consistory November 19 when he will elevate new cardinals, and thus will start the conclave to be ended before Christmas. I don't know what is better, I list options that should be discussed in all honesty and respect in the 16th year of 21st century. There is no place for disrespect or accusations. There is a place to think what is better for the Church and the World.

Sure the ET are not the only thing to think about. But if we are told the Fatima fulfillment and Era of Peace are to come before its 100th anniversary, by pope Benedict, then we should think of the ways how that would happen. ET -Angels should play a role, be it a peaceful transition or not.

edit on 5-11-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Catholicism is known to be false doctrine. So anything said from the Catholic Church is blasphemy.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: Toolman18
a reply to: 2012newstart

Catholicism is known to be false doctrine. So anything said from the Catholic Church is blasphemy.

I'm not religious, but I need some sources on Catholic preaching being known to be false doctrine.

Trolling for stars most likely. It's just Internet points bro.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I'm agnostic and able to put that aside for your thread to talk about your ideas.

It's said that 'God made Man in His own image.' Could that be why Benedict said angels don't have wings? He could have asked himself why God would need his helpers to have wings when neither He nor his creations (people) needed them. The answer could be, no, angels don't require wings.

On the other side of that argument is how reports of aliens since the 1950s don't include wings. Off the top of my head, I can't think of one ET report where it (or they) had wings. There have been quite a few winged humanoid reports from all across the world, but they haven't been called aliens or angels.

I can think of a few 'guardian angel' cases where people said their intervening angels had wings; there are also many with no wings.

This brings us to intervention. Angels/aliens reportedly intervene in the affairs of Man. Why don't they make themselves totally known instead? Do they need a Fatima prophecy to appear to all? If they did require a background story and a prophecy, are they really aliens? Wouldn't aliens have to have travelled from other star systems? That would need technology and why would technological 'people' need to appear by prophecy or even need wings?

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Not everything in heaven is an angel, like you said an angel is a messenger who brings a message from heaven BUT the same for hell for they too have messengers.

There are things in heaven that do have Michael for example, one of the greatest warriors known.

If you have met an angel and I have as well as my son and grandson......some wear a metal breast plate; dressed as it is prepared for battle. Those that carry a sword are going to battle or have just competed a battle.

FYI: Often it takes a battle between an angel and the dark forces that are circling this planet in our skies. Read the book of Daniel about this..... fighting to enter earth's atmosphere...... one reason from many as to why some fight and others do not.

It is good you are looking for "look and you shall find". Just make sure you know who to call and it is not Ghostbusters!

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 04:10 AM

Will pope Francis announce the Angels are ET, and make a new start for Church and World?

How can I put this? "No."

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 05:07 AM
I'm pretty sure the Bible doesn't mention angels having wings. The whole winged angel idea is a misinterpretation of symbolism. Wings on a being depicted in ancient artwork wether they be humanoid (angels) or an animal/god (quetzacoatal for example) represented that these beings with wings flew, or came from the sky. By definition Angels Are Extraterrestrial as they are not from earth but come from the sky or Space.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: audubon

Will pope Francis announce the Angels are ET, and make a new start for Church and World?

How can I put this? "No."


posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 06:59 AM
What the Vatican is likely going to tell you is that there are beings somewhere out there that the curse of death, which in Bible terms means the death of the flesh, does not apply to. The clowns at the Vatican have stated that this could be a possibility years ago, and anybody with a standard understanding of Bible doctrine should know this is absolute blasphemy because the fall applies to all flesh, whether its in the second heaven (space), or earth. However, we all should know that the first death, the death of the flesh, in fact does not apply to angels, since angels are spirit beings. This is what the alien junk is really all about when it comes down to it, presenting what is clearly described as supernatural in origin, or that which comes from the third heaven, which is Gods abode to be entirely natural or material, you've been warned.
edit on 5-11-2016 by Dcopymope because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2016 by Dcopymope because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2016 by Dcopymope because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2016 by Dcopymope because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

more likely he will make the announcement that the Fallen Angels and their leader Satan are the ET's here to protect us from the ET's that are coming to enslave the earth.

They will gather around the city where the ET's will make their capital and fight against them.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 11:20 AM
Not all angels in the Bible are described with wings. In fact, only two types of angels are described with such features. The cherubim and seraphim.

Interesting note: Cherubim have four wings, and four faces (man, ox, lion and eagle). Seraphim have six wings, are fiery, and their name means, "burning ones".

edit on 11-5-2016 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 12:00 PM
Or maybe he was blaspheming God by saying those things, talking bad about God's creations means God made bad things.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: 2012newstart

more likely he will make the announcement that the Fallen Angels and their leader Satan are the ET's here to protect us from the ET's that are coming to enslave the earth.

They will gather around the city where the ET's will make their capital and fight against them.

Gather around what city? Jerusalem? Are you referring to the battle of Armageddon?

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: 2012newstart

This brings us to intervention. Angels/aliens reportedly intervene in the affairs of Man. Why don't they make themselves totally known instead? Do they need a Fatima prophecy to appear to all? If they did require a background story and a prophecy, are they really aliens? Wouldn't aliens have to have travelled from other star systems? That would need technology and why would technological 'people' need to appear by prophecy or even need wings?

Perhaps there are different levels of angels, as some other posters mentioned that the cherubs and seraphs are different than the humanoid angels. We don't know much of the other dimensions, as now the ET researchers speak about. For our 3+1 dimensional world the spaceships remain the only way to travel, providing they learned how to jump thru space (several methods have been theoretically researched, the most popular being the wormhole and the Alcubierre warp drive that NASA scientist said to "develop"). Obviously, if the angels travel to earth they have the means to do it, with or without spaceships. On the other side, if we have to travel outside of earth, let say to be rescued from cataclysm, as Fatima speaks of one coming, then we will definitely need spaceships with our just 3D +1. Many religious people say that reason, as why should Our Lady or Jesus need ETs or spaceships. They don't need them! We need them.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
a reply to: 2012newstart

There are things in heaven that do have Michael for example, one of the greatest warriors known.

If you have met an angel and I have as well as my son and grandson......some wear a metal breast plate; dressed as it is prepared for battle. Those that carry a sword are going to battle or have just competed a battle.

Daniel speaks of Michael and Gabriel but he doesn't mention any wings. Tobit speaks of Raphael and he doesn't mention wings. Ezra in 2 Esdras speaks of Uriel and again, no wings are mentioned. Seems to me the wings are introduced to explain the flight somehow. Perhaps what is described in Ezekiel 1 as wheels within wheels, is a spaceship not the angelic being itself. I admit that many religious people "see" wings of angels as they report. But may be they see what their minds can imagine. If we go again to the Sacred scripture of Ezekiel 1, we will see how he struggles to find the appropriate words for his time, where nothing made on earth could fly. The same is with Elijah's chariot of fire. Where are the horses? God works thru us, thru our understanding, using our words and the images in our minds too.

Good to hear that your family is among those seers!

I've read a protestant seer of angels, she saw them travelling with space-tubes like elevators both in space and in time. They had shining things on their chests, not breastplates. So I introduced that idea in my avatars, because it was also the available tool. The three circles on the chest symbolize the Holy Trinity, that's why.

The seers in Garabandal, Fatima and Medjugorje speak of rather young angels looking very human. Even younger than the one I put on the picture (the available avatar online that I modified, not my painting). Fatima angel of peace was 15 years old male youth, Garabandal angel was 8 years old boy. Are there girls-angels, probably there are, I don't know. Medjugorje seer Marija speaks of baby angels that appeared in hundreds around Our Lady. Asked about, she explicitly said those were NOT the souls of aborted babies.
edit on 5-11-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

that we can't know in advance. I believe in the good will of the pope and a good number of servants in the Churches.
If we read Malachi's prophecy, there is a dreadful judge to come to judge HIS people. Not exactly the world although it might be included. As we don't know when Jesus comes for the final judgment, it might be some archangel to come, with ET fleet.
So pope Francis knows quite well he is the last in the list, and also he knows things we don't know. As of Fatima real text, or ancient scrolls. Perhaps he wouldn't like the Church (catholic in first place) be punished for transgressions, not necessarily in the official list of sins. Perhaps he would like the coming of the terrible judge to be the new beginning, not destruction. And Malachi's text implies that judge is a good person, not evil. As well as the last pope is a good person who "pastures his sheep" that means cares for them.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Dcopymope

well said.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

The ET's are devils and not extra terrestrials it is the strong delusion that all people of the earth will be given over too. God our Lord Jesus Christ and his holy angels are not ET's. They are Spiritual beings not terrestrials from another system but from the abode of God.

The delusion will be the devil and his angels are the good ET's and Christ and his holy angles are the bad ET's coming to enslave the world.

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

SO you're saying any and all intelligent life outside of this planet are demons?

posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 07:23 PM
One of the reasons I chose an alien as my avatar was because I hang around this (and other religiously inclined) subforum, and I know many view them as demons and/or fallen angels. Cheers!
edit on 11-5-2016 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

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