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Vote Shaming and Guilt Trips for Trump or Clinton

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posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 03:55 PM
I don't post a lot of stuff on Social Media that's political, ATS being the exception. Most of my family doesn't really know my political stances or leanings and they don't really care or ask.

I know who's going to be Hard Core left or right in advance. I just ignore them in Real life and online. It doesn't bother me. Until this election. I've never been guilt shamed so much in my life or seen it with such aggression. It's offensive. I'll vote for who I want to and it's none of your business.

I get that If I'm here on ATS in a political Forum but on Facebook and with my real life friends?

I have one who just texted me. A dear friend and she just sent me about 20 text messages in a row. I'm not a texter...can't keep up with that onslaught about me telling her that I'm voting third party this time. She went hard core on me about how that vote is wasted and we can't afford it this time. She said we'd support third parties together after this election but not right now. It's too important right now.

Offensive. It's just the president. We have two other branches of government plus a constitution and other checks and balances in place, no matter who get's elected. It's okay.

I have another lady on Facebook that I really admire, except now. She's guilt shaming everyone who is voting third party this time because it could stop Hillary from getting into office. Pathetic.

I have a third friend that I'll mention. He's a hard core Christian (evolution hating) conservative republican. He's made it clear he will NOT vote Trump no matter what. He's voting Constitution party this time. It's more in alignment with his beliefs. Good for him. Every republican we know has insulted him and tried to send him on a guilt trip.

Vote your conscience. Who are you to try to shame me into voting for Clinton or Trump? They both suck. But...If you are voting for Trump or Clinton, that's okay. I'm not mad at you. I won't send you twenty texts or insult you on social media. I won't call you out by name and make you feel worthless and guilty in front of your family and friends, basically shunning you from your social groups for real and causing you undo stress. I might give you a hard time here, but I don't really know you,. There are no real life repercussions and most likely I won't insult you though. I won't.

So don't guilt shame anyone else. It's middle school stuff. Insulting offensive and it's happening from Republicans this cycle as much as Democrats. Vote for who you want to. Vote your consience. Third party votes do count in the long haul. A vote now means' more leverage in the next elections cycle. But to heck wih that too. If you really love Hillary and Trump and want to vote for them, then do it. You have my support.


posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 04:03 PM
It's not a surprise that Hillary supporters are shaming people.

Hillary herself has labelled people deplorables (which I take credit for I called Trump deplorable in early august) & basement dwellers.

Apple doesn't fall to from from the tree it seems.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

It's not a surprise that Hillary supporters are shaming people.

It's not just Hillary, it's every political party in the states. As an outsider, it seems like guilt trips and negative press about the other candidates is all that's put forth to convince voters of a candidates competency.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 04:13 PM
I just dont get why you Americans are so binary brained when it comes voting.

You guys are in the # your in now cause you never vote for 3rd partys.

Every election you vote between a douche and a turd.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: Atsbhct

I didn't say it was just Hillary.

But honestly, who do you expect better from? T or C???

Thus my being specific about Hillary.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: amazing

One of the beautiful things about a free society is that one can criticize others for who they vote for. Threatening, ostracizing, or otherwise committing violence against others for who they vote for, is a different kind of society altogether.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: amazing
Excellent thread!

I share your frustration. I will probably end up voting for Trump, but I may still vote for Gary Johnson.

I enjoy talking politics with people, and will give reasons why I think my candidate should get the vote. But I would never be upset at someone or try to shame someone based on who they are voting for.

I strongly dislike Hillary. If any of my family or friends want to vote for her, I am totally ok with that. I don't think they are evil people. I am not going to tell them that they are responsible for the end of the world.

Everyone has there own reasons for choosing who to vote for. Who would I be to think that my reason was the end all be all?

So I will continue to discuss politics, and give reasons why I think my candidate or ideas are good, but I respect that people have their own opinions, and will not dislike or shame a person to direct their vote.

I think that if more people did this, we could have a far less partisan country.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: amazing

One of the beautiful things about a free society is that one can criticize others for who they vote for. Threatening, ostracizing, or otherwise committing violence against others for who they vote for, is a different kind of society altogether.

True, but it's manners and being directly insulting. When someone says that if I vote third party and putting Trump in office and I should be ashamed of myself, that's disgusting. That's the crux of the problem. I can joke around and insult my buddies all day long but I don't need that kind of guilt shaming in my life and really are they even right? I dislike people that think they know everything and have no room for any new information. American politics has fallen into that rut.

Conservatives are sure that Liberals are always wrong and Liberals are sure that conservatives are always wrong and neither side is open to discussion, compromise or a new way of doing things or thinking about things.

I was in business and the military. I never asked if the guy on my six was a democrat or a republican and nor did I care. ONly that he did his job.

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